Bug Report (English)

I found a little error in the 4.40. When it installs and you leave run the game selected you can an error about it not being a valid mod folder. I exited and tried to run it from the newly installed Shortcut. Same error. After some looking I noticed the mistake. It's inside of \ when it should be inside of ". I fixed that on the desktop and it loaded fine.

Beyond that I am sadly having serious issues getting to try out your mod. The list of features you have managed to bring together is great. Really exciting for a new civ player like me. Sadly I couldn't get it to load the largest world size and my few attempts at playing have seen me with a lot of crashes.

As the other mods Ive tried so far don't quite suit my tastes like yours I think Ill try to figure out the issues Im having and at least make some reports. By the way.... I want my native american civ back.... :( And you could make up for breaking my heart by adding some leaders aside from Sitting Bull. ;)
There's a bug with Super Carriers. Stealth Jet fighters cannot be rebased onto a Super Carrier.
I used editor to experiment, and found that:

1. Stealth fighters can be based on Carriers, but not Super Carriers
2. Supersonic Jet fighter can be based on Super Carriers, but not Carriers
3. Fighter, Jump jet can be based on Carrier, but not Super Carriers

This is a great mod, but small bugs like this one is annoying. Hope it can be fixed soon!
There's a bug with Super Carriers. Stealth Jet fighters cannot be rebased onto a Super Carrier.
I used editor to experiment, and found that:

1. Stealth fighters can be based on Carriers, but not Super Carriers
2. Supersonic Jet fighter can be based on Super Carriers, but not Carriers
3. Fighter, Jump jet can be based on Carrier, but not Super Carriers

This is a great mod, but small bugs like this one is annoying. Hope it can be fixed soon!

#2 Should work that way, not sure why the others are that way, may be a coding limitation.

The latest patch works excellent. This is my first CTD with it.

Save attached.



  • Lizzie ADW-0560.CivBeyondSwordSave
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There's a bug with Super Carriers. Stealth Jet fighters cannot be rebased onto a Super Carrier.
I used editor to experiment, and found that:

1. Stealth fighters can be based on Carriers, but not Super Carriers
2. Supersonic Jet fighter can be based on Super Carriers, but not Carriers
3. Fighter, Jump jet can be based on Carrier, but not Super Carriers

This is a great mod, but small bugs like this one is annoying. Hope it can be fixed soon!

1) There is a small bug in the UnitInfo.xml. The XML-tag <Special> of the stealth fighter is wrong. A special unit type is missing here. The tag should look like this:

2) is fine.

3) Same problem as 1). Please add to the tags of the fighter, zero and jump jet the special unit type SPECIALUNIT_ALL_FIGHTERS_AND_JUMP_JETS_AND_HELICOPTERS
1) There is a small bug in the UnitInfo.xml. The XML-tag <Special> of the stealth fighter is wrong. A special unit type is missing here. The tag should look like this:

2) is fine.

3) Same problem as 1). Please add to the tags of the fighter, zero and jump jet the special unit type SPECIALUNIT_ALL_FIGHTERS_AND_JUMP_JETS_AND_HELICOPTERS

thank you for the reply!
Since I have no experience in modding whatsoever, can you tell me how do i change the code? And what software do I need, or can I just use notepad to open?
All text editors would do. But if it is easier for you here is the attached file with the changes. Please unpack it with WinRar and replace the file in .../Mods/Community Civ V/Assets/XML/Units


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Hey Thomas SG,
the latest patch works really well. :)
But I noticed some minor bugs and things where I'm not sure whether it's intended or not:

1. XP-diffusion does not work anymore for naval and air units, intended?

2. Naval units do not get the +100% XP promotion from Great Generals on the same tile, although the pedia says they can (didn't test the other two)

3. Frigates lose their cargo (GG with +100% XP :( ) when defending (I think this first happended with an Ironclad, but the AI attacked the Frigate while I tried to reproduce the bug, also the attacking vessel was captured, but I don't think that happened when the bug first occurred)

4. One of my Submarines just vanished one day and I suspect the dynamic polar caps are behind it (it was on automated Explore, so I didn't notice immediately)

5. While Barbarian units usually don't give XP when defeating them, they do if you First-Strike-Bombard them (even if not defeated) or they attack you

6. Can't use/build Inquisitors with Organized Religion anymore (Civic Screen says you can, though), intended?

7. Air units don't have a 'normal' bombing mission anymore (to just carpetbomb a city/tile) and there is no mission to target 'normal' tile improvements like Mines (being able to destroy an Unsurfaced Road but not the Mine on the same tile is kind of strange)

8. The replacement forest for tiles with improvements gives no production, while that is fine if said improvement is a Mine (I do think this is a fix for a 'bug' from an earlier version), it's weird for Lumbermills and Forest Preserves, especially since tooltip and pedia don't mention the -1 production (was quite a surprise when I finished my first preserve, not to mention the Environment Protection Program :lol: ). It also removes the increased movement cost (but thats only an issue with Windpower Plants) and does not list as Forest in the mouseover tooltip.

