Blair of Lacuna?

Its the Bair of Lacuna. And the only oddity about making it a unique feature is that it is so well hidden that only one of the gods knows how to find it. As such it may be kinda weird to have a scout run across it.

But fun trumps lore (flavor) so do with it as you want.
maybe Os-Gabella should start with this feature revealed and the Elohim shouldnt? ;p does dimensiional mana do anything yet? like, whats the spell set in FF? if dimensional mana has a use, it might be a good idea.
Is it possible to make a unique feature only visible to one civ, even if others entered or even owned the tile? It would be quite interesting if only the Sheaim could ever know where this unique feature was. (Or should Alexis and Flauros know too, as they grew up there?)

I also just got to thinking it could be interesting if the unique feature did not stay in one place, but would move to a random unimproved tile whenever a non-Sheaim unit got close (possibly taking any Sheaim units on the tile with it?). I like to think it isn't really in this plane, so the gate linking it to Erebus could wander to maintain its secret.

Edit: I think I'll see how this works:
def atRangeBair(pCaster, pPlot):
	iSheaim = gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVILIZATION_SHEAIM')
	pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(pCaster.getOwner())
	if pPlayer.getCivilizationType() != iSheaim:
		listPlots = []
		for i in range (CyMap().numPlots()):
			pPlot2 = CyMap().plotByIndex(i)
			if not pPlot2.isWater():
				if pPlot2.getNumUnits() == 0:
					if not pPlot2.isCity():
						if pPlot2.getImprovementType() == -1 :
							if pPlot2.getBonusType(-1) == -1:
								if not pPlot2.isOwned():
								elif gc.getPlayer(pPlot2.getOwner()).getCivilizationType() == iSheaim:
		if len(listPlots) > 0:
			iRnd = CyGame().getSorenRandNum(len(listPlots), "Hide Bair")
			pPlot3 = CyMap().plotByIndex(listPlots[iRnd])
			for iUnit in range(pPlot.getNumUnits()):
				pUnit = pPlot.getUnit(iUnit)
				pPlayerUnit = gc.getPlayer(pUnit.getOwner())
				if pPlayerUnit.getCivilizationType() == iSheaim:
					pUnit.setXY(pPlot3.getX(), pPlot3.getY(), false, true, true)

Edit: I finaly got that working, except it seems like only the first Sheaim unit on the stack moves with the Bair and I haven't gigured out why.
I am completely unfamiliar with FF's new spheres, or what is possible to program in the civ engine, but I do have two suggestions for the Bair. Either have seeing it require true sight (can you make unique features invisible? :confused: ) or let a mage with Dimension 3 "summon" it as a permanent feature on the casters tile. Basically, a mage that is skilled enough in Dimensional mana can open a gateway to the Bair. That creates a bit of a race to get their first, as it could only be summoned once. Of course, it only granting Dimension mana when you already have an archmage with it is not much of a reward, so you may want to change that...
What is the Bair of Lacuna? Where Os-Gabella hid?
Yes, random guessing works again!!!
Why should it produce Dimensional Mana?
Magister's idea could also be used for Pristin Pass maybe? I get ingame texts once in a while saying that the pass sometimes moves? Or is that just the gargoyles that spawn there?

Now I am no lore guy and many of you are definitely cleverer than I, but what would having the Bair moving around contribute to the game?
You could have it give the Dimensional Mana to anyone who controls it and give an extra trait to Sheiam/Calabim if they find it first. Like the Letum Frigus giving ice to anyone and giving Aggresive to the Illians/Amurites.
So is the Bair is currently empty?
The Bair currently contains Nemed, and probably other experiments. Os'Gabella can return to it freely whenever she wants, and there is a portal in her palace that leads to it. I assume Flauros and his sister can return to it whenever they want, although I am not sure how. I do not believe it has ever been stated they are good at Dimensional magic, and thus capable of teleporting there. They may have similar portals in their palace, though.
It has never been stated that the place Os-Gabella took Gaulos to see his first father was the Bair of Lacuna. It might be, but if it is then its connection to Erebus must be string enough to allow Nemed's screams to Echo through it and be heard throughout Galveholm.

