• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Capto Iugulum

Universal Suffrage means they are very important, but you just choose to ignore them. :p
They were near slaves until Brazil came and freed them :p I don't see them going voting in massive numbers yet (there aren't that many of them either! we have a rather surprisingly small population).
National Flag:
Spoiler :

National Background: India has long been a land under foreign dominance, with the end of the Maratha Confederacy in 1827. Much of the lands of modern India were completely annexed by the Holy Spanish Empire. However, nationalism remained, and several Indians hoped for an independent Indian nation. The United Principalities of India achieved its independence from the Spanish Empire in 1916, due to the direct actions of Emperor Philip X signing the Bombay Accords. Prince Khushwant Diwan of Maharashtra was appointed the High Prince of All India, which was not much more than a ceremonial title. Since then, India has remained a large, but weak state, relying on Spain for both military and economic support. However, with the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War resulted in a minor period of complete isolation of India from Spain, leading India to seek economic deals elsewhere. However, with the end of the Civil War, India slowly began to rejoin the Spanish fold, yet still seeking just a bit more independence.

Formal Name of your Nation: The United Principalities of India
Formal Name for the Army: Indian National Army
Formal Name for the Navy: N/A (Yet)
Status of Labor Unions: Legal, but under mild restrictions.

Monarch's Title: High Prince of All India
Monarchy's Dynasty Name: Diwan
Extent of Monarch's Power: The High Prince of India holds little true power. His main responsibilities include ceremonial governance over all the principalities of India, as well as the power to veto laws.

Political Parties
Traditional Proletarist: N/A
Social Proletarist: N/A
Liberal: Indian National Party
Moderate: Party for Reform
Conservative: Traditional Ties Party
Militarist: N/A
Religious: Party of Aum

Workers' Commonwealth of Scandinavia
The Fatherland Tricolor was adopted shortly after the December Coup. The national colors of Scandinavia, blue and gold, are present as well as the Revolutionary icon of the cog and wheat stalk. The old Union flag is sometimes used, with the Nordic crosses of Sweden and Norway, to symbolize the undying commitment of the old Scandinavian kingdoms to the new order, but governmental and political organizations exclusively use the Tricolor so as not to imply any support for the reactionary traitors of the Kongo Society.

National Background: The people of Scandinavia entered the 20th century full of an optimism and hope that was quickly and mercilessly dashed. Scandinavian political thinkers and heads of state were entirely optimistic as the clock chimed in the new year and new century that the European peace which had been maintained almost without incident (no one was fond of discussing the brief but bloody Anglo-Russian War) throughout the 1880's and 1890's could be continued well into the 20th century. Scandinavia's major conflicts with the other European powers had been resolved, Scandinavia's active population of industrialists and colonialists had secured the best bits of the African pie for the empire, and Scandinavia's network of allies and associates throughout continental Europe (the briefly-infamous League of the Three Emperors) was strong. In the Year of Our Lord 1900, no one would have predicted either another Pomeranian Crisis or the Great War. The Guyanna Compromise, between Scandinavia, the Netherlands and Brazil was regarded as an unfortunate incident that nonetheless proved the strength of the ancient alliance between Scandinavia and the Republic of the Netherlands, a bonus at an intensely minor loss of some pithy South American colonies which did no good for the empire anymore. But uproar over Pomerania, and the ambitions of German states and the German Brotherhood over it, brought nationalism in Scandinavia to a boil and coupled with the Sicilian Incident, spelled the end of the successes of Scandinavian liberalism throughout the latter-half of the 19th century. Regardless, Scandinavians entered the Great War optimistic that they could achieve victory. Success in the North Sea, the destruction of Scapa Flow, and the glorious defense of Denmark did nothing to diminish Scandinavian pride and optimism, even if the beloved European peace had been shattered. The burning of the Oslo docks quickly reversed these trends, and fears that the failure of the Irish invasion would lead to the British and transatlantic fleets running up and down the Norwegian coast laying waste to important shipping and trade facilities ultimately forced the Bostrom government to spearhead the efforts to negotiate the terms for an armistice between the "Continental Powers" of Europe and the British "Allied" transatlantic coalition. In the postwar years, popular discontent and ultimately outrage was briefly pushed back by a resurgence of conservative, even reactionary, thought lead by former War Minister Litenfingret, who briefly became Chancellor. However, in 1909, public discontent at what was envisioned as "overly-democratic" flipflopping and eternally-compromising government from the Imperial Rikstag, and the mistreatment of Scandinavian workers and labor organizations after the worker protection reforms of the Liberal Party had been overturned, boiled over and lead to the December Coup, wherein proletarist-minded intellectuals, a select group of military officials, and a mobilized and angry proletariat established by force (with minimal bloodshed) the Workers' Commonwealth. The leadership of this Revolution was quickly subordinated beneath Imperial Army officer Karl Mannerheim, who proclaimed himself First Proletarian, and quickly organized a system of deputies consisting of trusted and loyal military underlings, proletarist intellectuals, former Liberal Party members turned proletarists, and rabble-rousing demagogues. Thereafter, Mannerheim and his allies in the "Proletarist Cabal" decried by European reactionaries democratized labor, organized a new system of industrial and economic endeavor, and reestablished democratic government under the Manniskorstag. Regardless, Mannerheim and his select few remain in ultimate control as the "Revolutionary Government" who operate the machinery of the Revolutionary State, and shall not be replaced or remanded until the good work of the Revolution of the Proletariat is done not only in Scandinavia but in the world. Colleague Mannerheim's "Benevolent Dictatorship of the Proletariat" decried the loss of the colonies, the motives of industrialists and aristocrats who fled to Africa as purely monetary in nature, and attempted to negotiate a reunification settlement with the Kongo Society regime in the wake of the Revolution. In any case, the successes of the Revolution in Scandinavia and a resurgence of public optimism and dedication to the national and Revolutionary case, are maintained to speak for themselves. The people of Scandinavia resolutely look forward to the glorious future that has been promised to them by their First Proletarian and Syndic, Colleague Mannerheim, strong in the knowledge that their enemies are on the wrong side of history, and will inevitably be vanquished.

