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ASNES: The best thing since peanut butter and Jelly

Summer of 701AD

Economy raises

Need Ledick:Raised by 1,barely.
TigrisKrote:Raised by 1 (And better communication)
EuphrateKrote:Raised by 1 (And better communication)
Amog:Raised by 1
Triss:Failure,hit with hard management decisions that she couldn't answer correctly.
Ragron Slam Fist:Failure.He barely knows what an economy is,much less increase it!
Halfgar:Failure.Wow!The dice are on a roll!(He only had a 50/50 chance anyways)
Xenophon:Raised by 1
Testicles:Raised by 1

Officer searches

Clarissa:Success!The condition for him to join was for her to sacrifice herself for his ritual to create a sword though.(She was ordered to do ANYTHING to get him.)


Johann the not so Wise raised his men's training by 31
Toshka raises Lord Roddy's mens' training by 5


Elric gets trained by the nameless warrior on his way to sicily.(+1 war for Elric)The warrior expects the rest of his pay this season.

Ardvand's general Castild was bribed to take over Ardvand's lands,and try to recruite Ardvand.Ardvand did not submit,though,so Castild ran him threw,and cremated him that night.Castild is then made the governor of Ardvand's old lands,and recognises British rule.

Mr.Smack has established comunications between Britain,and Normandy,and went to Denmark soon after,establishing contact with them as well.

BaghdadPferd found a village that submitted after they saw his army.BabylonStier had to commit genocide in a village,because they were causing all kinds of trouble for him.

Random crap

Conen took over a village in greece.

A chick named "Sally" was the village elder's daughter of the village BaghdadPferd just took.The elder offers her hand in marriage as a token of their goodwill.

Alric has been aproached by a man,a certain "John Deer".John Deer is a strategist,that is wanting to be employed by Lord Elric

Vecheslav has tooken comand over another village since Amon went expanding this turn.



When you're buying weapons...You HAVE to pay the full alotment of money to buy a set of the weapons..I've been getting alot of "Spend 3 eco on swords" orders,and it just doesn't compute.I have altered the orders for all of you who screwed up on that this time.Next time that officer's orders will be nulled,and no purchase shall have been made
Grandey Map-o!


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Ahww crap!Sorry conehead!I forgot your greek expansion...Double expansion next turn!

By early June the troops had been trained and equipted with the best weapons available thoughts could return once again to expantion. With JtH still moving north attepting to find a sutible dock the others decide to send an expadition south. It was quickly decided that JtnsW would do this as his men were more mobile.

While the others were out searching for new lands JtW decided that the one thing you couldn't have too much of was money. He decided that it would be good for him and his people, although maily the former if Bremen's prosperity were to increace.


  • Spend 4 gold on increacing the ecconomy
  • Take his 200 horsemen and ride south looking for new lands
  • Continue heading NW towards the coast in search of a dock
Excerpt from Town Council meetings

August 13th 701 AD

Elyssa (Ruling in Elric's stead, mother of Irion al'Elric)
Braud - mayor
Filis - head of metalworkers' guild
Guriat - head of shipbuilders' guild
Matheris - head of city guard
Therip - commander of remaining garrisson

Elyssa - As representative of the Prince in his abscence and mother of the Heir-apparent I shall open this meeting. Dus'Mordis has began her castle to the West to control that part of the princpality, she estimates that it will take another two seasons to finish, but it is worth the effort since it will bring us greater security and control of the region. She will continue to do this during the coming seasons, but she is to send small scouting parties to explore the area on the fringes of the Empire. Any comments so far?

Matheris - My Lady, I suggest that we send for some of the soldiers under Dus'Mordis' command to return to the city and help defend, as you can see we have no forces to defend Imrryr should an attack come.

Elyssa - Out of the question I'm afraid Commander, she needs those men to continue her Westwards expanson and to help build and garrison the castle, we shall have to survive with what we have here, but there anre no threats to us.
Moving on, My Lord Husband has landed on the isle of Sicilia to the North, he sends message that he will expand North into Italia in order to bring his glorious plans to fruition. I think that will raise no points so I shall move on, we have been approached by a man named John Deer - a strange name - but he is a strategist and offers his services, do you think we should accept his offer ofallegiance?

Braud - I am unsure My Lady, we know nothing of this man, but I feel that Prince Elric would prefer for us to hire him and then he can make the decision when he returns rather than send him away and the Prince wanting to keep him.

