New Version - 4.14.1 (July 21, 2024)

I have not played VP for 2 years has the combat ai gotten worse? I remember the last patch I played it was nearly on par with an average player now its back to me stomping.
I don't think combat AI deteriorated at all in these 2 years. Most likely it did improve.
Not sure about combat AI but overall I think the game has gotten a bit easier, probably because of lowered AI bonuses rather than worse AI.
I think the tactical AI has continued to improve and sometimes amazes me compare to Vanilla and previous vox versions. But there are so many variables within the game itself - I think much of the game ease depends on your game, what civ you select, your territory, resources, your neighbors, etc.- I would give it a few more games and/or try to make the game more difficult for yourself or up the difficulty if your not alread at max or even add some additional AI or limited space ( no oceans) -- although sometimes this works against the AI but early game is much more competitive, don't take Authority.

i just played 2 games on the desert map script as assyria on immortal with 4UC // both games I had to scrap becasue I could not take or hold an early city once aginst Songhi and the other Rome-- so then I moved to the VP map and had Egypt and Ethopia as a neigbors and I was able to take their 2 of their Cities and start the science train rolling and never looked back -- now I'm playing as Maya on Amazon VP script with new supply mod and it is tough to say the least even with all jungle and about a million Kuna's I am still only second in Science ........
I don't think combat AI deteriorated at all in these 2 years. Most likely it did improve.

so this did not go through?

so this did not go through?
It went through, that nerfs early game bot bonuses, but buffs thier mid to late game bonuses. So bot stops falling of hard late game. The combat ai was not changed from this
Haven't played for a year or two but I'm considering giving Civ a go again. Glad to see that the mod is still alive!

I remember an issue with using scenario maps with custom starting positions a while ago (ctd on startup). Does anyone know if this is an issue now?

bonus difficulty is fake difficulty
That is not true now: Tactical AI thinks more on higher difficulties. Like a chess engine.

Also, the difficulty is more evenly spread now. If im not wrong, before once you got out of the early eras the AIs couldnt compete, but right now the AI will challenge you until the end of the game. It is much better.

If you are not there, go up to immortal or deity, it gets really fun (dont think too much about the bonus the AI gets, as long as you are enjoying the challenge)
Screenshot 2024-07-28 164404 hurricane coming.png
I click on protect property but get massive destruction. I suspect the choice sets the wrong option.
bonus difficulty is fake difficulty
Well obviously everyone would want difficulty to be about how smart the AI is, but there is a ceiling to how good a scripted AI can get. Even though the team is doing a great job at improving the AI, it will never be as good as a good human until the advent of neural networks.
Compared to vanilla the AI is smarter and get less bonuses, and that is something that we should be happy about
View attachment 697861I click on protect property but get massive destruction. I suspect the choice sets the wrong option.
All of them except the last one will cause destruction if the hurricane hits. It's just the severity that's different (some will cause population loss, some will cause building loss, some both).
Does the AI use bulbing of Great Persons? I usually start to use Great Scientists for their instant science boost in later eras (same with Great Writers). It leads to me leaving the AI behind quite quickly and decisively.
Sorry I realized it's something that was changed in the Lower Supply Cap modmod.

Otherwise the Dominance UI sill mentions 100% science bonus.
Found a bug I think, I can't make a proper report until the weekend because I'm away and just playing on my laptop. Anyway's what's happening is I'm playing as Rome, (only a few mods enabled) picked God Of War as my pantheon which works until I conquer a city state, after that it no longer works when I kill or win a battle. It's very frustrating because it's probably one of the best beliefs to play as a warmongering rome. I'll do a proper report when I can but just thought I'd bring it to people's attention here first.
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