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ASNES: The best thing since peanut butter and Jelly

orders; expand like *&%*@ing hell.
Josef Stalin(Josef)+Has an old lady(Josefina)++Is king of Britain+
Personality: Minister
Startout position: (Castle) London
Troops:450 men (No arms)
7 /15 /16 /20(22)/13
*Has book "Seeds of Life" (+2 Pol)

Dick Smack(Loyalty:50)-Docked at Denmark-
Startout position: London (Castle)
Troops:50 men (No arms)
Navy:6 Galleys
19 /14 /3 /7 /5

Jared MacDougal(Storm Rider)
Personality: Warrior
Startout position: London (Castle)
Troops:1020 men (640 swords/100 spears)
19 /17 /14 /10 /6

Leon Trotsky(Karl_Marx)(Grand Erotican)
Personality: General
Startout position: London (Castle)
Troops:420 men (100 spears)
10 /18 /16 /16 /8

Castild(Loyalty:60)+Governor of Ardvand's old lands+
Personality: General
Startout position: Ardvand's castle (Castle)
Troops:900 men (900 spears)
18 /18 /16 /8 /16


Have Josef visit castilde to raise his loyalty

have dick head north to sweden and look for some officers and then return to britain

storm shall expand north with his army, all the time wary for officers and items

ask castilde to invest his cash into researching advanced swords weaponry in hopes of creating a new weapon, and give him 4 additional eco to do so

have karl search for items
Vecheslav(Stormbringer)+Has Janice as g/f+
Personality: Minister
Startout position: Camp on the Baltic near Riga
Troops:0 men (no arms)
8 /7 /17 /19 /16

Amon Savag(Loyalty:83)
Startout position:Camp on the Baltic near Riga
Troops:800 men (860 horses/860 spears)
18 /20 /18 /17 /9

Personality: Retainer
Startout location:Camp on the Baltic near Riga
Troops:0 men (No arms)
16 /6 /13 /10 /18

Amon trains the men
Vecheslav improves economy
Halfgar searches for an officer

story later, working on my nes right now

When the elder of Utt, the village I had just discovered, offered me the hand of his daughter Sally, I hestitated a moment. It would be a nice symbol of unity and friendship, but I thought it would only be a political marriage which had nothing to do with love. I already imagined my life in the future, with an ugly hag who terrorizes me and ruins mesopotamia by spending all my money for her own pleasure. I already thought about how I could decline on the most polite way possible, but then I met her and all my doubts disappeared at once. She was the most beautiful woman I ever met and I immeadiatly agreed to marry her as soon as possible. Unfortunatly it wasn't possible very soon, BabylonStiers Messanger told me that there was trouble in the west and BabylonStier needed help!
I escorted Sally to Baghdad and got to know her better. She could live in my castle and I gave her a piece of gold (one economy-unit) so that she could buy all that she needed. She lived in a poor farmer's village her whole live, probably she wouldn't need much. I told EuphratKroete to build another bridge, but this time across the Tigris, and a road to Utt. In the future, our army won't get wet feet anymore if they want to cross a river! I left Baghdad as soon as possible and met BabylonPferd who told me what happened:
He found a village, but the villagers were extremely hostile and attacked his army. He had to defend himself and most of the villagers were killed, while others were able to flee. This had happend two months before and was the original reason for his help-request.
But some days ago, his army met a group of refugees. They came from the coast and their village was burned down by a group of pirates! Now they had no idea where to go and seeked help. I suggested that they could join my empire and settle down in the deserted village. I ordered TigrisKröte to help them repair the old buildings and build some new ones, so that the village could be useful. I also promised them that I would take care of the pirate-problem.
BabylonPferd and me expand west, but we don't seek the direct conflict with the pirates yet, because we have one problem: No weapons. Our losses would simply be to high. If we see them, we'll keep a distance and just watch, what they're doing and how strong they are.

BaghdadPferd(500 men) : expand west, waste 1 gold on my fiancée
BabylonStier(400men) : expand west
EuphratKroete(50men) : raise economy (build road)
TigrisKroete(50men): raise economy (rebuild the deserted village)
Daos Minder
Startout position:Southern tip of ireland (camp)
Troops:500 men (No arms)
** /** /** /** /**


Train men
Update later today.Like at 10:30 my time (5 hours from now)
Benny is to fill all galleys with all his soldiers and as many of taa'us soldiers he can (with triss) to head to the island to the west once landed send scouts to secure boarders as west accross the island as possible. (Don not engage unless attacked).

while sailing Triss should be on lookout for skilled sailors among the ranks that display great sailorship and leadership. His name should be Russa

taa'u should get gold by finishing the farms that Triss failed to finish
Starting update.
Fall of 701AD

Economy raises

EuphratKroete:Raised by 1 (+Better comunication)
TigrisKroete:Raised by 2 (Vilage back and running better than before)
Elric:Raised by 2 (The goods sent back were a real good shove for the economy)
Thrax:Raised by 1 (That was pure luck...You should look into using an officer with more pol to increase economy)
Vecheslav:Raised by 1

Officer searches

Dick Smack:Failure,he didn't even find civilisation in Sweden.
Triss:Success.Found a leadershipful man.
Halfgar:Finds a chick named "Marj".She fell in love with Amon.


Amon raised his training by 10
Daos Raised his training by 14


Alexander tries to give Need Ledick orders,but Need Ledick looked at him,as if he was stupid and said "I am doing something for my employer.Next season I may do something for you"

Elric's tutor that taught him more swordsmanship was paid the last amount of money,and realised that Elric was a trust worthy man.He then accepted a position as an officer in Elric's army.The nameless warrior is given the name "Lion" after a few challenges from the warriors in his lands.

