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ASNES: The best thing since peanut butter and Jelly

You did what, Odril? Conen screamed, Why did you sacrifice my Officer?, but it's ok, she wasn't that bright anyway. Now for our meeting, Amog, I want you to go and hire more troops, here is 5 gold. Odril, go expand in Athens. Me, I'll buy us swords.


Give Amog 5 gold to hire more troops.
Odril, expand in Athens.
Conen, spend 4 gold on swords.
To: Carthage
From: Pelargir
Our current borders will stay were they are. for now.

New Officer name=Russa Spend 4 gold on geting soldiers
Taa'u- accompany the new soldiers to Sicily and go back as soon as possible
Benny spend 5 gold on horses and outfit the better soldiers with them
Triss- build the port town of Palermo on the landing spot on east coast of sicily
Vecheslav(Stormbringer)+Has Janice and Janiece as g/f's (Twins)+
Personality: Minister
Startout position: Camp on the Baltic near Riga
Troops:0 men (no arms)
8 /7 /17 /19 /16

Amon Savag(Loyalty:83)+Has Marj as g/f+
Startout position:Camp on the Baltic near Riga
Troops:800 men (860 horses/860 spears)
18 /20 /18 /17 /9

Personality: Retainer
Startout location:Camp on the Baltic near Riga
Troops:0 men (No arms)
16 /6 /13 /10 /18

Marj(Loyalty:73)+Has Amon as b/f+
Personality: Minister
Startout location:Camp on the Baltic near Riga
Troops:0 men (No arms)
9 /9 /16 /18 /15


Vecheslav sat down on a cliff overlooking the Baltic sea. The scenery was beautiful, and the sun was just about to set. Janice came up to him from the back and hugged him. Janiece came up from the other side and sat on his lap. He leaned back scaring her a lot, and in return she tickled him, and soon all three got into a tickling fight, as if they were just kids, and Vecheslav did not have a nation to run.

-I tell you she loves him!-Amon was yelling at Halfgar at the top of his longs
-Just calm down, here, have a drink,-Halfgar was trying to calm Amon down at least a little bit, but it did not work well
-She tells everyone about him, and noone even heard about me!!
-Amon, just don't do anything stupid, please?
Amon threw the glass to the ground and exited the tent

Marj was wondering the forest crying her eyes out. She found the most wonderful guy in the world, and they fell in love, but now she did something stupid and was about to lose him...There is a clif nearby, she desided to drown her sorrow in the Baltic sea...

Halfgar ran outside the tent
-Amon! Amon!! AMON!!!
Amon was nowhere to be found, and fearing the worst Halfgar ran to the closest soldier
-Did you see Amon Savag?
-mmmmm,-but this time the soldier pointed to the forst that surrounded the camp. Halfgar ran there as fast as he could.

Back on the cliff the tickle fight was lost by Vecheslav, he was on his back with the two twins on top of him doing what they wanted, but he did not seem to mind much judging by the laughter. Then they heard someone coming, and the games had to stop. Vecheslav quickly put his cloake back on, and stood up. Out from the forrest came Marj, crying so much she did not even notice the cheerful trio.
-Girls, go back to the camp, I'll be there in a bit,-Vecheslav was serious, and they did not argue, Janice just tickled him again and they both left.
Marj stood crying until Vecheslav came up to her and sat her down. He hugged her and whispered:
-Whats wrong?
-*snif*Amoon...*snif*..he thinks I dont love him...*snif, snif* thinks I love someone else...
Vecheslav was thinking at this point "Good God, how much drama could these two people have?", but out loud he said:
-That's nonsence, he loves you, and you know it
-*snif* but he thinks I have someone else, I am scared.....scared to lose him
At this point Marj put her fase on Vecheslav's shoulder and cried.
Vecheslav hugged her, and started talking
-You love Amon, we all know that. I know that, Halfgar knows that, Jenice and Jeniece know it. And Amon knows it. You are the most devoted girl anyone could wish for.
-But he thinks I love another guy...
-Who is this guy?-Vecheslav is still caressing her back and trying to sound reassuring
-he is...is..just a friend, he did a lot for me. I love him, but not the way I love Amon....-Marj begun to cry again
Vecheslav let her cry out and then when she calmed down just a bit sent her back to the camp, and sat down on the cliff again, the sun almost set by now...

