Also, you probably won't get many in the game, any more than 3 or 4 is a real feat.
Unless, of course, you build the military academy, which is now a VERY worthwhile small wonder...
Also, you probably won't get many in the game, any more than 3 or 4 is a real feat.
Originally posted by Bamspeedy
They won't display the stats, but the stats are increased.
Unless you attack it with another army...Originally posted by thestonesfan
An army in a city is all but invincible.
Originally posted by Bamspeedy
They won't display the stats, but the stats are increased.
Originally posted by Catt
Bamspeedy - have you or someone else tested this?
Originally posted by Catt
Bamspeedy - have you or someone else tested this? I know it was mentioned as part of the Beta by a beta-tester and also described in Chieftesses strategy guide (written during beta) but based on the chat transcripts with Firaxis & BA, and also the limited documentation (soooo trustworthy ), I assumed that in the release version armies lost their combat bonus but got the free pillage instead as a matter of balance.
Originally posted by robcheng
I've tried it, and yes they can pillage 9 tiles/turn. The reason is that pillaging does not cost any movement points for armies, so any tile they are can be pillaged to nothing for free. (and actually, they don't even have to start on a road, since they treat all terrain as roads.)
Originally posted by Bamspeedy
No, haven't tested it, but when the stat bonuses were added in the beta, the stats of the units in the armies were not 'shown' to be stronger (riflemen were still displayed as being 4.6), but they certainly were stronger!
To put it another way-It's like the way scientists were in Civ3/PTW. The science output isn't shown to you, but they are giving you beakers! Just because the increased stats isn't displayed doesn't mean they aren't there.
I established a small landmass where both Rome (human) and Egypt (AI) have one city. The land is RR'd. All unit experience levels have 10 HPs in order to eliminate the effects of promotions and in order to generate more separate combat results from each monotonous attack than 4 HPs provide. Longbows are modded to have an attack value of 22 and 2 moves (revenge of the longbows :devil2: ); Infantry are modded to have a defense of 20. The Egyptian AI has a stack of ~40 infantry, unfortified on grassland -- with the grassland bonus, the infantry have an effective defense of 22. The Roman human has 30 longbows and 10 armies -- these are combined into 10 armies of 3 longbows each. Then it is just a matter of launching repeated attacks against the infantry stack with longbow armies, and keeping track of how many HPs are lost by each side.
If there were no army combat bonus, we should expect (with sufficient trials) a roughly 50 - 50 win - loss ratio between an army attacking at 22 offense against a defender with an effective 22 defense. If the 1/6 base bonus is present, we should expect the longbow armies to win about 60% of the time (3 longbows at 22 offense = 66 attack points; 66/6 = 11; 11 added to the attack of 22 means an effective atack of 33; 33 attack versus 22 defense = 33/55 = 60% win expected).
Out of 977 total individual combat die rolls (HPs), the armies lost 393 HPs while the infantries lost 584 HPs, meaning the infantries lost, and the longbows won 59.775% of the combats - pretty darn close to the expected 60 - 40 split.