Therip - My Lady, as we know little of this man, there is the issue of safety to be brought up, he may prove a threat to the young Prince and to yourself and without another heir this is most troublesome, I say that if we do hire the man, we send him to extend the Empire South-East along the coast.

Filias - We would need more men to send with this man South for we haven't enough here, they would ned weapons, I shall get the metalworkers to begin the production of some swords and spears.

Elyssa - Then it is decided. Thank you gentlemen, I call this meeting to an end.


Prince Elric is to increase the economy by sending back trade goods (wines, grains, other local produce) from Sicilia. To collect these he will move from West - East and so doing control the island. Pay the warrior who trained me and ask him whether he would like to become a Commander in my Army.

General Dus'Mordis is to continue building the castle and to send out small exploration parties to explore the surrounding areas.

Prince Elric accepts John Deer and orders him to recruit 200 men if he has the time.

If we meet the Pelargir (they'll be just across the water between Sicilia and Italia) then send this communique.

If any of my officers needs money, they can have it as long as they dont spend it on booze etc. :)


Greetings to Lord Taa'u of the Pelargir from Prince Elric of the city of Imrryr.

We greet our smaller neighbours hospitably and wonder whether they wish to join our Great Empire and swear fealty to our Prince. We would also like to trade with our new friends so that we both prosper from this fortunate meeting.
Amon Savag said:

When you're buying weapons...You HAVE to pay the full alotment of money to buy a set of the weapons..I've been getting alot of "Spend 3 eco on swords" orders,and it just doesn't compute.I have altered the orders for all of you who screwed up on that this time.Next time that officer's orders will be nulled,and no purchase shall have been made
I'm sorry, I don't really understand. Do I have to spend all my money if I want to by weapons? Or enough money so I can equip my whole army with weapons? Could someone please explain it for dumb people like me?
How it works is you buy one set of something (say spears) which costs 1 g. You get 100 plus 10 times the buyer's Pol (if pol = 18, you get 280 spears).

Taking this if you had 500 men and wanted them all to have spears you must buy 2 sets (560) which leaves 60 spares which are not used. You must buy in sets that cost certain amounts, this means you can only spend a multiple of 2 on swords and multiples of 4 on horses. You cant make half sets.
did i get my soldiers and galleys?
sorry amon. wont do it (either) again.
OOC: Amon, wat was the result of Bootstrap's officer search?
he didn't find anyone Alex
OOC: if that's the case, Amon should have written FAILURE in bold letters for the officer search ;).
I have returned.
Ovulator,sorry...I forgot all about you lol.I had you in the original update though!Act like you are already there,and have galleys...I'll make it up to you.

Alex.Bootstrap was recovering...How can one search for an officer in bed!?

HellFury,thanks for explaining to OxfordPferd for me.
Personality: General
Lower Spain/Portugal: Castle
Troops:500 men (500 swords/250 horses/30 grand swords)
18 /19 /12 /6 /11

Krar Iron Gut(Loyalty:90)-Owns small estate under tyrion-
Personality: Warrior
Lower Spain/Portugal: Castle
Troops:0 men (No arms)
16 /10 /7 /15 /15

Ragron Slam Fist(Loyalty:94)
Personality: General
Lower Spain/Portugal: Castle
Troops:0 men (No arms)
15 /18 /12 /4 /13

Jaarik(Loyalty:90)+Can make 10 Grand Swords with 1 gold+
Personality: Smith
Lower Spain/Portugal: Castle
Troops:0 men (no arms)
13 /8 /7 /6 /7

Orders Ragron Goes Recruiting
Thrax uses all gold to increase economy. If possible use it to increase other officers economy instead of his own.
Krar Recruits.
Jaarick Recruits other elite smiths to make creation of GrandSwords more efficient.
Alexander's Orders
Spend 4 gold on 260 horses
Spend 1 gold on 260 short bows
Bank 2 gold
Then have him and his powerful army advance south to reach the borders of Tolouse, and there release the bandit king after recieving the 6 gold, make sure i don't enter a trap.

Boostrap's Orders
Spend 4 gold on 24 galleys, and have him with his army and fleet transported to Brittany, where he is to land and claim that land in the name of Normandy. And then begin building a castle.

Order Need Ledick to recruit a great warrior.

Jared and Trotsky expand northward, while searching for items and officers.
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