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BirdNES 2: Forge of Empires -- The Manipur Coast

Most excellent :D
Nice Update! You are just not going to give anyone a decisive victory are you :p.

War continues until you withdraw from the coastline.
Hey Bird, did you update stats? Did my economy improve at all?
Hey Bird, did you update stats? Did my economy improve at all?
Stats will be up after I post the Animas map and I do not recall if your economy changed.
OOC: Shouldn't Yucai be deleted off the stats as he is dead?

to Trys:
Defeats come and defeats go, but decisive victories choose the victors of a war. We have not been defeated yet and all your pathetic victory did was strengthen us and make us stronger. We may have been put out of the war for now, but rest assure that peace will not come until I see your capital burning in flames and your people becoming slaves to me. Trys shall fall.

to Striga:
As roads are built between us, and better days come all the time, I was wondering. I have heard Striga knows much of this world which we do not and kings Ragnar's realm stretches far into the east and meets with great seas. Would you share your knowledge with the fair and just people of Harum? Also I, king of Harum wishes to come and visit your great lands before I go to war again with the Trys.
ooc: in other words can you give me maps&chars of MPT?
to Striga:
As roads are built between us, and better days come all the time, I was wondering. I have heard Striga knows much of this world which we do not and kings Ragnar's realm stretches far into the east and meets with great seas. Would you share your knowledge with the fair and just people of Harum? Also I, king of Harum wishes to come and visit your great lands before I go to war again with the Trys.
ooc: in other words can you give me maps&chars of MPT?

I don't know if I can do that?

Edit: also I forgot to mention in my orders about going to pre-war borders with Kapo
Sure, you trade with me so you should have access to that trade route anyway.
Nice update. I'm missing from the stats, still. And when are orders due?
Nice update. I'm missing from the stats, still. And when are orders due?
They are there now! Sorry. I moved stats to post #2 and by adding Mernacia to the list, its trade score may have influenced the overall scores of some other players. Today's list is "offical".

Orders will due Weds or Thursday.
The Rage of love.
When Trys armies slaughtered many harumian soldiers they also took out the general. He was hanged on a tree, his head lying on their wall. Some say the screams could be heard through all of the capital. When Harum came to power he introduced the double father families. Families where two men who loved each other married women for children but their love was so strong to remain together. Yucai was one of the followers in that way. His family was double in size then his father for it had a second father called Timot. Their love knew no boundaries ever since they were teenagers that played in the slaves fields. As Timot married his first wife Yucai followed and brought Zoin to the world. Zoin was a baby back then but now he was 15, a strong wise youngster who Coan trained from birth to know how to rule since he had a feeling Zoin would lead Harum to it's greatest days. In any way Timot and Yucai loved each other much, and as Yucai had his own villa he invited Timot to be the second father in it. Timot of course agreed and soon their love brought many more children to Coan's dynesty.

Coan trained Yucai to be a general and Timot joined in on the classes Yucai received. In some cases he proved to much better but since he did not have royal blood Coan did not trust him to lead an army. That was until Timot appeared in his hall doors. his face red and rage flowing in his blood. He wanted to lead an army to destroy Trys for the death of Yucai. Coan was unsure and decided he must first try Timot's abilities at leading. He adopted him as a son after he noticed Timot did not look for another father to his house. He soon finished his final studies and Coan gave him the leadership of a main army. He hoped the rage would make Timot strong against Trys, and his hopes would soon be seen...

While Timot was trained so was Zoin the first, son of Coan. (Zoin son of Yucai was another Zoin). Coan saw great leadership abilities in him and so he gave him an army of 1000 strong men to lead the main attack on Trys. He hoped Zoin the first could do better in diplomacy with Gedmercia when their armies meet in Trys...

Soon Coan's choices will be brought to a test, and perhaps the Harum would call their realm an empire soon enough...
Bonus: all players who send orders by Thursday morning (my time) get a bonus +.25 improvement in bureaucracy because of their demonstrated ability get things done in an orderly and timely manner.
In the Beginning

The world was a cold rock, hurtling through black vastnesses.

The goddess Kordula came to the world, She saw the great ice-sheets that covered the world and its empty wastes, and pitied the snow-bound and lifeless rock.

