England: Winston Churchill
Ability: Miracle at Dunkirk
Melee units outside your territory gain 33% chance to retreat instead of being destroyed. If they retreat they gain a bonus movement point on their next turn and can embark for free. Melee units in your territory heal faster.
Churchill also gains the Spitfire unique unit which has increased strength and starts with a promotion that makes it better at intercepting.
Agenda: Home Fit for Heroes
Churchill wants to have lots of amenities and high production in his cities. He likes other empires who also have lots of amenities. He dislikes empires who have large armies and a shortage of amenities at the same time and he loathes empires that bully smaller empires or city states.
England: Margaret Thatcher
Ability: Strike Breaker
Commercial hubs placed on or adjacent to strategic resources generate extra gold, provided that resource is not actually being produced. (So for example, commercial hub will generate extra gold while adjacent to a tile containing Iron and no improvement or any tile improvement other than a mine).
Thatcher has access to several one unique building per Strategic Resource. Iron Stockpile, Oil Stockpile, etc. They cannot be built, only brought with gold, and go in a commercial hub. Each stockpile grants 4 units of the relevant resource, but after 30 turns the building is automatically destroyed.
Agenda: No Such Thing as Community
Thatcher wants to generate lots of gold per turn, however she doesn't worry about stockpiling it. Secondary to gold per turn Thatcher also wants to create science. Thatcher dislikes empires who put more effort into culture or faith than they do into creating gold.
And a couple of joke leaders.
England: Nigel Farage
Ability: Brexit
Nigel can ignore World Congress resolutions and gains bonus amenities for every still active resolution he has broken at least once. However this annoys other world leaders.
Agenda: Take Back Control
Nigel strongly dislikes other empires that convert his citizens and vote against him in the world congress. However he has a soft spot for the underdog and likes weak empires, especially if they're bullied by stronger empires.
America: Donald Trump
Ability: Make America Great Again
Industrial districts increase the appeal of any tile adjacent to them and gain a small production and culture adjacency bonus from neighbourhoods.
Trump specialises in using outdated government types. He adds an extra Economic and Wildcard policy slot to Classical Republic/Oligarchy/Autocracy when he unlocks one of Monarchy, Theocracy, or Merchant Republic and extends that bonus to Monarchy, Theocracy, or Merchant Republic when he unlocks Democracy, Communism, or Fascism
Trump gains access to a unique tile improvement called The Wall. It blocks movement by all civilian units from other empires except caravans.
Agenda: Populist Strong Man
Donald Trump likes to have large production and large armies. He respects empires that also have large production and armies. Trump despises empires that favour faith over culture.