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Building tooltip mistakes

The Great Lighthouse reads "TXT__KEY_BUILDING_EFFECT...etc" I think its supposed to say "plus 20 xp for sea units"
Hey Thalassicus.

Thanks for the new update.
I'm in the process of compiling the errors I've found. (unfortunately quite a few)

While I'm at it could you tell me if the colouring of the 'Good for:' tips is intentional?
I can see no consistency with it and on some tooltips it gives the impression that somethings are greyed out.

I'm looking right now if I can see where they get their colour from.

Barracks, Armory and Brackenburg Gate showing as: TXT_KEY_BUILDING_EFFECT_EXPERIENCE_DOMAIN
Neuschwanstein showing as: TXT_KEY_BUILDING_EFFECT_YIELD_FROM_BUILDINGS (twice)
Thanks, I fixed those tooltips for Civup 2.5.1. :thumbsup:

"Good For" colors the same as items in most roleplaying games.

I've just compiled a list of things that might need attention.
Spoiler :
The Civilopedia has the following errors:

Lacking a 'Game Info:' box
Where available the Vanilla text follows the unit name and is taken from 'CIV5GameTextInfos_Units.xml',which is displayed in the civilopedia of a G&K expansion setup. (obviously).

The exceptions are noted with a second line of text and that is from CIV5GameTextInfos2_Expansion.xml which supercedes the previous text.

Ancient Era
Settler - "Founds new settlers to expand your empire [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Growth of the City is stopped while this Unit is being built."
Slaver -
Spearman - "Ancient Era Unit which specializes in defeating Mounted Units."

Classical Era
Composite Bowman - "Classical ranged infantry Unit."
Horseman - "Fast and powerful early game Mounted Unit. Weak to Spearman."
Swordsman - "Strong, front-line land unit of the Classical Era."

Medieval Era
Crossbowman - "Medieval ranged infantry Unit."
Knight - "Powerful Medieval Mounted Unit, weak to Pikeman."
Longswordsman - "Powerful Medieval infantry Unit."
Pikeman - "Specialized in defeating Knights and other Mounted Units."

Renaissance Era
Lancer - "Mounted Unit specialized in defeating enemy Mounted Units."

Industrial Era
Dragoon - "Mounted Unit of the Renaissance Era, capable of fighting toe-to-toe with contemporary infantry units. Weak against other Mounted Units."
Dragoon - "Mounted Unit capable of fighting toe-to-toe with contemporary infantry Units."
The above was taken from the 'Cavalry' 'Game Info:'

Modern Era
Anti-Aircraft Gun - "Will intercept enemy aircraft which try to bomb nearby Units."
Anti-Tank Gun -"Relatively cheap Unit specialized in fighting Tanks."
Biplane -
Infantry - "Basic Infantry Unit of the Industrial Era."
Infantry - "Most powerful Infantry Unit in the game until Mechanized Infantry."
Landship - "The first of its kind, this powerful late game unit can move after attacking."
Machine Gun - "Late-game ranged Unit that must be adjacent to an enemy to strike."

Atomic Era
Atomic Bomb - "Unleash nuclear destruction upon your foes. Does great damage to Cities and damages any Unit caught in the blast radius. May be stationed on Aircraft Carriers.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Requires Manhattan Project and a Uranium resource."
Bomber - "Air Unit that rains death from above onto enemy Units and Cities."
Fighter - "Air Unit designed to wrest control of the skies and intercept incoming enemy aircraft."
Guided Missile - "A cheap Unit that may be used once to damage enemy Units or Cities."
Helicopter Gunship - "Unit specialized in fighting Modern Armor and Tanks. It is capable of hovering over mountains."
Helicopter Gunship - "Unit specialized in fighting Modern Armor and Tanks. It is capable of hovering over mountains, but takes damage if ending its turn on one."
Marine - "Atomic Era Unit especially useful for embarking and invading across the sea." - CIV5GameTextInfos2_Expansion.xml
Mechanized Infantry - "Fast, basic Unit of the late-game that requires no special resources to build."
Mobile SAM - "Will intercept enemy aircraft which try to bomb nearby Units."
Tank - "Fast and powerful Industrial Era Unit. Receives a penalty when attacking Cities and on defense, but is incredibly effective in open ground."
Tank - "Fast and powerful late game Unit."

