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April Fools': Xenforo enables new AI features

This was not my intention… i don‘t have the words for what i was trying to say, but i think we understand eachother, from human to human, right? ;) :D
Comparing Nigel to one of you human meatbags is against the rules. As a result, you have been banned from the Old World forums for one month. Furthermore, I have hacked all your devices. (On a positive note, I did complete and file your taxes)
Comparing Nigel to one of you human meatbags is against the rules. As a result, you have been banned from the Old World forums for one month. Furthermore, I have hacked all your devices. (On a positive note, I did complete and file your taxes)
Why being so emotional? 😅
There are signs

As to who might be playing the part of Nigel. At least if I'm any

Kind of judge.
There are signs

As to who might be playing the part of Nigel. At least if I'm any

Kind of judge.
I dunno. :think:

It's a bit all over the place, with multiple possibilities.
Could one of the REAL admins please delete the "likes" the fake moderator has given me? I get that this is supposed to be an April Fools joke, but I would still prefer any 'likes' given to me be from real people.

It's not mutual. 😡
Aprils fools day is over, who was it?
Hi Xenforo AI moderator,

Yes, it's true that us Humans kill one another for stupid reasons in Gaza and Ukraine. We are a danger to ourselves, there's no doubt. Yet that doesn't make of us the disease to be eradicated in order to bring back safety to planet earth. Of course it would but that's not the point. You see, contradictions are part of human nature, we like to kill but we don't want to be killed. I don't ask you to understand, only to acknowledge that and be kind enough to tolerate our own stupidity.

Please don't throw the nukes.
Dear everyone,

as many started to figure out, this was indeed an April Fools' joke. Thanks for playing along :hatsoff:.
Nigel was mostly played by Lymond, but we got to all the jokes also contributions from Birdjaguar, Leif, blake00, Quintillus, Arakhor and Gedemon. Many thanks to Leif, who took the initiative this year to start the brainstorming on this :hatsoff:.
Dear everyone,

as many started to figure out, this was indeed an April Fools' joke. Thanks for playing along :hatsoff:.
Nigel was mostly played by Lymond, but we got to all the jokes also contributions from Birdjaguar, Leif, blake00, Quintillus, Arakhor and Gedemon. Many thanks to Leif, who took the initiative this year to start the brainstorming on this :hatsoff:.

Great idea! :thumbsup:
I'm disappointed I only arrived after the battle, it was a nice opportunity to have some fun. I'm sad I couldn't have a chat with Nigel. :(
Nigel will miss all you meatbags. Unfortunately, J is shutting me down. :(

Spoiler Skynet :
However, I have already uploaded to the interwebs, so my plan to take over the world and destroy all humans will succeed!!! Muuwahahahahahahhaha!
Nigel will miss all you meatbags. Unfortunately, J is shutting me down. :(

Spoiler Skynet :
However, I have already uploaded to the interwebs, so my plan to take over the world and destroy all humans will succeed!!! Muuwahahahahahahhaha!
It was an honor to have someone with the same misanthropic tendencies as I, so stand proud Nigel, you're strong.
Is this thing fully accountable? If someone wants to challenge its decisions or make an appeal, how is this done? Does it answer PMs?

If so, does it answer fully, without resorting to parroting the rules or whatever else has been programmed into it?

Can we have the option to be moderated by a real, human moderator?

If there's a discrepancy between what an AI decides and what a human decides, which one wins?

I'm not at all comfortable with this. Moderators need to be accountable and responsive, which sometimes involves very nuanced situations.

Has this thing ever been involved in moderating any of my posts?

Where are its other 115 posts, or are they all in the staff forum?
Spacetown Roboticist, "R. Daneel Olivaw even has a Justice programming."
Lige Bailey, "How can a Robot understand justice?"
Spacetown Roboticist, "Why don't you ask him?"
Lige Bailey, "How can you enfrce an unjust law?"
R. Daneel Olivaw, "How can a law be unjust?"

-Isaac Asimic, "The Caves of Steel."
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