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[C2C] Ramkhamhaeng of the Incas

This game reminds me of the Foundation books: On one side of the world, you have the prospering Inca Republic. On the other, you have a bunch of tiny, constantly warring nations.
This game reminds me of the Foundation books: On one side of the world, you have the prospering Inca Republic. On the other, you have a bunch of tiny, constantly warring nations.

I never thought of it that way. Sometimes it's really hard to tell what makes a stable nation. I don't think the map helps (I set the script to Random, so I don't know what script it actually used). The archipelago nature of most of the map really seems to hinder the AI growth and stability. I got a fairly good-sized starting continent and was able to control it thanks to the early Dog Soldier rush and then beating down Gilgamesh for the rest of it. Things just started to snowball from that point.
The city that will never fall: Chuito. if you get it's defenders down to one guy at the end of the turn, the city proceeds to pump out a hundred modern marines in one turn to send your army to the underworld.
On the question where those troops came from, i dont have an answer, as you don't just recruit 10 mil soldiers that quickly even with a draft. in a city that likely is nowhere near big enough to divert that much people without economic collapse.
I decide to continue my westward sweep through the archipelago nations. Churchill of Mali is the next target.

The Flying Squadrons go into place.

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Here is what Mali looked like before I started the war.

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This is the result.

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Churchill has one city left - the former Barbarian city of Gaul on a little island. I dispatch two of the Flying Squadrons to hunt it down.

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Tech-wise, I get Gene Manipulation next. This unlocks the Cure for Cancer.

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Cure for Cancer is nice because it's a Project that helps everyone to some extent but helps you more. You can share the Cure, but your citizens get first crack at it. Of course, Chuito's going to build it.

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Overflow gold is awesome. 37,641 hammers overflow from SS Cockpit converts to 27,951 gold, or almost 15 turns of deficit spending. At this point, I am so not concerned with my treasury.

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Gene Manipulation leads right into Cloning. Cloning obsoletes many of the early Animal buildings, including all of the megafauna trainers. It will lead to Clone units, but there are a few intermediate steps.

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Thanks to Multiple Research and my queued tech goals, I can now sweep up a couple of earlier-era techs. First is the Industrial-era Agricultural Engineering, known in the XML as Pesticides.

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Right after that comes Lawn Sports. These sports technologies do have their place. There are very, very few dead-end techs in C2C. Dead-ends are there because they were deliberately chosen.

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Almost in passing, I notice that Gandhi got taken out. That's one less rival on the board.

This brings me to turn 800. Here's a global view of my half of the world. The signs give you a good idea of how much conquering I have accomplished.

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Here is the Inca homeland on turn 800.

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The former Babylon lands are mostly under my control. There are a few rival outposts. The Japanese have Izumo and Nagasaki, the Dutch have Amsterdam, the Turks have Istanbul and the Mayans have Lakahma. Capital names are showing up as second cities when a civilization is formed by revolution - a revolting city keeps its name, but a barbarian city that becomes a civilization changes its name to the capital.

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The Hittite lands are likewise controlled but partially empty. I haven't started a serious colonization push.

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And finally, here are the Power curve and Score curve for the game up to now.

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The word exponential comes to mind.

Next time: One more, two less.
The city that will never fall: Chuito. if you get it's defenders down to one guy at the end of the turn, the city proceeds to pump out a hundred modern marines in one turn to send your army to the underworld.
On the question where those troops came from, i dont have an answer, as you don't just recruit 10 mil soldiers that quickly even with a draft. in a city that likely is nowhere near big enough to divert that much people without economic collapse.

At this point, I have airports and mag-lev trains, so I just assume that soldiers are coming from every corner of the nation. Chuito actually still has its early-medieval Longbowmen and Light Crossbowmen garrison forces, since I prefer to hold out replacing garrison forces of the behind-the-front-line cities until I can get the absolute best units I can. For garrison duty, I like to use Special Infantry (available at Invisibility) and Tesla Infantry (at Wireless Electricity). These units have base Strengths of 110 and 100.
Can you show us a map of the Chaos (a region constantly in flux, like the other side of that world)?
Can you show us a map of the Chaos (a region constantly in flux, like the other side of that world)?

Sure. I still have all my saves and the version of the mod I used. It will take 4 screenshots to show it all.

This is the southeast portion of the other hemisphere - the islands closest to me. The white cities with red population numbers belong to Suppiluliuma of Siam. You can also see Etlik and Bibracte, which belong to Hannibal of Celtia, the three cities of Napoleon of Australia (purple), and a few other cities.

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The southwestern islands are home to more AI civs. Exeter is Ashurbanipal of England's last remaining city thanks to revolts. Reading is Peter of the Netherlands' capital. Manchester is Julius Caesar's capital (Maya civilization). Liverpool belongs to Darius of Ethiopia. Warwick is the capital of Stalin of Assyria.

