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Are Americans wasting their breath by debating abortion?

Apr 12, 2008
Now personally I consider myself to be pretty solidly pro choice, but regardless of where you stand, do you think Americans are wasting time by debating abortion?

There has been a lot of talk about whether you should vote for Barak Obama or Mitt Romney based on their stance on abortion. But is it even relevant?

No President can outlaw abortion. Abortion was legalized in America thanks to Roe V. Wade, and that was a supreme court decision. Congress can't trump the supreme court, and nor can the president.

I doubt Bush (either of them), Reagan, or any other conservatives that were president after Roe V. Wade liked abortion, but they couldn't outlaw it anyway. Because again, it's a supreme court decision, the president can't do anything about it.

So I hear religious groups trying to get abortion outlawed, even though it's obviously never going to happen (unless the supreme court magically changes their mind one day) meanwhile women's rights groups fiercely defending abortion, as if its legality is actually in any danger. It's not.
People think innocent life is important. I agree. People think bodily sovereignty is important. I also agree. While I fall on the pro-choice side ( due to, again, bodily sovereignty ) I can understand why it's a hot topic. It's a genuinely sticky moral situation. I would be horrified at our culture if it were never discussed.

Is talking about Honey Boo Boo more important than this?

Now for a song!

Link to video.
I'm just saying many voters, on both the left and the right, have voted in this presidential election based on their candidates view on abortion, even though that is irrelevant in the real world. In other words, the presidents position on an issue that the executive branch has no political power over is meaningless.

I guess the President does indeed select who gets on the supreme court, but even when the supreme court was majority conservative Roe V. Wade was never repealed. So I frankly doubt it will ever happen. As a pro choice person I obviously see this is a good thing, but the point is, whatever you think of it, why vote based on it?

And why waste your breath trying to convert others to your side of the fence on the abortion issue? They probably aren't going to listen, and besides, the legalization of abortion in America is here to stay. So by converting them to your side, whatever that may be, will not really change anything.
It's nice to convince masses of people that you're right and they're wrong.

The ethics of abortion are no different.
You want to know the real reason?

Okay, fine. I'll confess.

As an isolated issue I don't actually dislike the pro-life position as much as I dislike something like the anti-SSM position. I don't agree with it, at the end of the day, but I can understand it.

I just want to push the Overton window. It's the long game for me. I'm worried about where we'll be culturally a hundred years after I'm just so much worm food.
It's nice to convince masses of people that you're right and they're wrong.

The ethics of abortion are no different.

Each to his own. Personally, I think it's a waste of time to change people's mind to your view if nothing will be done about it one way or the other.
You want to know the real reason?

Okay, fine. I'll confess.

As an isolated issue I don't actually dislike the pro-life position as much as I dislike something like the anti-SSM position. I don't agree with it, at the end of the day, but I can understand it.

I just want to push the Overton window. It's the long game for me. I'm worried about where we'll be culturally a hundred years after I'm just so much worm food.

Unlike abortion, same sex marriage is illegal in most states, and it can easily be repealed even where it's legal. That makes it a different issue from abortion entirely.
Each to his own. Personally, I think it's a waste of time to change people's mind to your view if nothing will be done about it one way or the other.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I agree, but that's just how they work.

One of us, one of us.
The GOP doesn't want to outlaw abortion, they just say that they do because they want the evangelical and Catholic vote. If there are less abortions, then there will be more poor people who likely wouldn't vote for Republicans.
Thus case and point, we're clearly wasting our time here by bickering back and forth over abortion.
The GOP doesn't want to outlaw abortion, they just say that they do because they want the evangelical and Catholic vote. If there are less abortions, then there will be more poor people who likely wouldn't vote for Republicans.

Also, they'll lose it as a wedge issue.
No, it's very important and is something you can't just extricate from the greater "debate" over women's reproductive rights in general.
No, it's very important and is something you can't just extricate from the greater "debate" over women's reproductive rights in general.
The way the GOP strings together the 'no birth control' issues with 'no abortions' seems absolutely insane and counterproductive to me.

On the one hand, many people are against abortion, even a slim majority (though pretty much everyone but the clergy support rape, incest and life of mother exeptions). But the way it's talked about by the GOP is offensive to many people - especially women. I've said this before but it bears repeating: When you start with the position 'no exceptions', you wind up with Todd Akins in the general election blowing it for the whole party.

On the other hand, going against contraception is just stupid in light of a pro-life stance. A big, easy point of bipartisan common ground could easily be 'pro-contraception'. It cuts the rate of abortions and unwanted pregnancies (which in turn lead to the dreaded 'welfare' babies and gubnit handouts). Everyone but the clergy wins on this.

