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Canada Mod - Deluxe Edition

AH I See the Civ is not working for you 2

Okay. Here what you need to do.

Within your MODS/{YOUR MOD HERE}/
folder create a ASSETS folder
Create a Modules folder within the assets folder
stick the Custom Civilizations Folder in there
.. so your should have a folder that now says.

Now also place the audio Files HERE

man that repository isn't meant for noobs sorry about that.

Ok, so do I need to create an XML folder like I created the modules folder???

Also, by "audio files" do you mean the universal audio folder or the canada soundpack folder?

Ok, I got it to load!!! SWEET! :D

EDIT: I didn't check if the sounds were working, so if you could still comment on my above questions about the sound that would be great. Specifically, do I need to create a folder called xml and do I put the universal audio or canada soundpack files in it. Thanks!

Few questions:

1) I need more specific instructions for how to delete the RCMP and leaders I do not want because when I tried to do this I ended up getting an error when trying to load the mod because I had messed up the code somehow

2) I need more specific instructions for how to perma-install Canada so I don't have to keep loading it as a mod :)

Thanks so much for this! Can't wait to play as Canada in BtS :D
How did you get it to work? Mine still doesn't load :(

I got it set up like this...

In the BTS mod folder with the AoI, RtW, etc. mods I have my folders set like this...

New Civs/Assets/Modules/Custom Civilizations/Canada/ (all the included files)
New Civs/Assets/Modules/Custom Civilizations/Ireland/ (all the included files)
New Civs/Assets/Modules/Custom Civilizations/Brazil/ (all the included files)
New Civs/Assets/XML/Universal Audio Files/ (all the included files)

So is this wrong?, am I not supposed to have the Canada,Ireland, Brazil folders? and just put all the files in the Custom Civ folder all mixed together?

Futurehermit how is yours set up that you got it to work?
Hmm...that looks the same as my setup:

Canada Mod/Assets/Modules/Custom Civs/Canada
Canada Mod/Assets/XML/Universal Audio

I deleted Ireland and Brazil

In the game: Advanced, load a mod, canada mod, voila

Did you change the one thing from "0" to "1" in the config file thing-a-ma-jig? Not sure what else to suggest :( As you can tell by my excellent jargon/lingo use I'm a techy :lol:
MyDocs/MyGames/BtS/Mods/CanadaMod/Assets/XML/Universal Audio

That is how I currently have it setup. The mod loads. I am currently going to go work on trying to figure out how to successfully eliminate the mountie and leaders I don't want. Hopefully I don't mess it up again. I will also see if the soundpack works as I haven't tested it out yet.

I deleted the RCMP, Jean, and McKenzie King files (only want 3 leaders). Then I loaded it and the three leaders I picked were there and the others were gone!!! Woot!

But I got an error when loading it that said the source files were missing for the stuff I deleted and I remembered the advice here to delete the info from the civinfos.xml file. So I went in and did that, trying to be as careful as possible.

Then when I tried to reload I got the following error msg:

Something, something, something :lol:

Error at line 104, 18
Source: <iFreeUnits>1</iFreeUnits>

I tried looking it up and I think it is near the code for the settler and I think it is referring to the fact that you get a free settler at the start? But I have no idea what is wrong with it as it looks fine.

EDIT2: Yep, this is definitely the offending piece of code. This is what it looks like in my file currently (bolding the offending part):



Any help would be great, I'm so close!!!

EDIT: Before this error, I managed to change the traits, woot!!! The nice thing was that to add the remaining trait pairings (cre-cha, phi-ind, and org-pro) I only had to change one of the traits on each remaining leader, so only a slight change in their philosophies :lol:

I'm pumped, can't wait to get this fully working and integrated into my game :D
I am banging my head against the wall!

No matter what I try I can't get it to work! I just tried putting it in the mygames section as you did. (previously I had been putting it in the Program Files, where the actual files are and where all other mods are)

So I put it as you did and still no luck. I am gonna do something crazy soon. :crazyeye:

Like see how far I can throw my PC :mad:
^^^Dude that sucks :( I know how frustrating it is. I wish I knew more so I could suggest something :(

Re: My attempts

I replaced the civinfo file with a backup and now I can play the mod :) I still get the error msg about jean, mckenzie, rcmp but only 3 leaders show up and there doesn't seem to be any ill effects at this point. However, if I could get advice on how to fix the civinfo file that would be great. And also how to permainstall the mod (more easy instructions :) ).