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The equatorial region has the big civilizations. Osaka is Tokugawa's capital. It is size 68 and the Jewish holy city. Karakorum is Kublai Khan's capital. It is size 61 and holy city to 6 religions. Other capitals here include Montezuma's capital of Canterbury (Ottoman), Isabella's capital of Norwich (Native American), Menzies' capital of London (Sumer), and Mongkut's capital of Nottingham (Greece).

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Finally, the north end of the continent is home to a few civilizations. Frederick of Russia holds Novgorod. Moscow belongs to Brennus of France. de Gaulle of Khmer has three Russian cities taken through revolt. Asoka of Korea has been hanging out on his two islands since forever.

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Korea had the right idea. well, at least until it discovered you existed.

Actually, I've been quite friendly with Korea. I actually sold them Gunpowder. Of course, at the time I had Marines and Infantry and was closing in on Fusion, so it was something I could easily spare.
The turn 801 historical popup says I am the most advanced. I certainly hope so. I'm in the Transhuman Era. Next place is Kublai Khan, who is researching Screw Propeller, and then Tokugawa, who is researching Marxism. Everyone else is Renaissance at least, and Industrial at best.

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I have to continue along the sports path with Modern Sports.

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Chuito builds the First Cloned Mammal. This is a Project that is required to build the Cloning Laboratory building, followed by the Cloning Factory, and from there Clone Units. I didn't need it, but First Cloned Mammal does get double production speed with Sheep.

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Sports continue with Motorsports and Water Sports.

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The 2nd Flying Squadron wins the race to Gaul and burns it. Churchill is gone.

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Well, hello Huayna. I'd apologize for stealing your civilization, but I'm running it better than you ever could, so :p.

That Japanese city of Izumo decided to break away and become Germany. Isolated cities do a great job of that.

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I research Tourism, and then follow it up with Extreme Sports. Tourism has some Corporations attached. Extreme Sports will allow me to build the X-Games.

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The whole reason for this sports digression is that Extreme Sports is required for Virtual Reality. This brings me back into the computer world. Virtual Reality provides the E-Bank that produces a flat 25 gold/turn before modifiers.

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The Single Currency resolution went through with very little opposition. I propose the Global Civic - Secular resolution to see what happens.

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Virtual Reality leads into Knowledge Management and then Mesh Networks. Knowledge Management is good for the Info Net, which provides +25% science and +1 XP to new units, and Mesh Networks allows the Advanced Quality Control, which provides +50% production as long as the city has power.

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The Secular resolution fails with eight civilizations defying it. I decide I'm going to have to do this again for more fun. I'll never forget the time when I was playing A New Dawn and used Democracy resolutions to hammer a capitulated Wilhelmina of the Dutch, who I think defied six straight resolutions until she snapped and declared war. I wiped her out after that.

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In the meantime, I decide to let the Flying Squadrons take out another civilization. I declare war on Hannibal and the 1st through 3rd Flying Squadrons burn the three Celtic cities. No more Hannibal.

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I reshuffle some civics to boost my stability and hammer gain. I choose the Democracy government civic.

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The Liberal society civic hurts my hammers, but it's good for stability and is required to build Statue of Liberty.

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I choose the Regulated economy civic.

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I set my Welfare Civic to Superhuman.

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Finally, I choose the Skilled Workers Only border civic.

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Next time: Clean up on isle five.
Can we expect to see huge amount of clones in the near future? (First cloned mammal + superhuman society)
Can we expect to see huge amount of clones in the near future? (First cloned mammal + superhuman society)

Actually, no. The best clone units have the Camouflage ability, which enables them to hide from other units. The drawback to this is that they cannot defend against anything that cannot see them. (A reverse Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal, if you will.) I can crank out much better defensive units than clones easily. I can also crank out better Tank units than offensive clones. There's only about 60 AI cities left on the map.

I suppose with the change to Fusion Power (+1000 hammers to every city instead of +10000 to one), clones might be more usable.
I wonder if you, as an experienced C2C player, ever try to deliberately destabilize enemy civilizations. I played one game of AND in the Modern Era (C2C just crashes on my pc whenever I get to renaissance, even on duel+ advanced start) and had a great deal of fun splintering enemy nations by giving their opponents nuclear missiles and advanced troops and using spies to incite revolts.
I don't think it's very cost-effective though, when compared to using blunt force.
I wonder if you, as an experienced C2C player, ever try to deliberately destabilize enemy civilizations. I played one game of AND in the Modern Era (C2C just crashes on my pc whenever I get to renaissance, even on duel+ advanced start) and had a great deal of fun splintering enemy nations by giving their opponents nuclear missiles and advanced troops and using spies to incite revolts.
I don't think it's very cost-effective though, when compared to using blunt force.

