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Bush disapproval rating hits new high

1. This thread seems awfully familiar to that "Historians think Bush is worst president ever" thread, and will pretty much go along the same lines. It's old in that sense.

2. Andrew Johnson. Better? :lol: I still got Franklin Pierce or James Buchanon if you want more :p

Harding is just always the first name that jumps in my mind when I think "crappy president".

Yeah, we already went over the old presidents in that thread too, and why Bush is worse than even them...

...and apparently, 107 historians pretty much agree. Worst president ever.
Yeah, we already went over the old presidents in that thread too, and why Bush is worse than even them...

...and apparently, 107 historians pretty much agree. Worst president ever.

I agree that overall he is a god awful President, but I think it's just...I dunno, premature....to rate him alongside the anti-Rushmore figures like Harding, Johnson, Pierce, and Buchanon.
I agree that overall he is a god awful President, but I think it's just...I dunno, premature....to rate him alongside the anti-Rushmore figures like Harding, Johnson, Pierce, and Buchanon.

well, the story says "modern presidents"

and like I said

1. Harding was very popular, he won by the largest landslide any president had won by up to that point in history

2. Harding had scandals... but Bush..... good dear god!
Bush isn't a bad president, only the events during his two terms have been less than favorable for his image. I have a good feeling the next president will be worse.

The next president is gonna get a Carter treatment, no matter who it is. A democrat will probably win, then we have the Reagan era all over again.
From a historical standpoint of course.
""Bush's approval rating, which stands at 28 percent in our new poll, remains better than the all-time lows set by Harry Truman and Richard Nixon [22 percent and 24 percent, respectively], but even those two presidents never got a disapproval rating in the 70s," Holland said. "The previous all-time record in CNN or Gallup polling was set by Truman, 67 percent disapproval in January 1952."

Now compare that to how Truman is viewed today.

You win the 'common sense' award for the thread.
OP gets the same reply as last time. I don't give a crap if he's doing what's popular, he's doing what's right.

Edit: Oh yeah, I almost forgot--the actual statistics show that George Bush Jr. is considered both the best AND the worst President ever. I am not making this up, he took both of those titles in actual, properly-certified polls.
OP gets the same reply as last time. I don't give a crap if he's doing what's popular, he's doing what's right.

Well, he is pretty incompetent. I think the War in Iraq has distracted America from the true problem in Afghanistan. His domestic policy is almost non-existent and his financial mistakes will wreck havoc in the future. What he has done will destroy the next president.
""Bush's approval rating, which stands at 28 percent in our new poll, remains better than the all-time lows set by Harry Truman and Richard Nixon [22 percent and 24 percent, respectively], but even those two presidents never got a disapproval rating in the 70s," Holland said. "The previous all-time record in CNN or Gallup polling was set by Truman, 67 percent disapproval in January 1952."

Now compare that to how Truman is viewed today.

wasn't most of trumans disapproval coming from stuff he had little power over though? The Russians got the bomb and China fell to communism.

Bush on the other hand was essentially handed greatness and blew it. Clinton handed him a shaky economy after the .com bust, but we were having budget surpluses. Then when 9/11 happened his approval rating shot up to 90% and he had a worldwide consensus. Now he's got us stuck in a war that's got nothing to do with anything, inflation, packed on a couple of trillion in debt, blew our good foreign image, etc etc.
wasn't most of trumans disapproval coming from stuff he had little power over though? The Russians got the bomb and China fell to communism.

Bush on the other hand was essentially handed greatness and blew it. Clinton handed him a shaky economy after the .com bust, but we were having budget surpluses. Then when 9/11 happened his approval rating shot up to 90% and he had a worldwide consensus. Now he's got us stuck in a war that's got nothing to do with anything, inflation, packed on a couple of trillion in debt, blew our good foreign image, etc etc.

My point was that regardless of whether it is historians saying it, nobody knows what the future holds for Bush's legacy. Sure, he may well be considered one of the worst in 100 years time. Or, possibly, the view could also be one of "He stuck to his guns and did what was right in the face of vanishing public support, laying the framework for the utopia that is the modern day Middle East."