I realized my problem was that I had deleted too many rows of code. I fixed it and now voila I have three canadian leaders with the trait combos missing in BtS, no extra wonders, etc. Basically, I have it EXACTLY how I wanted it :D

You guys are my biggest heroes, have my undying gratitude, etc. etc. :cheers:

the canadian mode should have solid knowledge of infastructure (roads, phones, rail, plane, etc) and should have a good navy (by the end of WWI canada had i believe it was the 4th biggest navy in the world... some sort of unique unit should be able to a test to that, maybe a special cruiser or something nothing major but give it some props haha) I think the special unit should be a peace keeper something make it act as a medic and a very good defensive unit and the avro arrow as well (the arrow would have stompd anything at that time). It should also be good at diplomatic relations with other nations.
I like the idea of giving the Canadians another UB. It was suggested by others on these forums:

Brewery: Replaces granary. +1 :) per grain resource

I also like the idea of giving them a trading post building that gives +1 :) for furs and fish

Or a cattle ranch that comes with animal husbandry and gives +2 :) for cows


But, yeah, I always play diplo for the most part with Canada, but with such a sweet powerful UU the temptation to go for world domination is always there. Seriously: A 2-move infantry with march? OWNAGE :lol:
How did you get it to work? Mine still doesn't load :(

I got it set up like this...

In the BTS mod folder with the AoI, RtW, etc. mods I have my folders set like this...

New Civs/Assets/Modules/Custom Civilizations/Canada/ (all the included files)
New Civs/Assets/Modules/Custom Civilizations/Ireland/ (all the included files)
New Civs/Assets/Modules/Custom Civilizations/Brazil/ (all the included files)
New Civs/Assets/XML/Universal Audio Files/ (all the included files)

So is this wrong?, am I not supposed to have the Canada,Ireland, Brazil folders? and just put all the files in the Custom Civ folder all mixed together?

Futurehermit how is yours set up that you got it to work?


Okay not sure where you are placing your Canada mod exactly but here goes the long version. You seem to have it in the correct spot above.

so my first thought is check to see if you have XML Modular Loading Turned on in the .INI file again this is located in your [My documents/My Games/Beyond The Sword] folder. If it says "0" then it is not on. If it is =1 then it is on (THIS IS FIRAXIS'S Fault for making everyone go through this)

Secondly here is the long version as is on my computer as to where my Files are stored
C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\More Civs\Assets\Modules\Custom Civilizations\Canada

the audio files are stored here:
C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\More Civs\Assets\XML\Audio

hope this helps
As to your question about the Ireland Brazil thing. Yup if you want them in there you got those done right too.
Ok, so do I need to create an XML folder like I created the modules folder???

Also, by "audio files" do you mean the universal audio folder or the canada soundpack folder?


I mean for the Universal Audio Files. If in the future you chose to load another Module you'll need to continue to update these files as they will continue to add more and more sounds as the Modules come in.
I mean for the Universal Audio Files. If in the future you chose to load another Module you'll need to continue to update these files as they will continue to add more and more sounds as the Modules come in.

Ok, great thanks! Could you give me more specific details on how to perma-install the Canada mod to my game :)

Thanks so much!
To perma install your game I think you called your mod Canadamod. What you need to do is seek out your CivilizationIV.ini file within your computer

It should be located in your My Documents/My Games/Beyond The Sword FOLDER

Now open this file with Notepad or whatever opens regular text files
Search in this file for a line that says
; Specify a Mod folder (Mods\Mesopotamia), '0' for none
Mod = 0

Change the line that says Mod = 0 to
Mod = Mods/Canadamod
This will force the game to load your Canadamod automatically
Good luck
Nothing more I can do for instruction on this
I am banging my head against the wall!

No matter what I try I can't get it to work! I just tried putting it in the mygames section as you did. (previously I had been putting it in the Program Files, where the actual files are and where all other mods are)

So I put it as you did and still no luck. I am gonna do something crazy soon. :crazyeye:

Like see how far I can throw my PC :mad:

We were having the same troubles as you. CivForrest actually helped me out. You, like us are editing the .ini.bak file. which is the backup file. That is why it is reseting your values all the time. The other file in your directory is the one the computer loads from. Do the changes there and you are gold. Took us a second.

My question now is. Can you load the canada mod and also play next war. The mechs rock.
We were having the same troubles as you. CivForrest actually helped me out. You, like us are editing the .ini.bak file. which is the backup file. That is why it is reseting your values all the time. The other file in your directory is the one the computer loads from. Do the changes there and you are gold. Took us a second.

My question now is. Can you load the canada mod and also play next war. The mechs rock.

THANK-YOU :goodjob:

It works! I just about gave up all hope, Now for Canada to take over the WORLD! :lol:
To perma install your game I think you called your mod Canadamod. What you need to do is seek out your CivilizationIV.ini file within your computer

It should be located in your My Documents/My Games/Beyond The Sword FOLDER

Now open this file with Notepad or whatever opens regular text files
Search in this file for a line that says
; Specify a Mod folder (Mods\Mesopotamia), '0' for none
Mod = 0

Change the line that says Mod = 0 to
Mod = Mods/Canadamod
This will force the game to load your Canadamod automatically
Good luck
Nothing more I can do for instruction on this

Thanks a bunch. I will try it out and let you know how it goes! :thumbsup:

Quick question: With the Canadamod permanently installed (or loaded up), will I encounter Canada controlled by the AI if I'm not playing as Canada? I think that would be great :)
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