Alternate Leaders for revealed civs.

Perhaps this is going outside of the topic for this thread but wouldn't it be cool if your leader changed with the eras?

Good luck then with civilizations that are fairly young or very ancient (and ended in ancient era) - now let's invent seven leaders, per each era, for Sumer, Aztecs, America, Mali and Brazil. No fictional leaders or civ switches allowed ;)

I could never understand this recurring idea of changing leaders/civs. It fails even if you want 'oh, just any seven leaders, not chronologically from different eras' because many civs didn't have seven leaders qualifying to be in the game over their entire history.


Aztec Empire has absolutely nothing to do with Mexico.


Morocco scending from Carthage makes exactly as much sense as America ascending from Maya.


Sweden is not the successor of Vikings.


HRE didn't consist only of Germany but also of Bohemia, Austria, Netherlands, Flanders, Burgundy and Northern Italy.


Roman Empire has nothing to do with modern Italy.


Ancient Greece has barely anything to do with Byzantium, if anything it'd rather be Rome->Byzantium but even this would be a bad idea as those were two very different civilisations.
Back to the main topic, I'm 90% sure civ6 won't have multiple rulers per civ at any point of its history (dlcs included) because multiple animated leaders are not worth making instead of entirely new civs, and devs stopped saying about 'leaders abilities' when they realized these words are commonly interpreted as multiple leaders. Besides, such major feature would have been advertised very early.
I agree.
In my opinion India should have a leader that lived during its golden age. I suggest Chandragupta Maurya.
England - Elizabeth I
Leader ability - Walsingham's spy network:

More difficult for other nations to spread their religion on England and to commit espionage on English cities. (we don't know the mechanics yet, however it's done)

Russia - Ivan the Terrible
Leader Ability - Streltsy
Can bulild Streltsy units that replace musketmen and can also be used to repair pillaged buildings in districts.
First of all, I am crazy excited about Civ 6. And we of course can have confidence that it is better than Vanilla Civ 5, because it would be tough to go below that. But even then I played about 500 hours of Vanilla alone!n :)


Civ 6 Leaders. If the leaders have their own bonuses, does that mean that we are going to have multiple leaders for each Civ??? I'm thinking yes because lets face it- If we got someone like France with a leader named Napoleon, and then would you buy Catherine de Medici for $$$? NO. But with Catherine as a leader, I would totally buy Napoleon in a DLC.

These are my thoughts. Please comment. :king::king:
Unsure about multiple leaders at the moment....but it would interesting to play a variation of a Civ. Kind of reminds me of Mortal Kombat X with the variation system.

If it doesn't happen at launch, it may be part of an expansion pack.
I wouldn't buy Napoleon as DLC--as much as I dislike Catherine, I admit I'll take her over Napoleon. But I would buy literally anyone else--Louis XIV, Francis I, Louis IX, Eleanor of Aquitaine...I'll also gladly buy DLC leaders for Egypt and England (as long as it's an earlier ruler), and while DLC usually adds content, if there's DLC to remove Brazil I'll buy that too. :p (Just kidding--no need to pay for what mods can do...if mods actually work offline this time...)
I thought the same when they've mentioned there being both Civ-related and Civ-leaders related abilities - why make such a distinction if there is not going to be more than 1 leader per civ?

I would buy a Napoleon for sure, no two ways about it. Without him it won't be the same. Or an Alexander (if it's really Pericles we get), or... pretty much any leader from previous civs.
Either way, I get the impression that the way they set up the Civs is a form of "future proofing". This way they have the option to add alternate leaders if they so desire. Alternatively, it could be set up for the Modders and Modding community to come in.
Making unique units and such takes a lot less time than making a leader animaton and record dialogues etc.

I just cant see why they d bother with multiple leaders when they can make new civs which will likely attract more people.

It depends. I don't think Siam or Polynesia will attract more people than Washington with Minutemen or Edward III with Longbowmen. At some point additional leaders may be a good way to sell more DLC, but clearly not soon.
It depends. I don't think Siam or Polynesia will attract more people than Washington with Minutemen or Edward III with Longbowmen. At some point additional leaders may be a good way to sell more DLC, but clearly not soon.

Of all the civs that could use a leader with their own unique units, America & England are probably the bottom two on the list :mischief:
Figure this thread is due for an update now that multiple leaders is confirmed.

I'm not convinced Brazil & Scythia will see a 2nd leader, and truth be told I'm not learned enough to suggest one anyway.

Germany on the otherhand...

Otto Von Bismarck: All districts provide +1 Housing & Amenity. War weariness against the stronger-than-average civs is reduced. Foreign missionaries are less effective in cities with a German Great Work (not a Relic or Religious Art).
Since the very beginning of civ I'd like to have Stresemann for Germany making it less militaristic and a change from Bismarck. He might not known much outside of Germany, I don't know of that.
Then I'm hoping for an abbasid caliph for Arabia, like Harun ar-Rashid again to focus on science.
And lastly, another Egyptian leader, there are so many to choose from. I don't know which UA of Egypt right now is Cleo and which is Egypt, so I don't know who to chose best. Thutmose III could give a more militaristic edge, Amenhotep III could be in for more faith, Ramesses II could be in for a production boost. But then again, an Old Kingdom or Middle Kingdom Pharaoh would be nice for a change.
Ok, let's do this!

