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Canadian Politics


Aug 12, 2001
I see all these American government polls out there, and I was wondering who you guys support.

(I think maybe we should vote in the Marijuana party and become thieving, high, and lazy workers. At least then we'll be on par with our American brothers!:lol: :goodjob: ;) )

No offense of course.
Voted NDP in the last federal election. Sadly the liberals carried my district.
Don't need to tell me, the Liberals carry every district.
Maybe so many ontarians wouldn't vote for the liberals if you albertans stopped sending mad men to Ottawa!jk:D :D :D
I'm a minor so I'm not quite as involved as you guys, but Whiskey Priest I must say, all the Crazy ALbertans are over here screwing up our education system. Did you not hear about the Massive teacher walkout?
Hey, what political parties do you guys have up there, anyway? Do you have conservative/liberal like in America, or is it different?
Originally posted by napoleon526
Hey, what political parties do you guys have up there, anyway? Do you have conservative/liberal like in America, or is it different?

Well, there's:

Liberals - Current government for several terms, huge majority

Progressive Conservatives - Small, were ruling party in distant past

Canadian Alliance - Decent sized, western based, right wing party. Have had leadership problems (to put it mildly).

Bloc Quebecois - Basically Quebec's party, though they have been losing seats to the liberals. They want Quebec to seperate from the rest of Canada.

New Democratic Party - Small party

Marijuana Party - Actually the national Green Party, named so as to gain youth vote. They actually captured a couple of seats in the past election! EDIT: Or at least that's what I thought. I guess I was thinking of a B.C. provincial election where they almost won?

Communists, and other riff-raff...
I rarely vote.

I usually know too many of the candidates and I'm too disgusted at the idea of voting for them. Working for them, sure - I've worked for members of four different parties in three provinces (and since reform/alliance isn't on that list, it's a REALLY diverse list).

But voting is a sacred act, not to be wasted on mere backbench material; if you vote for an idiot in a real party, people might actually beleive that you MEANT to vote for them. So for this reason, on most occasions when I have voted, it has been for the natural law party - the kooks with the yogic flying. That way, nobody assumes it was a real vote. Like voting for the rhinos, in my mind, but sadly they aren't there to provide a real alternative anymore.

Oh and PS Sparrowhawk, your e-mail was a little baffling.

Neither the green party nor the marijuana party have won seats in any major election, federal or provincial, in Canada. Sadly, in the case of the Greens, who are doing well by clearing 10% in Ontario byelections and almost won a real seat in BC in 2001.

And the NDP has never been anywhere close to the ruling party federally, although it has been the government in four provinces at different points in its history.

Originally posted by Richard III
Oh and PS Sparrowhawk, your e-mail was a little baffling.

Neither the green party nor the marijuana party have won seats in any major election, federal or provincial, in Canada. Sadly, in the case of the Greens, who are doing well by clearing 10% in Ontario byelections and almost won a real seat in BC in 2001.

And the NDP has never been anywhere close to the ruling party federally, although it has been the government in four provinces at different points in its history.

Thanks for setting me straight. I only really started paying attention a couple of years ago (since I couldn't vote before then).
Originally posted by Sparrowhawk
Thanks for setting me straight. I only really started paying attention a couple of years ago (since I couldn't vote before then).

Don't worry about it; hell, you were doing better than 2/3rds of the voting public.
Richard the thinrd, how do you know so much about our politics? Gloucester, where you reportedly live, is in England right?
I actually voted Canadian Alliance last time.:eek:

It was process of elimination.

I knew the Liberal candidate and he was a twit. I also think the current liberal governemnt is doing one good thing. Laissez-faire. (Translated means sitting on your hands)

Sure they get involved in a few things but usually it ends up being foolish.

I am not an NDP supporter. I am a business owner and my opinion is that the NDP is a step above communism.

The PC party is dead with Clark at the wheel. Do I want old style-politics back? No way.

The area voted something like this.
50% PC
27% CA
20% Liberal
3% NDP

It is a very conservative area.
Originally posted by History_Buff
Richard the thinrd, how do you know so much about our politics? Gloucester, where you reportedly live, is in England right?

"Richard III" is Canadian and living in Canada (I forget where). His name comes from the Shakespearean Play "Richard III". In the play, Richard is the Duke of Gloucester, hence the false location.
lemme explain some on canadian politics:

first, the parties:

The Liberal Party
this is the dominant party in canadian politics. they are almost equal to the democrats. they are, today, Liberal-Centrist. the current leader is Jean Cretien, who is therefore the Prime Minister. they currentley have a majority of seats in our house of commens. they got 40% of the vote last time around. some former famous leaders (and prime ministeres) were Lester B Pearson, Peirre Trudeau, and Mekenzie King.

The Progressive Conservative Party
up uintill 1993, this was recogonized as the '2nd' party. it formed many governments itself, and is the only party other then the liberal party to do so. They are Moderate Conservative. the current leaer os Joe Clark, who was Prime Minister in the late 70's. he was the youngest Prime Minister Canada has ever had at 39. they currentley have 13 seats (sorta...) and got 10% of the vote last time round. some famous leaders (and PM's) were Brian Mulroonie, John A. Macdonald (national founder), and John Defenbaker.

The Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance Party
this party has argubally existed wince the 1930's. during the great depression, 2 parties were formed in saskatchewan and alberta. the CCF (socalist) and the Socail Credit party (conservative) eventually, Socail Credit went on to many voictories in BC, Alberta, and Quebec. a famous leader was Ernest Manning. his son, in 1988, while Socail Credit was dieing, started the Reform Party, using alot of thier belifs. Reform went to to become powerful, and eventually formed the Canadian Alliance to try and unite the Reform and PC parties. about 1/3rd to 1/2 of all conservatives in 1992 eventually joined this new party. they are conservative, but more extreme then the PC party, they match up with the Republicans well. in the last election they got 72 seats, and 25% of the vote

The Bloc Quebecios
this party was started in quebec in the 70's as the Parti Quebecois. this aprty ran provincially, pushing Quebec's importance and independance. in the early 1990's when the PC party fell to bits, a famous cabinet minister, Lucien Bouchard broke off and formed the Bloc, a federal party. currentley, this party has 38 seats, and got 10% of the vote in the last election

The New Democratic Party
This party was founded in the west in the 30's as the Co-operative Commenwealth Federation (CCF) at the time, it was more democratic socailst then it is today. Tommy Douglas was elected, through the CCF, as primer of Sasketchewan. the first socailst to be elected to lead a state/province in north america. in 1962, the party became the NDP, and socail-democratic. in the last election they for 13 seats, and 8% of the vote. I am a member of this party.

and to focus on some provinces:
Newfoundland and PEI
in both these provinces, the Liberals and Conservatives operate a pretty well 2 party system. the NDP is present in both provinces. the leader of the PEI NDP party is Gary Robichaud, my teacher and personal friend. he got me into the NDP. currentley the PC party of PEI has all but 1 seat in our 27 seat legislature. the liberals have the other

Nova Scotia
this is really a 3 party system. the Liberals, PC, and NDP are all pretty well equal, with the NDP clearley bing the 3rd partner, having never formed a government themselvs.

New Brunswick
This province is mostley like PEI and newfoundland, only its half french, bi-lingual, and the NDP has a little more power

This is our french province. they want a "soverginty association" with canada. too long to explain. there are only 2 real parties, the Liberals, and the Parti Quebecois. currentley, the Liberals populartiy is high

the Progressive Conservatives have a strong history here, and currentley form the government, the Liberals are powerful here too, and the NDP also. the NDP has formed 1 ontario government

this province is mostley a 2 party system. the NDP and PC party here form the 2 parties. the Liberals are present, but form the clearley 3rd party, taking only a few seats each election.

This is the most extreme province politically. the liberals here are a clear 3rd again, but the 2 main parties are the NDP and the saskatchewan party, which is similar to the canadian alliance.

this is the most right wing province in canada. it has had 4 different parties form the government, each in 20-40 year blocks of back-to-back-to-back election victories. currentley the PC party forms the government, and probably will continue to do so for the nest 8 years minimum. the liberals and NDP are present here

British Colombia
this is probably the most left wing province in canada. the Liberals and NDP have had huge swings in this province. in the most recent election, all but 3 seats went liberal.

there are no parties in nunavut and the north west terrotires, but there are in the yukon. here, the liberals, NDP, and yukon party (similar to the PC's) share the power.

federally, BC, ALB, and SAS return alot for the CA
Ontario for Lib
Quebec for the Bloc and Lib
NB and NS for the PC's Liberals and NDP
Newf for the Lib and PC
and Manitoba for the NDP, PC, Lib, and CA
PEI has 4 members of parliament, all of whom are liberal

thats all the INFO I know...
Originally posted by Daaraa
I actually voted Canadian Alliance last time.:eek:

It was process of elimination.

I knew the Liberal candidate and he was a twit. I also think the current liberal governemnt is doing one good thing. Laissez-faire. (Translated means sitting on your hands)

Sure they get involved in a few things but usually it ends up being foolish.

I am not an NDP supporter. I am a business owner and my opinion is that the NDP is a step above communism.

The PC party is dead with Clark at the wheel. Do I want old style-politics back? No way.

The area voted something like this.
50% PC
27% CA
20% Liberal
3% NDP

It is a very conservative area.

I was told my elazabeth weir, that St.John was a very left wing area. perhaps this is a part of the city?
Originally posted by Pellaken

British Colombia
this is probably the most left wing province in canada. the Liberals and NDP have had huge swings in this province. in the most recent election, all but 3 seats went liberal.

Actually, all but 2 went Liberal ;) We stomped 'em good :D BTW 'Liberal' as it stands is considerably farther right than the Federal version.

If I were of voting age, I'd of voted Alliance the last time around, being economically right and from the west.
Originally posted by History_Buff
Richard the thinrd, how do you know so much about our politics? Gloucester, where you reportedly live, is in England right?

#1. Because it's what I do for a living; I've been working in Canadian politics for about 10 years in various capacities in BC, Manitoba and Ontario.

#2. Thanks Sparrowhawk, quite right; I'm in Toronto, but from Victoria. My alter ego is in Gloucester. It's my way of trying to get "Gandalf" Ian Mckellen more cash by advertising his brilliant version of Richard III - available on DVD and Video, for all who care.

And Pellekan, save for what CofH said about BC - where the Liberal party really is the moral descendant of the old Social Credit (conservative) party, that was a mighty fine summary.

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