Castild invented the Polearm,by sticking a sword on top of a stick.This costs 3 gold per set,and can only be made by Britain.

Olaf takes a huge dump.It was so huge that he tore his buttocks open even further,and had to get it stiched back to normal.He then ripped the stitches back open a few more times as the months went on,due to other gigantic craps.Danny seems depressed because of it,and rumor has it that he's sad because he wanted to make love to his master.On the bright side Stashu hasn't lost his will to expand,and so he...Expands...

After griping about my ability to update,he forgets to send orders this time...Roddy,it is you who I talk of!You get the finger!

Janice's twin sister Janiece met with Vecheslav,and Vecheslav was like "How bout I **** both of you" and they had no problem with it.

Xen finds a village as he expands

BaghdadPferd's men find another village as they expand west.

Johann the wise found a village as he expanded too!

Random crap

Elric's officer Dus'Mordis was creating her castle,and one day stumbled across an old scroll.This old scroll was studied by her,and soon she unlocked the secrets of it.She then went out a village,gathered everyone,and showed them a tree.Then she wasted the tree with a fireball.She sais it's possible for others to aquire magical abilities,but noone has been able to.

TigrisKrote had a baby.It's name is "Wayne"

Johann the Wise's newfound village already had docks in it,thus further raising Johann's economy.



When increasing economy!You can only increase it once per officer.It costs 2 gold to do so.If you want to increase the chance of increasing your economy then use more,but you can never increase the economy more than once in one turn.Unless it happens because of a good idea that I rate that 2 economy should be gained.
The map and/or stuff


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Amon Savag said:
Halfgar:Finds a chick named "Marj".She fell in love with Amon.

I am going to have fun with that one!
Kingdom of Bremen

During the summer months the kingdoms territory grew along with its prospertity, however for the greedy lords this was not enough. What was needed was more territory.

JtW and JtnsW decided that it would be wise to expand allong the coast line in order to secure more ports. They agreed to go in opposite directions, JtnsW was to ride west towards the flat lands of Rhein delta and JtW would march north-east.

Before setting out JTW sent a messanger to JtH ordering him to construct a castle at a strong point near the port. This would serve two purposes; 1 - to secure the port from any attackers and 2- to maintain control over the local people.

  • Take his 200 men NE towards the baltic (blue)
  • Take his army west towards into the Netherlands (gold)
  • Begin costruction of a castle at the marked spot (red)
Personality: General
Lower Spain/Portugal: Castle
Troops:500 men (500 swords/250 horses/30 grand swords)
18 /19 /12 /6 /11

Krar Iron Gut(Loyalty:90)-Owns small estate under tyrion-
Personality: Warrior
Lower Spain/Portugal: Castle
Troops:60 men (No arms)
16 /10 /7 /15 /15

Ragron Slam Fist(Loyalty:94)
Personality: General
Lower Spain/Portugal: Castle
Troops:50 men (No arms)
15 /18 /12 /4 /13

Jaarik(Loyalty:90)+Can make 10 Grand Swords with 1 gold+
Personality: Smith
Lower Spain/Portugal: Castle
Troops:0 men (no arms)
13 /8 /7 /6 /7

Orders: Use Krar and his gold to boost Jaaricks Economy.
Jaarik will use Try and seek out people to join army.
Thrax will use gold to recruit men. 50 swords and horses will be given to Ragrons men who will expand.

Im going NPC for 5 days. Thraxs men should just expand. Krar should improve others Economy Thrax will provide gold for this. Ragron and Jaarick should keep recruiting.
was my attempt for economy succes or failure
I think you confused Cyprus and Crete, Ovulator should start on the island south of Athens ;)
OxfordPferd said:
I think you confused Cyprus and Crete, Ovulator should start on the island south of Athens ;)

Thanks, I was going to point that out to.

Anyways. On Crete I fund fishing harbors and ports in attempt to increase my economy.

In Alexeandria I have my official Aman take half on my men and expand to the east.
Coming soon!

BaghdadPferd: hire 1000 men, give them + BaghdadPferds 500men + EuphratKröte's and TigrisKröte's 100 men to BabylonStier
BabylonStier(2000men): expand west!
TigrisKröte (0 men) : buy
- 1120 Swords (8 ecomomy)
- 560 Spears (2 economy)
- 560 ShortBows (2 economy)
and give all of them to BabylonStiers Army
EuphratKröte (0men):raise economy

Is it OK to use the gold I'll make this turn or can I only use stored economy?

Are these orders OK, or can I only buy one type of weapon at a time?
To Carthage:
We advise you to vacate the island now

WOOT 900th POST :goodjob: :king:

From Prince Elric, Lord of Imrryr and the Sicilian Seas and Prince of the Glorious Princedom of Carthage.

To Lord Taa'u of Pelargir

We find your threats barbaric and offensive, being of noble stock, we shall not take action immediately, but we will not bow down to threats from small bullies. I would appreciate it if we could co-exist peacefully (thanks for that policy Khrushchev ;-)) and prosper. If you wish to resort to violence, we will respond in kind. You may have more men on Sicilia, but we have arms. Perhaps, we could negotiate sometime, the Treaty of Isla Sicilia.

OOC: Sorry bout that reference to Khrushchev, *hits head with giant walrus*, seems soemthign they taught me in school stuck. Dont spark political debate. Human slaughter, Im serious about negotiating this, I dont want to have to fight over a small island and think this can be settled but 'in foro' is quite laborious, if you have MSN or ICQ or IRC we can chat. Orders and story later, depending upon the outcome of the Isla Sicilia talks.

Question Amon - where is John Deer, my capital or with Elric?
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