Bronze & Iron Unit Pack

Remaining units, oxen settlers and Sea People has been uploaded. There are few units with unique sounds done by Ares: Goliath, oxen settlers and oxen war wagons. Ares thank you very much again for your effort.
Thank YOU for your patience and these fantastic units. Here are some additional alternative sounds, free to use if anybody wants them - be advised, that register's units do use sounds already, so these are just if you want something different.


Sorry for the bump, but I just logged on after a few months and am absolutely blown away. Well done, register!!!
register, could you please explain if I understood correctly what sprites belong to what units:
Early Greeks: horse spearman and horse spearman I--do they match horse spearman I and horse spearman II from the old download? And iron units match late units from the old download?
very good that cavalry is standardized. very bad that is rendered smaller! bad idea! i consider the horse size used by imperator beeing the best! :cool:
The last batch of units added at the top of this tread.

Bronze Age Chariots, Colchis and Kartli Kingdom and Resized Oxen Units.

Resized units are only 5-10% smaller that originals to match chariots units size. I decided to keep both, originals and resized because I am not sure which size is better.

Around 50% of chariots have a small error in default SW animation. Part of a head or helmet features is disappearing for a second. I don't know how to fix it, so it has to stay like that.

Once again big thanks to Ares for his unique sounds for oxen chariots Nubia/Kush and Gwendoline for his help with the palettes.
I re-uploaded this morning Chariots part III because in Nubian and Phoenician chariots folders, s.pcx and l.pcx had wrong palette attached.

The Chariots look great, I never thought I would have this big of a selection.

Me neither, I was improvising. I created certain units to fill unit gap. Minoans and Cyclades probably never use chariots, Shekelseh, Sherden probably never used war oxen wagons, Nubia and Kush that's one kingdom really I split it into two by mistake.
Something wrong with the download of Colchis and Kartli. It links to Tjeker.
Sorry for the bump, but I just logged on after a few months and am absolutely blown away. Well done, register!!!
I'm still catching up after a year and a half or maybe more away. It's so easy to overlook things when there's so much to sift through.

There are many wonderful units I can re-purpose for mods beyond the eras & places they were created for. Especially the Nubian-Kush units that will come in handy in fleshing out some African unit lines.

... but then ominously I feel into addiction of doing it, extending it to new nations and other periods than Bronze and I didn't know how to stop that. Finally I did what I did and I am not going to touch it anymore, only reaming units or remakes. It just takes too much time.
Understandable, but now I'm a little wistful. Got quite a list of Indian units from the Bronze era up through Late Classical. Wish I could hire you. But then I'd have to track don or make some models of a few unique weapons. At least I can find some stand-ins here (good matches for armor, not so much for clothing).
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