Round 10: 1938 AD to July, 1950 AD (23 turns)
I began the round by pursuing Fission and, thereby, nukes as my first research target.
Meanwhile, I made some preparations for Spain. vs. everybody and his dog. I moved my amphibious stack near London--or, more to the point, near Warwick. I also kept building units and airdropping them into London and Canterbury, where Airports I bought during a brief stay in Universal Suffrage allowed me to beef up the defenses. I had not yet installed the latest patch, so I was enjoying this last fling with Cristo Redentor's same-turn-civic-change ability. (The patch changes it to a 1 turn wait between civics changes; evidently the game testers thought being able to change civics several times in the same turn was a little overpowered.)
I didn't follow everybody's advice, sorry. I didn't build a batch of Carriers and Fighters in order to pillage the Khmer blocks' strategic resources. That simply woudl have taken too long. Besides, I was anticipating some sort of counter-attack by Sury's forces, so I wanted to focus on defensive units to a great extent.
One I felt that I had everything in place, I went to see Sury, and Validator is correct, I didn't have to wait 10 turns to do this:
As it turned out, I only waited six turns before declaring war.
I focused primarily on Elizabeth's cities, which several of you recommended. This would free up a lot of tiles for my own culture, along with reducing the risk of my captured cities going into revolt. This meant I was likely leaving Sury strong enough to mount a counter-attack, but I felt I had adequately prepared for that. Right away, I captured and kept Warwick, the island city.
It would be, I realized, a good airbase--close the the mainland but requiring a concerted effort to capture, one that I'd see coming. Capturing it too a lot of cultural pressure off of London. As did capturing Nottingham, on the very same turn:
This city I razed. I probably could have kept it, but I was anticipating a counter-attack somewhere and wanted to keep my defensive units concentrated in as few cities as possible.
Once Fission was done and the Manhattan Project commenced in Rome, I decided to pursue Robotics.
The main attraction there was Mechanized Infantry, the best defensive unit in the game. Granted, researching Computers would obsolete two of my world wonders (the University of Sankore and the Spiral Minaret), but research was rapidly becoming unimportant. As it turns out, I could have just turned research off (or at least down to 0%).
Sure enough, the counter-attack came. Most of my forces were in London, so Sury decided to attack me there. Despite all the improvements to the AI, however, it still did the boneheaded thing and attacked from the wrong side of a river.
I lost a couple of units; Sury lost several, especially when I counter-counter attacked out of London to finish off all of his wounded units. I earned another Great General out of this. I had one already from the war against Sumer, paired with a Tank (the "George Patton" referenced above); I paired another GG with another Tank just for fun, and when I earned yet another Great General (obviously the Great Wall was kicking in there), I paired it with a Paratrooper to make it a second MASH unit.
I wasn't standing still on the western portion of the continent either, though my stack of Artillery and Infantry was moving a little more slowly over there.
I also captured and razed the English cities in the tundra on the south coast. That left my amphibious stack without much to do, so I sent them north to raze Houston and San Francisco, two cities Sury had taken from Washington.
Back home, I finished a rather ominous project:
I then started building a couple of ICBMs. BWA-HA-HA!!!
When Computers was done, I changed civics to Free Religion, since there was little benefit to Organized Religion once the SM and UofS were obsolete. The unit, city, and colony maintenance costs were forcing the slider down. I was also running Police State for most of the round. I can confirm that PS + Mt. Rushmore + a Jail does indeed mean absolutely no war weariness in a city. Good to know. Not all of my cities had jails, however, so the happiness from additional religions from FR was helpful, as was the +10% research from each city.
My planes and tanks were, meanwhile, capturing one inland Sumerian city after another (and York, which had passed from England to Sumer to Khmer and finally to me in this game). Then I noticed that Gilgamesh broke away from Sury, and I approached him myself:
This gave me one less enemy to fight and allowed me to focus on finishing off England and then, if necessary, attacking and capturing Khmer territory. I had already captured all the Sumerian cities in that southern third of the continent, and Hastings was the only English city left. Taking it would free up a lot of tiles for Spanish culture. Thanks to 50% of what Gilgamesh had left, I was tantalizingly close to victory:
I had the population, I just needed some more land. So Hastings had to fall and Liz had to die:
That was enough to put me over the top.
Great! All I had to do was wait one turn and victory would be mine. And I didn't have to even use the two nukes I'd built!
Hmmm... that seems like a waste, doesn't it?
Yes, I'm evil. So sue me.
(Isn't it cute the way the uranium resource indicator shows up right in the middle of the mushroom cloud? Okay, maybe "cute" is the wrong word...)
And on the next turn, the world belonged to Spain.
Isabella is pleased... for the most part. She pointed out that I actually didn't need Computers and never did finish Robotics for MechInf, and therefore could have kept running a religious civic, but hey, babe, a win is a win.
Coming up: the postmortem.