But when you stand against contraception in various ways, be it government sponsored contraception, employer/insurer sponsored contraception or even sex-ed, you are going to increase the rate of abortions. Plus, calling women like Sandra Fluke a slut on talk radio just because she wanted to testify about contraception in Congress is the epitome of stupid. Hell, even refusing her and any other women a chance to testify while allowing basically only the clergy to testify is wacker than crack.

Because again, it's a supreme court decision, the president can't do anything about it.
The hope on the far right is that if they elect a conservative enough president, he will appoint conservative justices who will then vote against abortion. Not sure it would happen, even with a very conservative Supreme Court. But that's their guiding light on the right.
Now personally I consider myself to be pretty solidly pro choice, but regardless of where you stand, do you think Americans are wasting time by debating abortion?

There has been a lot of talk about whether you should vote for Barak Obama or Mitt Romney based on their stance on abortion. But is it even relevant?

No President can outlaw abortion. Abortion was legalized in America thanks to Roe V. Wade, and that was a supreme court decision. Congress can't trump the supreme court, and nor can the president.

I doubt Bush (either of them), Reagan, or any other conservatives that were president after Roe V. Wade liked abortion, but they couldn't outlaw it anyway. Because again, it's a supreme court decision, the president can't do anything about it.

So I hear religious groups trying to get abortion outlawed, even though it's obviously never going to happen (unless the supreme court magically changes their mind one day) meanwhile women's rights groups fiercely defending abortion, as if its legality is actually in any danger. It's not.

They can, however, remove court jurisdiction and give the issue back to the states.

They won't though, because the GOP needs it. If abortion was given back to the state legislators, the GOP would, as Celtic mentioned, lose votes. They'd rather see it legal everywhere and look like they are fighting it than to have the issue completely irrelevant to anything Federal.

I absolutely think it is worth discussing. While a lot of people on here have their minds made up, there are a lot of people in real life who are pro-choice without really knowing why, or being internally inconsistent (Saying that abortion is murder but that it is still a woman's right to choose) and I think those types of people can be convinced. I don't think they are very common, but if there are any pro-lifers that don't believe that a fetus is a human life but still want abortion banned for some other reason, they too could probably be convinced to be pro-choice.

I do not, however, think it was a valid reason to vote for Mitt Romney. Romney is pretty obviously pro-choice anyway. Its just so obvious from the way he's flip flopped on the issue. At least to me. He wouldn't do a single thing about it.

Romney probably wouldn't have expanded abortion like Obama, but saying you'll vote for Romney just because he won't let anyone else to be killed without doing a thing about the people that are being killed which is an order of magnitude greater than the amount of new killings he might stop, well, I don't think its worth it. Romney would have been unworthy of my vote. Gary Johnson is more pro-life than Romney, yet he claims to be pro-choice.
The GOP doesn't want to outlaw abortion, they just say that they do because they want the evangelical and Catholic vote. If there are less abortions, then there will be more poor people who likely wouldn't vote for Republicans.


The way the GOP strings together the 'no birth control' issues with 'no abortions' seems absolutely insane and counterproductive to me.

That's not really the GOP so much as very small parts of it (Santorum is really the only name that comes to mind, and even he said he wouldn't ban birth control although I think he might be lying.) A lot of them might not want the public to pay for contraception, but that's more a free market principle than a moral one. Which, admittedly, it does make little sense to combine a "Morals" party with a free market party anyway (A Libertarian party vs some kind of Christian socialist party would make more rational sense and would contain less internal contradictions), that statement doesn't really apply to abortion because there's more to abortion than just trying to enforce morality on people.

On the one hand, many people are against abortion, even a slim majority (though pretty much everyone but the clergy support rape, incest and life of mother exeptions).

I don't:p And I'm not in the clergy! I exist!:)

I agree with you that the reality is that an across the board (Other than when the life of the mother is endangered) ban isn't likely to actually happen, but that's still my view. And IIRC about 22% of the country agrees with me, (Most of them are probably hardcore social conservatives. I'm not, which probably puts me in a category containing less than 1% of the population:p) But I still don't actually agree with it, that's my view, and I exist:)
But the way it's talked about by the GOP is offensive to many people - especially women. I've said this before but it bears repeating: When you start with the position 'no exceptions', you wind up with Todd Akins in the general election blowing it for the whole party.

What do you mean by "Starting with"?

I think what you sare saying is to actually compromise our own principles in order to keep crazies like Todd Akin out. I can't do that. I could vote for someone who had the wrong view on the rape issue, but I don't believe in it and I can't exactly change that.
On the other hand, going against contraception is just stupid in light of a pro-life stance. A big, easy point of bipartisan common ground could easily be 'pro-contraception'. It cuts the rate of abortions and unwanted pregnancies (which in turn lead to the dreaded 'welfare' babies and gubnit handouts). Everyone but the clergy wins on this.

