Brokeback Mountain

RoboPig said:
i wasnt branding anyone. i was just answering leha's question on whether or not she was a homophobe. thats all.

You said she feared "gay domination".

What on Earth made you think that?

Look, people don't look down upon gays, or even think differently of them at all (except a few people).

I, for one, don't even consider it, and don't like to refer to every gay person as a whole (or any kind of person, for that matter).

But just because I don't feel comfortable watching two men kiss makes me a homophobe who fears "gay domination"?

So if I didn't want to watch a movie because it had explicit scenes in it, it means that I am against all sex and think it will be the downfall of society?

Man, you need to get your logic sorted out.
RoboPig said:
why else would you fear two guys kissing?



You are just taking things other people have said, and inflating them.

He said he didn't find it comfortable watching two men kissing, because he doesn't find it attractive to him (OK, not the best way of putting it, but you get the idea).

Just please, stop using ideas other people have given you on everyone.

I can't explain quite what I want to say to you, really, sorry...
RoboPig said:
why else would you fear two guys kissing?

It comes down to sexuality.
Children tend to say "ewww" when it comes down to any two people kissing.
When they come of age -- they regard this very differently and it is no longer "eww" *turns head* type of reactions. Who's to say heterosexuals don't retain the "ewww" feelings towards homosexuality because they simply do not follow that sexual persuasion and have the same instinctual reaction to it they had as children?

Does that make sense?
And should people be forced into watching something they find distasteful? Such as someone's head being blown off with a shotgun -- to which most human beings find "instinctual" *eww* reactions to?
I don't find it comfortable watching anyone kissing; does that mean I'm afraid of sex and afraid people who have sex will rule the world? I would have thought enjoying watching people have sex is called voyeurism.
RoboPig said:
i wasnt branding anyone. i was just answering leha's question on whether or not she was a homophobe. thats all.

O-o. First, I'm he ( see above avatar)
Second, I don't fear the sight of two men kissing.
I just don't like it. That is if they are kissing in the street, I'd prefer to look the other way. But they can kiss as much as they like, fine by me. See difference?
Jecrell said:
It comes down to sexuality.
Children tend to say "ewww" when it comes down to any two people kissing.
When they come of age -- they regard this very differently and it is no longer "eww" *turns head* type of reactions. Who's to say heterosexuals don't retain the "ewww" feelings towards homosexuality because they simply do not follow that sexual persuasion and have the same instinctual reaction to it they had as children?

Does that make sense?
And should people be forced into watching something they find distasteful? Such as someone's head being blown off with a shotgun -- to which most human beings find "instinctual" *eww* reactions to?

well that shows that those little kids are more mature than whoever doesnt want to see this movie. atleast the little kids dont care when there is kissing in disney movies like beauty and the beast.
RoboPig said:
well that shows that those little kids are more mature than whoever doesnt want to see this movie. atleast the little kids dont care when there is kissing in disney movies like beauty and the beast.

Look, stop trying to say that people who don't agree with you are somehow inferior and wrong.
i'm not saying that. i said that they are more mature so i respect the kids more. i didnt say i thought that gay symphatizers were the supreme people
newfangle said:

This movie was actually filmed in my city (Calgary) 2 years ago. Anyways one day I was walking near the set and a security guard told me to step off the sidewalk onto the road. Why? Cos Mr. Heath Ledger was walking along the sidewalk (so naturally a proletariet scum bag like me needed to get out of his way).

Ah well, he nodded at me at least.
Aw man, that's so cool newfangle! He even acknowleged your existance! That makes you like half a celebrity! Lucky!

Oh, and Robopig, either you are really one of the least logical sound people I can think of or, more likely, you are just trolling everyone here, and doing a decent job at it. Either way, stop it. It's annoying.
SoCalian said:
Oh, and Robopig, either you are really one of the least logical sound people I can think of or, more likely, you are just trolling everyone here, and doing a decent job at it. Either way, stop it. It's annoying.

He is. Already reported to some Mods.:) , he is just extremely spamming.:mad:
I am not. this is my opinion. there is no reason in my mindto not like 2 guys kissing. i am not gay. but i accept their culture and ways
yeah you can acept them, but it doesn't mean you have to enjoy watching them.
RoboPig said:
I am not. this is my opinion. there is no reason in my mindto not like 2 guys kissing. i am not gay. but i accept their culture and ways

I accept them too, now shut up and accept people who accept them but don't want to watch a movie about them kissing. Your comments are as bigoted as those who hate homosexuals.
Moderator Action: Ignore it or report it.

Flaming - warned.

Please read the forum rules:
yeah shut up you spaming flaming man whore bigot!;)
Moderator Action: Not everyone takes these comments as jokes - best not to post them at all.
Supriesed it took that long for mod action. Anyway, it doesn't look very interesting, though I do like the cast.
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