Boff-04 Nice Hat! (Link, Monarch, Cont)

Okay, spent some time cropping pics in MS Paint to follow suits in this SG - it's actually fun, kinda like cut-n-gluing a story together. Anyway, my first attempt at cropped pics. I played until MC (Aes-Lit-MC):

First, Genghis and Joao fight! Generally, it looks as if Khan has the upper hand, but he is not reigning supreme:



They keep fighting most of the set, generating GGs and taking and losing cities. The general picture is that Joao is slowly losing terrain.

Next... Well, what did you expect?


That lucky bastard punts Tokus last Worker! Tokupunting ftw!

Now. Khan interrupts us with something to ask for:

Yay, one more diplo minus for us!

Oh, and just as you thought Toku couldn't get any more stoopid:


Gogo Flawless Claude! Unfortunately, the Settler escapes as there are two Archers.

Now, an image I loved cropping. Joao wants to trade, but I decline:


Our pickings on Toku (we kill the other Archer escort, but with no Settler in it) rewards us:


Unfortunately I hadn't quite caugh Liq's message of Settling him, so it only happened after the cat was out - we missed out on 2 xp on "John the cat" and 6 BPT from Rep, sorry.

Washington pushed out a Settler, who rushes to Blue dot (a Worker has already started roading, and I took a Philly spear to fogbust/defend):


Toku exposes himself as one of his five Archers leave the town to chase our Workers, leaving us 4 swords and 2 cats against 4 Archers with 2% cultural defense:


Lennys sacrifice is succesful: We kill off all four guards, eliminating Toku (thus removing the chasing archer and the japanese culture on the Marble):


And with that ends an epoque of the American Civilization; that of Tokupunting. Behold Toku's "Final Offering":


Some turns later (I believe), two not really good events happen:


The GLH is not really important, but peace between our two neighboors is! We should get some more soldiers to Khan front soon.

Oh, and I had no idea we had pushed hammers into GLH... Were we planning to actually build it? I focused on Parth (since SoZ was biafal, I wouldn't risk more than needed).

Barbs really have to ruin settling cities, huh?


Aryan burns.

Now, with Metal Casting in, I end my turnset, tentatively setting research on a Calendar (10 turns). I didn't get a Settler out of Manor, I went for a courthouse while regrowing, so Teal Dot is not yet settled.

I hand over the (hopefully) won wonder races to the next player:

(GLib is 2, if you cannot see clear. Parth is 1)
Nice job on the turns Diamondeye! Those wonders are surely ours, solidifying our SE. And great work capturing the "Boff-0 feel" with the screenshot cropping :crazyeye:

The only :smoke:... well... not really your :smoke:, more like :smoke: on the account of Liq and S.ilver, as we tend to offhandedly discuss things and forget to post them :rolleyes:. We were noting how nice Toku had been in ensuring that both his cities meshed well with our dotmaps. So yeah, we should've mentioned that we wanted to keep Osaka, as it appears you won a free lighthouse with it. But no huge deal, the big draw of that city is picking up the seafood for some distant corporation.

Looks like we are now Khan's worst enemy now that he stopped fighting. And Joao is strangely pleased with us, so some minus modifiers must've fallen off.

Since Norvin has bowed out, and Grover won't be able to get it until at least Sunday night, I'm going to grab it and see if we can sneak another S.ilver->Liq rapid turnset in and see if we can't lay out anymore crazy plans :mischief:
670AD (218):

Preflight check. We look to be in good shape. Only 40ish points behind Khan, but the problem is our power rating sucks, and we're in danger of getting run over by the fool unless we act. I note that our GNP took a huge hit recently (must've been unhiring the scientists at Boston).

Ok, so going to lay out the plan. We are working on getting Calendar right now. Just started so no beakers into it. Ostensibly, this is for plantations, as we have loads of silk. We also have incense by Orange Dot, so this will help our happiness bottom line quite a bit. Calendar also unlocks the Mausoleum of Maussollos, which is a very nice wonder, considering that we are Phil and are going to spit out a LOT of GPs, and that we'll make a credible run at Nationalism and Taj.

After that... well, going to steal a page from Liq's book. We'll have to choose between Guns and Butter, and with Khan now hating our guts to the south, we need GUNS. Machinery, because we obviously need that damn tech for all things military, followed by Engineering for Pikes to rip up Khan's army, Trebs to take down his cities, and faster road movement as a bonus. Then, we'll head for Civil and the Flexible Farming, as well as Macemen (unlocked already by machinery, so we're good to go!). Bureaucracy is of small importance to us, unless we move our capital, because Washington's draw is spamming beakers, not commerce.

I note that Joao is pleased with us, as all the negative modifiers have fallen off, so try this...


Yay, ok so that saves us two turns on getting Crossbows...

Also swing these deals...


We go from +2 to +12 gpt, lol.


I did these trades seperately, as it seems Joao overvalues his techs when they're together... It also allowed us to broker our gold stockpile this way, rather than techs.

However, I note this...


Ok, so he is not trading it, and that message means he is building an associated wonder. The only wonder on Calendar is MoM... Meh... He has marble, so he will beat us to it if we need 10 turns to tech it. We are also not in any huge rush to get Calendar. We have 2 plantation resources, but we also have the 2 shiny metals, which are boosted by forges.

So we will switch to Machinery to get a jump on the "Guns". We have plenty of techs on Joao, so we can pick up Calendar off him later (and MoM off his corpse).

Ok, well Preflight check, zooming through the cities...

Washington looks good. Evening out the food by working a grass farm instead of plains, no loss to the GLib...

NY is working on Missionary Spam. We need to get a Forge in here before diving into Angkor Wat. Somewhat safe right now as we bulbed Phil to grab Tao, so it will be less attractive to the AIs. Scientists need to be fired to get growth back, but we need to rehire them somewhere first. NOT a huge priority here at the moment.