Its really only the Catholic clergy:p
But when you stand against contraception in various ways, be it government sponsored contraception, employer/insurer sponsored contraception or even sex-ed, you are going to increase the rate of abortions.

Yeah, I'm against government intervention just because of free market principles but I am absolutely not in favor of "Abstinence only" and while I do not think the government should force any health insurance company to provide contraception, people can and should try to get the message out that not doing so is contributing to a far worse problem.

Plus, calling women like Sandra Fluke a slut on talk radio just because she wanted to testify about contraception in Congress is the epitome of stupid. Hell, even refusing her and any other women a chance to testify while allowing basically only the clergy to testify is wacker than crack.

It was Rush Limbaugh, what do you expect?:p

The hope on the far right is that if they elect a conservative enough president, he will appoint conservative justices who will then vote against abortion. Not sure it would happen, even with a very conservative Supreme Court. But that's their guiding light on the right.

The courts won't do it. Nullification may in a few states though. I'd be curious how it would play out. Mississippi tried recently, and while I can't prove it I believe the only reason it didn't happen (Note: In Mississippi, I'm well aware if you tried this in, say, California the results would be very different:p) is because of the fact that some ambiguities in the bill may have also affected regular BC pills, and that there were absolutely ZERO exceptions (Even for a mother's life.) Even so, it got 45%. (I honestly would have voted for it, I want the mother's life exception, and I don't want non-abortive BC pills affected by it, but I would still vote to save human life.)

I think if they can get a more reasonable bill on the ballot they could probably get through bans in most red states. (At least some of which would almost certainly have rape exceptions.)

As an issue abortion was decided a couple decades ago.

There isn't really any problem debating it, but who wants society to turn back the wheel and go a couple steps back in terms of progress? That's just not going to happen.
That's not really the GOP so much as very small parts of it (Santorum is really the only name that comes to mind, and even he said he wouldn't ban birth control although I think he might be lying.)
Attribute my quotes please!

No, it's not some small part of the GOP. It's the whole party apparatus that thinks/talks/votes/acts this way and I'm sorry but you're blind if you don't see it.

A lot of them might not want the public to pay for contraception, but that's more a free market principle than a moral one.
It's also a big anti-socialism anti-Obamacare thing. But also recognize the public isn't paying for birthcontrol in many instances, it's just requiring that insurers carry it. Now, for subsidized healthcare plans for the poor, you could argue the government is paying for it. But in any case, it isn't as cut and dry as simply a 'free market principle'--->especially when most of the resistance to birth control is based on religious grounds.

What do you mean by "Starting with"?

I think what you sare saying is to actually compromise our own principles in order to keep crazies like Todd Akin out. I can't do that. I could vote for someone who had the wrong view on the rape issue, but I don't believe in it and I can't exactly change that.
What I mean is that instead of focusing on a possibly winning issue 'ban abortions with exceptions for rape/incest/life of mother', they go straight to a losing one 'ban all abortions'. This costs them votes and ultimately hurts the cause of the pro-life side as it attracts the Akins who piss off people who would otherwise support such a platform.

It's also stupid to fight over the (probably) <1% of abortions that would be exempt by rape/incest/life of mother instead of focusing on getting the first 99% of them outlawed. Stupid, counterproductive and just stupid, stupid, stupid. This is official Republican platform to boot. What's even dumber is sticking with no abortions and then railing against birth control and sex ed.

Yeah, I'm against government intervention just because of free market principles but I am absolutely not in favor of "Abstinence only" and while I do not think the government should force any health insurance company to provide contraception, people can and should try to get the message out that not doing so is contributing to a far worse problem.
You choose: tiny government intervention or aborted fetuses. You frakkin purists man, you're crushing the GOP. Even though you don't claim you are a Republican, you are their target audience and people like you vote in the primaries and nominate the no-compromise idiots and firebrands like Akin that hurt your own party.

Despite my tone, I don't really mean that as a direct attack on you. I just want you to consider the harm that the often contradictory, no-compromise stances do to your party.

*Free market! - No birth control!* *No abortions! - No birth control!* *No abortions! - No gay sex!* *Individual liberties - No gay marriage!* *No health reform - Every life is sacred!* *No abortions! - No sex ed!* *No birth control - viagra coverage is mandatory!*

It was Rush Limbaugh, what do you expect?:p
His radio show to be killed off and for all Republicans to publicly disavow him forever is what I expect.

Nullification may in a few states though.
What're you talking about?
Attribute my quotes please!

OK, everything I am quoting in this post is from you (I don't know how to break down a post and still attribute every one to you.)

No, it's not some small part of the GOP. It's the whole party apparatus that thinks/talks/votes/acts this way and I'm sorry but you're blind if you don't see it.