We just don't know.
We're....about eight and a half months from the end of Bush's term, right? Why does his approval rating even matter at this point?
My point was that regardless of whether it is historians saying it, nobody knows what the future holds for Bush's legacy. Sure, he may well be considered one of the worst in 100 years time. Or, possibly, the view could also be one of "He stuck to his guns and did what was right in the face of vanishing public support, laying the framework for the utopia that is the modern day Middle East."

We just don't know.

even if there is any utopia in middle east... it will take a lot of spins to give the credits to Bush....
2. Andrew Johnson. Better? :lol: I still got Franklin Pierce or James Buchanon if you want more :p

Harding is just always the first name that jumps in my mind when I think "crappy president".

Aww, I like Franklin Pierce -"hero of many a well fought bottle"

He's up there, in my books, along with the one who used to pee out of the window of the Oval Office whoever that was
The cow says, "mooo000OOO".

The sheep says: "baaaaaaaaaaah"

For those who do not get it, I will explain:

The quotes above are from a child's toy where you pull a string and the toy makes the sound of the animal that the arrow is pointing to.

The points?

1) People get the data they want to get (pulling the string on the animal of choice).

2) People are just going with the flow here, like herd animals. This mob mentality is resulting in the bloated statistics. They are rounded up by agnsty fringe blogs and pointed in a direction.

3) Thus, hating Bush has become the trendy thing to do. People cannot wait to jump on the "cool" bandwagon.

In the past, it was difficult to engage young adults who had little interest in politics, but in the internet world it becomes easy to form an MTV army of everyone that wants to be trendy and agnsty. This is resulting in the bloated numbers that until recently were mostly devoid of agnsty young adults with little to no actual interest in politics.

Is that clear enough? It's on topic and it seeks to explain the bloated numbers. It's my take on the situation. You might not like it, but it is a legitimate position for me to take.

I'll try to be less vague by explaining my comments more in the future. I figured that if some people don't get what I was saying, who cares? But obviously I must be more clear.

EDIT: I would like to add:

It is part of human nature to want to live during "historic times". The idea that we get to witness "the worst president ever" is exciting to some people as it makes their existence less mundane. The same phenomenon is at work when people turn into Chicken Little. This factor should not be ignored.
3) Thus, hating Bush has become the trendy thing to do. People cannot wait to jump on the "cool" bandwagon.
Just as was the opposite when Bush was megaphoning his through the days after 9/11. Of course, some of us never got on that bandwagon.
Bush didn't become loved during 9/11, the United States largely rallied behind our President in response to this horrific act of terrorism. It would not have mattered who was President, but for a moment we respected the office and looked to it for some kind of an answer. Now, its been 7 years and 9/11 is so old and unimportant, we have to get back to being sound bite informed and making big eared monkey jokes.
Bush didn't become loved during 9/11, the United States largely rallied behind our President in response to this horrific act of terrorism. It would not have mattered who was President, but for a moment we respected the office and looked to it for some kind of an answer. Now, its been 7 years and 9/11 is so old and unimportant, we have to get back to being sound bite informed and making big eared monkey jokes.

While you're probably correct to some extent that he wouldn't be able to ride on the coattails of 9/11 solidly for 7 years with a 90% approval rating I think he could have still maintained a respectable approval rating had he not done anything incredibly stupid.
he's made alot of mistakes, but he hasn't done anything to deserve the hatred directed towards him. No president can hold on to approval rating that high, because the public has a short memory. his dad had approval ratings around there after the Gulf War, but once that was over, his presidency was no longer sexy so he lost.
So Bush Sr. was setting new records for disapproval? Huh, I must have missed that point.

At this point, it's possible, if unlikely, Iraq will turn around and more or less get it's act together. In which case, Bush Jr will obviously be hailed as the genius who wrecked the economy, wrecked our foreign relations, failed to fix schools or SS, drove up the debt, nearly broke the constitution, and got into an unneeded war under false premises, heavily mismanaged it, only to turn around, take credit for his generals doing quite frankly incredible work, and not getting anywhere near what he promised.

Sorry, I can't buy that.
I was talking to shady about approval ratings, not disapproval ratings, although don't let that stop you from making your "point".
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