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[BtS] Diversica

Hi, newbie here. When I tried to Download any of your files I get an error message that I don't have permission. I registered with the site and still get the same message. Any clues? Is there another location (mirror)?

Edit: I don't know what's going on but now I am downloading the WoC version that I was previously locked out of. Sorry for the confusion.
Hi, newbie here. When I tried to Download any of your files I get an error message that I don't have permission. I registered with the site and still get the same message. Any clues? Is there another location (mirror)?

Edit: I don't know what's going on but now I am downloading the WoC version that I was previously locked out of. Sorry for the confusion.

That is apparently an issue with Filefront for some people, sometimes it does work for them, sometimes it does not. For most people it always works and I have no idea what the others have in common (other than the site randomly not working for them).

Usually trying it a few times over a few hours solves the problem. You also do not need to be registered there to up- or download anything (I am not registered for example).
Hi mamba
Congratulations on a mod well done...

Just 2 things

- the israelli pikeman apears as a red ball, the unit xml file is in place, the syntax looks fine, of course I don't know if its pointing to the proper place

- the english early jet fighter is also red, (apparently a Vampire), but in this case the unit xml is not there...

keep up the good work
Hi mamba
Congratulations on a mod well done...

thanks, glad you like it :)

the israelli pikeman apears as a red ball, the unit xml file is in place, the syntax looks fine, of course I don't know if its pointing to the proper place

if it were pointing to the proper place, it would work. All red balls indicate that the xml path is wrong ;)

the english early jet fighter is also red, (apparently a Vampire), but in this case the unit xml is not there...

It is there (albeit underneath ModernUnits :crazyeye:), if the xml definition were missing, the game would crash. The definition too contains an error in the path however (thus the red ball).

keep up the good work

I will :)

Thanks for letting me know, they both have now been fixed. Here is the bugfix for the regular version and here the one for the WoC version.
Hey: unfortunately I don't have space on my hard drive for BTS or Warlords:sad:.
Is there a mod pack like this for only the core Civ IV civs, units and so on? Please help me out here.
Hey: unfortunately I don't have space on my hard drive for BTS or Warlords:sad:.

hm, that probably is about 4 GB for both, are you sure you can't free up that little space in the age of the 1000 GB hard disks ?

Is there a mod pack like this for only the core Civ IV civs, units and so on? Please help me out here.

Sorry, I do not know of any for vanilla civ, I only joined the modding scene sometime after BtS, by then all mods (I am aware of) were at least for Warlords.
I don`t know why this isn`t working. I reinstalled the game and the patch is working now but the mod doesn`t.
I don`t know why this isn`t working. I reinstalled the game and the patch is working now but the mod doesn`t.

Ok, I guess we have to go through this step by step then.

Where did you install the mod ('install' as in extract the zip file) ?

When selecting Advanced - Load a Mod, do you seen an entry called 'Diversica' ?

When loading that entry, do you get the text 'Diversica' in the top right corner ?

How do you verify that it is not working ?
I extract the file in civ4/BtS/Mods.

Yes there is an entry called Diversica_100.

Yes in the top right corner is an entry called Diversica_100.

Cause there aren`t any changes to the normal game.
I extract the file in civ4/BtS/Mods.

Chances are you did not, I'll get to that pretty soon ;)

Yes there is an entry called Diversica_100.

There should not be an entry called 'Diversica_100', only one called 'Diversica'.

Did you create the directory 'Diversica_100' within civ4/BtS/Mods and extract Diversica in that dir ?

Please list the subdirs of the Diversica_100 dir. I assume there only is one subdir : Diversica_100/Diversica

Diversica should be extracted within the Mods dir, not within a subdir you manually created, like Diversica_100. It will create its own subdir and comes with a properly named ini file. If you extract it in Mods/Diversica_100, you mess up the directory hierarchy and do not have a matching ini-file, both of which will result in the mod not working.

Yes in the top right corner is an entry called Diversica_100.

This directory should not exist at all, there should only be a directory called Diversica. I assume you created 'Diversica_100' manually.

Cause there aren`t any changes to the normal game.

There aren't any because you did load Diversica_100, which is most likely nothing but an empty dir (for BtS purposes).
Hi mamba

Thanks for the quick answer. Anyway, while I added the files, I took a look at the xml structure you're using, and its just great and easy to understand.

So I expanded a little on you mod, and remarked some units.

Israel - M4a3, drab the tone, added the star of David to the tower ( never seen it IRL )
Israel - F117 with low visibility markings (never seen them, but used the same logic as other nations)
Israel - B2 manage do turn it "stealth black", and same as bove...
Israel - Spitfire, based on an actual plane markings
Israel - Merkava - unglossed the tone, added some "noise", added barrel markings, darkened the tracks
Portugal - F117, lv markings
Portugal - Spitfire, based on an actual plane markings
Russia - T50, lv markings
Russia - Mig 29, paled the green added new stars
Russia - Tu 160 , Blackened and added new stars
Germany and Arabia - EF2000 (snauf's) retouched the tex, darkened the grey areas, remarking.

Here are some nifscope screens

...If you like some of the remarkings, I'll sent them to you.

