Advanced Civ

I've now discovered a new problem: the city screen is zoomed in too far. The top level tiles of the second ring are blocked by the production and food bars.
I see what you mean; next try (see attachment). Now the default field-of-view setting takes the aspect ratio into account, not just the screen width.


I see what you mean; next try (see attachment). Now the default field-of-view setting takes the aspect ratio into account, not just the screen width.

Looks good now. Thanks :)

Edit: I've noticed in my own mod-mod that the score display will not show. I've only tinkered with the xml dealing with civics, buildings, units. This has just happened with your recent update.
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I've noticed in my own mod-mod that the score display will not show. I've only tinkered with the xml dealing with civics, buildings, units. This has just happened with your recent update. is responsible for displaying the scoreboard, but I still don't see how those latest changes could have that effect. So when you click "toggle score display", nothing happens? Any errors in My Games\Beyond the Sword\Logs\PythonErr.log? (Though I think there would be more missing than just the scoreboard if it was a Python exception.)

If the only issue with the from a week ago was the field of view, then you could go back to that one and, as a one-time workaround, enable the field-of-view slider (BUG Mod options, Map tab) and increase the slider value a bit (and then hide the slider again I guess). is responsible for displaying the scoreboard, but I still don't see how those latest changes could have that effect. So when you click "toggle score display", nothing happens? Any errors in My Games\Beyond the Sword\Logs\PythonErr.log? (Though I think there would be more missing than just the scoreboard if it was a Python exception.)

If the only issue with the from a week ago was the field of view, then you could go back to that one and, as a one-time workaround, enable the field-of-view slider (BUG Mod options, Map tab) and increase the slider value a bit (and then hide the slider again I guess).

Yes, the scores are gone and the toggle button does nothing. It works fine with your base mod.
Yes, the scores are gone and the toggle button does nothing. It works fine with your base mod.
And the error log? LoggingEnabled needs to be set to 1 for this in My Games\Beyond the Sword\CivilizationIV.ini. As a test, I've raised an exception in updateScoreStrings (, and this lead to the behavior you describe (no score display and the rest of the UI intact), and an entry in PythonErr.log.
I will try to check the error log this week. I appreciate you taking the time to help.

BTW, is the AI doing a culture bomb part of your mod or a mod you incorporated? I was playing today and Elizabeth culture bombed my frontier cities, taking away about half their tiles. We had decent relationships, pleased around +8. This was the first time I've had this done to me. I immediately invaded and razed the offending city. I wondered if the AI realizes this is an act of war.
BTW, is the AI doing a culture bomb part of your mod or a mod you incorporated? I was playing today and Elizabeth culture bombed my frontier cities, taking away about half their tiles. We had decent relationships, pleased around +8. This was the first time I've had this done to me. I immediately invaded and razed the offending city. I wondered if the AI realizes this is an act of war.
I don't remember if I've seen the BtS AI use the culture bomb ability, but there is certainly code for it (CvUnitAI::AI_greatWork; edited for readability):
value = c.AI_calculateCulturePressure() - 100 * c.getCulture(c.getOwner()) / greatWorkCulture
This is computed for every city c, and then the GA is sent to the city with the highest value. Culture pressure is based on foreign tile culture in the city radius, though culture of team mates and friends is all but ignored (pressure value divided by 10). Pleased attitude has no impact. K-Mod uses this formula instead:
value = greatWorkCulture * c.AI_commerceWeight(COMMERCE_CULTURE) / 100
Accompanied by the comment "commerceWeight takes into account culture pressure and cultural victory strategy." The culture pressure formula has been rewritten and no longer exempts friends (only team mates).
I tend to agree with this, at least so long as most of the flipped tiles are tiles that the new owner is able to work.
One could argue that the AI should avoid angering a militarily superior neighbor, but it's hard to anticipate whether increased border tensions are going to tip relations toward war. Perhaps the neighbor would attack sooner or later anyway, and the flipped tiles at least provide a tactical advantage ...
Hi, just wanted to give you an update. I ported my mod-mod over to your latest version and the display issue is fixed. Everything is working good. Thank you.
A couple more thoughts after playing quite a bit.

1. AI appears to value Apostolic Palace really low. Most games I'm able to get it without making much of an effort. It tends to stay available for a long time.
2. My vassal used privateers against me. I don't know if this is base BTS behavior, but it is annoying.

I love how the AI retreats against big stacks. I'm finding it a lot harder to completely take an AI out because it is better at conserving troops. It also does a decent job counterattacking weak points in my territory.
A couple more thoughts after playing quite a bit.

