[BtS MOD] Wolfshanze 1850-1920 Enhancement Mod v2.0

Does this mod work with Linux? More Specifically Ubuntu? I'm a Windows users who isn't very familiar with Linux but strongly considering the switch. I'm at the point where I'm trying to figure out which of my favorite programs and going to work and which aren't. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I believe it does, possibly with some tweaking though. At the very least I know there is some support for Civ IV on Linux, but this being a MOD, I have no idea if there is any compatability or support for this MOD specifically.
Why can't I download this from File Planet right now? Is it still there? Does anyone have this mod still or know where it's hosted?

On the first page of the thread that I link to in my signature, you can find the new download location. I think it's megaupload.
Wolfshanze doesn't work now with the updated 3.19 patch. Tried twice and it didn't load and gave me an error message. Perhaps there has been a slight change in something that is creating the problem?
Delete the gamecore.dll in the assets folder of the mod, and it should work. You'll loose the betterAI (though alot of that is incorporated in the 3.19 patch), and also the increased # of civs playable (will drop you to 18 max civs), but it should work. I'll be updating WolfRevolution once RevDCM is updated to 3.19 as well, so watch for that to update. Also I believe Ninja has updated the Merged Mod to 3.19, so you could probably use that as well for an updated gamecore.
WolfRevolution updated to 1.5.0
This makes it BtS 3.19 compliant. WolfRevolution can be played as stock Wolfshanze, simply disable all Revolution components on game start. So if you want to play the Wolfshanze mod, the best way to do it is to use WolfRevolution. Of course if you do enjoy the Wolfshanze mod, I strongly encourage you to check out Legends of Revolution. Since wolfshanze has disapeared his mod is no longer under development. Legends of Revolution has continued with the vision, and has produced a very balanced and well rounded mod.

Legends of Revolution Thread

WolfRevolution Thread
LoR is really almost a new mod in its own right. There may be more, but I've also expanded Wolf's original mod a little. Mostly SDK modifications.
This MOD appears superb because it seems to treat in a very serious and more exhaustive way of interesting parts of the history. :crazyeye:
I finally will be able to test it, because I hardly have just understood that it failed to play it in English (!!!) so that texts appear finally in the interfaces… :scan:
But here is that Privates-Maps provided are aberrant (36civ is empty players and 34civ has diabolic Random). :rolleyes:
Also, for starting, the MOD grapeshot me a series of “XML error” (Unitclass /Unit_ArtStyle/etc) which it is necessary to eliminate one by one before the game's engagement. When the game starts finally… my play is blocked with the execution of the orders of the 1st turn ! :wallbash:
I miss certainly something by imposing… Does somebody have suggestions?
Is it normal?
This mod isn't supported anymore, go to Merged Mod which works with the latest patch- Wolfshanze doesn't anymore.
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