I don't really go for destabilization because it's easier for me to build armies until I have overwhelming force and then crush the AI's. I have used the Bribe City mission successfully a couple of times. I found out that if you bribe a vassal's city (of yours), it breaks the vassal status and causes the former vassal to declare war on you. I also used Bribe City to get around a repeating crash caused by the Catacombs special weakness of forcing units to defend in reverse order. (The problem has been fixed now.) The Catacombs problem went away when I bribed the city.
Advanced Computers is my newest technology. This is a technology name that I don't really care for, because it's too bland (advanced? compared to what?) I like technology names to be as short as possible while still adequately describing the technology, and in flavor for their era. (I'm currently arguing over the name of the Whaling tech.)

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I noticed that the Mayan city of Lakamha that Julius Caesar placed on one of my islands has revolted and gone barbarian. I don't want to attack another AI civilization unless I am willing to utterly wipe it out. On the other hand, barbarian cities are absolutely fair game.

First, I upgrade one of the Infantry units in Chucuito to a Mechanized Infantry.

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Then, I send the Mechanized Infantry charging over the Heavy Swordsman guarding the city.

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I could return control of Lakahma to Julius...

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... but I'd rather burn Lakahma down instead. Since I control all of the tiles on that landmass, no one else will be able to put a city on this land.

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Replacement Organs brings a few bonuses, but not much.

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Anti-Aging Medicine doesn't offer much either, except for one thing.

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That would be the Longevity project.

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Neapolis is built on the ruins of St. Paul. It should have adequate room to grow.

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I decide at this point that I can continue my sweeping clean of the islands by removing Suppiluliuma of Siam. He has four island cities.

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One turn later, he doesn't. The 2nd Flying Squadron burned Lystra and Pattaya, and the 4th Flying Squadron took out Bangkok before helping the 5th Flying Squadron finish off Emar.

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I get Regenerative Medicine next. It has the very interesting-looking Super Soldier unit. I don't really expect to use these guys, though. They have the issue of being invisible to most units, so they can't defend against much and they can't capture. The only way they can capture a city is if the last defending unit is a Siege unit and they capture it, which in turn captures the city.

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Of course, Chuito speeds through Longevity. This Fusion Power is so broken.

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DNA Computing follows. I'm still after Wireless Electricity, then Invisibility.

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I manage to generate another Great Prophet. Petiese is the newest GP. Prophets are harder to come by in the end game. Engineers and Scientists are more common. Doctors and Spies are incredibly rare.

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For want of anything better to do, I put Chuito on Espionage for a few turns. This was the result. I'm generating more espionage per turn against every rival than any rival has accumulated.

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Wireless Electricity. This will eventually let me build Tesla Infantry when I'm ready, mostly after I conquer everyone else and capture their Great Chiefs to return them to Chuito and settle as Great Military Instructors. Captured Warlord units become Great something-that-starts-with-C (Chief, Captain, Corporal, Colonel, Commander) which can settle as Military Instructors for +1 XP, +2 if Colonel or Commander. The larger the world, the more this pays off.

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Izumo has three Riflemen units defending it. That's easy prey for a squad of Modern Marines with more than twice their base strength each.

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Izumo is captured, and oddly enough, I can't give control of it to anyone.

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This is not a problem, as I'd rather burn it instead.

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Santiago fills in the spot. It's a good spot, and I don't blame the AI for grabbing it. I just take it over. Oddly enough, there are still some Japanese units on this land mass, and since I don't have Open Borders with Tokugawa, the combat units are excluded but the harmless Treasure unit remains.

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Wearable Computers kills off Theatres, but opens up a new Virtual Reality Theatre.

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Plastic Electronics has the Hypermarket. We've tweaked the Market buildings several times.

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I jump back to the Modern Era to pick up Modern Health Care. This is another technology name that I find really unappealing, but I can't think of a better name to replace it. (This screenshot is from a replay. I loved the red UI color scheme in A New Dawn, and I found out how to use the Civ4 HUD Color Tool program to reproduce that effect.)

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I need Modern Health Care for the Brain Machine Interface.

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I play a few more turns after this, and once, when I hit ENTER to end a turn... the game crashes. One of the issues with a mod like C2C is that it can be unstable and crashes are common. Setting auto-saves to every 2 turns really helps. I reload.

I get another crash, same place.


I reload a save from a couple turns earlier. Crashes again, same place.

Mega uh-oh.

Next time: My conclusion.

BTW, I don't know how far in the future advanced computing is, but that could be replaced with Quantum Computing although that might be coming a bit too soon for the Transhumanist Era. :)

Another question: Do you find this burning cities thing too OP? Because if you didn't burn the cities you would probably get tons of Revolutions per turn.
Aww, that's a pity :cringe:
Well, even AND crashes on my PC, so I can see why it happens.

BTW, I don't know how far in the future advanced computing is, but that could be replaced with Quantum Computing although that might be coming a bit too soon for the Transhumanist Era. :)

Quantum Computing is a later technology. Its prerequisites are Advanced Computers and Quantum Teleportation. So that's not an option. I think coming up with a proper name is hard because we don't know what computers will do in the future.
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