Bug Reports and Technical Issues

Do you know if Arabia has ever controlled Aksum?
They may have, I am not sure. I did not have this area explored at the time. That would explain it.
That is another bug, on the most recent version now: I get Poland tech goal failed, while playing as Prussia, the next turn. They collapsed a turn before.


  • Frederick AD-1712 Turn 486.CivBeyondSwordSave
    1.3 MB · Views: 5
Latin America is not revolting against Spain by 1810, only Mexico, and it happened to me with many civs:

Also after Mexico revolts, the USA can't build Sand Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego and Phoenix:



  • Washington AD-1820 Turn 538.CivBeyondSwordSave
    1.1 MB · Views: 4
Spain UHV1 settle first city in america fails in 1155 after the inca spawn and they settle cities in south america.
(latest git version)


  • Isabella AD-1140 Turn 356.CivBeyondSwordSave
    596.4 KB · Views: 5
After the austrians captured Buda from the ottomans, it name have not changed. Also, Buda should change to Budapest in the industrial age, since the city have united with other two cities and given this name in 1873.
After the founding of saint petersburg, every time I changed some civic an notification have show up, saying that the city changed its name to the same name it have before. I'll attach a save for you to see this happening. Just choose a civic and end the turn of anarchy to see.
León name under moorish control should be Liyun.
Lviv should be Lemberg under control of the germans\austrians and the prussians.
Mugyo sadang have a text error in its civilopedia's strategy line.


  • Ivan IV AD-1709 Turn 324 (dynamic name bug).CivBeyondSwordSave
    1.3 MB · Views: 6
I'm playing as Spain on game version 1.16.6 on Paragon/Marathon game difficulty.
I accomplished UHV 1 to settle a city in Amera by founding Sonoma (near San Fransisco) at 1339 AD.
But when I end my turn at 1409AD is says UHV have failed.
I think there is some bug, because when Vikings found there found there first American city at the end of this turn.
See attached save game.


  • Isabella AD-1409 Turn 787a.CivBeyondSwordSave
    1.1 MB · Views: 6
Last edited:
Upon spawn, playing as England has terrible game lag/performance issues. It doesn't go away.

Playing as Japan razing cities before UHV1 is complete causes UHV1 failure. Save attached.


  • Meiji AD-1345 Turn 397.CivBeyondSwordSave
    861.4 KB · Views: 6
I'm playing as Spain on game version 1.16.6 on Paragon/Marathon game difficulty.
I accomplished UHV 1 to settle a city in Amera by founding Sonoma (near San Fransisco) at 1939 AD.
But when I end my turn at 1409AD is says UHV have failed.
I think there is some but when Vikings found there found there fiest American city at the end of this turn.
See attached savegame.
Spain UHV1 settle first city in america fails in 1155 after the inca spawn and they settle cities in south america.
(latest git version)
This could be related to the same issue?
+I assume 1939 should be 1399?
Not sure, but looks like a bug with Japan UHV. Got 6 000 Culture, but first goal didn't count.
Latest Git update.


  • japan_uhv_bug.CivBeyondSwordSave
    778.2 KB · Views: 6
I'm playing as Spain on game version 1.16.6 on Paragon/Marathon game difficulty.
I accomplished UHV 1 to settle a city in Amera by founding Sonoma (near San Fransisco) at 1939 AD.
But when I end my turn at 1409AD is says UHV have failed.
I think there is some but when Vikings found there found there fiest American city at the end of this turn.
See attached savegame.
I assume 1339? Or 1399?
Playing as Japan razing cities before UHV1 is complete causes UHV1 failure. Save attached.
Why is that surprising?
I get a crash to desktop on this save when pressing next turn and triggering the Italian victory.


  • NextTurnWinLorenzo de' Medici AD-1876 Turn 566.CivBeyondSwordSave
    1.8 MB · Views: 7
I get a crash to desktop on this save when pressing next turn and triggering the Italian victory.
Which version is this from?
Not sure, but looks like a bug with Japan UHV. Got 6 000 Culture, but first goal didn't count.
Latest Git update.
Found a fix, I also uploaded a save where the goal should complete the next turn.


  • Kammu AD-1060 Turn 227.CivBeyondSwordSave
    778.3 KB · Views: 6
Not sure if its a bug report, but I had a funny error a few days back before the current update where every single village spawned warriors (2 in japan, 2 austrailia, new zealand, 2 south america, and the Caribbean). Not sure if anyone else has seen that either.
Some bugs I noticed from my last couple of games

When I play as Russia in the 1700 AD scenario and conquer Polish Wilno, it doesn't rename automatically to Vilna

Sometimes, even when gold is available for trade in diplomacy, and it is in white text, I can't click on it, i.e. clicking on it does nothing

When I had conquered Hangzhou as Japan, when China respawned, no matter whether I let it go or even tried to resist the flip, all of my units in the city were lost. When I refuse the flip, I should get to keep at least some of my units
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