I don't think it has been officially stated that the Bair is on another plane either. We know that Ceridwen's runes stop those unwelcome there from entering from and the imprisoned from exiting to other planes, but don't know if Erebus counts as another plane or not.

Alexis used those very runes to stop Lanthis's soul from escaping except into her, so the Vampiric ritual itself may actually count as a form of Dimensional magic. That doesn't mean they are experts at other dimensional spells though, and spells that block teleportation may be quite different from teleportation spells themselves. Also, the rune Sammuel used on Einion's wife seems likely to have been of the same type, and his expertise was said to be in the magic of mind and soul instead of dimensional.

Alexis and Flauros left the Bair ages ago, probably during the Age of Dragons and certainly long before the end of the Age of Magic. There is no indication that they have ever gone back, or that they have any interest with reuniting with their mother or vice versa. It is quite possible (although not necessarily the case) that they did not part on good terms and would not be welcome if they tried to return. The Vampires do not like the idea of destroying the world and dieing themselves like their mother does. I don't think Os-Gabella actually decided that she wanted to die until after they left her, perhaps indicating that her suicidal designs are fueled in part by a feeling that the children who were the only ones she ever loved have abandoned her. Her closeness to Ceridwen may increase the pain of this abandonment, and make her think there is no way they could make up for it and that she can only hope to abandon them in their time of need to to get back at them.

Alexis's pedia entry said:
Adopted daughter of Os-Gabella and elder sister of Flauros, Alexis is the queen and first of the vampires. Raised by an immortal mother, she was faced with her own mortality and unwilling to accept that she would be the first in the Bair of Lacuna to die. To get her over her fear of death, Os-Gabella took her to the crude villages of early men and showed her how they lived and died. Wishing to examine this death more closely, Alexis came to the village at night and killed a shepherd.

The shepherd's death didn't answer her questions: she saw no spirit leaving his body and his body grew cool, but if his life went anywhere she couldn't see the change. Alexis had access to the teaching of Ceridwen, who had built the Bair of Lacuna and had surrounded it in runes that keep the unwelcome from entering it from other planes, and those imprisoned within it from leaving through the same means. These last runes Alexis used at the site of her 2nd killing, a young acolyte of Lugus named Lanthis.

Lanthis lay dying but unable to die within Alexis's ring of runes, his spirit unable to escape to the vault. Cut and battered within the circle, Lanthis writhed in agony while Alexis watched. When she tired of watching, Alexis stepped into the circle and allowed Lanthis's spirit an escape, into her. To transition the spirit she touched him, kissing him on his blood soaked forehead. At that moment, at that taste of blood, the first vampire was born. Alexis didn't become possessed by the spirit, she consumed it and her mortal life was extended because of it.

Over the next few centuries, she shared the secret with her brother and they parted from their immortal mother and began hunting men in a variety of guises. One life could extend their own for 20-30 years so they didn't hunt often but they were a legendary threat to men from creation.

Os-Gabella pedia said:
Screams echoed through Galveholm. There was no way to predict their frequency, often days or weeks would pass between hearing them. But when they did occur it was impossible to deny the tortured anguish in them. Even the most hardened would whisper a quiet prayer for the victim, and many in the city were reduced to tears.

Gaulos had a way with women, he prided himself on it. There were few things he couldn't get through guile or smile. Perhaps they wouldn't agree to his most intimate desires, but they would join him alone in a dark cellar, and that was all the cooperation he required.

He found young girls the most vulnerable. In naively agreeing to his meetings, being unable to resist his forced advances once alone, and the most satisfying to his desires. Even so young they were still women and suseptible to his charms.

But he was too eager, a village ripe with beautiful young girls nearly stopped his heart when his caravan rolled into it. They chased each other outside a small temple and cared for delicate dolls. After three went missing the village was on the verge of hysteria, the caravan was torn apart and he was accused of the murders. They had no evidence, but that isn't required in such situations so Gaulos headed somewhere they wouldn't follow, into the Sheaim lands.

