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Brown huts+roads=ugly


Oct 25, 2001
I was just looking at the Civ3.com screenshot of the week, with the jumble of roads and the brown huts in every free space.

I thought it looked quite unattractive. Also I thought you only built those brown huts where resources were. Aren't those things colonies? In the Screenshot of the week, there is one built on every square inch of land in europe. I don't get it.

Also if you build the colonies on top of the resources, can you still see the resources?

I think the cities and graphics look nice...One thing that worries me is that all the cities seem to show what unit is defending, super-imposed upon the city!

EG Lyon defended by a giant pikeman!! I prefered the CIV2 interface!

I hope you can turn the viewing of defenders off!
Ah, I realize now that those brown huts are mines. Ok, that makes sense now. Not sure I've seen what a colony looks like though.
I think that the units superimposed on top of the cities, are only visible for your own cities. If you like at the screenshot of the week, you'll see you can only see what's in the russian citiies, but not what's in the green cities to the south.

That's kinda a handy feature, being able to easily see what kinda defense you have in your cities.
Just to clarify, you can not have Colonies inside your borders, they have to be outside of the city and if your city expands to include the colony, the colony disappears. There was a tuturial on building colonies that showd this in action, it was on the civ3 site, but I couldn't find it quickly enough to post it here for you.

Graphics improvements are nice. Road and mine improvements in every square are not attractive. But why do you play the game? For fun or for aesthetic considerations?
Originally posted by brandon749
Graphics improvements are nice. Road and mine improvements in every square are not attractive. But why do you play the game? For fun or for aesthetic considerations?

Both actually,
But I suppose CIV2's original graphics were rather ghasty.
:D btw the green cities have some type of solider(can't spell) in them you can jst barely make them out:goodjob:
Oh yeah... I can see them now. I like the fact that you can't build colonies in your borders, that would just be stupid. I don't like the thought of having units blocking my nice city graphics... Does anyone know yet whether you can still see a resource that you've built a colony on?
When you build a colony it is automaticaly assigned a name like:

English Iron
Russian Coal

Dunno if you can really be still able to see the pic of the resource but no problem in knowing what it produces.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...I for one still like some of civI's graphics -behold my ironclad avatar!
Originally posted by kittenOFchaos
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...I for one still like some of civI's graphics -behold my ironclad avatar!

It rocks!

I too always loved the cool bomber with it's unique round icon!

I even have it as my avatar!

The ENEMY ACE flies in style!!!:lol:
Originally posted by Jive
eh, until I shoot your LEGO down :D


Your appalling CIV2 fighter doesn't even have a propellor!
Yer stuck on the runway as my bomber rumbles overhead!!:lol:
the last couple of days, my expectation of civ3 has dropped dramatically, i do however still intend to buy it, but it seems like there has been a few changes for the worse..........
Originally posted by .:KNAS:.
the last couple of days, my expectation of civ3 has dropped dramatically, i do however still intend to buy it, but it seems like there has been a few changes for the worse..........

I would play before you judge,

I think we'll all be hooked!:crazyeyes
well, its true what u say, but the removal of the firepower, and the remaking of the hitpoint system seems to **** it all up..... but maybe, and i think so, the game will still be good
Im not so sure bout the firepower removal - however if they have removed it and a tank can still defeat a phalank :goodjob:

About the graphics: theyre generally I good, I dont care about the mines one teeny weeny bit.

What else is wrong with it .:KNAS:. (look I got your dots now tell me what they mean)
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