Louis XIV of France

Unique Ability: Versaillesque court

Doubles the tile yields of all wonders (say, the Pyramids give +4 culture instead of +2, the Great lighthouse gives +4 great almiral points instead of +2, etc), and increases their adjacency bonuses (they give adjacence bonuses towards cultural districts and Chateaus).

Renaissance wonders increases terrain appeal in their location and surroundings.

Unique unit: Musketeer

Generates Great Artists points when killing units / capturing cities.
Recieves a fighting strenght bonus dependant on your enemy goverment legacy bonus. The smaller legacy bonus is, the stronger the Musketeer will be.
All the former are promotions that will be carried out during the rest of the game after upgrading.

Agenda: Anciene Regime

He likes civilizations with a high cultural output, but dislikes civilizations with a low goverment legacy bonus.

Louis XIV of France, aka "The Sun King", doubles down on France's cultural game, making wonders more valuable than ever and making them a more integrated part of your cities, which will need less improvements in order to sustain theirselves. Go build your ideal royal court! The appeal bonuses for Renaissance wonders adds an additional small touch of flavour and makes the Eiffel tower a "must have" for France too!.

The Musketeer, however, not only synergizes with France's cultural gameplay, but it will also fit well with Louis agenda of stablishing and mantaining an absolutist "anciene régime", punishing political turmoil and affronts against the stablished order (and puttin him on a collision course against America, too :p).
Montezuma - We dont know era yet, Gifts for Tlatoani UA
Santa Anna - Rennaisance/Industrial, Can change civics more often UA (just placeholder idea)

NO, just no, Mexico and the Aztecs aren't a continuum, not only does the leader has nothing to do with the Aztecs, you picked the worst one possible, Santa Anna. There's more Mexican history besides the Alamo.

Aztec Empire has absolutely nothing to do with Mexico.

Glad I'm not the only one to point this out.

If you want an Aztec leader with a diferent take, I would suggest Nezahualcoyotl, poet, philosopher, engineer and badass general. It could focus on culture and bring back the floating gardens.

Ok, let's do this!

Louis XIV of France

Unique Ability: Versaillesque court

Doubles the tile yields of all wonders (say, the Pyramids give +4 culture instead of +2, the Great lighthouse gives +4 great almiral points instead of +2, etc), and increases their adjacency bonuses (they give adjacence bonuses towards cultural districts and Chateaus).

I like the overall idea, but, man, that's a massive bonus, I would leave it at double wonder yield and adyacency on the capital and more appeal on all wonders. After all it's all about centralizing that absolute power, and would bring an interesting tall option reminicent of civ5 France.
NO, just no, Mexico and the Aztecs aren't a continuum, not only does the leader has nothing to do with the Aztecs, you picked the worst one possible, Santa Anna. There's more Mexican history besides the Alamo.

Bad leader choice (I would take Porfirio Díaz instead), but the whole Aztecs - Mexico continuity is something that the elites of the country have been pushing for more than one century. Same with the narrative of Peru as the heirs of the Incan empire.

I like the overall idea, but, man, that's a massive bonus, I would leave it at double wonder yield and adyacency on the capital and more appeal on all wonders. After all it's all about centralizing that absolute power, and would bring an interesting tall option reminicent of civ5 France.

I don't think that it is so much of an overpowered bonus, since wonder yields are utterly crap in civ 6. I mean pyramids yields +2 culture, for crap's shake, that's less than a Chateau. Perhaps a "double yields to all wonders, increased appeal and adyacency bonuses in Paris only" will do? (also a fan of Civ 5 on a tall France).

If you want an Aztec leader with a diferent take, I would suggest Nezahualcoyotl, poet, philosopher, engineer and badass general. It could focus on culture and bring back the floating gardens.

Superb suggestion! Let's try this:

Nezahualcoyotl of the Aztecs

Leader UA: Nahuatl poetry

Killing enemy units generates great artist points for your civilization
Cities with great people settled in them recieve+2 food and culture to their districts

Unique district: Floating gardens.

Replaces aqueduct district, can be placed over lakes. Recieves +1 food per adjacency to tiles with fresh water tiles, and +1 extra amenity if said tiles are lakes. If placed over a lake, the floating gardens will provide +4 extra housing for your city too, making its placement decision a very tricky balancing act.

Agenda: The best architect of the Americas

Nezahualcoyotl will dislike those civs with underdeveloped cities and with no wonders in them, meaning that he will probably be hostile during the early game, and will get friendlier as the game progresses.

A completely different take on the Aztecs, Nezahualcoyotl will be a tall, culture focused version of the Aztecs. His Nahuatl poeatry UA will synergize wonderfully with early wars of agression and the rushing of districts, while his floating garden district will allow your cities to consolidate in latter eras, making Nezahualcoyotl a great leader for culture focused players.
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