9. Units lose promotions when upgraded if the upgraded unit can't have that promotion, intended? (it's not BTS behavior if I recall correctly) Examples: Privateer -> Destroyer, lose Sentry (not that dramatic); Cavalryman (with Amphibious) -> Tank, lose Amphibious :(

10. When an enemy unit is captured, my unit does not move to the attacked (now empty) tile (but also loses no movement) and the captured unit spawns on my units tile, while I think that's intended and fine if there are other hostile units on that tile, it's weird if there aren't (and you can't move there if you don't want to lose the captured unit to other hostile units in the area)

11. Strategic aircraft are listed as being promotable in the pedia while they are not (although the range promotions would be nice indeed)

12. Upgrading Dreadnought to Destroyer costs no gold (but Submarine to Missle Submarine costs 300)

13. Quite often the game gives me an error message at the end of an AI's turn: Error in EndPlayerTurn event handler <bound method BarbarianCiv.onEndPlayerTurn of <BarbarianCiv.BarbarianCiv instance at SOMEHEXADDRESS>>

14. The right-click menu of units with the Lead by Warlord Promotion is missing a thumbnail (see attachment)

15. The Mobile SAM gets a bonus vs Helicopter Units, but because it is an Armored Unit, the helicopters also get a bonus against it. So in a battle with an AT-Gunship it's 36 vs 48 :(

16. The exact requirements to build a desired unit are a bit obscure in the late game:
Electronic Parts are revealed by Computers but not producable until one has researched Robotics (which needs Computers) and build a HighTech Factory. I'm able to trade advanced resources to the AI even if they have not yet researched the according tech, so I guess it also works the other way.

I also had three CTDs so far, they all occured while it was the AI's turn. The first one was easily 'fixed' by quickloading the previous turn (I always quicksave at the end of a turn).
The second one was more persistend: I enabled 'Show Friendly Moves' in the options to see if a specific opponent was causing it. Unfortunatly I didn't make an extra save so I'll try to explain what I did with a screenshot taken a few turns earlier. (See attachment CTD)
On tile A and B were large stacks of Indian units and the last thing that happend before every CTD was that India moved units from B to A (I actually had no visibility of tile B but the units came from that direction and there were no units on the other adjacent tiles). I then placed a barbarian Dreadnought on tile C and tried again, this time the last thing I saw was a Longbowman traveling through the Indian Empire. I then placed 5 or so Malinese Riflemen on tile C and it worked! India conquered Ainu and destroyed the Malinese Civ and I could continue playing. The Malinese had their turn before India, so maybe the Riflemen attacked A or B.
The third CTD was again 'fixed' with a few quickloads (and didn't happen while it was Indias turn).

Overall a great game I still love the added complexity (had to go to war to get Oil :D ).


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Hey Thomas SG,
the latest patch works really well. :)
But I noticed some minor bugs and things where I'm not sure whether it's intended or not:

1. XP-diffusion does not work anymore for naval and air units, intended?

2. Naval units do not get the +100% XP promotion from Great Generals on the same tile, although the pedia says they can (didn't test the other two)

3. Frigates lose their cargo (GG with +100% XP :( ) when defending (I think this first happended with an Ironclad, but the AI attacked the Frigate while I tried to reproduce the bug, also the attacking vessel was captured, but I don't think that happened when the bug first occurred)

4. One of my Submarines just vanished one day and I suspect the dynamic polar caps are behind it (it was on automated Explore, so I didn't notice immediately)

5. While Barbarian units usually don't give XP when defeating them, they do if you First-Strike-Bombard them (even if not defeated) or they attack you

6. Can't use/build Inquisitors with Organized Religion anymore (Civic Screen says you can, though), intended?

7. Air units don't have a 'normal' bombing mission anymore (to just carpetbomb a city/tile) and there is no mission to target 'normal' tile improvements like Mines (being able to destroy an Unsurfaced Road but not the Mine on the same tile is kind of strange)

8. The replacement forest for tiles with improvements gives no production, while that is fine if said improvement is a Mine (I do think this is a fix for a 'bug' from an earlier version), it's weird for Lumbermills and Forest Preserves, especially since tooltip and pedia don't mention the -1 production (was quite a surprise when I finished my first preserve, not to mention the Environment Protection Program :lol: ). It also removes the increased movement cost (but thats only an issue with Windpower Plants) and does not list as Forest in the mouseover tooltip.

