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Canada Mod - Deluxe Edition

The latest Canada Mod is Modular. Meaning it is a module in which can be combined with other Modules. If you have any other requests for Modular Civ visit the PnP forum and make a request to get me started on the latest Module.
Dude, you can't tease me like this! :lol:

I'm a tech dummy. I need the hand-holding version of how to install this!!! :D

Thnks! Also, congrats to Wyz :)
Yikes second reply to this... Let me see... how to dumb this down... been a while since I installed this myself. Will reply shortly.. Its unfortunate I can't just post 30 MB somewhere somehow.
Okay I reupdated the link in which to Install Subversion (the program required to download the Canada Mod) please try the new link. Next you have to right click on your desktop and you should see an icon the says TortoiseSVN Mouse over this icon and select the EXPORT icon
The URL to export from is

https://civ4ccp.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/civ4ccp/Beyond The Sword Library/

This should start your download.

Also within the Library is the newest and latest Ireland Civ which is also a Module. You don't have to include it in the Same folder as your canada civ. If you do... it will also be included in your mod... If you don't it won't be included in the mod.

If you'd like... check back periodicly to see if there are any new civs. I'll continue to add them into the library
Ok, sorry, I'm a complete tech noob. I can't get it to work.

Here is what I did:

1) I downloaded Subversion (don't know if it did anything for me, not sure if it got installed or not...couldn't find a .exe file or whatever)

2) I downloaded the TortoiseSVN file. I couldn't find where it said export. Not sure what it did for me if anything.

3) I created a new folder in my mods folder and called it canada mod (it shows up in "load a mod" option in the game)

4) I went to https://civ4ccp.svn.sourceforge.net/...Sword Library/ and saved each item to the canada mod folder

5) I went into the ini file and changed modular loading to 1

I loaded it up in the game but the canadian leaders were unavailable

Further help would ge greatly appreciated :thumbsup: thanks!!
Alright, well I finally got the files downloaded, but now I can't get it to work :( I got a folder that I titled Canada, in it there is the Custom Civ folder and Universal Audio folder with a bunch of stuff in each. I placed my Canada folder in the mod section and tried loading it and it doesn't work.

I also edited the ini file as it says in the PnP guide and it doesn't do anything, and it keeps reseting itself.

So could you dumb it down a little more, Think of me as a lab rat :)

*edit* lol futurehermit you ain't alone. Me confused to.
Yeah, think of it like you have to explain it to Homer Simpson...nice and slow with lots of concrete direction and clear statements and repeating yourself and stuff :lol:
Ok, I figured out the whole export-with-tortoise thing. I made a new folder on my desktop. I rightclicked on it and used the tortoise file to export to the url you gave us. It worked great! I have the files in my folder. I moved the folder (I called it Canada Mod) into the Mods folder.

But, now when I load the mod up the canadian civ is still not there :(
Yep :lol: I reorganized the files in the mod folder getting rid of ireland and the custom civilizations folder. That left me with just the universal audio folder and the canada mod files. I figured that should do it for sure. But alas to no avail :(

EDIT: Ok, assuming I can get this to work at some point, I also had a couple questions:

1) If I delete Jean and the RCMP files will that cause any problems? I don't want these as I just want three leaders and 1 UU as per the normal game

2) I don't see the canada mod wonders (e.g., Hockey Night in Canada). Are they not in this version? I don't want them so if they are not that is good for me. If they are, is there a way I can disable/delete them?

3) I want to change the remaining three leaders' traits so that they are the three trait combos not in BtS. How do I change the traits? I remember doing it in the Warlords version, but I forget how.

4) If I can get all this to work I would like it if I could perma-install the mod so I don't have to load it every time I want to play. Is there a way to do this?

Well obviously I am not the best person to answer but I think I can help until someone who knows what they are talking about comes along.

1. No that shouldn't cause problems

2. ??? Not sure, although I want the wonders in. (so are they purplexus?)

3. Go to the xml file and edit it for example MacDonald_CIV4LeaderHeadInfos is the name of the file you would need to edit for MacDonald, just change the trait name about a quarter way down the page.

4. I would like to know this aswell. :)
Yep :lol: I reorganized the files in the mod folder getting rid of ireland and the custom civilizations folder. That left me with just the universal audio folder and the canada mod files. I figured that should do it for sure. But alas to no avail :(

EDIT: Ok, assuming I can get this to work at some point, I also had a couple questions:

1) If I delete Jean and the RCMP(which is not a UU unit and is only a FLAVOUR unit. Basically it has the same stats as the Cavalry does. it just looks like a RCMP) files will that cause any problems? I don't want these as I just want three leaders and 1 UU as per the normal game

2) I don't see the canada mod wonders (e.g., Hockey Night in Canada). Are they not in this version? I don't want them so if they are not that is good for me. If they are, is there a way I can disable/delete them?

3) I want to change the remaining three leaders' traits so that they are the three trait combos not in BtS. How do I change the traits? I remember doing it in the Warlords version, but I forget how.

4) If I can get all this to work I would like it if I could perma-install the mod so I don't have to load it every time I want to play. Is there a way to do this?


Forgive me this is the Civ Gold 4.0 Version converted to Modular BtS form


In the modular form what happens is that all parts of the Mod are placed within this folder. Including the art and sound files. If you delete the Custom Civilizations folder then all the pathways that point to the art and sounds will be lost and the Game will Be pissed at you.

If For now on you want to add a civ into your own mod... you just have to place the folder within the Custom Civilizations folder.

1.)If you want to get rid of the RCMP (which is not a UU unit and is only a FLAVOUR unit. Basically it has the same stats as the Cavalry does. it just looks like a RCMP) and JEAN then open up the CivilizationInfos.xml file and remove them from the Canada portion of this file.

2.) Since this is the Civ Gold Version of the file. there are no Canada Wonders included here yet. and I say yet because once Wyz gets back hopefully he can correct this blunder I put you guys through.

3.) You want to change the Traits then go into the LeaderheadInfos files within each leaders folder and change them there.

4.)If you want this mod to permanently work you will have to locate your Civilization4.ini file located within your (MY DOCUMENTS/MY GAMES/BEYOND THE SWORD directory)

open this up and you will see a line that says
; Specify a Mod folder (Mods\Mesopotamia), '0' for none
Mod = mods\{YOUR MOD FOLDER}

Where {your mod folder} is the place where you unzip the CANADA MOD

I hope this helps at least until Wyz Gets back..
AH I See the Civ is not working for you 2

Okay. Here what you need to do.

Within your MODS/{YOUR MOD HERE}/
folder create a ASSETS folder
Create a Modules folder within the assets folder
stick the Custom Civilizations Folder in there
.. so your should have a folder that now says.

Now also place the audio Files HERE

man that repository isn't meant for noobs sorry about that.

Wyz... This mod was already done and is up to BtS standards already. Find in on the Repository. Sorry figured you check the repository more often. Been done for a couple weeks already :(

Thanks! I actually noticed last night when I updated the repository. Sorry, things are all about baby, parents in town, ridiculous work deadlines.

SORRY WYZ... I was just trying to HELP!

It's all good - thnks brother. I'll definitely take this week to download a copy, re-add the wonders (and many another flavour).

Baby's not here yet...but...any...time.
I put this:

; Specify a Mod folder (Mods\Mesopotamia), '0' for none
Mod = mods\Canada Mod

Is that right if "Canada Mod" is the name of the folder in My Docs/My Games/BtS/Mods folder? Or do I have to include My Docs/My Games/BtS/Mods as well?
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