1. AI appears to value Apostolic Palace really low. Most games I'm able to get it without making much of an effort. It tends to stay available for a long time.
2. My vassal used privateers against me. I don't know if this is base BTS behavior, but it is annoying.
(2) Privateers: Appears to be the same in BtS; vassal agreements aren't taken into account when picking the target city in AI_pirateBlockade. I don't think vassalage matters in AI_anyAttack and AI_pillageRange either, so an AI Privateer seems to behave much like a Barbarian Galley. Since I've made capitulated vassals subservient in almost every regard, I agree that they shouldn't use Privateers against their master. Actually, capitulated vassals shouldn't even train Privateers because they could end up using them against civs that the master likes or indirectly disrupt the master's trade.

A voluntary vassal should be allowed to plunder its master's cities, I'd say, but only if it can't find a different target, and it should never destroy the master's ships and improvements (little gain in that). Better yet: Add an attitude threshold (vassal-to-master attitude is always Friendly in AdvCiv) for Privateers in AI_anyAttack and AI_pillageRange. Could be personality-based between Friendly (only friends are spared) and Cautious. And factor attitude into the city selection in AI_pirateBlockade.

(1) I'll look into the AP issue. I was planning to make some changes to the AP rules and AI behavior in the not too remote future anyway. One problem that I'm aware of is that the AP – if it is built by the AI – is often built by a civ that hasn't managed to spread its religion around, making the AP votes largely irrelevant.
I love how the AI retreats against big stacks. I'm finding it a lot harder to completely take an AI out because it is better at conserving troops. It also does a decent job counterattacking weak points in my territory.
jdog was already going to implement that retreat/evac behavior 9 years ago for the BBAI mod, but apparently never got around to it. Wasn't much work actually.

Edit: sp.
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hey f1rpo,

how are you?
Doing good, thx. :)
any estimations on the new version?
I can put something that's stable, but not properly tested, on GitHub by the end of the week. An actual release hopefully some time before the summer. I'd rather add some more things before running more tests. What I have so far (current draft of the release notes):
Spoiler :
Recon units buffed: Scout gets +100% defense against Barbarians and can attack Animals (after all, Hunting is the prereq tech for Scout), and Explorer can attack Barbarians, but can't capture cities. This allows Explorer to enter Tribal Villages guarded by a Barbarian unit. I've removed the free promotions (Woodsman I and Guerilla I) because the unit was getting too complicated overall. All of these changes can be reverted through XML. [change id 315]

Revised the goodies from Tribal Villages so that their effects increase a little with each game turn beyond turn 50, and reduced some effects that were too powerful. E.g. it's no longer possible to obtain Bronze Working very early on or Astronomy in the midgame; instead, some progress toward those techs is granted. See the manual (middle of page 10) about the specific changes to each of the outcomes. [change 314]

Wonders that have been removed from the production queue generate no "fail gold", meaning that it's no longer possible to earn gold from multiple cities building the same wonder nor from national wonders. Also no gold from Missionaries, Executives or when a teammate finishes a wonder. [change 123f]

The Resource layer always shows all resources, i.e. I've disabled the "Luxuries", "Health" and "General" filters. Instead, the scoreboard is shown in Globe view. The filters can be re-enabled through Assets\XML\GlobalDefines_advc.xml (search for the change id "004z"). The Unit layer now shows all units by default (BtS: "Enemies in Territory"). And some changes to the Trade layer (see GlobalDefines_advc.xml or the manual), though it's probably still pretty useless.

Includes the hotfix for field-of-view issues from early April [change 004m]
and bugfixes by DarkLunaPhantom from April.
*Bump* to let @keldath (and anyone else it may concern) know that I've put a version 0.92d on GitHub. The only significant addition since my last post concerns Privateers:
Spoiler :
* AI civs prefer to use their Privateers against targets that they dislike. Some AI leaders never use Privateers to destroy the ships or improvements of partners, depending on a personality-based attitude threshold. (In BtS, Privateers attack indiscriminately, much like Barbarians.)
* Civs can no longer use Privateers to pillage or plunder their vassals or masters. Attacks on the vassal's or master's ships are still possible, though usually pointless, and the AI doesn't make such attacks. AI attacks against a vassal's or master's Privateers can happen because Privateer nationality is hidden.
I've tested this and the other changes a bit through WorldBuilder and all-AI games, but it's been a while since I've played a whole game.
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