• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

AND SVN Build Thread

You have the svn right? Instead of using the updater you compare your copy to the SVN latest version.

In your copy delete all files/folders that have an older date than the SVN version. Replace all deleted old with the new SVN files/folders.

Simple Delete then copy /paste. Time tested and true.

EDIT: Warning! Do not copy the .svn file to your game play AND folder
Revision 1093
- Updated translations.
- Launcher update: fix the updating process.
- Updated executables to msys20220122

The update process previously crashed because of a change in the protocols used by the update server.

As it has been a very long time since the last full build, you can download a full installer here:

As an alternative way to update to build 1093, you can:
- Download this zip file, that contains the fixed launcher:
- Unzip it in the mod folder (replace the existing file).
- Update the mod as usual.

Note: the link can take around 15min from this post's date before to start working.
Rev 1095

  • Pitboss code updated and partially fixed (doesn't work properly yet)
  • Temporarily forcing OFF movement limits and flexible difficulty in Pitboss
  • ResourceAllocations adapted for mapsize and Resource Depletion updated
  • Temporary workaround to show Routes in Civilopedia
  • Fixed some leftover in xml
Regarding routes in Pedia, I've tried to fix that properly when merging the DLL changes from r1095 into Inthegrave's DLL:
Git commit
Edit: and a small amendment
(I don't generally feel responsible for keeping his fork up to date, but, given the low frequency of DLL changes in AND lately, it's not much trouble – and it's a convenient means for me for sharing a bugfix like this.) Not tested much, but the hover text in Sevopedia looks correct now and no assertions fail. To port that back into AND, it should suffice to replace some getInfo calls with getRouteInfo and getBonusInfo respectively.
Last edited:
Regarding routes in Pedia, I've tried to fix that properly when merging the DLL changes from r1095 into Inthegrave's DLL:
Git commit
(I don't generally feel responsible for keeping his fork up to date, but, given the low frequency of DLL changes in AND lately, it's not much trouble – and it's a convenient means for me for sharing a bugfix like this.) Not tested much, but the hover text in Sevopedia looks correct now and no assertions fail. To port that back into AND, it should suffice to replace some getInfo calls with getRouteInfo and getBonusInfo respectively.
Thanks f1rpo, I'll have a look for the next update.
Regarding routes in Pedia, I've tried to fix that properly when merging the DLL changes from r1095 into Inthegrave's DLL:
Git commit
Edit: and a small amendment
(I don't generally feel responsible for keeping his fork up to date, but, given the low frequency of DLL changes in AND lately, it's not much trouble – and it's a convenient means for me for sharing a bugfix like this.) Not tested much, but the hover text in Sevopedia looks correct now and no assertions fail. To port that back into AND, it should suffice to replace some getInfo calls with getRouteInfo and getBonusInfo respectively.

I've tried adding your fix to the dll I'm currently experimenting with; but although all routes are shown correctly, Civilopedia is broken now under Civilizations. Or, if you prefer, you can try and see the Index in Civilopedia. It stops to letter B (Barbarian State) in my case. Does it happen the same to you in CoM? Under rev1095 I can see now that Routes are shown, but Civilopedia Index stops at letter E (although it looks like the rest is working).
Last edited:
No, I'm not getting those errors. Also a bit difficult to see how CvGameTextMgr::setRouteHelp would cause this. Maybe if the ENDCOLR tag is still broken somehow (the thing I amended in the 2nd commit) ... If you just return from setRouteHelp, without appending any text, those errors no longer occur? What is the error anyway? Python exception? (Please feel free to ignore all these questions if they don't seem conducive to solving the problem.)

Edit: And in r1095, I would imagine the route hover text to be ... somehow incorrect.
It stops to letter B (Barbarian State) in my case.
Once I had a similar issue: Pedia stopped displaying at 'S'. Finally I found out that I had broken something in xml of Statue of Liberty. Just a guess.
No, I'm not getting those errors. Also a bit difficult to see how CvGameTextMgr::setRouteHelp would cause this. Maybe if the ENDCOLR tag is still broken somehow (the thing I amended in the 2nd commit) ... If you just return from setRouteHelp, without appending any text, those errors no longer occur? What is the error anyway? Python exception? (Please feel free to ignore all these questions if they don't seem conducive to solving the problem.)

Edit: And in r1095, I would imagine the route hover text to be ... somehow incorrect.

