Vokarya and
Are you or anyone still working or have worked on this '
Route screen and
full Index content of Civilopedia (CP) doesn't work properly in game, but opening CP from main menu is all perfect' issue?
I am asking this because I made some test recently (in my scenario which is based on RoM-AND) and I found a connection between this two problems I wrote
italic above.
Namely, the Index content in game showing up partly, missing from the first route name in alphabetical order. Eg. In my scenario the first route in CP list is Carriageway (originally it was Highway), so in Index the last entry is Carrack, then nothing more showing up. The Route Screen is completely empty when I click on 'Routes' in the left.
Okkay, then I renamed Carriageway to ZCarriageway so the first route on the list became Electric Railroad wow, lo and behold, the last entry in Index now is Elder Council!

Route Screen still full blank.
When I open CP from main menu everything works perfect independent of what names I give to roads.
I think this information isn't quite new for you and I might have missed some upgrades as well but if not, it may helps to get closer to the solution.
First of all I would like to say

for mentioning me in Chronicles of Mankind's Readme file regarding tech-tree.

Secondly, I have to confess that I can't start your nice ModMod without a massive flood of error popup messages mostly regarding terrain features. After I copied CoM into Mods folder of Bts (as far as I know this is a standalone mode, based on but independent of RoM-AND), merged with patch 1.2.6, then I was set up a gamestart path in loader
(for Civ4BeyondSword.exe) as the game requested. It took almost a minute pressing continuously Enter button to close all of those error messages, then the Mod had started. After that I coud create a new game with generated map then started to play. However, I really like your nice innovations.
In CoM when I opened Civilopedia to see how does it looks I found the same original RoM-AND issue on Routes Screen: only the first route is showing up in the list panel but with blank information in the right one. Compare this with my scenario where it has completely blank Route Screen without any route in second list column. I am actually working on to improve road graphics.
Surprisingly I found a comment (or rather a picture) by
Drakarska regarding AGAI and RAI (What modes are these abbreviations?). It looks like he has no CP Route screen problem in that mod during his game. Please look at his comment picture:
Interesting choice, did you change the peace weights value? 2 turns after this, Charles V Dow'd me. He's at friendly. Managed to hold both off, even after a amphibious drop by Charles on Boston. Then used a couple of GD's to get peace after capturing a couple of Incan cities, and raising 2 of...
I haven't asked him regarding this very good looking working Civilopedia on Route Screen
in game.
To be honest with you, I am now a bit confused about RoM-AND and CoM relations. You are like Martin Luther's reformation splintering of western Christendom.

I like both conceptions, but prefer to stay on RoM-AND and really hope
Vokarya and others will continue to support it because of my long long time made and still progressing scenario as I mentioned earlier is based on this one. There is no error popups at all and works absolutely smooth even with Giant Earth.
With my limited time it's like a life project, the same as Field Model Railroads, one entire month for making a very small crossing keeper’s house.
However, my plan is now to make litle mixture on both, use two terrain features (Savanna and Scrub) and one Bonus (Camel) of CoM to put into RoM-AND.
I altered the Savanna design, took out palm trees and kept some grass/bush parts instead:

If you like this, I am happy to share/upload all 15 .nif files.
I was very glad you mentioned it doesn't need dll changing, but I found this line in Civ4ArtDefines_Feature.xml:
I don't really understand what this line controls and where is it refers to? Would you please explain to me?
Make my question simple: for Savanna, Scrub and Camel beside the following xmls
- ArtDefines_Feature
- FeatureInfos
- ImprovementInfos
- ArtDefines_Bonus
- BonusInfos
- BuildInfos
- BuildingInfos
- UnitInfos (also UU Infos of each civilizations)
do I need to amend something else?