• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

C2C SVN Changelog

Question, why does Joseon get their own culture? They were a Korean dynasty, ruling Korean subjects. That might get crazy if this happens to China.

Because some other groups have this already. Such a Mugahal. Or even Roman vs Italian. Or Spartan, Trojan and Greek all being separate cultures in C2C. We also have Jomon, Yamoto and Japanese too.
Just pushed to SVN (5372):
  • Fixed some issue with 'walking dead units' (with 100% damage) not being removed
  • Lots of changes to support multi-threaded pathing calculations (currently disabled as I'm still working on it)
What rev is V30? - we need to make sure we know so that we can archive the correct PDB/DLL for later debugging purposes
What rev is V30? - we need to make sure we know so that we can archive the correct PDB/DLL for later debugging purposes

Look at the post just above the one you just posted i have it listed there.
can i ask something. what features from V30 Plans thread were completed

Just look here: "Announce your new/updated Civ4 files for frontpage coverage!"

post # 3022
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