Parth done in Boston next turn. Growth in 14 to happy cap, but we lack a forge. Will look at this in a bit.

Philly working on a forge, and it has enough hammers to provide forward military production. Need to get rid of that forest right beside the city, as it is a strategic disadvantage.

Atlanta needs growth before we talk to it more. That will happen soonish, and the cows have a worker army en route, so will check back later.

Bentley Manor has an incoming barb Galley. Ugh... Will "buyout" a Trireme here at the cost of 3 pop...

Chicago just settled, and we need to get culture to it soonish, or we'll have a problem here, as there is no food besides the cows.

685AD (219):


So the whipped Trireme blows up the barb galley and earns a promotion next turn. More importantly, it saves Bentley Manor's seafood, which preserves its massive growth rate.

Now that Parth is safely done, we get Boston on a Forge to rocket its incredible production.

700AD (220):


With that done, we start on a Tao Monastery here to help the all important tech rate.

NY spits out a missionary, and we dial a 16 turn forge, as the prize is Angkor Wat...

715AD (221):

Genghis shows up with this demand...


Well, we have little military power, and it is spread out right now, so pulling a scardy. It's not a tech, and we can cut it off in 10 turns. Gives us +1 relations with Genghis too.

He also adopts Hereditary Rule, which means he just teched Monarchy.

A barb spearman is sneaking around the remains of Osaka... Need to get a sword there to bust fog...

There's ALSO a barb Galley poking around... We are not fully healed with the Trireme yet, so I cover the fish that I can with it.

Also get to work on chopping forests near Philly and Chicago to get stuff out faster...

730AD (222):

The barb galley, unable to get around our Trireme, sails in the other direction. Hooray!

Nothing that exciting this turn... Atlanta growing next turn though...

745AD (223):


Yeah, right... Like that's going to happen... Although it is in the cards, it's unlikely we're going to get down there in time.

Well, no one around to take care of the barb except Will, so he cleans it out for no XP :(.

Spread Tao in Chicago this turn...

760AD (224):

Some spy gets caught in Washington... Need to train our own soonish. It could be either of them, but my money is on Khan...

The Barb Galley is back, so I kill it, earning our boat another promo.

Stone is hooked up this turn, so can get to work on Angkor Wat asap...

775AD (225):

We get a Great Scientist in Washington... Settle...


Next GP due in 12 turns from NY. 100% Great Scientist. Yay.

790AD (226):

NY border pops again, ridiculous amounts of culture here...

The Tao Monastery finished in Washington this turn, adding to our ever increasing beaker count! Forge is next... Washington also growing next turn.

The chop at Chicago comes in and we are done the monument next turn.

805AD (227):

The courts are done at Bentley Manor, and 7 turn settlers are for sure.

Monument done in Chicago, need a granary for sure.

820AD (228):

Tao autospreads in Boston, yay.

We also nab another spy in Philly...

Forge is done in Boston. We dial up the Heroic Epic, which will be 7 turns.

835AD (229):

Peace ends with Joao (for him giving us Archery for Free). Also, BUG informs me Joao will trade Monarchy (must've just picked it up). We have wine, so...


We have a ridiculous amount of gold coming in from not running the slider, :D. We still make crazy research without it though.

Forge is done in Philly, walls are two turns, so dialing those, as this is the first stop for any invasion force.

850AD (230):

Nothing of note this turn actually...

860AD (231):

10 turn increments now, nice...

Well, TWO GGs are born far away... And since no one here is fighting... it must mean some serious hammer time on the other continent.


NICE! A quest for building buildings that we want everywhere anyways... As Sirian says "Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good!"(TM)

Let's count, shall we?

Washington; forge in 7 turns.
New York; forge in 2 turns.
Boston; forge already built.
Philadelphia; forge just finished 2 turns ago.
Atlanta; forge not yet under construction, but an obvious candidate once the courts are in (essential building).
Bentley Manor; can start on forge in 3 turns once settler is in, also will raise happy cap.

What a great quest!

Philly done walls, and going to spam a quick 5 turn Tao Monastery, so we can get to XBows when Machinery comes in.

We can see both Khan and Joao's research this turn, and they're both going Feud. Genghis in 7, Joao in 9.

870AD (232):

The Hagia Sophia is BIAFL. I bet money on whoever built the AP got that too. No matter, as Theo is a meh tech.

880AD (233):


So... Guns and Butter. We want the Guns. So we want either Civil Service or Engineer. Engineering is 19 turns and Civil is 15 turns. Both give us a lot of benefits. I mull over it, and decide Engineering. Maces, while good, can be filled in by Crossbowmen on defense (and we are not looking to start a fight with no Trebs anyways). Flex farming is MAJOR... but faster roads and a Notre Dame attempt just scream at me. Pikes ASAP are also needed to take down Khan...

NY is done a forge. Another one for the quest :p. Angkor Wat can be done in 20 turns, but need to fire all the scientists, sigh... Well, it will also grow in 20 turns, so that's another cottage! Short term pain for long term gain.

890AD (234):


Wow, that is one very dedicated Blacksmith... First he gives us a quest, then he upgrades the forge!

Bentley Manor is done it's settler. Running towards Teal Dot. We dial a forge (obvious whipping material for the quest).

900AD (235):

HE is done in Boston! Crossbows! 2 turns! zomg...

And we're at a nice break point turn wise... So handing it off to Liq now...


Preturn: 900AD
So wow, major economy changes hehe. Currency is major cash and the Parth + GL is just pownage. Need to spam defence first then prep the Republic for fielding the incoming tools we plan bringing war to Khan with. Trebs pikes and maybe maces.

looking over the towns while my cat jumps on the keyboard purring at me for attention... I close the game as the next turn processes...

