Brokeback Mountain

Leha said:
Umm...not exactly. I have nothing against homosexuals, especially superstitious unexplained fear of them. Yet I don't like seeing men kissing each other, so I don't like to see this movie. Am I homophobic?

By that statement alone, no, I wouldn't say so. I personally am not homophobic, but it's not something I want to see, either.
rbis4rbb said:
Is anyone planning on seeing this? I won't, i don't want to see 2 gays kissing.

i dont see how this is different from a guy and a girl kissing.
MobBoss said:
Actually, homophobia would be you refuse to go see the movie because the thought of a gay man would irrationaly terrify you.
AnsarKing101 said:
phobic=fear of=phobia.

And I guess inflammable means not flammable?
Seems to me that the people who don't want to see this film for the reason that there are two gay men kissing are the ones who could benefit most from seeing it.
i can tell the difference. the thing is i choose to ignore it because making fun of them isnt very nice.
You need to learn the difference between "making fun" of people and simply not wanting to watch soemthing because you don't want to.

(I had a long post written up, but accidently closed the tab, I might retype it later if I can be bothered).

This movie was actually filmed in my city (Calgary) 2 years ago. Anyways one day I was walking near the set and a security guard told me to step off the sidewalk onto the road. Why? Cos Mr. Heath Ledger was walking along the sidewalk (so naturally a proletariet scum bag like me needed to get out of his way).

Ah well, he nodded at me at least.
Leha said:
Umm...not exactly. I have nothing against homosexuals, especially superstitious unexplained fear of them. Yet I don't like seeing men kissing each other, so I don't like to see this movie. Am I homophobic?

I would say no.
sysyphus said:
Seems to me that the people who don't want to see this film for the reason that there are two gay men kissing are the ones who could benefit most from seeing it.

Yeah, lets hook em up ala "clockwork orange" and see what it does.:rolleyes:
MobBoss said:
And yet, you make fun of fundies every day??? and that is different how?

because fundies make bad desicions that AFFECT THE COUNTRY. all gays wanna do is continue their way of life.
Wasn't there a joke on South Park about gay cowboys and pudding?
Sorry but that's all I can think about when I read the synopsis. :)
RoboPig said:
i would say yes. you fear gay domination of the world. the same way many people dont like images of nazis. you fear gay domination

Where did he say that???

Please, stop making homophobes out of everyone.

It is quite obvious you have heard a few people saying something, and then going branding everyone who doesn't agree with you with it.

Please, STOP IT.
i wasnt branding anyone. i was just answering leha's question on whether or not she was a homophobe. thats all.
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