Flavor Information
Formal Name of Nation: Workers' Commonwealth of Scandinavia
Formal Name of the Army: Fatherland Proletarian Army
Formal Name of the Navy: Fatherland Proletarian Navy
Formal Name of the Airforce: Fatherland Proletarian Airfleet
Status of the Airforce: Primarily theoretical body/military and industrial special interest group currently not constituted within the military, but highly influential in military research.

Democratic Information
Title of the Head of State:
His Excellency, Colleague [Name], First Proletarian, Syndic of the Manniskorstag, Head of the Revolutionary Government and Father of the Revolution
Name of Current Head of State: Karl Mannerheim
Head of State Election Process: Not applicable. First Proletarian and Syndic of the Manniskorstag rules with the tacit authority of the Fatherland Proletariat until such a time as he deems his service no longer integral to the goals of the Revolution. As Syndic of the Manniskorstag, presides over the national congress and all its matters, but delegates much authority to the Chancellor of the Manniskorstag.
Name of the Legislature(s): The Manniskorstag replaced the Imperial Rikstag as the gathering place of regionally-elected officials. Each province of the Workers' Commonwealth elects delegates to the Manniskorstag who are members of the Revolutionary Government-approved parties. It is within the Manniskorstag's authority to make decisions only on those matters which pertain to domestic policy, which the Syndic (Mannerheim) can overrule at any time. Workers' Trade Congress is a secondary body which does not legislate as much as confer exclusively on economic policy between the Revolutionary Government-approved trade unions.
Suffrage: All men and women of adult age can vote so long as they are members of a recognized labor union. This severely cuts the number of women voters.
Status of Labor Unions: Labor unions play an important role in government, as it pertains to the Workers' Trade Congress, similar to that of political parties. Labor unions are regulated insofar as the Revolutionary Government decides what qualifies as a labor union, but their structure is democratic insofar as their members decide who gets sent to the Workers' Trade Congress to represent their interests, but ultimately leadership of the labor unions is reserved thus far for their founders and intellectual/industrial guiding lights.

Political Parties
All non-proletarist political parties are illegal. All proletarist parties come under the heading of the Workers' Revolutionary Vanguard, which is a kind of Revolutionary Government-sponsored political organization to which all political parties must report to and anyone interested in forming a political party must apply. The Manniskorstag is controlled by the Syndikalistika Partiet. Most parties have "party flags" which generally consist of a red or blue and gold backdrop with the party emblem in the center; party uniforms and other regalia are popular, the Syndikalistika Partiet being infamous for its brownshirts (militarily-clothed party members in brown uniforms, usually pinned with red flags and various honor medals). For all intents and purposes, the Workers' Commonwealth is a one-party state whose singular party is comprised of various factions with slightly different interpretations of how best to reach the commonly-held goal of Revolutionary freedom. To the exception of the Syndikalistika Partiet and the Folkpartiet Skandinavien, most other parties worth mentioning represent primarily regional interests in the nationwide Manniskorstag, and only ever garner votes from their native electorates.

