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Are right-wingers seen as scum?

Well yes, I'm aware of that meaning of the statement. But Form used it in the "this is an American forum" sense, and I don't see how you can say that a website is "in" a specific country, since the location of the servers has zero impact on the cultural happenings of that site, even if it were written in the language of that country (I would not say, for example, that a website written and conducted purely in Armenian was "in" Armenia).
Indeed, it's the culture of the forum that ultimately determines how people perceive it. The smiley-making forum I belong to is owned and run by a Canadian. The staff is multicultural. There are designated forums for people who prefer to post in German or French. If anybody wants to post in some other language (ie. Russian), we just access our dictionaries/translation programs and muddle through as best we can. It's the Canadian thing to do.

I guess that's why I've always been more comfortable here - because I know there are other non-American viewpoints besides my own, although I have occasionally been rudely told to mind my own business because certain posters aren't interested in what a Canadian might have to say.

Isn't it dominated by American Politics because American Politics is the most entertaining reality show on Earth? Real politics is dry and boring and takes effort to grasp.
American politics is the most baffling reality show on Earth. Canadian politics used to be entertaining, but now it's just sad, scary, and infuriating. At least when Lyin' Brian was the Prime Minister we had the Liberal Rat Pack to liven things up, but those people have mostly left federal politics. And the current NDP MPs are too polite to engage in such shenanigans. Not that they should, of course.

It is because VRCW never tried to defend or rationalize any of the bigoted or racist things that so frequently come up. He was even completely and totally opposed to them. He is also a friend.
VRCW is an honorable person, who I am glad to have as a friend. He and I were in contact after he left here, and we had some fun and interesting conversations.

His thread should still be in the old OT, where he posted about having changed his mind on a particular conservative issue, simply because he'd thought things over and realized his original stance wasn't right. I respect people who are capable of this, and having the honesty to say so.
And that differs from you how?

I am by far more tolerant than you, and a great many others here. I'll actually complement people on the left when deserved. You? Never.

Until the right wing stops pretending that gay rights are negotiable I apologize for nothing.

Do you equally hate democrats that are against gay marriage?

Let's shed a tear for the right-wingers who fled this forum when their feelings were hurt because they couldn't drive everybody else away.

Right-wingers dont try to drive others away. Never have.

Or if VRWCAgent came back. Seriously, the man pretty much redeemed the whole lot.

You know, VR's great, and I totally want him to come back, but I wouldn't say that he "redeemed" anybody.

The reason you guys miss him so much is because he didnt really take a stand against you like other conservatives here do, and he simply wasnt as arguementative with you over issues. He'd take your flung poo, smile, and not retaliate in kind. Nice, I suppose, but thats not me, and I dont apologize for that.

When I eventually leave, you will either miss me or you wont. Big whoop.

I myself DO see right-wingers as scum. I despise them *passionately*.

Haters gonna hate.

Try reading the thread to recognize which comments are hateful and where they originate from.

Hypocrisy at its finest at work in this thread by many on the left.

VRCW is an honorable person, who I am glad to have as a friend. He and I were in contact after he left here, and we had some fun and interesting conversations.

His thread should still be in the old OT, where he posted about having changed his mind on a particular conservative issue, simply because he'd thought things over and realized his original stance wasn't right. I respect people who are capable of this, and having the honesty to say so.

So, VRCWAgent is seen as honorable because he allowed himself to be compromised by leftists. Personally, I would rather influence, than be influenced.

What leftists here have ever compromised for a conservative ideal in any way shape or form? Is the lack of this occurring in turn not 'honorable' as you allege, or does that not go both ways? Or is the standard perception by you that only leftist ideals are the only 'correct' viewpoints and those that are willing to change to those beliefs, 'honorable'?
His thread should still be in the old OT, where he posted about having changed his mind on a particular conservative issue, simply because he'd thought things over and realized his original stance wasn't right. I respect people who are capable of this, and having the honesty to say so.
I remember that thread quite well. Tell him I say "hi" next time you communicate with him.

Right-wingers dont try to drive others away. Never have.
That is hilarious given how frequently you attempt to do so yourself, much less most of the other authoritarian far-right in this forum..
What thread are we speaking of for those of us who missed it or don't recall it?
That is hilarious given how frequently you attempt to do so yourself, much less most of the other authoritarian far-right in this forum..