Right so the Khan is dropping the hammer, prolly on us soonish though he isn;t WHTMOOH yet. We are giving him crabs so cancel that for no penalty.

Whatever khan.

Micro philly a bit to work more food. Teal dot getting founded in one turn.

Seems the AI approves =p

So 90%ish GS in 9 turns in Washington.

Ok time to ramp up the defences with Xbows ASAP and then start on the khan crushing economy first. Teal Dot is OTW and will settle orange before the end of my turn... hopefully.

[1]910 AD
Philly pops a tao monastery.. good to have around for sure.
Time to spam spies for defence... 3 turns is nice, need them in all the border towns.


Seattle is born so remove its sign hehe. Looks like a National Park Town to me. Let's check in with silver... Yah ok so save the forests, don;t road the blank grass.

Washington is in quiet GP farm mode so I move the cows over to help jump start the new town. A chop is coming for it's granary. Keep in mind we are only chopping the hills , the other forests will stay for lumber mills, National Park Later. I spammed a ton of Obnoxious signs to this effect. No chopping no more roads on the empty tiles.

[2]920 AD
7 exp xbow rolls off the assembly lines in Boston and is sent to Chicago first.

2 turns for another hehe. Trying to get two these xbow's in each border town and will phase out the 3ish exp axes afterward to remain positive cash flow.

[3]930 AD
Jao is no longer pleased with us at +3 relations and demands lit... eh eff off mate.

Atlanta finishes it's courthouse so 18sh turns on a forge.

Khan picked up feudalism this turn jao's is in 4.

Kahn is looking around our civ again before attacking us

Philly is closing that culture gap soonish.

[4]940 AD
So The Manor and Washington both grow.
Xbow -> xbow in Boston hope these are coming online fast enough
Spy-> spy in philly
Washington finishes it's forge so go for National Epic in 12.

Taoism auto spreads to Seattle, super fast eh.

oh and we get this cool little event in Washington.

12 gold for +2 culture? sure.

X bow heads over to Chicago again since it's the farthest away.

Khan going to code of laws in 7 hehe.

[5]950 AD
so Washington loves the Prime Minister is the only thing keeping this from a snooze turn.

[6]960 AD

More Washington loves the drunk days!

So joao builds the MOM in his hanging gardens town, one stop shopping looking like!

He also is trading calendar so lets us see..

nope he's being a bastard.

[7]970 AD
Joao has feudalism now and is willing to trade it same turn. Not needed now but good to have around.


Worker army descends upon Seattle for lack of better things to do.

[8]980 AD
So Bentley is growing up a bit too fast... I 2 pop whip the forge and it grows to size 8 next turn.. WTH. slot in a settler to catch the overflow and corral that monster in a bit.

philly is still on spies btw, so thrilling.

Great person next turn from el Washington, 87% science and 13% Eng.... you know how these rolls go, the GE will be heading to Newyork to plant Mining Inc later.

[9]990 AD

And yeah He's headed to New York for the Corporation.


Great Artist in 11

[10]1000 AD
Atlanta and Seattle bow grow this turn while Seattle finishes it's granary, start on a Forge for the quest.

Khan goes WHTMOOH so he is indeed gearing up for war again, Eng in 8 so I slide research to 10% for 7 turns. -1ish gold a turn

Boston's xbows been filtering to the lesser towns but well not 2x all towns yet..

workers start fleeing north to sit on their hands in safety.

[11]1010 AD
The tension mounts!

[12]1020 AD
Crap the war horns sound as Khan declares war

That was super fast from his initial WHTMWTFOHE (WTH ever) 2 turns ago.

Lucky tho he inexplicably attacks joao again hehe.


ok so Philly stays on spies as it pops it's borders, sealing the north from khan.

[13]1030 AD
hmm workers bored so I send them off to the tundra to road and mill WTH ever.

[14]1040 AD
No one asking us to join the war yet.

[15]1050 AD
There we go, Kahn asks we join the war etc, ok no.

National Epic builds in Washington I go for a market.

Settler builds in Bentley and also go for a Market. We need gold bad hehe.

I delete a few weak exp axes for the win.

oh a barb sword pops out of the woods hehe. there's gotta be an xbow under 10 exp around here somewhere!

[16]1060 AD

so we remain puny hehe.

Wow khan is only 2nd? WTH kind of Monty is over there?

An xbow from Chicago Exp's on the barb. 3 promos stashed for the win.

[17]1070 AD
so uh barb uprising somewhere hehe. Not near here so whatever.

no power dips or cities lost in khans war So far.

[18]1080 AD
Big turn.

First, The Borders of Seattle are about to pop!!!!!! Joyous day.


Engineering came in as well. Civil in 16ish but need to hire priests in New York.

A pack of wonders were built...


New York gets its Angkor and the chicken Pizza was built on the other continent.

New York goes back to spec mode with 2 priests hired and gets to work on a market.


Oh and Orange Dot is lovely San Fransisco.

Urk on the gold drain hehe. Start it on a monument. jsut working that wine will pay for itself. oh the joy of running at 0% science.

Once Boston's Market finishes need to replace spears with pikes.

[19]1090 AD
Seattle pops its borders and Finally and The Mannor can 3 pop Whip it's 12 Turn market!!!

down to size 6 bit well with a 12 food surplus, It's not gonna stay down There hehe.

So ending on an even turn for once maybe!

Boston's odds GS pops next turn..

Say hi to our new Great Artist, Just you watch.

[20]1100 AD

<Oh hmm missed the screen shot of Pascal the great pos Artist who bulbs drama hehe>

Liq SO called that crap.