I suppose I'll have to retry the whole merging process after your Feb 2021 update, I probably did a total mess; for some reason Civilopedia worked perfectly with the debug dll, but I was not able to save/load any game. I tried again and now I'm able to save/load but while civilopedia works from the main menu, it doesn't work in-game: sometimes it shows Index up to letter B (Barbarian State and following is not shown), sometimes up to letter E (Electric Railroad and following is not shown) and this is without even quitting the game. I really can't understand but the same happened years ago before I tried to fix it, unsuccesfully. I remember sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't, without any proper reason. Damn.
If you zip up the code you have, I can take a look by comparing with r1095 in WinMerge. If there's a "total mess," I guess I might be able to tell without having to debug it; especially if the mess involves code that I wrote. No failed assertions or Python stack trace? Pedia errors shouldn't be such a mystery(?). Is the assertion in getPlayer enabled again? That's kind of why I wanted to fix the route text because I felt that the assertion is important to have.
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If you zip up the code you have, I can take a look by comparing with r1095 in WinMerge. If there's a "total mess," I guess I might be able to tell without having to debug it; especially if the mess involves code that I wrote. No failed assertions or Python stack trace? Pedia errors shouldn't be such a mystery(?). Is the assertion in getPlayer enabled again? That's kind of why I wanted to fix the route text because I felt that the assertion is important to have.

Sorry for the very late answer f1rpo, I probably forgot about it after reading your post quickly. I'm still working on some changes, but thanks for the offer. Once I release the next update, I'll have a look at the differences again!
I realized that I never actually uploaded the ship changes that I proposed a long time ago. Here they are.
  • Deleted unnecessary "cannot capture" and "ignore building defense" flags from units that cannot perform these actions in any case
  • Recalibrated Bazooka and Anti-Tank to remove penalty vs. gun units
  • Removed class penalties from Light AA, Anti-Air Halftrack, Early Tank, Helicopter-group units
  • Streamlined naval units: recalibrated most ship strengths and removed most bonuses against other ship types (Destroyers keep a bonus against all Sub-class units); deleted base withdrawal chance from wooden ships, lowered base withdraw for submarines, Ironclad and Iron Frigate lose cargo space, some ships increased speed
  • Added War Galley -> Cog, Ironclad -> Battlecruiser upgrade paths
  • Tactical Nuke, IRBM reclassified as SPECIALUNIT_MISSILE
  • Hybrid Tank moved to Superconductors tech
Hi 45°38'N-13°47'E, Vokarya and <Nexus>,

Are you or anyone still working or have worked on this 'Route screen and full Index content of Civilopedia (CP) doesn't work properly in game, but opening CP from main menu is all perfect' issue?
I am asking this because I made some test recently (in my scenario which is based on RoM-AND) and I found a connection between this two problems I wrote italic above.
Namely, the Index content in game showing up partly, missing from the first route name in alphabetical order. Eg. In my scenario the first route in CP list is Carriageway (originally it was Highway), so in Index the last entry is Carrack, then nothing more showing up. The Route Screen is completely empty when I click on 'Routes' in the left.
Okkay, then I renamed Carriageway to ZCarriageway so the first route on the list became Electric Railroad wow, lo and behold, the last entry in Index now is Elder Council! :hammer2:Route Screen still full blank.
When I open CP from main menu everything works perfect independent of what names I give to roads.

I think this information isn't quite new for you and I might have missed some upgrades as well but if not, it may helps to get closer to the solution.

To <Nexus>:
First of all I would like to say :thanx: for mentioning me in Chronicles of Mankind's Readme file regarding tech-tree. :D
Secondly, I have to confess that I can't start your nice ModMod without a massive flood of error popup messages mostly regarding terrain features. After I copied CoM into Mods folder of Bts (as far as I know this is a standalone mode, based on but independent of RoM-AND), merged with patch 1.2.6, then I was set up a gamestart path in loader
(for Civ4BeyondSword.exe) as the game requested. It took almost a minute pressing continuously Enter button to close all of those error messages, then the Mod had started. After that I coud create a new game with generated map then started to play. However, I really like your nice innovations. :goodjob:

In CoM when I opened Civilopedia to see how does it looks I found the same original RoM-AND issue on Routes Screen: only the first route is showing up in the list panel but with blank information in the right one. Compare this with my scenario where it has completely blank Route Screen without any route in second list column. I am actually working on to improve road graphics.

Surprisingly I found a comment (or rather a picture) by Drakarska regarding AGAI and RAI (What modes are these abbreviations?). It looks like he has no CP Route screen problem in that mod during his game. Please look at his comment picture:

I haven't asked him regarding this very good looking working Civilopedia on Route Screen in game. :cooool:

To be honest with you, I am now a bit confused about RoM-AND and CoM relations. You are like Martin Luther's reformation splintering of western Christendom. ;) I like both conceptions, but prefer to stay on RoM-AND and really hope 45°38'N-13°47'E, Vokarya and others will continue to support it because of my long long time made and still progressing scenario as I mentioned earlier is based on this one. There is no error popups at all and works absolutely smooth even with Giant Earth.
With my limited time it's like a life project, the same as Field Model Railroads, one entire month for making a very small crossing keeper’s house.