Amon was running through the forest. He ran into Janice and Janiece who told him Marj was on the cliff. When he got there he found Vecheslav sitting on the cliff.
Vecheslav turned around, stood up and started walking towards Amon fast, Amon was almost running.
-What the bloody hell do you think you are doing?
-Where is she?
-Answer me! Did you scare the girl on purpose?
-I have evidence! She loves this other guy!
-And you say you love me. Does that mean you dont love her?
-...no...I guess not...
-What is it with you two? All I hear from both of you is how much you love each other, but then all this drama comes up!
-Im sorry, I am uptight and just not myself lately. Slap me to get me out of it.
Vecheslav thinks for a second if Amon is serious, but then desides that even if he is not, it will do him good and slaps him as hard as he can across the fase.
-Thanks ole guvna, never do that again, that was a one in a life time thing.
-And I enjoyed it plenty.
The two friends hug, and Amon leaves. A little bit later Halfgar runs from the forest..
-Vecheslav, Vecheslav!
-Calm down Halfgar
-But Amon and Marj...they are-
-I know. Don't worry-Halfgar looks bewildered and confused-We need to find you a girlfriend, so you dont spend your time running around trying to fix other's problems.
Halfgar did not get weather Vecheslav was jokeing or being serious...
Alexander(Alex)+Has bandit king captive+
Personality: Strategist
Startout position: Normandy (Castle)
Troops:1060 men (510 swords/260 horses/260 short bows)
Navy:24 Galleys
9 /17 /19 /16 /7

Derrick Bootstrap(Loyalty:98)+4 more turns needed to finish castle+
Personality: General
Startout position: Normandy (camp)
Troops:280 men (176 spears)
15 /17 /10 /7 /16

OOC: I shouldn't have that bandit king anymore, and i should also have 15 gold cuz i got 6 from the bandit king. And Boostrap should have the 24 galleys.

Have Boostrap find a great warrior named Antipater, and continue building his castle.

Have Alexander go northeast from Normandy Castle, and go through Belgium, have him found a lovely young lady, and take her as his g/f. Have him spend 3 gold on increasing his army's training by 30. (dun know how long it would take)
-unite with Britain with Josef leading
-have me grow economy with 2 econs by building many farms in the danish countriside
-have danny take my men and keep expanding in Denmark.

Jared and Leon expand northward while searching for items. (Double expansion this season, because it was forgotten last turn.)

Jared MacDougal had been one of the finest warriors in all of Scotland before being called up to greater glory under the British Empire. Now, under King Stalin's rule, Jared controlled one of the largest armies in Europe, and was determined to rise to expectations. Some rebellious politician had cobbled together an army, seized some land, and then dared to declare himself 'king'. Stalin would never tolerate that, and Jared was sent to put down this pathetic upstart once and for all.

He was awake at the crack of dawn, sitting upon his prized gray stallion with his massive steel-tipped lance clutched in his hand. A rumor had spread among his forces that his favorite weapon had struck down a Persian war elephant with a single blow. This story was met with a fair share of skepticism, for many doubted that MacDougal had even been to Persia, but there were few that thought the feat far from Jared's ability. The man's impressive physique, shaggy red beard and hair, and military prowess were well known throughout the isles.

His scout returned and knelt. "Permission to report, sir?" Jared looked down from his horse, pleased at the effectiveness of his discipline. "Granted. What have you found?"

"Aardvand is too much of a coward to lead his army himself, sir, but instead has entrusted his contingent of spearmen to his general, Castrild. They had set up camp about an hour's march ahead. We can take them by surprise while they sleep and exterminate them with minimal losses."

Jared nodded in satisfaction. "Good. Send out the trumpet call and tell the men to be ready to leave within the hour."

The scout bowed and sprinted off to rouse the troops. Soon his entire army stood before him. Tension was thick in the air, as the lust for combat spread among the now fully-awake warriors. Jared thumped his lance on the ground twice, and the men set off at a jog, marching in perfect file.

Jared's horse thundered into the enemy camp with his force right at his heels, battle cries echoing throughout the morning air. Rearing back, the stallion trampled the nearest tent with its hooves, only to find it empty. His troops found the same problem. Not a single man was in the campsite. Jared's eyes widened when he realized it was all a trap. "Fall back! Now!"

It was too late. Dozens of spears flew from the wood to their left, striking down a hundred of his men in an instant. One glanced off Jared's shield with a sound like a bell's toll. Hundreds of men rushed from the forest with blood in their eyes. Jared tugged the reins of his horse, then raised his lance to the enemy. "Stand and fight! No one shall sleep until not one of our foes remains alive!"

Jared's weapon fell upon the first spearman like a thunderbolt, cleaving through his skull, helmet and all. His army was soon to follow, falling upon the enemy in a wave of flesh and rage. But the opposition was better armed and still had the element of surprise, and Jared's warriors were falling in droves. He shook three human corpses from his lance, and prepared to signal for the retreat.

But before he could retreat, a trumpet call pierced the air of the battlefield. Warriors appeared along all sides, with a figure on horseback wielding a standard with a red star. It was none other than Leon Trotsky, his comrade in arms, who had been a day's march behind his army. He must have suspected the trap and quickened his pace to arrive on the field in time. Jared answered the call with a resurgent cry, and struck down yet another foe with his lance, and his men attacked with renewed hope.

With Trotsky's men pressing down, and Jared's troops pushing forward, it became clear that Castrild's forces were no longer in control of the battle. The spearmen began to melt back into the forest for which they came, and Jared made the signal for his warriors to stand their ground. By the end of the fight, eight hundred bodies from both sides littered the grass, and the dirt ran red with shed blood. Jared slumped in his saddle, exhausted. Thanks to his friend's timely intervention, his army lived to fight another day.