This "thing" bulbs drama and a golden age is wasted now. He gives 3 gold as a spec so gonna embed the fool into NY.

One more turn to embed him.

[21]1110 AD
No towns lost in the war between Joao and khan nor any critical power dips. Joao gets a great general so they are killing each other. Hmm.

Ok well embed great artist into New York who is getting his Market in 9 turns. Boston's is in 4 turns and Washington's is in 5. Those three markets alone will support a ton more troops.

DO NOT chop anymore Forests in Seattles BFC as it's going to be the national park. want to keep any surrodung forests up as well in areas we want a forest to grow.

Ok so the pieces are falling together, the time to strike khan is near at hand. Need to plan accordingly.

Tech wise after civil, Drama for globe in Bentley Manor and then music for the free Artist and Sistine for broken culture hehe.

Also will finish the Forge quest soon so pick the last option to get a free Great Eng... no idea if it's mobile or presettled but it's a win all around!



Ok, well Liq wants a shot at fighting, so we're going to squeeze in one more blitz round here. We have a huge military tech advantage right now, so let's make use of it.

A "turn-hogging" got it, from S.ilver :p
For the record. In no way shape or form was Liq intending to be a total Wonder Whore when this game was rolled. That said, Perma war for all the other civs + marble AND stone? WTH?

"Ooooooooo Shiney":crazyeye:

1110AD (256):

So yeah... blitzing sets are fun. We have a major advantage over our southern neighbours right now. We have Machinery and Engineering. That means Crossbows, Pikes, and Trebs. The enemy does not even have Metal Casting yet. We're also working towards Civil to get Maces.

Therefore, in a rare turn of events, S.ilver gets to set the bomb up for Liq this time.

So, doing a quick preflight zoom through shows nothing to change in the cities. Liq's MM solid as ever, and I don't feel like wasting space boring everyone with the details this time...

However, I am moving Claude up to Philly and sending the Washington Axe back to cover in Seattle... Not that I expect much to happen...

Slider still at 0%. We are making 99 beakers, so solid, and we'll need the cash later to upgrade troops.

1120AD (257):

Khan shows up on our door and wants Poly... for 145 gold, lol. I try to negotiate, but he won't offer more gold, so I take it.


Just as that nonsense is done with, more shows up.


I take the 50% chance but it doesn't go through. Oh well, extra beakers towards Civil regardless.

Bentley Manor and Washington both grew. I stagnant Washington for another scientist to cut down on Civil by a turn. Started last turn at 12 turns, now it's 8 turns, lol. Gogo events!

So Library is done at Philly for the additional culture :hammer:. Doesn't really matter. I dial up a Pikeman.

1130AD (258):

Nothing of note happening this turn...

Except the Monument finishing in San Fran, so dial a Granary, yay.

1140AD (259):

Seattle grows this turn, so I go look at it. Meh, still can't whip the forge till next turn I think...

Walls done in Atlanta, so attacks will bounce here for sure, nice. Altanta is front line, so getting a barracks...

1150AD (260):

Khan gets a Great General in Turfan, so they are still beating on each other. Luckily they are not in war mobilization mode, so we can catch them power wise...

Khan also done with Metal Casting and going 11 turns on Machinery, ugh.

Boston finished its market, giving us more cash. Great, dial for Trebs.

Bentley Manor grows again, so hiring scientists to slow growth somewhat...

Can 2 pop whip Seattle's forge, so do that.

1160AD (261):

We cash in the quest....


Option 2 is Free Shock for Swords... Considering swords are going obsolete in 4 turns... no.

Option 3 gives us an engineer spec here. Somewhat valuable... BUT we are planning on running Corps later. So getting an extra Mining Inc resource rocks. I wonder where it pops...


Well... Under the city? I guess that gives us an extra hammer in the home square, lol...

Market is done in Washington, so dialing a Pike.

1170AD (262):

Some Great Prophet is born far away... Nowhere near us evidently...

Genghis has a bunch of gold available for trade too. No idea.

Treb done in Boston, get another one!

GP coming next turn... High probability of a Scientist.

1180AD (263):

We get the scientist. He adds to the tech insanity of Washington.


Pike done in Philly, dialing another...

1190AD (264):

Genghis gets the fugitive event with us. No idea what he did. Ack, that effer took the EPs towards us (gained like 300 EPs). Well we can't see his tech anymore, so that sucks! I turn up EP focus on him...

Walls are done in Chicago... Well, Chicago sucks for now, so dialing a courthouse...

Civil in next turn...

1200AD (265):


Tao spreads to Joao, so converting next turn obviously...

Dial a 5 turn Drama so we can run for Music...

A lot of builds finished this turn, so yay...

With the Market done in NY, we are starting on a 25 turn Notre Dame...

Treb done in Boston... another Treb!

Atlanta finishes a Barracks, and we dial a Mace.

Bentley Manor finished a Temple. We get on a 6 turn settler.

I pay the money to upgrade our remaining spears to Pikes. We will NOT upgrade the swords yet, as they are swimming in XP.

1210AD (266):

Joao predictably converts to Taoism.

Washington is done a Pike, and I dial for a Mace.

1220AD (267):

Joao gets a Great Scientist this turn. Boring...

Seattle done its Monument this turn. Not really that exciting. We dial a courthouse, as that is needed.

1230AD (268):

Damn, Genghis and Joao make peace... That sucks, but won't change our invasion plans...

We are done a Treb in Boston, and dial another.

Philly is done a Pike, and we dial a Crossbow.

1240AD (269):

Snooze... Uh... worker army descends on Washington to build farms...

Joao somehow does this trade straight up...


That's equal beakers there...

1250AD (270):


Globe FTW!

Music is 8 turns, and pretty sure the free Great Artist is still available. Sistine is the prize though.