Now he stood in a pack of lowest dregs of humanity outside of the Sheaim gates. Immigrants had to display some skill before they were allowed into the city, and since the gatekeeper was male, Gaulos didn't have anything to show. They had already begun to pull some aside to tend to the pyre's, and no one returned from that.

On his third day at the gate a stir rose from inside the city. The guards, to that point cruel and inattentive, went suddenly alert and the gatekeeper ordered everyone away from the gate. Bestial men that had been pissing and horsehockyting off the wall and onto the huddled immigrants below became paragons of duty.

Gaulos and the mass of lesser men waited quietly. Nothing scared the Sheaim, and many began to pull back further from the gate. Then they saw the source of the fear coming, a black carriage pulled by horses with burning hooves and wild, bestial eyes. As they got closer they could see that the horses had sharp wolf like teeth, those accustomed to tearing flesh, and they looked at the assembled men like beasts viewing their next meal.

A mobius witch drove the carriage. Her form twisted and bent back in on itself as if she was a leather skin stretched tight over a rough stone, as if she wasn't able to fully enter this world. But inside the carriage was a more amazing site. Os-Gabella, Queen of Storms, sat and showed little interest in the outside. Despite the carriages solid construction the windows were open and their were no signs of any precautions taken to protect its passenger.

The carriage stopped at the gate where Os-Gabella passed a few quiet questions to the gatekeeper before preparing to head into the city. Knowing that it may be his last chance to use his only gift Gaulos stepped up onto the road behind the carriage.

"My Queen, please allow me entrance to your magnificant city."

She eyed him dispassionatly. The gatekeeper looked horrified and shocked by Gaulos's behavior. If Os-Gabella's neck would have stretched out and allowed her to bite off Gaulos's head no one at the gate would have been surprised. But since he was now committed Gaulos continued on.

"The legend of your beauty brought me to these lands, across barren wastes and dangerous roads. But now I see that those who spoke of you were lying, for you are twice as beautiful as they described."

Again there was nothing but stunned silence. Then finally Os-Gabella replied, "Get in."

Stunned, no one knew what to do. Os-Gabella kicked open the carriage door and that jolted the gatekeeper into action. He held the door while Gaulos climbed in.

The carriage rolled through Galveholm while nobles and peasants scrambled out of the way. They looked at Os-Gabella and Gaulos with fear and wonder. This was a life Gaulos could get used to.

He took his eyes off the street and saw she was regarding him. He met her gaze, dipping his head enough to let his boyish bangs obscure the eyes women always complimented him for. He looked back up and smiled, but her expression didn't change.

Feeling a bit uncomfortable Gaulos asked, "Where are we going?"

"To meet your father."

The tattered edges of the mobius witches robes reached through the window of the carriage and brushed up against Gaulos's neck. The touch made him shiver even in the oppressive heat of the day. Gaulos's father was a dockworker in the Lanun city of Bolans, he hadn't talked to him in years, and he couldn't imagine a less likely destination for the carriage.

The Sheaim palace was ahead and the gates were raised as the carriage approached. They stopped in a courtyard where a band of Revelers argued. Os-Gabella stepped out of the carriage without pretense. Gaulos followed, more from fear of being left alone with the odd monsters then from desire to stay with her. As they entered the palace he could hear slaves being dragged over and fed to the dark horses.

Inside a minotaur opened a great vault door. Behind the door stairs led deep beneath the palace. Gaulos briefly considered not going but a glance from the minotaur sent him scrambling down the stairs behind Os-Gabella.

The palace construction gave way to natural caverns. The stairs were replaced by a rough stone floor that had worn spots where Os-Gabella stepped without thinking. Jewels in her armor radiated a pale light and provided the only illumination in the passage. Gaulos struggled to stay within the radius of her light.

