• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

August 3rd - Consolidated information thread.

I get why they picked Romeo and Juliet over Henry VIII or something. The "culture" victory is blue jeans, Coca Cola, rock and roll, not corduroy, coffee, and NPR.

Would be hilarious though if you could get Great Artists/Musicians and then inflict them on civilizations you don't like. Could even be a casus belli. "The Aztecs are upset with you because you unleashed your Great Musician, Justin Bieber."

Why haven't we declared war on Canada for that impertinence yet? :mischief:
Connecting crabs (in general sea resources) does consume a charge. In Quill18's video at 10:30 the builder has 3 Charges, at 15:30 it has only 2 left

So if he's fishing/crabbing/whaling then you get pillaged and you send him to fix the pillage, if he was on his last charge he would be lost even though pillaging doesn't use a charge? Interesting.
So if he's fishing/crabbing/whaling then you get pillaged and you send him to fix the pillage, if he was on his last charge he would be lost even though pillaging doesn't use a charge? Interesting.

i'm not sure, but i think pillaging sea ressources may no longer completely remove the improvement, but pillage it like land ressources, so you restore it without using a charge.
In the other thread, I posted screenshots of all the governments:

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Great... Communism has 3 military slots (3rd highest), excessive production bonus, and meh economy slots (for late game communism government, at least).

Why doesn't Firaxis just get it over with and call it Stalinism? At least it seems like it won't be too hard to mod (especially after what Ed Beach said).
Great... Communism has 3 military slots (3rd highest), excessive production bonus, and meh economy slots (for late game communism government, at least).

Why doesn't Firaxis just get it over with and call it Stalinism? At least it seems like it won't be too hard to mod (especially after what Ed Beach said).

Communism seems pretty good as a civ government to me. It seems to be modeled after the communism in the soviet union. The industrial district defense bonus even seems to be taken from the battle of stalingrad.

Now, fascism looks scary strong for warmongers, maybe too strong!

4 military slots :eek: and combat bonus and increased unit production!! With the right policy cards, a fascism civ will totally dominate militarily.
When most people say "communism", that's what they mean.

That's what bothers me. It's more than just calling Pluto a planet, for example (which is a matter of how big a planet must be to not be a dwarf). But the difference between Stalinism and Communism us huge. It's more like Capitalism than Communism.

But I digress. I kind of understand that it's fine for most, perhaps not even noticeable. Let's just hope they use xml or something similar...
Communism and democracy have the same amount of economy slots while communism also give a bonus to all types of production and allow industrial districts to defend themself. It is hardly meh then it comes to economy.

Theocracy and Merchant republic share the same amounts of economy slots as well.
Communism looks incredibly good based on what I can see here. 3 military, 3 economy, 1 diplo and 1 wild card, plus bonus defense to units and industrial zones that can fight back (I suppose this means they get a ranged attack like cities with walls do?) Plus some percentage of bonus production. That's a really good, balanced set of abilities that lend themselves to a lot of victory conditions.

The other two governments look much more specialized. Fascism is very war oriented, and Democracy very Great People/District oriented but with the highest risk of getting pasted. Depends in part, I suppose, on how vital those Military policy cards are.
I ended up going order in most of my Civ V games and Communism in Civ VI seems to cover a lot of the same catch all type of bonuses.

I guess deep down I'm just a dirty Red
All 3 late game governments looks very strong. Democracy will super good at getting great people, 50% reduction just for having it and then we are not even talking about how much gain you can get from the cards. Its only problem is that you need other civilization to get gold as trade seems to be the number one way to get gold.

Facist is maybe better then a whole tier of unit upgrades due to the bonus + all military cards. Conquest tend to be the safest way to win civ games.

Communism make it very easy to defend your large empire while you can focus on the victory condition you want.
Communism and democracy have the same amount of economy slots while communism also give a bonus to all types of production and allow industrial districts to defend themself. It is hardly meh then it comes to economy.

Theocracy and Merchant republic share the same amounts of economy slots as well.

I meant "meh" in a flavor sense. Yes, it seems really good for the economy, possibly OP (we'll have to see). I just thought it'd make sense for Fascism to have the most military, Communism most economy (though more could be a balance issue), and Democracy most political.

I have to admit, one thing I like is the self-defending industrial zone, almost like a militia. Cool both flavor-wise and gameplay-wise.
The other two governments look much more specialized. Fascism is very war oriented, and Democracy very Great People/District oriented but with the highest risk of getting pasted. Depends in part, I suppose, on how vital those Military policy cards are.

I do think that a democratic civ might have a tough time fighting against a determined fascist warmonger civ. I guess, like in real life, the democracy will need to try to leverage the 3 economic slots to outproduce the fascist civ and leverage the GP bonus to get some strong Great Generals. Plus, you can always put military policies in the two wild card slots to boost your military during wartime to give you a total of 3 military policies. Alternatively, you can put economic policies in the wild card slots for a fantastic 5 economic policies to really crank up your wartime economy! Although if the fascist government also uses their wild card slots for military policies, they get a whopping 6 military policies!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Having said that, I do feel like civ6's democracy, communism and fascism do a great job of modeling the US, Soviet Union and Nazi Germany during WWII.
The democracy government is ment for small-midsized civs who focus on trade and are looking for a culture or maybe science victory. While facist is stronger at war the defender do have significant advantages and you can quickly switch between the governments if you have to and if the facist is not quick enough it may be defeated by the tourism focused democracy.
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