Boston Treb -> Treb... this is getting old...

Philly done a Crossbow, and we'll go for one more...

Drop a 3-pop whip on Seattle to finish the courthouse...

1255AD (271):

Another year format change. It means I'm hogging too many turns, but want to get this buildup for Liq done.

Washington done a Mace, dial another.

Bentley Manor finished a settler, dial up a Theatre, Globe behind it soonish.

Seattle's whipped Courthouse is done, dialing a barracks as we have NOTHING for commerce here, so why bother?

1260AD (272):

San Fran about to pop borders, so workers waiting eagerly to pen the cows...

So that 8 worker tag team is running about planting farms each turn, lol...

1265AD (273):

Wow, Khan must be psychic now!


So he DoWs... Nice... Alright, well I guess I get to start the fun early!


So WTH does Khan think he is doing? 2 defenders?

Anyways... Boston Treb -> Treb... Business as usual.

Atlanta done a Mace, so getting another!

1270AD (274):

Notre Dame BIAFL...

Well, that sucks. Ok cash pile incoming in NY I guess... Hope we get to Music first...

Ok, well can't build Notre Dame anymore, so getting on a Tao Missionary, as that is 4 turns and will dovetail with when Music comes in...

So Khan piled a spearman into Off-Green Dot... Or he whipped it. A waste of time for him either way!

1275AD (275):

We collect 297 coins for the failed Notre Dame build. Whatever... Now we can upgrade swords later...

Ok, so Khan whipped another spear in Green Dot, what a fool... I shell the city to 18% defenses this turn...

Boston Treb -> Treb...

1280AD (276):

Still waiting for Khan's stack to appear...

Ok, well attacking now...

We strip defenses to 2% using Trebs. I don't want to waste more time, so I CR2 promote the last 2 trebs and attack. One dies, the other withdraws. HEAVILY DAMAGED UNITS left in the city.

So Will goes first. 96% odds against the Axeman and he FLAWLESSLY OWNERIZES HIM! 28/28XP!
Claude is next and he beats down a Spearman.
Karl is up next and another spear dies.
Ricky is up next and kills a Longbow.

Only one unit left in the city, and since I don't want to expose the swords, I go in with a Mace.



Found Green Dot, Los Angeles.


Setting it up with a Monument first.

Mace done in Washington, dial a pike.

Crossbow done in Philly, dial another.

Bentley Manor finished the theatre, and I realize we need SIX of them. Oh well, getting on settlers as we will be taking lots of land from stupid Khan...

1285AD (277):

Church of Naitivity is BIAFL, nice...

Do this deal with Joao...


This centres our map, and we are the eastern continent it looks like.

Will is effing level SEVEN now, and will take 10 more XP to reach the next level. But he's an UBER BIGMAN already. So we buy his upgrade.

1290AD (278):


Dial for Compass next.


Eff you Khan.

We win the Free Great Artist from Music. Save for a Golden Age.

NY is done the Tao Missionary, so we GET ON SISTINE! Fire the specs and get 24 turns on it.

Boston Treb -> Treb...

Seattle finished a Barracks, so we'll go for pikes.

1295AD (279):


Our luck streak on crazy GPs ends as we get the majority scientist. Boo...


Sending to Washington.

BTW, Khan's stack has arrived!


Well... a lot of units. Nice...

Here's what happens... when I attack it.


So I need to build more Trebs, yay...

Crossbow done in Philly... dial for a Pike.

1300AD (280):

Idiotbox Khan withdraws his surviving units, only to put more on my doorstep. Thanks Khan!

I kill 2 Catapults and 3 Keshiks, including one Combat 4 Keshik. I don't want to risk units outside of LA, so I won't attack to kill the last Keshik...

Settle the GS this turn as well...


Pike is done in Washington. More Pikes!

Treb done in Boston. I actually dial a Cat, because Cats would've been more cost effective throwing at that stack.

Maceman done in Atlanta, I dial a Crossbow, as it seems Genghis has some too.

I'll not hog war turns... Passing it off to Liq. Then we'll give it back. Promise!


played a turn and karl died on really crappy odds. Great, we have a new city name right? but no... My pc overheated and Froze haha. Remind liq not to minimize photoshop , then run BTS and be playing when the virus scanner auto starts.

Screen froze and stayed there for about an hour. So I shut off the OC via PSU , reseated the memory and went to sleep.

I'll get to the game tomorrow when I don;t want to toss stuff at the wall.

S.Ilver and Liq are you aware that we are four in this game at all? You are really blitzing thru the game right now, I read three updates just now...

Anyway, if Liq's got it, that's fine. All I'm asking is to have a bit of the fun (war).
Hehe ok that's cool, liq will pass hehe.

If you can get a turn in before grover can, go for it DE

Else Grover can play.

Since we have a slight tech lead over these fools might as well try and take out his jungle towns. Raze Ning and replant pink dot with the settler being built. Keep nice spot.

Khan seems to have no troops in his towns but massed HA/Sword Combos running about. Lots of pikes hehe

One thing we have are spies all set up in the 4 former border towns. I'd take a look at Ning and nice spot and see what poor excuse for a garrison those towns have. If either have walls or worse, can use the EP's we have to revolt.

In the meantime, thinking you have .4 of Khans's relative Military Power to exp on hehe. Next GG attach on the woodie 2 warrior with the most exp for a poor man's super medic?

For blitzing optics Boston can pop out 4 exp caverals (I think)... flank and nav1 for the win.. whip a caveral from Bentley to travel east as well in case of ice block.

Tech after optics is rush for Liberalism. Great Scientist should be saved to bulb education. Kill off Sistine chapel in New York if we get a great Eng and scream in frustration if we get an artist.

Silver is out for the week so last hurrah for him for a bit hehe.