The goddess Kordula spoke:

"With fire I awake you"

Great fires erupted from within the earth. Molten rock burst onto the great ice-sheets, at first smoke and ash hid the sun and stars. But the ice-melted, oceans were created and light eventually fell on dry fields for the first time

Again the goddess Kordula spoke:

"With children I bless you"

Life first grew within the oceans, and then it burst onto surface lands. Life took wild and wonderful forms, all of which were pleasant to the goddess. For a long time she gazed upon the ever-changing patterns, but in the end she felt alone among voiceless creatures.

Kordula set about creating others who were like her and gave them the spark of life gifting them with thoughts, feelings and powers to rival her own. She did not count on their rampant curiosity.
Many of these gods saw the world that had been created and sought to improve it or simply test their power over creation.

The harmony of the world was torn apart, great mountain ranges thrust (hurhur) into the sky, while others ripped great chasms in the earth, while the gods and goddesses experimented animals and plants were extinguished and deserts were born.

Kordula sought to control her children and banned them from such displays of power and encouraged them to live in harmony with her creation. So they rebelled overthrow her, chaining her to the earth.

Now that they no longer had to hold back they set about testing their powers over creation. But all their creations were failures, utter monstrosities that pained the eye to look upon them; they left them to rot in the desert.

Although Kordula could brake free of her chains at any time she choose to remain chained, she could not look upon her children anymore. So she contented herself with her new children, men, she nurtured them and gave them the secrets of Language and art. As they spread across the world they built temples and shrines in her honour and offered up prayers to her, and she was pleased.

Amaruark, which was what the first creation of the usurper gods called itself, had grown in strength and harboured a great hatred of gods for abandoning it. It had consumed the others like it and the gods stood no chance against it hate, they fell before it until only Kordula was the left.

Kordula lured it into a cave so she could trap Amaruark, wherein she caused the cave entrance to collapse, sacrificing herself so we may yet live.

Amaruark still lives slowly digesting the essence of the creator and the other gods, brave selfless souls sacrifice themselves to Amaruark so he is content and does not rise from his slumber to devour the world.

at the end
to Tradur
from Striga

We the Benevolent Strigan people, extend our protection to your small young kingdom in exchange for your acknowledgement of King Ragnar as your liege and 1 econ point from your treasury.
To Kill A Myoi

"I'm still not happy about this. We shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves when the enemy is on our doorstep. We shouldn't be doing this."

"With that fool giving orders, we may as well run back to the desert now."

The group of men were gathered around the fire. The thick snow covered the land in a veil of white. Despite the chill in the air, the men were warm. The fire in their hearts provided all the heat they needed.

"So who will do it. It'll take several of us to take out the guards and kill them all. I don't want a single one left. Their blood has run thin, we need new life on the throne."

"I do hope you weren't including me in that statement."

The new man approached the group with an intimidating bearing. There was no mistaking the green eyes and the long, dark hair. The group made to scatter before Myoinam Sous, but he had surrounded them with his men. The plotters remained standing, staring at him as the frown on his face turned into an almost devilish grin.

"You see, my blood doesn't run all that thin, certainly not through my head in any case. Your little plot is well known of, only my dear uncle lacks the intelligence to notice you."

"Stop this taunting. Kill us now and be done with it. I at least expect to join the Myoi."

"Sit down my dear general. You seem to have misinterpreted my intentions. I do believe it is in the interests of everyone, if Mli was to die. And I in fact are willing to do the act. However I need you to arrange it for me. I can't get near him since the riot. He has some silly idea I want him dead."

"I wonder where he got that from."

The head of the group sat down again. He had seen the worst of his Myoi's master-plans. General Desf had decided that day, as he watched his navy burn, that something needed to be done.

"I may accept your proposal, it is certainly tempting. But I demand certain....incentives. Firstly, you shall be leading our armies, no more of this Myoi in the castle playing war-games with carved figures. At least you have proved yourself proficient in that aspect. Secondly, I and my fellows here shall form a council. Any wars, any policies, anything, you discuss it with us. And don't forget my Myoinam, we have the will of the people behind us. They won't be wanting to lose any more. We go out, and we crush them, like we used to. And my the Myoi give us guidance, and the Guardians give us strength."

He sat and thought for a while. Sous was not used to receiving demands, but in the end he stood up with grin across his mouth and a glint in his eyes.

"Prepare for war my general. I shall be Myoi by spring. And then we drive our enemies before our horses."

