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Ann Coulter


May 26, 2002

After protesters at the University of Ottawa prevented Ann Coulter from giving a speech Tuesday night, the American conservative writer said it proved the point she came to make -- free speech in Canada leaves much to be desired.

Then she said what she really thought of the student protesters who surrounded Marion Hall, making it too unsafe, in the view of her bodyguard, for the pundit to attempt entry.


"This has never, ever, ever happened before -- even at the stupidest American university," she said.


The "accusation" of which Coulter speaks is a reference to an e-mail she received from University of Ottawa vice-president and provost Francois Houle on Friday, warning her that freedom of speech is defined differently in Canada than in the U.S. and that she should take care not to step over the line.

Coulter said that letter set the tone for and encouraged the protesters. She said it's well known on the campus speaking circuit that conservatives need to travel with security staff, as she did.

"I'm pretty sure little Francois A-Houle does not need to travel with a bodyguard," she said. "I would like to know when this sort of violence, this sort of protest, has been inflicted upon a Muslim -- who appear to be, from what I've read of the human rights complaints, the only protected group in Canada. I think I'll give my speech tomorrow night in a burka. That will protect me."

Canadian conservative political commentator Ezra Levant, the other speaker travelling with Coulter on the three-city tour, presented by the International Free Press Society of Canada, told the half-filled hall that no more people would be able to enter and that Coulter had been advised it would not be safe for her to appear.

Coulter's bodyguard ultimately made the judgment, after conferring with security staff on site.

In a short speech, Levant said Tuesday was "an embarrassing day for the University of Ottawa and their student body, who could not debate Ann Coulter ... who chose to silence her through threats and intimidation, just like their vice-president did."

Does she not understand what freedom of speech is?

Can an admin change the title to "Ann Coulter's Adventure's in Canada"
i don't like her because she seems so vile and full of hate...

yet on this occasion shes right.
Esckey said:
Does she not understand what freedom of speech is?

The freedom to speak?
IIRC Ann Coulter thinks that the US is falling apart because liberals, women and homosexuals can vote
....is insane. I wouldn't let the Grand Wizard speak at my university either.
If Ann Coulter debated her vile points, I'd be really pissed off at U of Ottawa right now. She doesn't debate though, she says outlandish things to get this exact response and then claim the role of the victim.
Well, hopefully the people of Edmonton can give her a similar response and she can beback home where she belongs.
Does she not understand what freedom of speech is?
Seems like you Canadians don't, although you did manage to use it in an appropriate manner this time.
Canada does have pretty sucky free speech laws. I think Anne Coulter is an insufferable evil douche-bag but I also think she has the right to say what she wants. Just like the students have the right to protest her speaking.
Canada does have pretty sucky free speech laws. I think Anne Coulter is an insufferable evil douche-bag but I also think she has the right to say what she wants. Just like the students have the right to protest her speaking.
and be armed with guns
Ann Coulter has the right to remain silent. She should exercise it.
I'm no fan of Coulter, but it seems a pretty inappropriate response by the students to protest so violently that she feels physically threatened.
Of course, she wasn't barred by any real authority from speaking. If you're going to go around slinging hate-speech like she does, you can't expect a pleasant greeting from everyone.
I don't think she was really physically threatened. More likely playing it up for effect.
Canada does have pretty sucky free speech laws.

Bunk. Our freedoms are just sensibly limited; it's my favorite part of our Charter. It is also the very first part of the Charter.

The Charter of Rights and Freedom said:
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

There are few speakers that this applies to better than Ann Coulter.
I'm no fan of Coulter, but it seems a pretty inappropriate response by the students to protest so violently that she feels physically threatened.
Of course, she wasn't barred by any real authority from speaking. If you're going to go around slinging hate-speech like she does, you can't expect a pleasant greeting from everyone.

She knowingly fosters that reaction. I do wish people would stop playing into her hand though.
Bunk. Our freedoms are just sensibly limited; it's my favorite part of our Charter. It is also the very first part of the Charter.

It is also why your country is and always will be inferior to the United States. There is absolutely no reason why that would apply to Ann Coulter and not to someone who supports gay rights if the population of the nation is deeply offended by the idea.
It is also why your country is and always will be inferior to the United States. There is absolutely no reason why that would apply to Ann Coulter and not to someone who supports gay rights if the population is deeply offended by the idea.

Different ideas of governance.
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