Well, it's Sunday night and I'm finally back home.

I could get in a turn tonight or a turn early Monday morning.

Diamondeye, what's your schedule like?

Yeah, Diamondeye called Liq and S.ilver out for the bad manners. We are notorious for our blitz rounds (which fortunately for everyone else, only happen in Boff-0s; see Boff-03). Luckily, we'll have none of that for a while now, as Liq experienced some hardware glitches, and I'm going to be out of the loop with midterms this coming week.

So free for all on Khan and company gets to go to Grover and Diamondeye. Feel free to set your own objectives, but I've already razed and replanted Green Dot, so that cuts down on some work. Consider consolidating the front border by pushing the city line up into former jungle territory.

Of main concern will be War Weariness I think, as we vastly outclass Khan for the moment, and shredding his Keshiks is way too easy for the Pikes. We have possible culture slider to control WW, but our financial situation is sucky until we get that former jungle belt in our pockets (and all the prime cottage land).
lurker's comment: Now is the time to see if you two can end this game before Silver and Liq can get back. Beat the masters at turn hogging :)
Sadly I don;t think we are winning the game anytime soon since the other continent built the AP :lol:

Speaking of the other continent, what are the odds we don't meet a SoZ toting Monty in this game as well? :sad:

pleasenomonty version 2.0

In the meantime though, Grover and DE can exp our troops on khan. :hammer:


We kill more of Khan's troops, take three of his cities, razing two of them and keeping one, and founding a new city of our own. We also finish the Sistine Chapel, and we get a great general who attaches to a mace to create a medic.


Diamondeye >>UP NEXT<<
Silver ==On Deck==
Liq. -In the Hole-
Grover -just played-

1300ad, turn 280, inherited turn

Wow. The map has changed quite a bit since I touched it last. We're at war with Khan, and we have a ton of troops in LA, but we're light on seige units. And our most of our stack there is slightly injured, too.

Our attack plan is to raze samarqand, then swing over to nice spot and keep that city. Kyoto is building a settler to found a new city after we raze samarqand. I take Liq's suggestion and send some spies towards samarqand in advance of our army. The spies can dig in there for a turn or two while our army rests. I change the espionage distribution to weight khan even more heavily.

Research plan is to finish compass (3 turns), then get optics (about 10 turns) for caravels and circumnavigation, possibly. We are at 0% research, +7gpt, 14 gold in the bank, and producing 139 beakers/turn. All our troops our in our own territory, currently. I wonder a bit how bad troop maintenance will be when we go on the attack.

Khan has a fresh Keshik right outside LA. All our pikes there are wounded, and I think a xb is the next most likely defender. We have several units there that have earned promos. I try to upgrade a wounded pike to formation to heal it or a xb to city garrison, but none of the units can be promoted this turn. Oh well. We'll probably be ok, anyway.

I hit enter.

1305ad, turn 281

San Francisco grow to size 3 and finishes its granary. I set it on a 17 turn lighthouse. It grows again in 8 turns.

Atlanta grows to size 7. It grows again in 9 turns.

I give our healthiest pike in LA the formation promotion, and he's up to 5.2/6 health now. I name him Stewart. Khan still has just the lone Keshik nearby, so I don't bother promoting other units.

1310ad, turn 282

A spy has arrived on site in samaraqand. He can incite a revolt for 669 ep. We have 976 ep stored up against Khan. Khan has 4 keshiks, 2 longbows, 4 swords, 3 chariots, and two spears in samarqand. I'll let our spy sit for a couple turns to cheapen the revolt while our stack heals. The stack has to march twice to get there, too, and the revolt will also get cheaper while it marches.

Chicago and Boston grow. Boston finishes its cat and I start it on a 2-turn mace. Liq and Sil point out to me that the 7xp units coming out of Boston start better than either of our woodsy warriors, so we should just use one of them for a medic. None of the maces already in LA are suitable medic candidates, because they've all been upgraded in a different direction.

Washington's great person arrives. It's a GE. Following Liq's instructions, I use the GE stored in New York (waiting to start Mining Inc) to finish the Sistine Chapel. The Chapel was 172/900 finished before spending the GE. The new GE will take the old one's place and wait in NE until Mining Inc can be started.

Bentley Manor finishes a settler, ostensibly for white dot. I start him on his way south and start another (7-turn) settler, for pink dot.

1315ad, 283


Optics is next, in 8 turns.


I set New York to wealth, and we go from +6 to +27gpt.

Phillly: pike > pike (5 turns)

One of our three spies in Samarqand was caught. The city has only 20% defense though, so the spies there might not be so important after all. But I think we're about to lose even more of our seige units, because Khan shows up with a 13-unit stack just south of LA.

Well, he has no seige units with him, so we might be better off hoping he attacks us next turn. I promote a couple more wounded pikes to formation and hope khan attacks.

1320ad, turn 284

Khan obliges us, and his stack attacks us in LA. Our defenders go 11-and-0:


Our pikes take some damage, but not too bad. The worst of them is down to 4.6/6.

Two members of Khan's stack desert and slink back to Samarqand. That city is down to six defenders.

Our settler for White Dot is in the area, waiting for us to raze Samarqand. I leave some of the more wounded pikes and xbs behind, and I take the stack out for a spin. Our gpt drops from +26 to +15 when we step into Khan's territory. Not bad at all.

Washington: pike > pike
Boston: mace > treb

1325ad, turn 285

Boston loves the prime minister.

Khan attacks our invading stack with an xb and a keshik. Our xb takes out Khan's. Against all odds, though, his keshik beats our pike. Two of our trebs take flanking damage. Khan must've been up against a fully healed pike, because there's another fully healed one still in our stack.

We are 1 point away from a great general.

