• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

C2C SVN Changelog

I believe I have found a bit of what maybe causing a sudden error while saving or an instant close of the program when ending your turn. Someone may have already found this and so I apologize for a duplicate post. I can reproduce the error, how to fix it that's where I'm hoping someone else here can figure out.

The error is anytime a stack is highlighted displaying the information about all the units in a long column, if "saving" while this information is displayed a memory allocation error pops up, if it is still displayed and I hit enter to end the turn, the program immediately closes out. I've tried it a couple times to confirm it does it during that moment, is that the reason? I don't know, but it seems to happen numerous of times.

Stuff like this needs to go here, and look at post # 1, thx.



new tech bytes from BlackDragon2026


Added new sound files to ingame usage up to modified date, "plough"
6919 update

- Fix Amphibian and Dart Frog story buildings.
- Art for Bear story buildings.
- New pseudo national wonder stories buildings for all bear story buildings.

@Hydro if you get the chance could you convert my latest attempt at buttons into real buttons. They are in art/interface/buttons/buildings they should be the most recent and are story/stories about bears. It looks like I missed a couple so I will ad them later.
@Hydro if you get the chance could you convert my latest attempt at buttons into real buttons. They are in art/interface/buttons/buildings they should be the most recent and are story/stories about bears. It looks like I missed a couple so I will ad them later.

Do you have them saved as a non-dds format such as JPG? Its just a pain to convert them into JPG to edit only to have to change them back into a DDS.
Major Update Pack
I was rather busy over the weekend. Woulda committed these one step at a time except that I was locked into a test and fix cycle that kept adding more to the heap. Anyhow, here we go with the list of various things done in this update:

  • Fixed a display issue with Divine Prophets: Now, whether the religion has been initiated that normally comes from a given tech, the hoverover for that tech won't mention this as its somewhat irrelevant. What it will do is let you know that there is a prophet available for the first to that tech (if it's still up for grabs.)

  • The tag for canals mentioned earlier.

  • Adjusted the Trade calculations so that each population added can't generate more food from trade than the population itself consumes. This does reduce trade income a bit but mostly for very advanced games where populations are rather high.

  • Rams operate the way they've been designed to based on planning that took place in the Realistic Siege thread. They may no longer distance bombard but may attack cities to reduce their defenses.

  • Created 2 promotion lines for Rams (for UNITCOMBAT_SIEGE_GATECRASHER) that make them better at breaking down city defenses when they attack.

  • Size Matters: I put an era limitation on merge sizes. Battalion at Prehistoric +1 per era beyond that.

  • Size Matters: The power and asset values of a divided troop for purposes of power comparisons between nations now adjusts when units are split and merged.

  • Size Matters: Transports now take units as cargo in measurements of 'Cargo Volumes'. Unit Cargo Volumes are determined by their size as a base and group volume as a modifier to the base. Transports on this option have been significantly adjusted and I'll cover that in more detail tomorrow in the Size Matters thread where I'll review all these mentioned adjustments further.

  • Cargo Promotions edit and enhancements: Both the non-Size Matters version and the Size Matters version of the game now have included additional promotions that utilize some new tags. The primary purpose is to truly enable units that don't already have cargo hold space to develop the ability to add them (we're talking naval here) while adding definition to what KIND of cargo they may carry. You may outfit your boats to carry varying types of units - want your battleship to hold missiles? You got it. Want your Frigate to carry people? You got it. The new promos cover this. Along the way I fixed the seaplane carrier too.

  • A list of new tags for Cargo promos: DomainCargoChange, SpecialCargoChange, SpecialCargoPrereq, SMSpecialCargoChange, SMSpecialCargoPrereq, SMNotSpecialCargoPrereq, bCargoPrereq and a number of similar tags for the Size Matters side of Cargo calculations for units.

  • Size Matters: Adjusted the Quality and Group Volume categories of the earliest four units (Wanderer, Stone Thrower, Brute and Tribal Guardian.) This is an attempt to show more realism in relationship to populations of cities during that early prehistoric era and to also show the increased savagery of those earliest 'cavemen'.

  • Size Matters: Strike teams may no longer be split or merged.

  • I put a minimum final heal calculation so that units may never be completely incapable of healing. This was a common problem for larger group sizes under the size matters option but could've been a future issue for the main game too.

