Bug Reporting

Thank you BUG for this wonderful mod that extends our enjoyment of civ. In merging the latest build into RevDCM svn, there are a couple of very small issues I would like to highlight to you and probably you already know about them!

1) In the last line of the BULL GlobalAltDefines.xml we have the code:
The int define should probably go inside the define tag. I have made a similar mistake myself and so I have to laugh. All that beautifully concise work and then a little error in that pissy GlobalAltDefines file. My normal error is to leave underscores out.

2) The ACO enabled checkbox in the options tab is faulty. It can only be changed by xml and does not remember it's state when clicked on in the interface. The fix I have enacted is:
<option id="Enabled" key="Enabled" type="boolean" default="True"/>
Apparently without the key defined, the interface checkbox does not connect to the bug python handler.

Thanks again! Brilliant stuff you beautiful people for a 99.99999% perfect mod.
The crash to desktop in BAT 2.1 is actually something that was introduced into BTS in version 3.13, when loading a modded game.
The crash to desktop in BAT 2.1 is actually something that was introduced into BTS in version 3.13, when loading a modded game.
Maybe it does have something to do with BTS 3.13+, but I haven't noticed the problem in any other mod that I've used, and I just did a quick test of exiting to the main menu in BUG 4.1 which did not result in a crash - so it seems to me that this problem must be caused by something BAT does to the game; something which is not in every mod.
Thanks, glider1! I'll make those changes pretty soon. I'll hold off on fix releases in case we get some more bug reports.
BAT 2.1 seems to crash the game every time I "exit to main menu". Windows 7, installed to c:\games\civ4 complete\beyond the sword\mods\bat 2.1.

I get this same error too. Running on Windows 7 as well.
Hi, I'm having a problem when installing the BUG MOD 4.3 into the BtS ver 3.19 installed Win7. I installed it, restarted the BtS and got lots of popups saying "Failed Loading XML file <xml file location and something code-like> Error parsing XML File-, then the file name and the reason follow.
The reasons are always like "The end tag 'TEXT' doesn't coincide with the start tag 'Spanish' "(It says in Japanese because my pc is Japanese). Also I have French or Italian that doesn't coincide with 'TEXT'.

So I looked up the xml file and found there are some funny texts mainly of those European languages. English texts seem ok. It's probably because my pc is Japanese so it can't show them properly.
I tried removing all the languages but English in an xml file, the way I found on a website when I had trouble with running this BtS english version on my pc, and it seemed to work well because popups of the xml file doesn't come out.

But I don't wanna delete all the languages that cause troubles simply because...soooooo many texts in the xml files, it would take a whole day to complete the mission!!

But I'd love to use this mod. Does anybody know how to sort it out?
Well I've already read the "German version on US pc" thread anyway but I think I've got a different symptom.

Any comments welcomed;)
I've recieved a couple of bug reports for LoR that if BtS is installed in a location that have cyrillic symbols in the path, BUG fails to initialize correctly and the user gets no interface. According to the users that have reported this, the bug (loss of interface) is reproduceable with the BUG mod. This bug occured with the update to 4.0 and was not present in LoR builds that used BUG 3.5. Is this fixed in 4.2, is this a known bug?
@phungus420 - This bug just will not die! :( Edit BugPath.py and replace every occurrence of BugUtil.debug() or info() calls with "pass" without quotes. Replace the entire line for each one.

For some reason I can log Unicode strings read from the XML but not read from Windows path names. I have no idea why. :confused:

@Koichi - I don't know any solution that wouldn't require some technical skill. You could use an XPath tool to write a script to remove all the non-English language strings. How do the XML files from BTS itself work okay?
Thanks for the quick response. I should have brought this up earlier, as it was reported to me a couple of weeks ago. I thought you were aware of it. I thought one of the users that reported it had reported their findings here as well as in the LoR forum though.
@phungus420 - This bug just will not die! :( Edit BugPath.py and replace every occurrence of BugUtil.debug() or info() calls with "pass" without quotes. Replace the entire line for each one.
I'm not fully understanding. Could you give an example?

