I live in Alberta. And although I think America may have been quick to jump on Canada, considering our records do not necessarily show the cow was from Canada, I do not trust the beef we eat anymore. I will probably be switching to chicken and pork as much as possible.
In the end Mad Cow will likely have cases all over the world, so it matters little which country gave it to whom, and so forth. Ultimately North America should just realize there is a huge problem, and when all the right-wingers in Alberta that are so willing to flush anybody else down the drain when they have problems start yelling, "come on guys, support Alberta beef", I will just have to say "good riddance," to an industry that has begun taking more and more shortcuts in terms of safety. In some ways far more so in Canada than America. Pork is starting to go down the drain as well, with some industrial pig farms producing as much sewage as a city the size of Winnipeg (600 000 people)