Castrild, his scout had called the man. Very well. Jared would look forward to the time they would meet again.
The Rise of the Second Carthage : Chapter VI Early Expansion, by Anelas al'Olir. Published 812 A.D.

'By the fall of 701 A.D. Prince Elric ruled the Western half of Isla Sicilia and a stretch of the northern coast of Afrika. His primary officers were General Dus'Mordis, a fearsme female warrior who at around this time is reputed to have developed magical power, General John Deer, a recent addition to his staff and a strategist, and General Lion, previously nameless, but a fearsome warrior.'

'With his goal of dominating the Mediterranean, Prince Elric decided to set sail and gain control of Central Italia, havign met the Pelagir in Southern Italia and having attempted to cement friendly relations, he had failed to begin his conquest of Italia from the South. He thus took some of his ships and 150 men armed with swords and landed at the foot of Mons Vesuvia..'

'...Meanwhile, General Dus'Mordis was finishing the castle, at a place the locals called Algiers, and practicing her new magical powers to see whether they could come in useful other than for blowing up trees. General Lion had remained in Sicilia with the remaining 100 men and was to recruit an Army of 400 men. General John Deer, marched South from Imrryr around the coast towards a place on the Prince's old maps called Tripoli.'


Prince Elric takes 150 men with 150 swords and however many ships he needs and sails to the Bay of Naples taking control of the imediate area.

General Dus'Mordis continues building her castle and practicing her new magic power.

General Lion hires 400 men for 4 gold. He is put in command of the remaining 100 men of prince Elric's force andall the excess weapons and ships.

General John Deer takes his 100 men and marches South/East along the coast.


From Prince Elric, Lord of Imrryr and the Sicilian Seas and Prince of the Glorious Princedom of Carthage.

To Lord Taa'u of Pelargir

We are glad that we have settled this without the need to resort to violence. We are ever grateful for our neighbour's friendship and always will the doors of our throne room be open to emissaries from the Pelargir.
Lord Roddy orders
Roddy - Search for another officer, preferably a warrior one.
Toshka - take 400 men (100 of each: spears, bows, swords, horses) and expand borders to northwest
Jerkov - take 400 men (100 of each: spears, bows, swords, horses) and exapand borders to southwest
Address to the troops

(General Mindier) We be known to the world as the blood skull Mercinarys...We shall buffin up better our selfs in every way then make a name that is well feared in the battle field.when people see us they shall bend over and kiss there mother loving bumms goodbye.even the buffest of fighters will wish they where at home still in mommys arms and gets breast fead.So men work hard train long and instate fear into your enemys...So men it's up to you if we become the best...gooday

{random person) *bows* General Mindier...I am sorry to be a bugger please dont take my life...but there is speak of a grand minister named Daorugi it is said he is one of the best in the land...He stays north of where camp is...
(General Mindier) Very well i shall go and speak with him thank you very much...This shall shall not go unrewarded...you may have a 3 day leave when you wish to use it...now back to training for now...
(random person) *bows* yes me lord....*runs back to fill rank*


search for a minister named Daorugi
Vecheslav(Stormbringer)+Has Janice and Janiece as g/f's (Twins)+
Personality: Minister
Startout position: Camp on the Baltic near Riga
Troops:0 men (no arms)
8 /7 /17 /19 /16

Amon Savag(Loyalty:83)+Has Marj as g/f+
Startout position:Camp on the Baltic near Riga
Troops:800 men (860 horses/860 spears)
18 /20 /18 /17 /9

Personality: Retainer
Startout location:Camp on the Baltic near Riga
Troops:0 men (No arms)
16 /6 /13 /10 /18

Marj(Loyalty:73)+Has Amon as b/f+
Personality: Minister
Startout location:Camp on the Baltic near Riga
Troops:0 men (No arms)
9 /9 /16 /18 /15

Halfgar looks for an officer (a gf for him)
Marj recruts people
Vecheslav buy swords
Amon trains the new men

Don't have the time I once did...I barely get orders in nowdays,let alone update a NES.
and makes me a saaaaad Russian, lol, lets be sad together Panda
omg, he is not panda!! I did not even look at the name, lol, just asumed it was you
wait, hold on a sec. i know i said i wouldnt do that complain about updating thing again, but this is just begging for a telling off.....

you're saying you dont have the time that you "once", meaning TWO WEEKS AGO, had?
what the hell is that?
did you meet someone on the street last tuesday that offered you a CEO position at a multi billion dollar company or something?
i mean what can possibly affect your time in such a serious way in just two weeks? that you didnt know about when you started the game?

man this sucks.....
guess i should be glad not to have the obligation to play this game, as i've myself become too busy at work to realy participate well anyway.
but this still sucks.
Indeed. This was a fantastic NES. I will mourn its parting and lay flowers at its grave every morning.
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