Both the spits and the german ef , have the letters or/and numbers changed to the symetric symbols (AHTIUY 80) so when you see them from their mirror side they don't "flip".
So I expanded a little on you mod, and remarked some units.

Israel - M4a3, drab the tone, added the star of David to the tower ( never seen it IRL )
Israel - F117 with low visibility markings (never seen them, but used the same logic as other nations)
Israel - B2 manage do turn it "stealth black", and same as bove...
Israel - Spitfire, based on an actual plane markings
Israel - Merkava - unglossed the tone, added some "noise", added barrel markings, darkened the tracks
Portugal - F117, lv markings
Portugal - Spitfire, based on an actual plane markings
Russia - T50, lv markings
Russia - Mig 29, paled the green added new stars
Russia - Tu 160 , Blackened and added new stars
Germany and Arabia - EF2000 (snauf's) retouched the tex, darkened the grey areas, remarking.

Here are some nifscope screens

...If you like some of the remarkings, I'll sent them to you.

I definitely am interested, the portugal planes are looking good :) Please upload all skins, that way I can check them all out :D
It works nearly.
I could play but I don`t have any writ the yes/no buttons are without yes/no and I only see the pictures of the units technologies... I think that`s cause I have the german version of the game.
Is it possible to make my game english to get the mod completly run?
Thank you for helping a totaly noob who speeks bad english.
It works nearly.
I could play but I don`t have any writ the yes/no buttons are without yes/no and I only see the pictures of the units technologies... I think that`s cause I have the german version of the game.
Is it possible to make my game english to get the mod completly run?
Thank you for helping a totaly noob who speeks bad english.

I have no idea what causes this, it should not be the fact that you use a german civilizations. All texts are available in all standard languages (albeit they all have the english texts), so you should not get blank texts, but english texts in any language (still better than blank imo).

In any case, you should be able to set the language to english by choosing Advanced (last entry in first menu screen) - Options (3rd option in next menu screen) and then you have Language in the bottom left corner of the next screen. Select english there.

If this does indeed solve the issue I would like to know, because quite frankly it should not (but then the issue should not exist in the first place).
I changed the language into english and now everything works fine.
Is it possible to play the game without the future units and technologies?
Could I just delete the xml text of the units?
I changed the language into english and now everything works fine.

Good, I'll need to look into this though, I would have expected english texts for the additional entries in all languages, not blank texts, so I need to figure out what is wrong here.

Is it possible to play the game without the future units and technologies?
Could I just delete the xml text of the units?

No, unfortunately it is not quite that simple, you still would need to edit the various *_CIV4UnitArtStyleTypeInfos.xml files. You would need to remove all entries for the units of ModernUnits.

Alternatively, you could use the WoC-based version, there it is sufficient to simply remove the NextWar and ModernUnits directories, as the xml can be broken down further thanks to the WoC format.
The two versions are nearly identical otherwise (I did not yet manage to get the attitude icons to work with WoC).
Hi mamba

I'll gather the skins ramarkings this weekend, and upload them on monday (I don't have internet at home, due to a severe internet addiction in the past).

I have some questions for you though, will you keep the Incas apart or do you intent do "update" them to Peru?

One other thing, If my memory doesn't fail me, the blue flag with the white markings belong to the Iroquis, I believe its the oposite in your mod ???...or not, also the Sioux flag is white with a red 4 point star a red circle around with some indian tents.

I have a pretty good idea on what symbols to use on the planes for the native american civs and already retouched Zervers AT/MARINE/PARA/SAM infantry, I'll check the NA war paintings and try to establish a relation with the berret colours.

One thought, have you checked the super spies mod? I would be a nice addition and its not disrupptive imo of civ's original concept.
I'll gather the skins ramarkings this weekend, and upload them on monday (I don't have internet at home, due to a severe internet addiction in the past).

Great, looking forward to them :)

I have some questions for you though, will you keep the Incas apart or do you intent do "update" them to Peru?

depends on what units are / will be available. Chances are they will update to Peru / Chile, but if there were what-if Inca units, I might prefer those (this will also depend on the units themselves).

As far as national markings go, Peru or Chile are fine with me.

One other thing, If my memory doesn't fail me, the blue flag with the white markings belong to the Iroquis, I believe its the oposite in your mod ???...

No, it is blue with white markings

also the Sioux flag is white with a red 4 point star a red circle around with some indian tents.

I use the New Mexico flag for them currently (as it looks somewhat indian to me, with its sun symbol) I am fine with the red circle and indian tents too, I actually do have that as an optional flag, I just do not use it in my mod by default.

I have a pretty good idea on what symbols to use on the planes for the native american civs and already retouched Zervers AT/MARINE/PARA/SAM infantry, I'll check the NA war paintings and try to establish a relation with the berret colours.

nice, post some pics once you have them ;)

One thought, have you checked the super spies mod? I would be a nice addition and its not disrupptive imo of civ's original concept.

I have not really checked it, I know it from reading its introduction, but that is it. I am curious about it, but afaik it changes Python and the dll. I limit Diversica to a mod which does not require a dll of its own however, so this is not something I will add.

The WoC version might eventually make use of it however, once the spies are supported by the WoC dll (chances are I will look into it, but no promises. In any case, it will take a while as RL is going to keep me busy for a while pretty soon).
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