Hey i just googled it and found post but i dont know how to forward it so i copy/paste if its ok.
Hello, welocme
I assume you haven't tried installing any mods yet?
It sounds as if Civ4 isn't installed correctly. Did you copy the entire Civilization IV folder across to your hard drive from the disk?
If you are sure you did the installation correctly, open your <Home Folder>/Documents/Civilization IV/ directory in the Finder. Look for a file called 'CivilizationIV.ini'. Right click that file and select Open with ... and choose TextEdit.
Find the following text near the end of the file:
; Enable the logging system
LoggingEnabled = 0
Change the Zero to a One so that it reads:
; Enable the logging system
LoggingEnabled = 1
Save the file and relaunch Civ4. When you get the Python error it should write some log information to a file in your <Home Folder>/Documents/Civilization IV/Logs/ directory called PythonErr.log.
Open PythonErr.log with TextEdit and, if it contains text, copy and paste the contents into a post here. That may give a clue as to what is failing
Here is the link.
Please, Help. This is the third Civ box I got, but I am very frustrated and upset.The first two were for PC but I am a proud Mac user now. A friend bought for me Civ IV for Mac in the US (do you know how difficult it is to buy it for Mac in Brasil???) and I just can not play it! At first...