AND SVN Build Thread

Jun 7, 2008
Just wonder...
Outdated information, please refer to the
Main Download Thread

This thread is only to be used by developers mostly to publish release changelogs

Spoiler :
"A NEW DAWN" RESURRECTION TEAM IS NOW WORKING ON A NEW VERSION (AND2), which can be downloaded via SVN following instructions from


If you use the method descripted in the link above, you will have to download A New Dawn just once and then you will update only new files, without the need to download it all again when files are being updated.




Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn SVN Build Full Installer

:c5capital: DOWNLOAD HERE :c5capital:


Mantriur has kindly given me permission link his nightly builds here. :) The above download link (DOWNLOAD HERE) should always be the most current SVN version of Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn. At most it might be a day behind.
From this link you can download the full installer. It means you don't have to mess with SVN but you'll have to download the whole package again every time something's being updated (it's about 900MB).

REMEMBER: SVN Builds are "bleeding edge". Stuff could be broken. Stuff actually probably is broken. Download and play at your own risk. NOT responsible for lost hours of gameplay due to a crippling CTD or strange AI behavior. Its a DEVELOPMENT build, not a BETA. New Betas will be posted in the beta thread and will constitute development milestones.

Please feel free to post your bugs in the official bug thread. Please include all the information you can. Screenshots, logs, savegames and a detailed description that includes the version or build number.

This thread should be dedicated to technical discussions about the current build by the AND team members and interested parties. Anyone can comment as long as the thread doesn't lose direction. Let's try to keep it focused on specific technical aspects of the current build. This includes coding, artwork, balancing, gameplay, mechanics, and all the rest of the nuts and bolts.

[Deleting "Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn" folder inside "Mod" folder and clearing your cache should be enough. If you get errors, try deleting CivilizationIV.ini and CivilizationIV.bak in your Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword folder, it should recreate itself when you launch the game again. Just make sure you make a backup copy before deleting this file.]​

If you get a " GFC Error: Failed to Initalize Primary Control Theme", have a look here

Do you wish to turn on/off a gameoption that you haven't chosen correctly when starting the game; it's possible to do it using chipotle cheatcode. Enable cheat mode in civilization4.ini and then in your game, press the ~ key (shift + `) You should see a translucent text console appear in the middle of the screen, and it should say "Python" on the top line followed by some version/build info and then a prompt:

2.4.1 (65, Mar 30 2005, 09:13:57) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]

Make sure you see it says Python; if you hit just ` by mistake you'll get a similar-looking but very different console.
Just type

gc.getGame().setOption(XX, False)

where XX is the option number you wish to change from True to False (the opposite works too). Here below you can see a screenshot of what number each game option corresponds to.

Spoiler :


This might be handy to add to the original post:

I set up WebSVN and pointed it to the SVN url on one of my servers. It allows semi-decent web-viewing of changes. Handy to view what actually changed in discussions, like this:[]=/@701&compare[]=/@702
I cant download it it gives this error..
downloaded now...I dont get it at all...


  • Adsız.png
    109.4 KB · Views: 604
What bugs? Can you enable python exceptions and logging in your ini file?
Upload here your files so we can know what happened.

; Set to 1 for no python exception popups
HidePythonExceptions = 0

; Create a dump file if the application crashes
GenerateCrashDumps = 1

; Enable the logging system
LoggingEnabled = 1

; Enable synchronization logging
SynchLog = 1

; Overwrite old network and message logs
OverwriteLogs = 1

; Enable rand event logging
RandLog = 1

; Enable message logging
MessageLog = 1
SVN version 590 out.

Incremental changes to Monarchy, Republic and Federal Gov't Civics to fall in line with last update to Democracy.

@Sgtslick I noticed that the link you posted does not include building the installer with installjammer. Can I safely skip that step of the previous installation instructions and just copy the mod file over like your post says?
Version 591 out.
Reworked Jungle Camp and Jungle improvements to restore Original Vincentz Jungle Camp Idea/Modmod.

Adjusted Max Latitude on several resources, to get some overlap and restore natural ranges. Animals in particular.

*Removed Unhealthiness from Jungle. This is a Major must for AI to Utilize and Settle in Jungle. Reduces AI Penchant to chop ALL Jungle tiles.

@Sgtslick I noticed that the link you posted does not include building the installer with installjammer. Can I safely skip that step of the previous installation instructions and just copy the mod file over like your post says?

Sure, you can simply copy the AND folder inside the BTS\mod folder. Every work on the installer is currently suspended as it's not really necessary to play with AND2.
SVN 592 out Fixed bad Tag causing xml load errors. (dang it!) :p

Old dog new tricks. :/

Perhaps slavery from c2c can be imported? Maybe some of the other civics in general too. I feel like the civics generally could use some polish and feel a bit undercooked. The c2c civic system is A++ you should look at importing it across and at least then if they update it you can steal there work.
Civics is on the list.

I personally do not want them as convoluted as C2C for AND.

As for the Slavery Civic, you do know that I feel C2C's is still too OP? If I would happen to have the final say on that one it would be a gelded version. But 45* and I need to discuss it more.

Reworking Civics is on the to-do-list but it will need A LOT of work, so it's not top priority at the moment. Be reassured that civics WILL definetly by redefined as we all feel that it's something needed.
SVN595 is out, some little changes:
- MaxComp is now always enabled (thanks Joseph)
- Removed :yuck: for wheelwright
- Removed "Scrub fallout rapidly" (there's already "scrub fallout", no need for another option which does the same thing)
- No fixed borders available again (I've re-enabled it from gameoptions, still to test if something else is needed to make it work but it should work as it is).

I'm still working on units and buildings speed of production, as well as research. Will release this change in the next update.
Must have missed the BUILD_SCRUB_FALLOUT_RAPIDLY on your list, I just removed that from all 4 Worker units. Because of "Tag:BUILD_SCRUB_FALLOUT_RAPIDLY in Infos class incorrect" XML errors on Game load up. (BUILD_SCRUB_FALLOUT was in each worker already.)

SVN now at 597, took me 2 tries to get them all out. :p

Must have missed the BUILD_SCRUB_FALLOUT_RAPIDLY on your list, I just removed that from all 4 Worker units. Because of "Tag:BUILD_SCRUB_FALLOUT_RAPIDLY in Infos class incorrect" XML errors on Game load up. (BUILD_SCRUB_FALLOUT was in each worker already.)

SVN now at 597, took me 2 tries to get them all out. :p


You're right Joseph, I changed the file on my pc but I forgot to upload it. Thank you for the fix. :)
Did you forget to upload the Fixed Borders part too?

JosEPh ;)
Did you forget to upload the Fixed Borders part too?

JosEPh ;)

As I've replied in the other thread, to me it looks like it's working. I haven't uploaded anything else actually, I've simply re-enabled the FB option via xml because it was still there but hidden; the rest of the code should be there anyway, simply usually ignored because the option enabling it was turned off and hidden. From a quick test anyway, it looks like it's working.


JosEPh :)
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