9. Units lose promotions when upgraded if the upgraded unit can't have that promotion, intended? (it's not BTS behavior if I recall correctly) Examples: Privateer -> Destroyer, lose Sentry (not that dramatic); Cavalryman (with Amphibious) -> Tank, lose Amphibious :(

10. When an enemy unit is captured, my unit does not move to the attacked (now empty) tile (but also loses no movement) and the captured unit spawns on my units tile, while I think that's intended and fine if there are other hostile units on that tile, it's weird if there aren't (and you can't move there if you don't want to lose the captured unit to other hostile units in the area)

11. Strategic aircraft are listed as being promotable in the pedia while they are not (although the range promotions would be nice indeed)

12. Upgrading Dreadnought to Destroyer costs no gold (but Submarine to Missle Submarine costs 300)

13. Quite often the game gives me an error message at the end of an AI's turn: Error in EndPlayerTurn event handler <bound method BarbarianCiv.onEndPlayerTurn of <BarbarianCiv.BarbarianCiv instance at SOMEHEXADDRESS>>

14. The right-click menu of units with the Lead by Warlord Promotion is missing a thumbnail (see attachment)

15. The Mobile SAM gets a bonus vs Helicopter Units, but because it is an Armored Unit, the helicopters also get a bonus against it. So in a battle with an AT-Gunship it's 36 vs 48 :(

16. The exact requirements to build a desired unit are a bit obscure in the late game:
Electronic Parts are revealed by Computers but not producable until one has researched Robotics (which needs Computers) and build a HighTech Factory. I'm able to trade advanced resources to the AI even if they have not yet researched the according tech, so I guess it also works the other way.

I also had three CTDs so far, they all occured while it was the AI's turn. The first one was easily 'fixed' by quickloading the previous turn (I always quicksave at the end of a turn).
The second one was more persistend: I enabled 'Show Friendly Moves' in the options to see if a specific opponent was causing it. Unfortunatly I didn't make an extra save so I'll try to explain what I did with a screenshot taken a few turns earlier. (See attachment CTD)
On tile A and B were large stacks of Indian units and the last thing that happend before every CTD was that India moved units from B to A (I actually had no visibility of tile B but the units came from that direction and there were no units on the other adjacent tiles). I then placed a barbarian Dreadnought on tile C and tried again, this time the last thing I saw was a Longbowman traveling through the Indian Empire. I then placed 5 or so Malinese Riflemen on tile C and it worked! India conquered Ainu and destroyed the Malinese Civ and I could continue playing. The Malinese had their turn before India, so maybe the Riflemen attacked A or B.
The third CTD was again 'fixed' with a few quickloads (and didn't happen while it was Indias turn).

Overall a great game I still love the added complexity (had to go to war to get Oil :D ).

1) No. Here is a little bug in the code. But this is not happening to naval and air units only. It happens at the moment to all units with a position in the UnitInfo greater than the number of UnitClasses.

Same problem with the 'heal half speed code'.

2) I've tested all GG promotions with naval units. In the test it worked as expected. All units got the GG promotions next turn. If there is a bug I can't see and find it at the moment.

3) Welcome to Cargo Damage. This is one of my mods / game options! Your frigate got hurt during the battle and one of the hits killed your GG. Bad luck. Cargo Damage does damage to all loaded units. The value depends on the new damage to the transporter (here your frigate). And for units without combat capability it means to have a random chance (also depends on the damage value) to die. If you don't like it please disable the game option.

4) Maybe. But that would be okay if it was a standard sub. But I know that a hint that a unit got lost would be nice. But I'm too lazy to do at the moment...

5) Found a small bug in the code here too. Good found. :goodjob:

6) Have you discovered the technology theocracy? If you haven't inquisitors are not discovered yet.

7) Figthers will be able again to do area bombardments.

8) Oh. My mistake. Forgot to introduce some new variables when moving code from Python to SDK.

9) That's fine. Works as expected.

10) Bug in the code. Solved with next patch.

11) Mistake of the pedia. Solved.

12) Reduced the cost of the dreadnought to 180 (former 200).

13) Not critical. I'll search for the reason.