Information Era
Giant Death Robot - "Doesn't benefit from any defensive terrain bonuses, but is otherwise stronger than any other military unit in the game."
Giant Death Robot - "Isn't benefiting from any defensive terrain bonuses, but is otherwise stronger than any other military unit in the game."
Jet Fighter - "Air Unit designed to wrest control of the skies and intercept incoming enemy aircraft."
Modern Armor - "Fast and powerful late-game Unit. Receives a penalty when attacking Cities and on defense, but is incredibly effective in open ground.
Modern Armor - "Fast and powerful late-game Unit."
Nuclear Missile - "Unleash nuclear destruction upon your foes. Does great damage to Cities and damages any Unit caught in the blast radius.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Requires Manhattan Project and two Uranium resources.
Stealth Bomber - "A long-range Air Unit that rains death from above onto enemy Units and Cities."

The following units are missing a 'Good for:' box



Ship of the Line

Ironclad - Does have an empty 'Good for:' box

Missile Destroyer

The only 'Barbarian' units listed are 'Brute' and 'Slaver'.
They could probably be dropped from the civilopedia as they can't be produced by the player, although you can
get them through "Opportunities". Otherwise the other units should be included. I'm not 100% sure whether they
can be obtained the same way.
Is that why they're the only listed 'Barbarians'?


The following buildings have 'Good for:' box issues. (x2 means the listed terms are shown twice)

Bazaar Gold x2
Great People x2

Burial Tomb Religion x2

Chinampa Growth x2

Dojo Military Training x2

Krepost Military Training x2

Pioneer Fort City Defense x2

Satrap's Court Gold x2
Great People x2

Stele Culture x2

Indus Sanitation Growth x2

(Also the Abilities: box shows " :1 River Tiles". Something missing?)

Mud Pyramid Mosque Religion x2

Longhouse Production x2
Great People x2
Wonder x2

Mughal Fort City Defense x2

Wat Science x2
Great People x2

Ceilidh Hall Culture x2
Great People x2

Coffee House Great People x2
Production x2

Hydro Plant
Abilities: " :1 River Tiles"

Steam Mill Production x2

Historical Info: Has this text "...killed approximately 300 500 million...". The 'dash' is missing.

Freedom Finisher
Good for: ""
Abilities: "Slows enemies in friendly territory"
Requirements: Hammer Cost:1

This last 'building' is listed amongst the Ancient Era buildings.

The Great Lighthouse
Free building: Lighthouse
+1 Movement and +1 Sight
City Happiness: 1
Great Merchant Points: 1
Culture: 3

National Wonders
Lacks a 'Good for:' box

Jade Hall Science x2
Wonder x2

(Since it is replacing the National College it should have a 'Civilization' box with the correct civ that uses it)

These TECHS are lacking the 'Game Info:' box


Carvel Hulls

These TECHS have this TAG visible in the 'Special Abilities:' box - "TXT_KEY_CIVILOPEDIA_SPECIALABILITIES_YIELDCHANGE"

Economics (It is displayed x4 above the line about fresh water VILLAGE improvements)
Gunpowder (Above the line about fresh water MINE improvements)
Printing Press (Above the line about fresh water LUMBERMILL improvements)
Fertilizer (It is displayed x2 above the lines about fresh water FARM IRRIGATION improvements and fresh water TERRACE FARM improvements)
Industrialization x2
Military Science
Scientific Theory
Steam Power (Above the line about faster embarked movement)

All the TECHS are lacking a 'Good for:' box except
Carvel Hulls
which have an empty 'Good for:' box


While I concede this may make perfect sense as far as the game code is concerned, as a user the following is confusing. Especially to someone new who would use
the Civilopedia often.

There are 4 different MARCH promotions each with its own set of requirements

Healing Promotions
1 Accuracy II, Barrage II, Siege, Volley, Indirect Fire
2 Shock II, Drill II, Blitz
3 Interception II, Dogfighting II, Siege III, Bombard III, Ambush II, Mobility II
Vanguard Promotions
Recon II, Trenches III, Guerilla III, Cover I, Medic, Survivalist

There are 3 different BLITZ promotions

Accuracy III, Barrage III, Targeting III, Bombardment III, Merchant Raider III
Siege II, Bombardment II, Ambush II, Mobility II
Shock II, Drill II, Siege, Cover I, Ambush I

Further the search field on the Civilopedia page doesn't know how to handle these multiple entries as it does with others. In general if the search query
has multiple solutions a small dropdown field appears from which you can refine your search. With these two it only shows one page for each, MARCH of BLITZ.
Those pages being the "Shared" for BLITZ and the "Vanguard" for MARCH.

Tooltips and 'Good for:'

The colouration is not consistent across the various items.
Each different 'Good for:' item - City Defense, Culture, Science etc. can be displayed in different colours in different tooltips.
It would be good to have colour matching the toolbar colours, but if not, just a single colour across the board would be preferable.
Some of the colouring gives the impression that the specific 'Good for:' is unavailable or superceded as it is displayed in a
dark grey that almost blends into the black background.