However, my plan is now to make litle mixture on both, use two terrain features (Savanna and Scrub) and one Bonus (Camel) of CoM to put into RoM-AND.
I altered the Savanna design, took out palm trees and kept some grass/bush parts instead:
If you like this, I am happy to share/upload all 15 .nif files.
I was very glad you mentioned it doesn't need dll changing, but I found this line in Civ4ArtDefines_Feature.xml:


I don't really understand what this line controls and where is it refers to? Would you please explain to me?
Make my question simple: for Savanna, Scrub and Camel beside the following xmls
  • ArtDefines_Feature
  • FeatureInfos
  • ImprovementInfos
  • ArtDefines_Bonus
  • BonusInfos
  • BuildInfos
  • BuildingInfos
  • UnitInfos (also UU Infos of each civilizations)
do I need to amend something else?
To <Nexus>:
First of all I would like to say :thanx: for mentioning me in Chronicles of Mankind's Readme file regarding tech-tree. :D
Secondly, I have to confess that I can't start your nice ModMod without a massive flood of error popup messages mostly regarding terrain features. After I copied CoM into Mods folder of Bts (as far as I know this is a standalone mode, based on but independent of RoM-AND), merged with patch 1.2.6, then I was set up a gamestart path in loader
(for Civ4BeyondSword.exe) as the game requested. It took almost a minute pressing continuously Enter button to close all of those error messages, then the Mod had started. After that I coud create a new game with generated map then started to play. However, I really like your nice innovations. :goodjob:
Did you install MegaPack too for CoM?
  • Yes --> It's a known thing. I'll ave to update MegaPack to be fully compatible with CoM. Those error are annoying but harmless.
  • No --> Have you tried reinstalling CoM?
In CoM when I opened Civilopedia to see how does it looks I found the same original RoM-AND issue on Routes Screen: only the first route is showing up in the list panel but with blank information in the right one. Compare this with my scenario where it has completely blank Route Screen without any route in second list column. I am actually working on to improve road graphics.
Since CoM is a modmod, the same issue persists. The difference probably comes from having a new route type: Ferry.

Surprisingly I found a comment (or rather a picture) by Drakarska regarding AGAI and RAI (What modes are these abbreviations?).
Aggressive AI and Ruthless AI (I didn't know either before him mentioning them this way).

To be honest with you, I am now a bit confused about RoM-AND and CoM relations.
CoM is becoming a new mod from just being a modmod. The difference is not as big as between C2C and AND2 but it's growing.

However, my plan is now to make litle mixture on both, use two terrain features (Savanna and Scrub) and one Bonus (Camel) of CoM to put into RoM-AND.
I altered the Savanna design, took out palm trees and kept some grass/bush parts instead:
If you like this, I am happy to share/upload all 15 .nif files.
It's really nice. I'd like to give it a try :)


I don't really understand what this line controls and where is it refers to?
It may refer to the dll or the exe but I'm not sure. You better ask it in the Quick Modding Questions thread.
Hi <Nexus>,

Did you install MegaPack too for CoM?

  • Yes --> It's a known thing. I'll ave to update MegaPack to be fully compatible with CoM. Those error are annoying but harmless.
  • No --> Have you tried reinstalling CoM?

No, I didn't and I tried twice exactly the same way how you recommended. And as you mentioned, your mode has new .dll so it isn't a ModMod anymore, but a new Mod originated from AND. When you made the new .dll, that day was your 'Independence Day'. :goodjob:
I don't know yet honestly why those errors came up. I cleared the Mode folder completely before I put yours.
But how about others? Until they don't get similar or any problems I consider this my problem. :dunno:

Aggressive AI and Ruthless AI (I didn't know either before him mentioning them this way).

Ruthless AI aka RAI is very Italian for me. You know what I mean. :D

It's really nice. I'd like to give it a try :)

Thank you. Now solemnly uploaded my first humble Civilization4 work. :) Here you are:


It may refer to the dll or the exe but I'm not sure. You better ask it in the Quick Modding Questions thread.

I thought so, then this line
isn't a part of your new dll.
Honestly, I have no clue and not interested at all to make any changes in dlls. I prefer to do graphic modding or amending xmls or minor python changes like tech tree but not dlls, especially complex programming. Life is too short for me doing that. :cool:
Now I am moving on the scrub. Will see how it goes in RoM AND. I will make and upload ambient sounds for it too.

Actually, I really hope some day we can find the solution to cut the Civilopedia Route Screen Gordian knot.
No, I didn't and I tried twice exactly the same way how you recommended. And as you mentioned, your mode has new .dll so it isn't a ModMod anymore, but a new Mod originated from AND. When you made the new .dll, that day was your 'Independence Day'. :goodjob:
I don't know yet honestly why those errors came up. I cleared the Mode folder completely before I put yours.
But how about others? Until they don't get similar or any problems I consider this my problem. :dunno:
Yeah, there is certainly something on your end :undecide:

Ruthless AI aka RAI is very Italian for me. You know what I mean. :D
No, I don't get it :nope:

Thank you. Now solemnly uploaded my first humble Civilization4 work. :) Here you are:

THX! Downloading...

Now I am moving on the scrub. Will see how it goes in RoM AND. I will make and upload ambient sounds for it too.

Actually, I really hope some day we can find the solution to cut the Civilopedia Route Screen Gordian knot.
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