We lose another spy in Samarqand. One left.

1330ad, turn 286

We catch an enemy spy in Chicago. I don't know whose, but probably Khan's.

New York and Seattle grow.

Two trebs shell Samarqand down to 0. City defenders are 2 LB, 1 XB, 2 Keshik, 1 axe, 1 spear. Khan also have five units just outside the city, but I'll ignore them for now.

Treb number 3 has 8/8 xp. I promote it CR3 and attack the city with 78.4% odds. We lose to a longbow.

Treb number 4 promotes to barrage 3. He has 23% odds, but the rng owes us one...
Nope. He dies. But the defenders are all very bruised.

Will wins 99.8% against a xb.
Lars wins 85% against a lb.
Ricky wins 96% against a lb.
Niels wins against a keshik.
Mike takes out the axe.
Claude beats the spear.
A nameless xb takes out the last defender.


Whoosh. The city is razed.

During the attack, we earned a great general, up in New York.

The "reserves" from LA come out to clean up Khan's other troops around the ruins of Samaraqand, and they go 5-and-0.

Boston treb > treb
Atlanta xb > treb
Seattle pike > treb

I take New York off wealth to spit out some taoist missionaries. We drop to -7gpt, but we've saved up 225 in the bank, and the missionaries only take about 2 turns each, so we'll be ok. (Why didn't San Fran and Atlanta get Taoized?)

1335ad, turn 287

The white dot site is just outside Khan's culter, and our settler can reach it this turn, but White Dot must be too close to another Khan city to the south, because I can't settle there even though I have movement left.


I send a pike down to look, and I find Santarem. The army will make that its next stop, raze it so that White Dot can be planted, then come back north to deal with Grey Dot. *sigh*

I attach our GG to a mace, who gets up to 27 xp. I promote him combat 1 and medic 1-2-3. He has another promotion in his pocket, and he's 1xp short of a second.

San Fran: lighthouse > courthouse

1340-1345ad, turn 288-289

Khan sends a lone keshik into our territory south of Washington. A pike from Washington moves down and kills the invader.

Two trebs shell Santarem down to nothing. There are two LB there. Will takes out one of them, but he'll need to rest up for a bit. The other LB has guerrilla 2 as its only promos. The city of Santarem is on flat grassland. Brilliant strategy there, Khan.

All of our attackers are wounded. I decide to risk a 55% attack by Lars to get White Dot founded this turn and before any reinforcements arrive for Santarem. Lars loses, but an xb cleans up the mess and razes the city. We were given the option to return control to Joao, but we razed in order to found White Dot.

Say hello to Houston (formerly, "White Dot").

Washington: pike > pike
New York: missionary > missionary
Philly: pike > pike
Houston: granary, 90 turns (a missionary is on its way to spread taoism there)
Boston: treb > maceman
Manor: settler > wealth (for two turns, until it can build caravels)

I pay 155 to upgrade Claude our last sword, level 6, to a maceman.

1350ad, turn 290

Our spy in Ning gets caught. We did learn that Ning's defenses were 50%, though. That city is next after Nice Spot.

Our defenders in Houston repel an attacking Keshik. I decide that walls may be a better idea there than the granary I started last turn, and I alter the build queue accordingly. Houston is our new front line, after all, and it might be in for some abuse in the turns to come.

Atlanta grows to size 8.

A pike from Atlanta takes out a Keshik that had landed on our stone.

1355ad, turn 291


Following Liq's advice, I set research to paper, 8 turns.

Manor gets off wealth and onto a caravel. 5 turns. I could whip now for 3 pop, but that seems like too heavy a price to pay for saving 4 turns.

With the Manor off of wealth and our troops in Khan's territory again, threatening Nice Spot, our gpt is -16. New York will move back to wealth after it churns out another missionary or two or three.

Boston and Seattle grow.
Boston is at its healthy cap, with growth again in 7 turns. It finishes its mace, and I start it on a 4-turn harbor.

1360ad, turn 292

A cat and a treb shell down Cimmerian's (Nice Spot's) defenses. There are 6 defenders in the town--2 LB, 2 Keshik, 2 trebs.

Our first treb is CR2 and has 57% odds. He withdraws and damages all the non-seige defenders.
Our second treb is also CR2 but slightly hurt. He has 79% odds, and he also wins.
Ricky (mace) takes out a Keshik.
Niels (mace) takes out a keshik.
Karl takes out a treb.
Mike takes out the other.
Horatio Nelson, our medic, has 99.8% odds and wants to earn that 1xp for a second pending promotion. He wins flawlessly and is up to 28/20xp, enough for two promos.

There is one battered defender left, but I hold off on taking the city because I don't have many troops left to move in this turn to defend it.

1365ad, turn 293

We catch a Mongolian spy in San Francisco, and San Fran grows to size 5.

Khan added a cat to Cimmerian's defense during his turn. The other defended is a wounded longbow. Will has 99.3% odds...and the cat is dead.
Claude takes out the longbow and Nice Spot is ours. I leave a pike outside to cover the wounded Will, and move the rest of the army into the city.
Nice spot comes with a granary, a forge, and a colosseum. I queue up a courthouse.

Ok. I've put in 14 turns or so, and this seems like a good place to break.

Next up is Ning, which we'll raze, according to the signs Liq stuck all over the place.
A settler for Pink Dot is waiting in Atlanta. There are some good defensive troops in Atlanta that should move down to Pink Dot, as well, when the city is founded.

Manor can kick out a few caravels and we can try for circumnavigation.

Spoiler :


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Sweet :hammer: there Grover! Only 67 away from another Great General and wow it was over 100 before you popped Nelson :eek:

Just look at the power Chart haha
Spoiler :

Power Chart of Enormous Size.

