Archeaology Short video

Eagle Pursuit

Per Scribendum, Volo
Aug 12, 2010
Thanks Shaun! I loved Archeology in VI and wish it can be expanded (mods mods?)
Like how it has stuck around.

I'm hoping it leads thematically to what a 4th age could be (If we HAVE to have a 4th age, Id rather prefer an endgame where no one has new uniques, build best upon your past:
Step 1. Survive modern age/ world war and crisis, no drastic transition.
Step 2. No new Civ (No Canada, Australia 'Murica 2 ) just a "Civ you Name" reflecting back on its past to hypercharge all its traditions.
Step 3: Chose legacy bonuses seeded by your leader and previous civ attributes.
Step 4: Atomic and information age with some lofty aspirational goals.
I don't know if I'm really that old or what, but why are those videos have to be in vertical.
Even when on my cell, I never watch any videos in this orientation.
Hurts my eyes - they are placed horizontally on my face.
Sorry for the rant.
I don't know if I'm really that old or what, but why are those videos have to be in vertical.
Even when on my cell, I never watch any videos in this orientation.
Hurts my eyes - they are placed horizontally on my face.
Sorry for the rant.
It's a YouTube Short. All Shorts are in this format. This is YouTube competing with TikTok.
I know some of us don’t like the Archeology but I think it’s a nice mechanic
And especially the link with overbuilding adds a nice flavor.
Do people not like it? I think it's great, and makes so much sense in this iteration of Civ with the emphasis on layers.

My issue is only that there are no other great works, only the one type per Age, so the culture victory doesn't feel quite right yet. I think it will still be fun though!
Do people not like it? I think it's great, and makes so much sense in this iteration of Civ with the emphasis on layers.

My issue is only that there are no other great works, only the one type per Age, so the culture victory doesn't feel quite right yet. I think it will still be fun though!
They've done such things before--I hope they give cultural victory a once-over after the dust settles from the release. My first impression is that I'm not really going to like the apostle spam you're going to need to get one.
They've done such things before--I hope they give cultural victory a once-over after the dust settles from the release. My first impression is that I'm not really going to like the apostle spam you're going to need to get one.
You can still win a culture victory without going for a religion at all

I will try that my first game
- get 7 wonders and get the golden age
- no religion and get the dark age
- use the dark age in modern to get me a cultural victory
The British can't steal all the artifacts if they're not in the game 🧠
It's okay, Prussia is still there to steal your ancient wonder brick by indigo brick and reconstruct it in Berlin. :mischief:
You can still win a culture victory without going for a religion at all

I will try that my first game
- get 7 wonders and get the golden age
- no religion and get the dark age
- use the dark age in modern to get me a cultural victory
That could be fun. CV without much art to speak of still seems a bit off, though. I bet there's something coming.

Anyhow, this isn't meant to downtalk archaeology. Seems neat.
It's okay, Prussia is still there to steal your ancient wonder brick by indigo brick and reconstruct it in Berlin. :mischief:
- Not to mention the statuette/bust of Nefertiti and a huge collection of Aztec and other Meso-American artifacts stashed away for decades in the Egyptian and Dahlem Museums. The British might have gotten the publicity, but German archeologists pirated away with the best of them . . .
And the Germans blew up Troy (the real city) while looking for Troy (the Homeric city).
Maybe theming was a mixed-bag feature but the variety was quite neat
Theming was annoying, but I do miss great works of art.

I still believe in the 4th age theory : my guess is art and music will be added as part of that
Any contemporary art or music would be under copyright, which would mean paying a license fee, not to mention it would exclude centuries of great art because...reasons? Not to mention I don't associate the modern age with the collection of art. If anything, a contemporary culture victory should be about movies and pop music (and blue jeans...apparently). I'd still expect those to be generic because, again, license fees.
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