14) - must have a look at the picture - => solved too

15) 18:24 because the game will ignore the bonus on both sides. Doesn't matter. But that's the way it should be here. Mobile SAMs as big and static targets are quite easy to destroy for modern gunships. Mobile SAMs are good weapons against fighters and bombers but not gunships! Use SAM-infantry to defend. That's the reason why they do not upgrade to Mobile SAMs. This relation is intentional in CCV.

16) Maybe I've made a mistake here. But the idea was to be able to buy advanced parts and use them to build advanced units although you are not able to produce themselve. For example you should be able to build riflemen if you are able to buy rifles and ammunition from somebody. It shouldn't matter that your own technology level may be still of the stone age. Same in modern times. You may not be able to produce high-end computer systems. But if you know how to use a computer that's enough to use a bought high-end system.
2. I forgot to mention the GG was loaded as special cargo. I had the GG in one of my combat ships and some land units on a transport ship (all on the same tile of course), the land units get the buff but the ships don't. See screenshot GGcargo

6. Ok so I switched to Organized Religion while in the Future Era and could train Inquisitors no problem, making me think im stupid.. then I loaded a Middle Ages save where I had already researched Theology (there is no tech Theocracy IIRC, also the pedia says Theology is needed) and I couldn't train them (State Religion is present) See attached savegame

15. Ok but the AA Artillery is also large and stationary, but is not armored and its antihelicopter upgrade is actually weaker against helicopters (16 +100% vs 18 +50%) (also those three units don't show as being able to receive all the 'red' promotions in the pedia)

16. Ok maybe I was a bit unclear about that: I was able to sell advanced resources to stone age civs, so I don't see the point in revealing Electronic Parts earlier than enabling HighTech-Factory (same goes for Bronze Weapons and Forge), if the requirement for being able to buy those resources was that they are revealed to you, then it would be no deal (so this isn't as much a bug as it is a usability issue)

17. Forgot to number the CTD section... any ideas on that?

And I forgot some things/noticed a few others:

18. Some units mouseover tooltips in the city screen are incorrect:
Spies are shown as getting +2XP from the Pentagon, +2XP per GG specialist and +4XP from Elite Military Accademy, while they do not (See screenshot SpyXP)
Strategic Aircraft are shown as getting XP (related to 11. )
In assimilated cities from civs that have special XP buildings (in this case the Zulu Barracks, Ikhanda) the XP bonus from said building does not show in the mouseover tooltip, but the units do get the XP (See Screenshot IkhandaXP)

19. I fail to see the point in some units having the 'special' Starts with Locating Technology when all units that can have this promotion get it for free with the tech of the same name (and most if not all units with this tag need the tech anyway)

20. I noticed some AI units with the promotion Medic1 but without Combat1 or Drill1 (pedia says one of the two is required), I think they all had a terrain promotion though

21. How is the combat strength of carriers with aircraft calculated? I had a Carrier with three Jump Jets, it had a strength of 23. I then upgraded the same unit to Super Carrier and it also had a strength of 23 (with 3 Jump Jets of course). Very cool idea btw :D (and do loaded helicopters give a bonus against submarines?)

22. The promotion Logistics2 enables Spies to use enemy roads.... but they start with Commando, so this is kind of redundant

EDIT: Added screenshot for 2.


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23. My newly built spies don't get the promotion Locating Technology, but all my already built spies got it when I finished the tech.

24. Something's wrong with Theatre, Colosseum and/or Broadcast Tower. Pedia says Theatre and Tower give one Happiness per 10% Culture (although I think I read somewhere that one of them was per 5%...) and Colosseum one every 20%. At 5% I get 1 Happiness, at 10% 3, at 15% 5 (thats definitely wrong) and at 20% 7. Also the building list in the cityscreen displays the bonus inaccurately. (See screenshot happinessbonus)

EDIT: 25. Oh and I just noticed Battleship and Missle Cruiser having the same production cost (I knew there was another free upgrade somewhere).
Same applies to Worker and Clone Worker, and Ballistic Missle (V2) and Guided Missle.


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15) AA-guns set to 13:strength: and 25% chance (former: 16 and 20%)

16) Revealed by robotics now.

19) It's especially a tech upgrade for older naval units like submarines, destroyers, battleships,...

20) The AI has finished the project Red Cross. It gives you Medic1 for free.