What carnage; Khan's power went from .6 to 1.1 haha.

Also, Khan's total food output looks just like his power curve hehe. We are now on par with khan in food just by taking out those towns, and ning is another food heaven town. We are now dead even with khan on food and those towns aren't working even half their Food tiles hehe.

Btw, Nice Spot has a settled great prophet for some odd reason + Granary/Forge/Colosseum survived.

Oh seems we picked up a -2 Relations hit from joao for razing one of his towns.... WTH, that a bug or intended?

One bit I noticed is that Boston is on a harbor when it should be pushing out a pair of 2 turn Caverals for the faster Circum heading westward. Since those Settled generals give the boats 4 exp, can get flanking and navigation out of the gate for the speed. Keep in mind popping in a harbor instead of a caveral is a classic Liq move silver had to beat out of me.

Note Also Khan is 8 turns from Guilds so expect a few knights to show up soon and maybe somthign to extort for peace. Somehow getting only 500ish gold and monotheism from khan doesn;t seem enough.

Crap to do still...

So, Basic Military Goal still is Ning + Unmarked crap town (two south of the coastal bananas probably) and plant a town on Pink dot. Our economy can handle going further south if only for razing The Xed towns (not sure we want to defend anything south of White/Pink dots) so keep that as an option.

Put Boston's Harbor Build on hold to push out a pair of Caverals for Circum Nav.

Paper -> Education-> Liberalism(Nationalism) -> Economics*

We want to Beeline Economics as we need a Great Merchant (for Sid's Sushi) and running merchant specs is meh. Economics is going to need guilds and banking as well so try and line those up via Extortion/Trade. Banking alone will help our economy a lot by itself.

Paper in 6 and Washington's odds favorite (that's a joke) Great Scientist is due in 10. If we indeed get a Great scientist, Bulb education as that tech is a monster coming in at 29 nominal turns. Don;t be afraid to run a few Towns on wealth and run the science slider a bit!

BTW If tech path seems out of Whack, discuss!

Wonder Whoring notes, why not put New York on The University of Sankore to further our religion abuse? It's 75 Less hammers than the Sistine was putting it at around 20ish turns. At the worst it's a better return on gold than running Wealth is. So sick.
Edit: Seems New York also has a forest to chop for the UOS as well, might as well chop/plantation/Cottage the silk 2 tiles south of the town, it's not in Seattle's BFC nor can it help promote growth.

You are up DE, take your time and enjoy the :hammer:!

ug double post. hmm need more than ten characters... as if a Liq needs to try :lol:


Seems Khan's only source of iron the one next to Ning.

Ok, Maybe we don;t need to worry about Knights in the near future.


Okay guys, objective complete! Despite some major annoyances on the way,we do now have Banking and are on our way to Liberalism... Let's not spoil it more; read it and weep, read it and enjoy the happy ending!

Oh and I really wanted to crop the photos but I am having a really bad sneezy influenza blocking my head from working properly, so you will have to do with the large screenies this time.

First, we lose a Tao and a Worker to Keshiks. Toku's "Condolesence", I believe. Ofcourse, this has to be avenged! The two Keshiks are killed, and we march on Ning:


I remembered to switch Boston to a Caravel, which I immidiately sent west. Soon after, we find Boudica of the Celts:


Now, I raze Ning as promised (I waited a turn to get the entire stack with me), and then something really :smoke: happens! The garrison Khan has on his Dyes Fort (tm) attacks our stack, and....


Horatio is elected defender and bites the dust! Dammit! I send a Maceman from Bostons stock to act as Medic for the stack. Nevertheless, our advance is delayed. Bummer.

Our Caravel finds another victim rival:

Suspecting the worst from this wonderwhore, I check top 5 cities/wonders...


:hmm: The best city is Hindu Holy, but Ramesses is not founder! Which means someone else nagged our precious UoS (right part of screen)!

Anyway, we pop the GS in Washington, and use him to bulb most of Education:

3 turns left afterwards. gogo SE!

I realize Khan still has access to Iron despite Nings lack of existance. I sent a pike to raze, but he got killed, so now I am getting serious:


We cut his Iron supply! But he has had Guilds for some turns now, so we might face some Knights...

Education comes in, and then we meet, ladies and gentlemen, the wonderwhore/religionwhore:


Humm? Hannibal? I've never seen him wonderhogging, neither religionhogging... But nevermind, we are not playing random personalities (remember Toku).

Hannibal has Guilds but wants Edu, Philo and Drama for it. No wai! I switch to self-tech it (or atleast cheapen it), since Khan is teching Banking so we can take that for peace laters.

Now, I lost a Worker earlier in my set, isn't it about time I pay that back? Well guess what, here goes Khanpunting (tm):



We burn New Sarai:


As you can see, the Pink Dot tile is still Mongol. We have to take Brrown Dot aswell. What a shame :mischief:.

We circumnavigate! Gogo fast ships. And just when I think we can buy Guilds off Hannibal for gold...


He's a sucker, ain't he?

I go ahead and conquer Khans capital, which I then promptly rename "Brrown Dot". Inside, a little surprise is waiting for us...:


FIVE Settled GGs! Let's get this baby kicking some production!

Pink Dot, now called Portland, is finally settled, and we negotiate peace with Khan:


He accepts, and we can now start to tech Liberalism. I kick the slider to 100%. With some begging (11 turns since I begged Joao), we should be able to maintain it there until Lib is in.

Edit: We have a GG waiting in Boston. We can settle him there, in Brrown Dot, wait for an academy, or attach to our new medic (Combat I; Medic II as of now).
hehe wow amazing turns DE. A shame regarding the medic but well life sucks hehe.

I'm not feeling too great either but peaceful infra Liq can do.

BTW you chain beg joao as well? :lol:

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