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C2C SVN Changelog

ton of xml errors

Not a very usefull post. What errors? :(

But also in the wrong thread. Go to the Bugs forums.


OK - I have the same problem with the latest SVN. I have posted a bug report.
- fixed text errors
- added another part of polish translations

Religion techs are now World Techs. This means that they
  1. are dead end techs, ie don't lead to any other tech

  2. can only be discovered once and are then inaccessible to all.

  3. can not be traded

Religion techs are now World Techs. This means that they
  1. are dead end techs, ie don't lead to any other tech

  2. can only be discovered once and are then inaccessible to all.

  3. can not be traded

Good move DH. We should apply the same to any alternative timeline techs as well I think. Clockpunk for example.
Good move DH. We should apply the same to any alternative timeline techs as well I think. Clockpunk for example.

Confused, why would you want only one civ to research an alternative timeline tech? :confused:
Good move DH. We should apply the same to any alternative timeline techs as well I think. Clockpunk for example.

Confused, why would you want only one civ to research an alternative timeline tech? :confused:

The difference between the Punk and Religion techs is that some of the Punk techs open things other than just the Culture. Also getting the tech is not the same as getting the Culture. You may research the tech only to discover you don't have what is required and need to build a new city somewhere letting others get the tech and race you to the Culture.
Honestly I have always been dubious about the need to make it a culture and have always thought it could/should be something of a 'Global' tech (that can only be accessed by use of a Great Scientist). Having them be 'cultures' feels like stretching the definition of a culture too much imo.

If they are to be truly modular, it would be best if they were all dead-end techs.

Only one civ will ever be able to access the benefits of an alternative timeline so why not make it simply a global tech and remove the culture factor entirely? I've never seen much selectivity involved in a given city qualifying to be able to build the culture anyhow.
The difference between the Punk and Religion techs is that some of the Punk techs open things other than just the Culture. Also getting the tech is not the same as getting the Culture. You may research the tech only to discover you don't have what is required and need to build a new city somewhere letting others get the tech and race you to the Culture.

That's seems simple to me - tech knowledge requirements should be removed from associated buildings/units, only requiring clockpunk culture resource to build.

As for the tech - it should be prohibited for research after corresponding Culture have been built.
Only one civ will ever be able to access the benefits of an alternative timeline so why not make it simply a global tech and remove the culture factor entirely? I've never seen much selectivity involved in a given city qualifying to be able to build the culture anyhow.

That seems the easiest way of dealing with things.

  • Fixed the Bonus Requirement of the EVENTTRIGGER_PAPYRUS
  • Fixed the Terrain Requirement of the EVENTTRIGGER_TARPIT
  • Fixed the Feature Requirement of the SPAWN_REDFOX_NGORONGORO
  • Fixed a few other XML-Errors

  • Removed all the unchanged Text entries from CIV4GameTextInfos.xml and CIV4GameText_Warlords.xml
  • Fixed the Or Tech prerequisite of the TECH_EARTH_OVEN
  • Fixed a few other XML-Errors
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