21) The best air unit counts and can improve the :strength:. It can be a fighter or a helicopter. Makes no difference. No special bonus against subs. Here the calculation:

Spoiler :
int CvUnit::baseCombatStr() const
// Thomas SG - Gameplay
// Carriers use Fighters and Helicopters to defend themselves and get a higher combat value

	int iBestAircraftStrength = 0;

	if (domainCargo() == DOMAIN_AIR)
		if (hasCargo())
			CvPlot* pPlot = plot();
			CvUnit* pLoopUnit;
			int iPower, iI, iModifier;

			CLLNode<IDInfo>* pUnitNode = pPlot->headUnitNode();
			while (pUnitNode != NULL)
				pLoopUnit = ::getUnit(pUnitNode->m_data);
				pUnitNode = pPlot->nextUnitNode(pUnitNode);
				if (pLoopUnit->getTransportUnit() == this && (pLoopUnit->getDomainType() == DOMAIN_AIR || (pLoopUnit->isHelicopter() && GC.isCCV_HYBRID_HELICOPTER())) && !pLoopUnit->isSuicide())
					if (pLoopUnit->getDomainType() == DOMAIN_AIR)
						iPower = (pLoopUnit->airBaseCombatStr() * pLoopUnit->currHitPoints()) / pLoopUnit->maxHitPoints();

					else if (pLoopUnit->isHelicopter())
						iPower = (pLoopUnit->baseCombatStr() * pLoopUnit->currHitPoints()) / pLoopUnit->maxHitPoints();

					iModifier = 0;
					for (iI = 0; iI < GC.getNumPromotionInfos(); iI++)
						if (pLoopUnit->isHasPromotion((PromotionTypes)iI))
							iModifier += GC.getPromotionInfo((PromotionTypes)iI).getCombatPercent();

					iPower *= (100 + iModifier);
					iPower /= 100;

					if (iPower > iBestAircraftStrength)
						iBestAircraftStrength = iPower;

	return std::max(m_iBaseCombat, iBestAircraftStrength);

22) :yup:

23) Is not made for spies. No spy should get it. Fixed.

25) Worker => Clone Worker is okay. All others fixed.

6/17/18/24) ???
18) I promise nothing but I think it's fixed. Please check it again after update.

24) Everything is fine! Let me explain.
Theatre gives you +1:) for each 10%:culture: = 2:)
Broadcast Tower the same.
Colloseum gives you 1:) for free and 1:) for each 20%:culture: = 2:), but only 1:) counts to the 7:) from the culture rate, but both to the building.

As a result all buildings must be shown with 2:) at the moment. And 5:) of those 6:) count to the 20%:culture: rate. But the 20% culture rate gives you 2:) for free. So you got 2:) for the rate itself + 5:) from the buildings. Thats why there are 7:)
24) Everything is fine! Let me explain.
Theatre gives you +1:) for each 10%:culture: = 2:)
Broadcast Tower the same.
Colloseum gives you 1:) for free and 1:) for each 20%:culture: = 2:), but only 1:) counts to the 7:) from the culture rate, but both to the building.

As a result all buildings must be shown with 2:) at the moment. And 5:) of those 6:) count to the 20%:culture: rate. But the 20% culture rate gives you 2:) for free. So you got 2:) for the rate itself + 5:) from the buildings. Thats why there are 7:)

Uhhh now I feel stupid. :D
But thanks for pointing that out. :)

20. As far as I know that particular AI did not finish it. And I was wondering because my units only get it for free if they meet the requirements.
Okay, if you know about any bug that is not reported above, please tell me now. Version 4.40E is almost done. When the new building 'gunpowder manufactur' is added and the test of the new 'manufactured bonuses' code is fine, I plan to release in the next 30 hours.
Okay, I've started uploading a beta of 4.40E. Please check this new version. The manufactured bonus code should be really fine and fast now. The AI is not perfect with it, I know, but I'll improve it. But there should be no more vanish of bonuses. The final version of 4.40E will have new AI code. Please notice some important changes to the bonus system. Copper and iron resources will loose their superior importance in the early game. And build forges as fast as you can! Those are the key to power. Oh, and their is a new city building - workshop. You will need it in the middle ages and renaissance. It gives you crossbows, muskets, rifles and gunpowder. Please have a look at the pedia and check the new manufactured bonuses.

I know that there is still a CTD source. Please help me to find it. Would be great to find the bug before the release of the final 4.40E version.
And here is a new DLL for 4.40E Beta.

The new DLL solves two bugs.
1) fights in tundra allow now to get the snow combat promotions
2) found a CTD source (independend from all game options and referred to combat)


  • CvGameCoreDLL 4.40E Beta2.rar
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Well, the main CTD source is not found yet. But I got a new DLL for you. Solves problems from terraforming at the border. The older DLLs may have bumped your units without reason.


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