On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer
by John Keats
Much have I travell'd in the realms of gold,
And many goodly states and kingdoms seen;
Round many western islands have I been
Which bards in fealty to Apollo hold.
Oft of one wide expanse had I been told
That deep-brow'd Homer ruled as his demesne;
Yet did I never breathe its pure serene
Till I heard Chapman speak out loud and bold:
Then felt I like some watcher of the skies
When a new planet swims into his ken;
Or like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes
He star'd at the Pacific--and all his men
Look'd at each other with a wild surmise--
Silent, upon a peak in Darien.
Scope the map and contacts.
Will head settler for coastal spot with cattle
Have Wheels but no gold and want way too much of a premium for their monopoly (>2x).
Zulu are down Alphabet and Mysticism and have no gold
We are at parity in tech with Abe and he has no gold either.
Until Abe and Shaka get their rears in gear I see no way to get TW for anything close to real value and it's usefulness to us is secondary now that we see iron and can build 2 move Gallics in the near future. (Thanks AndrewN)
Crank up the research pace to get Math in 19 and try to maintain our second tier leadership. We really have no use for cash (113g -4gpt, a situation which will improve once we get the second town built) at this point other than to upgrade warriors and we have no barracks.
T1 2110
Explore in south and east and move warrior closer to Zulu town to watch for poaching settlers.
Entremont grows and lux tax goes to 10%.
Entremont produces a settler starts temple (placeholder for next settler)
T2 2070
Settler treks NW joined by warrior.
Explorers explore.
Lincoln has wheels. and will sell them for 90g, but the only other customer is broke.
So will the Great Khan, but there is no place to go with them.
T3 2030
Shaka has wheels but wants two techs for them (>2x premium), or 80g, but we don't need 'em.
Pillage a barb camp in Mongol territory and collect 25g in fines.
Abe will sell donuts for 75g, come on, you can do better than that.
Explorers spot another barb camp and some more goody huts.
The cave gets a waiting room for callers.
T4 1990
Seljuks give us maps generous fellows that they are.
Discover another barb camp in Mongol territory and get ambushed, losing a warrior but saving 1gpt.
T5 1950
Bust a barb camp, collect 25g in fines, but discover he has friends in the neighborhood. We'll lose another warrior but save another coin.
T6 1910
Build Alesia on coast with cattle start worker. The cows are thirsty.
Warrior watching the Zulu head for Alesia.
Entremont grows to 5, lux up to 10, temple build swapped to settler due in two.
Barbs ignore the warrior who moves to cover in the mountains.
Price for wheels goes up now that we have more money in the treasury.
T7 1870
Warrior evades barbs.
T8 1830
Settler equipped and heads south to meet warrior escort.
Lux to 0
We meet the Aztecs.
They have the wheel, too, but lack Mysticism, Pottery, Alphabet and Masonry and have 10g.
They'll give The Wheel plus 10g for Masonry or Alphabet. We get more value for the money selling Masonry. And the next guy he's going to meet is Shaka who lacks both Alphabet and Mysticism. Done.
After palavering with the Aztecs the western wanderer reaches the sea. (Stout Cortez upon a peak in Darien).
T9 1790
Cortez turns north as the Aztecs block the way south.
Settler vectors to intercept escort
There are two sources of horses visible on the map. One to the east and beyond any reasonable distance and another, just outside the borders of Entremont to the SW which should be within second expansion at Entremont when combined with first from the new town.
T10 1750
Settler escort meets a Polynesian and Cortez meets the Arabs. Abu has all the first tier techs, plus Mysticism, but lacks IW and enough money to pay a reasonable price for it.
Shaka learned Mysticism. Keep an eye on Monte so when he has some money to spend make sure and get it for Mysticism. He's not too far from the Zulu.
Looks like the max run at Math will pay off and we'll have money in the bank as well (sometimes it's better to be lucky than good).
Settling on the river plains should pull iron and Horses within our borders on the second expansion of Entremont and the first for the new town, if the settler can get past the Polynesians.
I know the received wisdom opposes maximum runs on science at this stage in the game (the conversion rate of gold to research is abominable), but the amount of money in the bank suggested that I could get away with it. If Abe beats us to Math I'll take all the abuse you can dish out, but my recent experience is convincing me that staying a tier ahead is money in the bank. Busting barbs and collecting fines was a big help and I know you can't always count on that but in this instance I think it worked out. We will also be quicker to currency this way and that means we can pay for libraries when Literature is available. Also, we are >40 turns away from hooking up the iron and that will give us a nice long time to build cash and warriors for upgrades.
Stout Cortez
The Realm
The Roster
Sir Bugsy
Gengis Khan
Bede - on the peak reading Keats