By all means provide some proof of where i've tried to 'run off' someone from this forum. I welcome debate and I have no fear of engaging anyone around here in it. I humbly state that I have zero people on my ignore list as a sign of my tolerance to others comments, regardless of what I personally think of them. I welcome any and all debate, at anytime.

So by all means, put up or shut up. Show us all some proof of how i've tried to run people off this forum. And then when you cant, i'd like to see if you have the courage, the actual backbone, the balls, to apologize when you realize you cant provide any proof of this what-so-ever.

I bet he has never claimed that you were unpatriotic or a bigot.

Neither of those are proof of trying to drive someone away. Did I imply anyone would need to leave the forum based upon that? No.

Surely you can provide more solid proof than that. Lets see it. This entire allegation is a perfect example of the type of lie perpetrated by some posters against conservatives here and a great example of their intolerance. Its simply false on its face.
Well I've since slept since I created this thread, and there are multiple interesting points:

The left wingers are purely on an attacking point, while right wingers are defending
Most of the name-calling is coming from the left-wing
Some posters are more vocal than others (read: bordering on downright rude)

This thread does well to show the hypocrisy of several members here. They seem to start the insults and name calling because they are so convinced their 'opponent' will resort to it also.
Well I've since slept since I created this thread, and there are multiple interesting points:

The left wingers are purely on an attacking point, while right wingers are defending
Most of the name-calling is coming from the left-wing
Some posters are more vocal than others (read: bordering on downright rude)

This thread does well to show the hypocrisy of several members here. They seem to start the insults and name calling because they are so convinced their 'opponent' will resort to it also.

Good observation, and something i've been pointing out for a very long time here. They fell for it hook, line and sinker. Almost Pavlovian.
I've seen the term "bigot" thrown around by almost every leftwinger here. Are they trying to drive conservatives away?
I have never called anybody a bigot in this forum. But Mobboss certainly called me one on more than one occasion. And again, I am far from being one of those virtually non-existent "left-wingers" in the US which comprise a tiny 20% of the population. it just appears I am from your own political perspective, as even Obama does.

Well I've since slept since I created this thread, and there are multiple interesting points:

The left wingers are purely on an attacking point, while right wingers are defending
Most of the name-calling is coming from the left-wing
Some posters are more vocal than others (read: bordering on downright rude)

This thread does well to show the hypocrisy of several members here. They seem to start the insults and name calling because they are so convinced their 'opponent' will resort to it also.
All these threads invariably backfire. You would think the authoritarian far-right would eventually learn that and stop creating them. But thanks for not doing so. The blatant double standard is always good for a laugh.
Right-wingers arent scum, but I think these forums show a lot of truth about the gross intolerance of the left of anything oppositie their own opinion.

This seems to be the prime whining point by Rightists. Just how tolerant are you and your kind of people of my persuasion? Don't worry, I already know just how kind. Don't think I care for a second about your little persecution complex. Your ideology runs the entire world. Get over yourselves.

Also, it says a great deal about the extremist corner Rightists have worked themselves into, that both liberals and communists are together construed as a single entity called "The Left."
Excuse me?

Somehow I fail to see how either party is innocent here and that engaging in suffering Olympics will get nothing done. The only hypocracy I have seen in people pretending they are faultless. I think most of us will openly admit we have been crass, rude, and often hostile to each other, and we gave as good as we got. Outside of a few posters (such as Plotinus) we have all gotten involved in snippy flame wars, trolling, and rude comments. Pretending otherwise and acting like the victim is just childish.

kochmann said:
Antisemitism is a form of bigotry.
Not to derail the thread, but it has been pointed out to you many times that anti-Zionism in no way requires, or even leads to antisemitism. Unless of course you view militant expansion as a central element of Jewish culture and Judaism, which raises its own issues.
Also, it says a great deal about the extremist corner Rightists have worked themselves into, that both liberals and communists are together construed as a single entity called "The Left."
It goes far beyond that. Anybody who isn't as conservative and authoritarian as they are is a "liberal". And Obama is even a "socialist" although he goes farther to the right and becomes more authoritarian with every passing day.
It goes far beyond that. Anybody who isn't as conservative and authoritarian as they are is a "liberal".
This coming from the guy who doesn't want to get stopped and searched if he litters in a bad neighbor, though it is statistically proven to lower violent crime rates.
Rather, you seem to have taken a "Godfather" approach... let them die, they are too few to care about, those innocent children shot in drive by shootings.
Was that really necesary? Insinuating Formy wants to see children dead?
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