Originally posted by zorven
Is the original attack value the average of the attack values of the units in the army?
I haven't tested how mixed-unit armies work with the new bonus. In PTW, mixed-unit armies displayed stats reflecting averages of the unit values, but actually employed real unit values when engaged in combat (i.e., a tank-cavarly-knight army would attack with a value of 16 unless the army lost 1/3 of its hit points in any one battle, and then the battle would continue with an attack value of 6 -- this even though the units stats in the info box showed the army with stats of 9.5.2 or 8.4.2 if my rounding is wrong). In C3C the above example army would have an attack bonus of 4, and based on the PTW implementation, I would speculate (repeat: speculate) that the above army would attack with 20 so unless it lost 1/3 its HPs in one battle and then would continue the battle with an attack value of 10.