Brazil - Pedro II Thread

Gross. That's the first thing I thought when seeing Pedro. He looks like one of Snow White's dwarfs.

Brazil, which I wish they held for DLC, looks interesting to play atleast. Though this I'm not ever worried about at all. Every civ so far seems real fun to try out. A crazy GPP game with Brazil is now on my list. And playing as them, I won't have to look at Sneezy.

I couldnt agree more with this statement. Pedro looks way too cartoony, same case that also infect Teddy, not to mention his sleazy gesture in the video didnt help his image very much.
Pretty sure it did, that's what usually happens to most people with darker blonde hair, it's not unusual at all.

I don't think it was his case:

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This is the first image I got to when googling Pedro II

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Just spent 3 hours reading about Pedro II and the Kingdom of Brazil. Very impressive leader. The great people bonus makes historical sense. Very thoughtful of Civ team!
Yeah, that's odd. I think this is an attempt to make him less european and more brazilian, even though he was of full european ascendency. In civ 5, they made him more brown skinned, but take a look on the Habsburg Austrian princess he called mother:

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And I don't think he was much of an outdoor type to get that level of tan.

I guess they had a conundrum. They didn't want to portray Pedro II as a European even though he was of European heritage. :crazyeye:

Anyway, his history was a fascinating read. Definitely a big personality. :)
Gross. That's the first thing I thought when seeing Pedro. He looks like one of Snow White's dwarfs.

Yeah, Pedro was pretty good looking when he was young. Besides, I know he's supposed to be a caricature, and caricatures tend to exaggerate traits, but it's weird they chose to make such a big nose. If you look at the paitings and photos, I'd never say it's one of his most noticeable features.

Anyway, although I'd have prefered the Incas in vanilla, I don't see any problemas with them being included later. Also, great people's bonus look fun. Overall: good news.
Just spent 3 hours reading about Pedro II and the Kingdom of Brazil. Very impressive leader. The great people bonus makes historical sense. Very thoughtful of Civ team!

Indeed He was a great leader! And all that he done, make sense the way devs team took!
he has dark hair in the first pic that shows up when i google him. So w.e. same deal as Isabella.
This is the first image I got to when googling Pedro II

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Which is exactly the picture they have on the "all leaders" poster. So that's clearly where they got their inspiration from.
Two points: even as an American, I would be delighted if no postcolonial civilizations, even America, were included. Also, America is a clearly dominant world power and has been for over a hundred years, whereas Brazil is not.

America is a continent, but a civilization.
I suppose these paintings didn't always show the real person but the idealized person.

For example, Pedro II was sent a portrait of his future wife which was clearly idealized. So much so that he couldn't restrain his disappointment when he met in in person for the first time. (He had been married by proxy earlier.)
What would be fantastic is if we could have a thread where we discuss the video - not 10+ pages of people bickering about whether the civ (or leader, in the case of france) should be included in the game. There's a lot of interesting stuff in these videos, but nope, 80% of the comments are about whether Brazil should even be in the game.

Which is a pointless discussion in a thread that is literally about the civilization being included in the game already.

That said, I think the Great Person U.I. looks fantastic and I'm thrilled they're taking the colonization approach - The fact they didn't adopt that for civ5 after colonization was released between 4 and 5 made no sense to me. Individually unique Great Persons that all civilizations compete over is a clearly superior system to personalized pools. Civilizations should have more to compete over than just terrain and wonders.

Agree 100%.

Regarding gameplay, notice that on the GP selection info box [at .27] that after indicating you can complete purchase of GP with gold or faith if you don't have enough GP points, "You cannot perform this action if you or another player already has enough points to recruit the Great Person, or if you have previously passed over the Great Person (emphasis added)." So, you can't use gold or faith if you or somebody else already has enough points to purchase the GP. And I wonder exactly what having already "passed over" the GP means - that if you don't buy it when you first have sufficient GP points you can no longer do so? Or perhaps it means that if you reach the point where you have sufficient gold or faith to complete the transaction but don't do so, you can only then purchase with GP points? Really would like to understand this mechanic ... maybe tomorrow or with the religion first look!
In all honesty, I have a few issues with the stylized art style but it's caused by the art style being new and different from previous Civilization games and one I'll probably grow to like as time goes on. I actually like the look of Pedro II in this game since the animation this go round allows them to be very expressive and show a range of emotions.

As for the civilization of Brazil itself, seems interesting and a nice change of pace in focusing on the Great People. Variety among the various civilizations is nice and I'm curious to see how Brazil will play once the game releases.
Yeah, that's odd. I think this is an attempt to make him less european and more brazilian, even though he was of full european ascendency. In civ 5, they made him more brown skinned, but take a look on the Habsburg Austrian princess he called mother:

Spoiler :

And I don't think he was much of an outdoor type to get that level of tan.

I find it odd, too.

It always puzzles me why people associate Americans and Canadians with Europeans and the rest of the Americas with natives. Some South American countries (Argentina, for example) are whiter and more European than the US and Canada.
One of the districts that receives a greater adjacency bonus is the campus. That's the science one IIRC.

Brazil could really thrive with those jungle hexes then, it's nice for each civ to have their niche, but it may be a hint that no Central African jungle based civs will may be included, pretty sure we weren't expecting one tho.
Agree 100%.

Regarding gameplay, notice that on the GP selection info box [at .27] that after indicating you can complete purchase of GP with gold or faith if you don't have enough GP points, "You cannot perform this action if you or another player already has enough points to recruit the Great Person, or if you have previously passed over the Great Person (emphasis added)." So, you can't use gold or faith if you or somebody else already has enough points to purchase the GP. And I wonder exactly what having already "passed over" the GP means - that if you don't buy it when you first have sufficient GP points you can no longer do so? Or perhaps it means that if you reach the point where you have sufficient gold or faith to complete the transaction but don't do so, you can only then purchase with GP points? Really would like to understand this mechanic ... maybe tomorrow or with the religion first look!

That's interesting. So if I have enough points to acquire the Great Person in question but choose to skip it, then the other players cannot rush that Great Person. It makes sense to pump GPP into all the types, even if you don't want them, just to slow down the other civs by preventing them from rushing them.
Total Olympics PR with timing.
For shame Firaxis. So blatant.
Yeah right! What a bad company trying to crosspromote with the olympics - no "good" company would do it! :rolleyes: ;)

I have no problems with Brazil and I'm happy about the different focus of the civ on GP! The culture and wondermongers are in the lead so far, aren't they?
The Battleship-unit is nothing that comes to mind and somewhat underwhelming while I really like the higher jungle-adjacency-bonus for them. I believe they will indeed have to decide to keep that bonus or to improve the tile later in the game...

Incas will come around later - at least I hope so...
Brazil could really thrive with those jungle hexes then, it's nice for each civ to have their niche, but it may be a hint that no Central African jungle based civs will may be included, pretty sure we weren't expecting one tho.

Is not the Kongo considered a jungle based Civ?
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