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Ask me anything about Apolyton

Originally posted by rmsharpe
First question: what host do they use?

I want to know who to avoid.

:nono: "Don't lie to me like I'm Montel Williams." --Richard Belzer

You know damned well about Apolyton. You were recently banned there for spewing your homophobic tripe.

No one is fooled. [punch]

EDIT: Yeah, these smilies do rule.
Is this recent downtime due to the crappy internet infrastructure in Macedonia?
Originally posted by CornMaster
.....I haven't been there in many months.

They are very cruel to Canadians.
Ask you anything, eh, my dear Horse.

Name all your DLs at Poly?
Ask me anything about Apolyton

How many reply's are in both Suomithread's?
How many of them are useless spam?
How many of them are useless stupid jokes about swedes being gays?

When doing a list of the threads with most views in all the forums in the history of Apolyton, where does the Evil, Evil Finland thread rank?
And how many Finns are listed in The List of Finns?
OK, answer me this:

Who's malignant brain child was it to create a massively uncontrollable forum full of worms and parasites and then host it on a server which goes up and down more often than Kangaroos in the mating season which ineveitably leads to a spill-over into our pristine and beloved corner of cyberspace?

I've been pondering that question for some time now.
OK, answer me this:

Who's malignant brain child was it to create a massively uncontrollable forum full of worms and parasites and then host it on a server which goes up and down more often than Kangaroos in the mating season which ineveitably leads to a spam-over into our pristine and beloved corner of cyberspace?

I would hardly call CFC pristine, but it does appear to be far more orderly than 'poly. I don't want to bash 'poly, as I know many people that use it and I have used it myself and found it useful, but I have never been tempted to stay there and carve myself a niche in the community. It is an evitable part of being a member of the smaller of the net's 2 major Civ sites, that we have to put
up with the people who are rejected from 'poly, and who decide that we offer a perfect target for their spam and ill-conceived flaming. I don't hold anyone responsible for this, but it is damned annoying that it happens. :(
Originally posted by BlueMonday
OK, answer me this:

Who's malignant brain child was it to create a massively uncontrollable forum full of worms and parasites and then host it on a server which goes up and down more often than Kangaroos in the mating season which ineveitably leads to a spill-over into our pristine and beloved corner of cyberspace?

I've been pondering that question for some time now.
Dunno, who's the admin here?
Originally posted by Guynemer
You know damned well about Apolyton. You were recently banned there for spewing your homophobic tripe.

Oh, please.

First, I never posted any "homophobic tripe." You've got no record of it, and why? Because I never did.

Second, I just logged in at Apolyton. If I was banned, would I be able to login?

Care to make more incorrect statements about what I have/have not done?
Originally posted by rmsharpe

Oh, please.

First, I never posted any "homophobic tripe." You've got no record of it, and why? Because I never did.

Second, I just logged in at Apolyton. If I was banned, would I be able to login?

Care to make more incorrect statements about what I have/have not done?

I apologize. I had you confused with some other right-wing ideologue.

No, you were the right-wing ideologue who wanted Apolyton to remove the advertisment for the UN Refugee Agency. Honestly, how dare they provide food and shelter to refugees, saving countless lives? The nerve.
If they are providing food and shelter, it's coming at a price.

Read about the sex trafficing scandal in Bosnia, or the extortion by U.N. forces in Kenya.
Originally posted by rmsharpe
If they are providing food and shelter, it's coming at a price.

Read about the sex trafficing scandal in Bosnia, or the extortion by U.N. forces in Kenya.

Oh, c'mon, RM.

I mean, this isn't funny, but I still can't stop laughing.....absolutely classic!

The evil UN Refugee Agency. :lol:

Maybe if we'd pay our bills...... :eek:
Originally posted by VoodooAce

Oh, c'mon, RM.

I mean, this isn't funny, but I still can't stop laughing.....absolutely classic!

The evil UN Refugee Agency. :lol:

Maybe if we'd pay our bills...... :eek:

You're right. It isn't funny. It's actually rather disturbing. And while we likely should pay our dues, I don't see how the two are connected.
Originally posted by knowltok2

You're right. It isn't funny. It's actually rather disturbing. And while we likely should pay our dues, I don't see how the two are connected.

Disturbing is a very good word for it.

Rather, the proliferation of this kind of thought is disturbing.

As for the relation, here's RM's remark:
"If they are providing food and shelter, it's coming at a price. Read about the sex trafficing scandal in Bosnia, or the extortion by U.N. forces in Kenya."

You'll have to ask him how its related. I believe he's referring to the UN's methods of raising capital for their relief efforts.
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