I don't see it.

It's also a big anti-socialism anti-Obamacare thing.
Since I'm opposed to pretty much everything in that law... yeah.

But also recognize the public isn't paying for birthcontrol in many instances, it's just requiring that insurers carry it. Now, for subsidized healthcare plans for the poor, you could argue the government is paying for it.

I don't think insurers should be required to carry anything.

But in any case, it isn't as cut and dry as simply a 'free market principle'--->especially when most of the resistance to birth control is based in religious grounds.

In my case it is. But in other people's case, yeah I agree with you. Its not that simple for most people.

What I mean is that instead of focusing on a possibly winning issue 'ban abortions with exceptions for rape/incest/life of mother', they go straight to a losing one 'ban all abortions'. This costs them votes and ultimately hurts the cause of the pro-life side as it attracts the Akins who piss off people who would otherwise support such a platform.

I hear what you're saying.

Romney himself didn't agree with the official platform (He claimed he was pro-life except rape incest and life of the mother, but that's assuming he was really pro-life at all.)

If I could unilaterally write the Republican Party platform I would say something like (Note: I'm keeping this short and writing it quick) "Abortion is a brutal destruction of human life. The Republican Party platform opposes abortion, however, the cases of rape, incest, and the life of the mother are difficult cases for many people and as such we are leaving the stance on these particular difficult cases to individual candidates and the Republican Party platform takes no stance on them" or something.
It's also stupid to fight over the (probably) <1% of abortions that would be exempt by rape/incest/life of mother instead of focusing on first 99% of them outlawed. Stupid, counterproductive and just stupid, stupid, stupid. This is official Republican platform too boot. What's even dumber is sticking with no abortions and then railing against birth control and sex ed.

I'm more focused on the first 99% absolutely.

You choose: tiny government intervention or aborted fetuses. You frakkin purists man, you're crushing the GOP. Even though you don't claim you are a Republican, you are their target audience and people like you vote in the primaries and nominate the no-compromise idiots and firebrands like Akin that hurt your own party.

The Republicans most likely lost me anyway. And had I been in Missouri I would have voted for Jonathan Dine:p

I can't imagine myself voting for them very often at this point. I'm sick of the warmongering neocons within the party. Nationbuilding creates the gigantic government. If I were going to vote any single issue it would be opposition to the warfare state, not abortion, which I am smart enough to know the GOP will not do a single thing about anyway.

Despite my tone, I don't really mean that as a direct attack on you. I just want you to consider the harm that the often contradictory, no-compromise stances do to your party.

I don't really have a party, but the one closest to mine only got about 1% of the Presidential vote this year (I have some sympathies for the Constitution Party as well, and I think Chuck Baldwin was better than Bob Barr in 2008) so stop blaming me for the GOP.

His radio show to be killed off and for all Republicans to publicly disavow him forever is what I expect.

At times I find Limbaugh to be dumb. He's a saint compared to Ann Coulter though:p

What're you talking about?

Remember the drug legalization in Colorado and Washington?

That was basically nullification. There's a Federal law against drug use, but Colorado and Washington are ignoring it and legalizing marijuana anyway, in spite of that fact.

Its the same principle that was used back in the 1830's. South Carolina nullified the tariff laws, and ultimately they managed to get a compromise.

Considering the recent rise in constitutional debate (I've heard that the "Living Constitution" has been practically taken as gospel for a long time but Obamacare really re-sparked the debate) and strict constructionists becoming, if nothing else, vocal, I could perhaps see states exerting some of their own powers in defiance of Federal law. Much like they did to legalize pot in Washington and Colorado, I could see a state like South Carolina using that principle to outlaw abortion within their borders, in defiance of the Supreme Court.

Now, whether we'd see Brown v Board of Education 2.0 in South Carolina if they did that would be interesting to see. That's one small advantage a Republican President might have, they'd likely ignore such an ignoring of the Supreme Court. Obama might well enforce Roe v Wade if that did happen.

I don't think its going to happen before 2016 anyway, though. But in the far future I could potentially see another nullification crisis over this, only in reverse.
You have to cut and paste the before and after tags just like they are if you were quoting the whole thing for each section.
Yes. It's so boring. I'm tired of reading about it and hearing people complain about it. I'm comfortable with Roe v. Wade, which established abortion as a fundamental right, interestingly abortion is the only fundamental right that does not follow the traditional scrutiny framwork. Less comfortable with Planned Parenthood v. Casey since they adopted the undue burden framework vs. the trimester framework in Roe v. Wade. Undue burden analysis unfortunately gives states more ability to infringe on women's reproductive rights. Its too vague regarding what constitutes an undue burden which allows crazy states to pass stupid regulations that really toe the line.
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