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Bug reports and technical issues

Yeah, it's SO HARD to make FAILED-QUEST civs UNPLAYABLE, suuure...
Or MAYBE even give them alternative quests.
I mean, you have to be a GENIUS to do it...

(You laugh at me?
Now I laugh at YOU!
One-bit solution to the WHOLE problem.
China: PlayableCiv=0.
How's THAT for someone who "couldn't find a link"?)

Arrogance is one "NICE" trait to have, you know.

Funny, I THOUGHT RFC Dawn was BETTER than the original RFC - and it IS.
I wonder then, how come you DIDN'T fix such SIMPLE things then...

Moderator Action: Please do not troll.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
Yes, BECAUSE everyone always PLAYS for UHV so it'S not like anyone's FUN would be spoilt by NOT allowing them to play AS the civ they felt LIKE just because 1700 is too late to COMPLETE its UHV.

Also, it's hilarious that you decided to go complain about this in the C2C subforum as well. :lol:

Don't LET the door hit you ON the way out.

Moderator Action: Please do not answer trolls. Report them and let the staff handle them. Answering them feeds them.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
Yes, people CONSTANTLY acting like the UHV is the ONLY possible victory in the GAME is very ANNOYING, especially when they CAPITALIZE words like they're SHOUTING while doing so.
Yeah, it's SO HARD to make FAILED-QUEST civs UNPLAYABLE, suuure...
Or MAYBE even give them alternative quests.
I mean, you have to be a GENIUS to do it...

(You laugh at me?
Now I laugh at YOU!
One-bit solution to the WHOLE problem.
China: PlayableCiv=0.
How's THAT for someone who "couldn't find a link"?)

Arrogance is one "NICE" trait to have, you know.

Funny, I THOUGHT RFC Dawn was BETTER than the original RFC - and it IS.
I wonder then, how come you DIDN'T fix such SIMPLE things then...


Umm, what was that?
Indeed, this was above the average drama level for this forum.
(You laugh at me?
Now I laugh at YOU!
One-bit solution to the WHOLE problem.
China: PlayableCiv=0.
How's THAT for someone who "couldn't find a link"?)

There is an even easier fix:
Just choose an other civ to play...

You don't have to code ANYTHING.
Yeah, it's SO HARD to make FAILED-QUEST civs UNPLAYABLE, suuure...
Or MAYBE even give them alternative quests.
I mean, you have to be a GENIUS to do it...

(You laugh at me?
Now I laugh at YOU!
One-bit solution to the WHOLE problem.
China: PlayableCiv=0.
How's THAT for someone who "couldn't find a link"?)

Arrogance is one "NICE" trait to have, you know.

Funny, I THOUGHT RFC Dawn was BETTER than the original RFC - and it IS.
I wonder then, how come you DIDN'T fix such SIMPLE things then...


You're... joking, right?

You do realize that the whole point of the 1700 AD scenario was basically to provide a fresh starting point for the late-spawning civs for those whose computers are rather subpar, correct?

And why make it so China isn't playable? That doesn't solve anything at all. Also realize that the SVN is obviously prone to bugs and errors,even ones that are insolvable like this. It's literally work that Leoreth just completed, and it's up to us to bug test it, in essence.
You're... joking, right?

You do realize that the whole point of the 1700 AD scenario was basically to provide a fresh starting point for the late-spawning civs for those whose computers are rather subpar, correct?

And why make it so China isn't playable? That doesn't solve anything at all. Also realize that the SVN is obviously prone to bugs and errors,even ones that are insolvable like this. It's literally work that Leoreth just completed, and it's up to us to bug test it, in essence.

It's not just for people with subpar computers, it's also good for those who want more historical/repeatable conditions and spend less time waiting for spawn.
Okay, I think I have to point out a few things which I thought would have been obvious.

1. The SVN version you have downloaded is explicitly my current working copy. I.e. the things I am currently working on, i.e. things that are by definition unfinished. I have made it available to everyone via SVN to give the community access to new changes between the version releases and to allow me to receive feedback and react to it before release. This of course requires the understanding of the people playing the SVN version that the game they're playing is unfinished, maybe bugged and maybe unbalanced. That's an inherent attribute of early access! If you want a polished version (within the standards expected from a mod), wait for the packaged release. I'm a little surprised that I have to explain all of this, because it's all clearly spelled out in the thread that links to the SVN repository.

2. This mod is for free and I work on it on my free time. Appearing here acting as if I owe you anything is not a good idea in general.

3. In this particular case, I don't see the advantage of making a civilization unplayable just because its UHV goals cannot be completed. There are other reasons to play this game except winning UHVs. I also don't see why the fact that a UHV is unwinnable when the starting date of a scenario is past the dates of two of its goals should be surprising to anyone. If all of this makes you terribly upset, just don't play China? I really don't see what your problem is. No one is forcing you to do anything.

I consider this topic to be over now.

Argentine and Brazilian embassies appear in the wonder list in the Civilopedia
Thanks, problem noted.

Edit: is there a problem to play the mod while doing the checkout ?
Starting from the currently downloading folder, or another one? If the latter, it shouldn't be a problem. In case of the former, the mod would attempt to load the files that are already there. Because of the interdependencies, this will certainly fail as long as there are still files which are missing because they haven't been downloaded yet.
I almost suspected that ;) Still, might be relevant information for some people in the future, since the same is true for updates as well.
Singidunon does not get renamed to Singidunum when conquered by the Byzantines.
Singidunon is the Byzantine Greek name for the city. Byzantium only uses Latin if no contemporary Greek alternative is available.

Many european civs(haven't tried all) don't have economics yet, this causes several problems I think.
One certain problem is that Prussia who starts with 'Capitalism' as civic reverts to 'Tribalism' on turn 2.
The Netherlands and Great Britain also don't have economics but have the colonies you gain through the 'Trading Company' event and likely the same civic problem as prussia
The civic issue has been fixed recently.

Furthermore my favorite spot on the map, the caribbean :)
The British are missing Jamaica/Kingston, I'm pretty sure they had conquered the island from the spanish by the start of the 1700AD scenario and started the sugar production
Barbados/Bridgetown however is lacking sugar which was/is the main source of income for the island since the 1600's (80-90% of the income was from sugar up to the 1990's.. something like that)
Also 'Georgetown'? in 'British Guyana' was annexed in the later 18th century from the dutch who had been in the area since some time in the 1600's
I'd have to check the map again too, but another city location which was always hard to found is on the spice in the 'lesser antilles' due to the jungle there
That could be either a dutch (St. Maarten/St. Eustatius) british(Nevis/St. Kitts) or french(Martinique/Guadeloupe) colony
I'd favor british 'Nevis' if the dutch get back guyana since the british didn't have that area yet by the start of the scenario

I read somewhere that those islands were more important to the british than all north american colonies/territories, simply because of the sugar production there..
There are only so many Caribbean islands in the game, and putting cities on all of them isn't a good idea either.

Chicago with a harbor is intentional? It makes the great lakes much more interesting :)
Yes, harbors can be built on lakes too now.
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