I appreciate this is a long list. It is only provided as a help not a criticism.


I see in your last entry the point about colour so you can disregard my comments here about colouring. Or perhaps find someway to convey that to newbies.

About the 'todo' notes in a number of Policy's 'Historical Info:'. I can do some text and send it to you. After which you can discard it at your leisure.;)
version 2.5.1/1.3.3
Civilopedia entry for writing shows a text key saying TXT_KEY_CIVILOPEDIA_SPECALABILITIES_YIELDCHANGE.

Probably related to the science bonus on villages.

Edit: And from lua.log: [1390.780] AT_Init: ERROR GetDefaultBuildingFieldText lineType=YieldFromTech : column EnhancedYieldTech does not exist in GameInfo.Building_TechEnhancedYieldChanges

Spoiler :
[15792.152] constraint failed
[15792.152] While executing - 'INSERT INTO ArtDefine_StrategicView(StrategicViewType, TileType, Asset) VALUES(?,?,?)'
[15798.283] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
[15800.155] Validating Foreign Key Constraints...
[15800.171] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[15800.171] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[15800.171] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[15801.107] Invalid Reference on UnitGameplay2DScripts.UnitType - "UNIT_HITTITE_WARCHARIOT" does not exist in Units
[15801.107] Invalid Reference on UnitGameplay2DScripts.UnitType - "UNIT_SUMERIAN_PHALANX" does not exist in Units
[15801.107] Failed Validation.
-- SQLite Memory Statistics --
Memory Usage:
[Cur] [Max]
Malloc: 386896 33235848
PageCache: 4388 4982
LookAside: 0 0
Scratch: 0 1

Static Buffer Overflows:
[TooLarge] [NoSpace]
PageCache: 0 29686720
Scratch: 0 0

Largest Allocations:
Malloc: 131072
PageCache: 1160
Scratch: 6664

Prepared Statements:
Current: 10
[15819.905] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
[15822.089] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
[15837.299] Validating Foreign Key Constraints...
[15837.299] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[15837.299] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[15837.299] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[15838.297] Invalid Reference on UnitGameplay2DScripts.UnitType - "UNIT_HITTITE_WARCHARIOT" does not exist in Units
[15838.297] Invalid Reference on UnitGameplay2DScripts.UnitType - "UNIT_SUMERIAN_PHALANX" does not exist in Units
[15838.344] Failed Validation.
-- SQLite Memory Statistics --
Memory Usage:
[Cur] [Max]
Malloc: 2042032 33235848
PageCache: 4364 4982
LookAside: 0 0
Scratch: 0 1

Static Buffer Overflows:
[TooLarge] [NoSpace]
PageCache: 1417520 29686720
Scratch: 0 0

Largest Allocations:
Malloc: 131072
PageCache: 1160
Scratch: 6664

Prepared Statements:
Current: 25

It looks like the attached screenshot.

Barracks, Armory and Brackenburg Gate showing as: TXT_KEY_BUILDING_EFFECT_EXPERIENCE_DOMAIN
Neuschwanstein showing as: TXT_KEY_BUILDING_EFFECT_YIELD_FROM_BUILDINGS (twice)

How are you even seeing "Neuschwanstein" as a wonder? I thought that was removed/replaced ages ago?
Should still be in civup only. The tooltips would be for that too.

I fixed this for the next version. :)

Does this work for you. If I just put in that extra S in CivilopediaScreen.lua I get a blank field in the civilopedia special abilities section of the Writing tech. See screenshot.

I don't know... it appears to match the internal code now. :think:

Edit: it appears this was a bug in the vanilla game they fixed in G&K. The parameters for the text key are in the wrong order. I've corrected it for the next version. It should match the order of the lines just below that.
The tooltip for the Notification of City-State Influence change has an error.

With the Mercantile City-States it has the line about "trade of exotic goods" with 'ICON_HAPPINESS_!]' showing. It has an extra ] at the end.
I tried to find where this might be wrong in files, but I couldn't. The Hydro Plant shows - in the tool tip and in the civilopedia - the following text under 'Abilities':

: 1 River Tiles

I.e. it doesn't say +1 production ... When/if someone tracks down where this error might originate from in the files, I'd be grateful so I'll know better where to look for next time. Cheers.

Edit: This is for GEM 1.13.4 (Civup 2.5.2)
Wonders/buildings using the Building_BuildingClassYieldChanges tag show up with an bugged tooltip.

I managed to get a mountain with an event (culture), with Machu Picchu to have 21 culture o the tile. Should have been 13. So that was fun. :)

That was back a couple versions though with the 2x opportunity bug I think.
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