  • Adjusted some things about the Flies to Move ability which birds possess in an attempt to fix some pathing issues we were having when they were a part of a group. Testing suggests it's worked but my game may not be advanced enough to tell. Seeking feedback to see if it worked.

  • Created a 'Tamed' Combat Class for the Tamed animals and applied it to them. This was necessary to differentiate them under Size Matters to keep them from being able to split or merge without putting them into the Subdued category that would've had some other effects I wouldn't have wanted to see them be held to.

  • Changed the display for a building that gives 'No Anarchy' so that it now properly displays -100% Anarchy instead (since other anarchy modifiers can adjust the nation back to being capable of suffering some anarchy time.)

  • Size Matters: Made it impossible for units without any combat strength to gain any Combat Quality promotions. These were nothing but red herrings with only negative effects for such units.

  • Fixed Text references on a number of Size Matters UnitCombats and Promotions.

  • Expanded access to the Sidestep promotionline to include Archers and Throwing units as valid to take those promos.

  • Major bugfix on Max Culture processing for buildings - this error could've been causing some very interesting calculative oddities on captured cities which would tend to eliminate all buildings in those cities captured. And well could've led to some crashes.

  • A processing improvement suggested by AIAndy to maxCombatStr that should actually have a visible impact on speeding up turn times, particularly in games where a lot of combats are taking place between rounds. I noticed the difference myself and my test game is still prehistoric.

  • Though this was mostly done for size matters, the adjustment affects the core so can be a beneficial adjustment to take note of: the discount units get when they adjust (from some promos etc...) now also applies to calculated gold obtained from that unit when disbanding it (this MAY be going in the opposite direction to what it really should be so I'll be looking for feedback there.)

Again... more details should be available on the rather complex transport cargo adjustments for Size Matters when I get time to write out a full explanation of how that works now. I was able to use this to fix a number of 'problems' I'd always felt was present in the CivIV incarnation of transport mechanics. However, I warn that it's not terribly compatible with current Size Matters games since I can't currently recalculate units so those units already in the game will not operate quite correctly and I'm not promising it won't be exploitable or frustrating depending on the situation. But new units will operate correctly where transportation is concerned.

I still have more bugs and improvements planned for the release but this covers a LOT of discussion matters that have taken place here in the last few weeks. I may even not be recalling all the little adjustments - might be a few more I forgot all about due to how minor they were.

New Buildings:

Rain Garden................................RAIN_GARDEN
Mussel Rafts...............................MUSSEL_RAFTS
Marriage Ceremony......................MARRIAGE_CEREMONY
Tea Ceremony.............................TEA_CEREMONY
Maize Ceremony..........................MAIZE_CEREMONY
Market Scales..............................MARKET_SCALES
National Standard of Measurement...NATIONAL_STANDARD_OF_MEASUREMENT
Do you have them saved as a non-dds format such as JPG? Its just a pain to convert them into JPG to edit only to have to change them back into a DDS.

No I only have DDS form as that is the one I need to test if it works.

edit: 6923 update

- Add missing story file.
- Adjust upgrade time of some of the new forts.

- Add a Bard unit.
It currently uses the art for the Story Teller so if anyone knows some better art please point me at it.

The bard is available at tech Linguistics which is not exactly right but is in the correct time frame. They will be used to spread the Story buildings while their upgrades the Entertainer and Celebrity will be able to build the pseudo national wonder Stories buildings that spread the Story building to all your cities. The Great Artist will need a special mission which spreads all stories in all cities.​
- Add a Bard unit.


6926 adding a few tech sounds, but not ingame yet.

6927 per Hydro, thx: Here are some audio that have no techs. They should probably be removed.

- AirSuperiority.mp3
- ArcheryTraining.mp3
- BessemerConverter.mp3
- Blackpowder.mp3
- ChurchArchitecture.mp3
- Cinema.mp3
- CityRights.mp3
- CoalMining.mp3
Note all: the freeze for the preparation for release v34 has started. You should only be adding stuff that
1) Fixes bugs
2) Adds some content to currently empty technologies
3) Completes something you started in this release - really shouldn't unless it fixes bugs (the new art for units and language translations are exempt)​

What you should be doing is testing things that other modders have done this release and reporting bugs.
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