Blue Monkey’s Tech Icons

I had promised El Justo a version of the Espionage tech icon featuring superspies, but ended up with two noughts and a 6:

A version featuring the 1960s Pro-Am champs: Steed & Emma.

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A version featuring the 1960s era agent with the greatest personal integrity, prior to his “island vacation”.

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For those who don’t recognize him, maybe this little gallery of retirement village pics will help:

And finally a sixth, as experienced by the him: high tech surveillance & counterintelligence - 1960s PoMo style.

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A couple of techs presented with a Pre-Columbian flair (apologies to RedAlert for continuing to take so long on the map):

Solar Astronomy - the image is Chankillo - a ceremonial observatory in Peru.

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Masonry - a closeup of dry stone masonry at Machu Picchu.

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Beautiful and distinctive works here Blue Monkey. Bahut Acha! :goodjob:

edit: My personal favourite is the Mahajanapada. With the night sky in the background and the offsetting of the bust seen from underneath, it really brings about an eternal sense of grandeur, nobility and leadership.
Aapka swagat hai, Rambuchan (hope that on-line translator worked). Your appreciation means a lot to me.

The Mahajanapada gave me a lot of joy to create, and I think the view I found to use makes one look at the bust with new eyes, compared to the usual images shown. I hope someday there will be a leaderhead based on this guy.

It's really good to see you posting here in the C3C Creation forum again!
I like the Orbital and i read some Cultures too. But its a bit small :lol:
An Orbital that copies the Earth in speed of rotation and acceleration:
g=9.81 m/s² w= 1/86400s r: Radius

g= w²*r

r= g/w²= 9.81 m/s² * 86400²s² = 73231257600 m = 244.1 lys

You see, it's big enoug to touch Mars and Earth at the same time easily

The gravitation of the Orbital doesnt matter because it sums up to zero everywhere in the circle.
Wow masonery is really impressing...
Is there any India specific mod in the making?
Wow masonery is really impressing...
Is there any India specific mod in the making?
Yes, but please don't tell anybody - I'm keeping it secret because I work so slowly it'll probably be posted just about the time people start playing Conquests on the holodeck. Like it says in my Bharata Varsha Bazaar:
One of my passions is the culture of India, from the Harappans and the Vedic Era through the Classical and Medieval periods (that’s everything pre-Muslim Invasions to me). In addition to research for my own yet to be started mod, I’ve been contributing to the Rise of Asia team, and posting comments in the threads about Anno Domini, Alexander’s Conquests, and elsewhere.
Masonry - very nice icon indeed.
Sikhism - simple, but extremely effective.
Hinduism (1) - Excellent, and very useful.

The others are also good, but the ones above are my favorites of your latest batch. Thanks. :)
The first of hopefully many MesoAmerican tech icon packs for the Born of Fire mod RedAlert is working on:


Eight Techs: Agriculture (Andean Potatos), Fortifications, Trade Network (Inca roads), Taxation (Incan, featuring use of a Quipu), Tlachtli (Ball Game), Calendar, Spanish Invasion, Civil Rights (Wiphala flag)
Small icons are included in zip.

Download Here.
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