The passage ended at a small chamber with a stone arch in the center. Os-Gabella stepped up to the arch and traced runes in the air before it. Then she stepped into the arch and the chamber went dark.

Gaulos scrambled forward. He had a vague memory of those girls he seduced into joining him in dark cellars, at that point where his eyesight was better in the dark than theirs and he could sit back and watch them fumble in the darkness. He imagined that all the girls he hurt and killed were watching him, enjoying those last few moments before they killed him. The memory made him panic and he slammed against the stone arch and fell through the archway.

Sudden brightness blinded him. Torches hung on the walls and in the center of the room a man hung over a pit bound by bright silver chains. The man was gaunt and looked strained beyond exhaustion, but he was uninjured. Os-Gabella walked over to the man,withdrew a crystal from her armor and held it over the pit.

Gaulos picked himself up and walked over behind her. The chained man looked up in surprise and yelled.

"Run child, run!"

Gaulos froze, the man's words had power but when Gaulos looked back at the arch there was only darkness and the imagined ghosts of his victims beyond it. There was no other place to run. Instead Gaulos spoke to Os-Gabella.

"That's not my father."

Os-Gabella smirked, "Of course it is, the first father. Nemed, my husband." she said the last part with clear disdain. "We are here to find a way to kill him."

With that black flames burst up out of the pit.

"These fires are said to be able to burn the ethereal, they are from the deepest hell. I wonder what effect it will have on immortal flesh."

Os-Gabella raised her hand and Nemed was dropped into the pit. His screams echoed through the chamber and up into Galveholm above. Gaulos turned to run, his fear of ghosts replaced by the torment in front of him. But Os-Gabella was faster. She grabbed him by the collar and dragged him to the pit.

"I need to know the effect on mortal flesh as well."

Gaulos reached within the folds of his shirt, for the knife he always kept there. With one smooth movement he thrust it up into Os-Gabella's throat.

Os-Gabella laughed, "If you could kill me we wouldn't need these damn tests!"[PARAGRAPH:1]Gaulos withdrew the knife to stab again only to notice that the wound healed as soon as the knife was removed. Then Os-Gabella shoved him down into the pit with the screaming Nemed. The flames quickly rushed up his legs and onto his chest and head. His screams joined Nemed's.

Gaulos awoke in a grey wasteland. His skin was burnt and blistered, his boyish hair was burnt off. Every movement was torture. He knew he was dead. It was an uncomfortable afterlife but bearable. Until Gaulos saw the spirits of the girls he killed coming for him.
thats heavy man
Answering your question directly I think the One arrived in time to prevent the rape. It is the culimination of the seeds of conflict and mistrust between the gods that have the story builds from the beginning. But I think that is to large a step to take before the true fall. So I don't think Aeron succeeded. But as I mentioned its left intentionally vague to make the reader wonder.

Also note that even if Aeron is denied Os-Gabella's affection he does get the rest of what he desired from her. Her children, devoted to him, that are strong, cunning and immortal. Even if they aren't directly his, you can imagine how Os-Gabella feels about them becoming the chosen of Aeron and revering him through the centuries.

Kael seems to imply that when Alexis and Flauros became vampires they were fulfilling the wish of Aeron, thus siding with her attempted rapist rather than their (adopted) mother. This would be seen as a major betrayal, so I highly doubt she still gets along with them or would welcome them back to the Bair of Lacuna. I suspect that Os-Gabella hates Aeron more than all the gods, even more than Nemed, and that Bair was meant to protect her from Aeron's servants more than anyone. (Of course, as Aeron is the God of Hatred her hatred for him could be considered almost worshiping him, which she would detest but not be able to stop.) Their service to Aeron probably brings up a lot of bad memories, and makes her feel as violated as if the attempted rape had not be stopped by The One. As I said earlier, this may also be the main reason she became suicidal.
Wow, all this new discussion makes me feel really bad for Os-Gabella... Granted, had she learned to accept Nemed (or rather had not been made to reject him) she probably wouldn't have so many problems, but even still... poor thing.
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