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C2C SVN Changelog

6960 update

- Add art for new animals.
- Add animal Dhole - looks like a cross between a wolf and fox but is not a canine.
- Fix subdued armadillo buildings
- Fix Bear - Heritage building
- Allow bamboo to spread.
- Add animal Dhole - looks like a cross between a wolf and fox but is not a canine.

Dholes ARE canines (aka dogs).



They are just not Canis. Meaning Canidae family includes all "dogs" be it Wolves, foxes, dholes, raccoon dogs, etc.

Canis just includes species like the Domestic Dog, Dingo, Coyote, Jackals and Various Wolves.

In other words a Wolf is part of both the Canidae Family and Canis Genus. The Dhole is only part of the Canidae Family, but not the Canis Genus.

Its similar to the Panda vs other Bears. For example ...

Family: Ursidae
Genus: Ailuropoda

Brown Bear
Family: Ursidae
Genus: Ursus
6962 update

- Kangaroo and Llama resources should not appear in the Northern Hemisphere on random maps.
- Great Hunters can now start Golden Ages.
- Forgot to add the tapir buttons when I added the rest of their art.

new unit: Carroballista
- Chariot, War Chariot, Hittite Chariot and Shang Chariot all now upgrade to it
- new model for Fire Arrow

Hope that all worked...:dunno:

missed the Shang Chariot before so...:mischief:
6973 update

- Put Oden Shrine movie back in.
- Fix culture on Fort and later fort improvements.
- Add in buttons for Great Hunter promotions. These are for the Master Hunter line of units which you can turn your Great Hunters into. I have not built the units or promotions yet because of the freeze. (@Hydro can you convert these into buttons. They are in my folder under SubduedAnimals/GreatHunter/Art/..... Thanks)

Edit 6974 update

- Heroic II promotion does not give a golden age if you are already in a golden age.

edit 6975 update

- Add Master Hunter line of units. note not fully tested art, promotions and hunting outcomes still need work. Only Great Hunters can become Master Hunters and they are national units which should not be allowed to be unlimited - I don't know how to ensure this last bit.
edit 6975 update

- Add Master Hunter line of units. note not fully tested art, promotions and hunting outcomes still need work. Only Great Hunters can become Master Hunters and they are national units which should not be allowed to be unlimited - I don't know how to ensure this last bit.
Well timed. I've just done up a new AI for the Great Hunter - make sure the upgrades have the normal Hunter AI and I'll adjust the new AI to be able to upgrade.

I think it's debatable whether or not they should be limited because it's very debatable whether adding to the city, using for a strong building or turning them into these is the best idea. What I'm thinking I'll do with the AI is have it cycle through the various things they can do rather than having them only use them in one way until that way is useless which is kind of the normal way this works.

As for what the player does, hopefully they'll feel the same way - torn between what they want to do with the unit and if they overwhelm the map with the Master Hunters then they'll probably make each one much less useful as they'll overhunt the spawn rates. And just think of all the xp they'll be missing out on for their Explorer units!

So a few tweaks and that'll be good to go then.
I am considering some improvements only the Master Hunter's can build so I did not want too many of them around.

edit 6976 updates

- Change the Dead Sea Wonder does not provide fresh water, building provides salt.
- Minor tweaks to terrain features.
I THINK you can limit as normal and the upgrade mechanism won't allow the upgrade if the limit is reached. It seems to work for other upgrade chains doesn't it?
  • Possible bugfix for some non-repeatable CTDs

  • New AI for Great Hunter

  • Some promotion access review

  • An attempt to solve the problem for units not being able to accept a leader attachment

  • Added and reported to python a call for Longitude

  • Massive Hover Help restructuring - will be looking for feedback
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