Three days later Myoi Mli was found dead with an arrow through his heart. Sous was pronounced Myoi the same day, with little celebration or acknowledgment. The levies were being raised, the capital fortified and the generals assembled. The was a war to prepare.
Thank you!
Sorry, orders will be in tomorrow evening.
A Boy's Life

It was sometime before sunrise, with one of the two moons still faintly visible in the sky. Little Kor wanted to play outside but his mother had recently told him not to go out without supervision. But then, what precocious young boy would really pay any attention to his mother on such matters? He was soon up and about, careful as not to wake his still-sleeping family, and left the dried-mud-and-straw house where they lived.

He passed by several houses of a similar fashion until he reached the fork in the street which led to the marketplace, where mud and straw were replaced with mud and wood--it was where the better-off people lived, and the boy felt a pang of jealousy as he walked past by.

It was a lot emptier around than usual, and that was unnerving for Kor. None of his friends were out and his only company in the streets were unfriendly-looking adults. The grown-ups were either doing their morning chores or going to the market as usual, but Kor saw something he never did see before: mean with thick, braided beards and hair that went down from their heads and tied at their waists. The only people he knew who did that were the heroes from his grandfather's stories. Those warriors brave and strong who fought evil serpents and scheming wizards, who rode great warhorses and magnificent birds.

Heroes, he thought. These men must be heroes, or at least great warriors. He began walking towards one of the men to get a closer look at the man's leather tunic, scaled with flat pieces of iron at front and back. He wanted to see a sword, the kind used to cut off monsters' heads and held the spirits of Victory and Valor.

Suddenly, one of the men gave him a scary look. He was missing an eye, and horrible scars criss-crossed one side of his face. Only villains looked like that, and he was scared. Villains were evil sorcerers who chopped up children with black swords to have them cook and boil in great pots that were filled to the brim with boiling oil. The boy started to run, not looking back. Some villains could turn little children to stone with one gaze--it was a good thing he only saw the eyeless half of the horrible man.

The sun was almost up, its orange glow being replaced with a bright yellow. The boy kept on running, not minding where he was going. In seconds' time, he found himself in one of the schools of combat where the older kids were sent. He saw teenagers fighting one another with wooden sticks, while some were methodically chopping down dummies with small swords. He sometimes liked to watch this, but being scared half to death made it all seem less inviting and he was running away once again.

Kor found himself lost in a matter of minutes. He never went as far as beyond the market, and he saw the taller wooden buildings that were supposed to be found in the city center. He then decided to climb a tree to assess his situation; he was raised to be self-sufficient as is the Iskan way. Besides, the other kids will stone him if he just sat down and cried, and the adults will laugh at him.

Upon climbing a tree he saw the wooden lodge on top of the hill. It was the wooden lodge, home to King Hyenreit himself. It was large, about twenty--no, a hundred!--houses large, surrounded by a low stone wall and several smaller houses which were supposed to be where the king's rivals stayed. That was what his grandfather told him, anyway, and he had always wondered why the king was so polite to his rivals if they were always out to get him.

Looking around more, he saw an entire assembly of the men with thick, braided hair. The hair looked almost like very thick cloaks; it must be tough as rope, too, braided like that. They were too far to see him, he thought, and too far to check whether one of them was the evil villain he saw earlier. He could have watched the assembly get yelled at by some tall man on horseback some more, but he had to get home before his mother worried. He would get punished for sure now, but getting home eary might get him less punishment than if he went home even later.

By the time the sun was up enough to blind, the streets were busy with people as was normal. The boy was still unable to find a way back home, and it was a hopeless matter anyway because he had never been in that part of the city before. He was about to get down the tree to wander aimlessly until he heard his mother's voice.

"Kor! Kor! I see you!" came the shrieks of his dear mother, shouting from the base of the tall tree. "Get down here so I can bring you home to smack your bottom hard! You'll be crying so much that you won't even think of making me worry like this ever again! Kor!"

All of the sudden, going down the tree didn't seem to be such a good idea anymore. Kor contended himself by covering his ears to block out his mother's shouts. He enjoyed the view as much as he can before he realized his mother was climbing the tree; when he did, he gave such a chase that he became known as Kor "Lightning Feet" in his neighborhood. Of course, he was also called Kor "Tender Bottom" at times, and that led to many a brawl and bruises well into adulthood.
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