So you mean like here
def makeDir(name):
	Creates a new directory in the dataDir folder.
	path = join(getDataDir(), name)
	if path and not isdir(path):
			[B]BugUtil.info("BugPath - creating '%s'", path)[/B]
			return path
		except IOError:
			BugUtil.trace("Cannot create directory '%s' in '%s", name, getDataDir())
	return path
Change to:
def makeDir(name):
	Creates a new directory in the dataDir folder.
	path = join(getDataDir(), name)
	if path and not isdir(path):
			return path
		except IOError:
			BugUtil.trace("Cannot create directory '%s' in '%s", name, getDataDir())
	return path
That's precisely what I mean. The reason you can't just delete the line entirely is there are some cases where that line is the only line in an else: block that will cause a syntax error. "pass" in Python means "ignore this line". It's like it isn't there but satisfies the requirement of having a block inside an else: or if: or anywhere else a block is required.
EF, I'm glad to report this fix seems to work. I have noticed no issues with it and it was reported to me by a player that experienced the loss of interface bug, due to non latin characters in the mod's path, that they now have an interface and the mod seems to work fine. Here is the User's reply:

Thanks for the report back. The reason I haven't removed those lines myself in BUG is that I had to add them to resolve problems users were having getting their paths correct. Without logging of the paths BUG was having trouble finding, I couldn't figure out what was wrong.

So I'm left with either not being able to solve future path problems from users or causing bugs with non-Latin characters. So frustrating. There is a separate solution that I am going to implement to let me have my cake and eat it too; it's ugly but it will work. :p
I have been searching for references to a bug I'm having but can't find any. So apologies if this has been addressed already. I recently switched from BUG 4.1 to BAT 2.1 and now get a very consistent crash. It happens when I explore a particular unseen square. In my current game (save attached) I have a scout in the Viking capital. And when I move him nw 2 squares my game will crash to the desktop. Also crashes if I enter world builder. The first time I noticed this was in a previous game similar problem different civs and settings. I have updated my drivers and no change. Any help would be greatly appreciated, especially since this is the first game at emperor level I feel I have a chance of winning (due to my grossly over powered start position).


  • Joe AD-0375.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Has anyone noticed invisible forts in bat 2.1?

Notice it SAYS there is af ort on the time and when I got combutsion I did automatically get oil so they do work its just you cant see em after you build em. Also it seems to be a an era thing cuz forts in same game built in modern era:

Show up just fine

Also I have been noticing this:

Its a screen shot of an enemy city where I have enuff spy points to look inside. Notice up at top near the health/yucky faces. If you mouse over those faces you will see all the health they have and where it coming from and same with yucky faces. But NO smiley/sad faces show up. And I am pretty sure those should be showing up as well they seem to do in regular unmodded games and I KNOW they have in past versions of bug and bat mods but at least since bat 2.0 they dont for some reason.

@wasabijoe - Thanks for the save. I'll check it out here. I suspect that 2 tiles NW there is a unit that has bad art specified in the XML for Varietas Delectat (the unit graphics part of BAT). If that's the case, the only way to continue the game would be to install BAT 2.0 and trick it into thinking it's 2.1 (not hard). I'll let ya know what I find.

@KaytieKat - The missing forts also seem like missing graphics in VD. Could you please post a link in their forum back to your post so Avain is aware of the issue?

This missing smily faces is definitely a bug. BUG used to show you their anger counter due to whipping/drafting, but this is spoiler information even with enough espionage points (you can never see the whip/draft buttons in foreign cities and thus cannot see the turns of anger that whipping/drafting would cause). Perhaps I made an error when doing this and removed the entire display. I'll check it out now.

I am having trouble loading the BUGGY MOD for my BTS 3.19.
Specifically my problem consists in that I am fully able to play beyond the sword normally, but not use the mod. I can load other mods (I tried with Afterworld and a couple of others).
I tried starting the mod in all the three ways that I know (writing it into civilizationIV.ini, writing it into the shortcut destination field and advanced->load a mod). Every single time the game simply doesn't start up. I get an hourglass for a second and then... Nothing! It is very frustrating!
I have the latest patch and mod.
I am using Windows XP Pro.

Please help me!

EDIT: or tell me where I should post this to get some help...
@Meatdaddy - Start by posting here the information asked for on the Troubleshooting page.

@Navarre and TwoShedsJackson - Can you post a save please? It seems that VD 8.0 has some missing art, but a save will help Alerum confirm it for Avain to fix.
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