Traditional Proletarist:
Syndikalistika Partiet (Syndicalist Party) - Current ruling party, endorsed by Steelworkers' League officials and dominated by the "new corps" officers of the Fatherland Army. Possesses an intricate structure of party bosses and underlings, as well as brownshirt fanatics.
Folkpartiet Skandinavien (Peoples' Party) - Primary competing party, comprised in the majority by Revolutionary intellectuals and artisans as well as factory workers and self-made men. Less emphasis on militarism, still avowedly proletarist.
Arbetares Partiet (Workers' Party) - Comprised almost entirely of factory workers. Primary interest is in promoting the interests of Revolutionary industry. Very little actual political enthusiasm, candidates are regularly elected and reelected on the basis that they keep the party alive. In all likelihood, dying a slow death.
Gemensamt Partiet (Communal Party) - Composed entirely of Revolutionary intellectuals focused on matters of civic improvement, building the "Revolutionary City" and representing the interests of the artisans who work on such projects outside of the Workers' Trade Congress.
National Background
The last half-century has been a time of transition for Vinland, as this North American country changed incrementally from a quiet colony of the Scandinavian Empire to a fully-independent nation. A national awakening began in the latter half of the 19th century followed by some minor political unrest led to the proclamation of the Kingdom of Vinland in 1865, and the establishment of an elected Riksdag two years thereafter. While Empress Kristina II of Scandinavia remained the Head of State, Vinland was able to exercise its independence more and more until 1895, when the Empress abdicated at the Riksdag's behest. A cadet branch of the Scandinavian and Pomeranian royal families was invited to assume the throne, styling itself the House of Gyllensvärd, in respect to the Vinlandic national emblem. Politically, control of the Riksdag fluctuated regularly, with few Statsministers serving more than a single consecutive term. Despite, or perhaps because of this instability, Vinland has made strong advances in the fields of social services and workers' rights. Despite this domestic independence, Vinland would continue to respect the de jure authority of Scandinavia over foreign matters until the Atlantic War (as the Great War is known in Vinland), where Vinland made a landmark break from the policies of the fatherland by declaring neutrality. The Scandinavian Revolution that followed the war served to abruptly sever the ties between these two nations, leaving Vinland diplomatically adrift, a situation that largely remains the case to this day. Relative isolation has forced Vinland towards developing greater self-sufficiency, accelerating an ongoing transition from a purely resource-based economy to one that is diversified, built on a combination of agriculture, extraction and manufacturing. With the loss of Scandinavia's protection, and violent instability following the American collapse, Vinland has also had to substantially expand its military. The intersection of these two circumstances has unexpectedly propelled Vinland into the North American spotlight, as it now must play a major role in continental affairs.

National Flag

Flavor Stuff

Formal Name of your Nation: Konungariket Vinland (Kingdom of Vinland)
Formal Name for the Army: Kungliga Vinlandska Försvarsmakten (Royal Vinlandic Armed Forces)
Formal Name for the Navy: Kungliga Vinlandska Marinen (Royal Vinlandic Navy)
Status of the Air Force (if applicable):
Attached to Army
Formal Name for the Air Force (if applicable Independent Organization): Kungliga Vinlandska Flygvapnet (Royal Vinlandic Air Force)
Status of Labor Unions
: Fully legal and possessing legal protections.

Democratic Information

Title of Head of Government: Statsminister
Name of Current Head of Government: Ole Gudrunsson
Head of Government Election Process: The Statsminister is the leader of the largest party or coalition in the Riksdag. Riksdagsledamöter (members of the Riksdag) are elected by proportional representation, and each landsdel is granted a certain number of representatives based on its population.
Name of the Legislature(s): Riksdag
Suffrage: Males aged 20 and over. A referendum on granting females aged 20 and over the right to vote will be held before January 1st, 1920.

Political Parties

Please fill out the names for the political parties in your state of the following type (you can have multiples for each ideology if you choose), and if a type of party is illegal, please make sure I know so:

Traditional Proletarist: None
Social Proletarist: Socialproletärpartiet
Liberal: Socialdemokratiskapartiet
Moderate: Socialdemokratiskapartiet, Ordningspartiet (Monarchist, Scandinavian Restorationist)
Conservative: Konservativ Industripartiet
Militarist: None
Religious: None
Nationalist/Separatist: None

Monarchy Information

This section is solely relevant for nations with monarchies, whether democratic or not.

Monarch's Title: Konung (King)
Monarchy's Dynasty Name: Gyllensvärd
Extent of Monarch's Power: Calls the Riksdag to session, appoints the elected Statsminister, consults with the Statsminister and Riksdag in matters of state, signs laws into being, speaks on behalf of the Kingdom, but cannot veto legislation. Supreme Governor and Protector of the Church of Vinland (Lutheran). Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. Bestower of the Chilvalric Order of Saint Birgitta.

Other Dynastical Information: King Ingvar Olof Konradson Gyllensvärd has 3 Heirs, Kronprins Markus Gustav Ingvarson Gyllensvärd (born 1902), Prinsessa Margareta Sofia Ingvarsdotter Gyllensvärd (born 1896) and Prinsessa Hendrika Kristina Ingvarsdotter Gyllensvärd (born 1898).

Comments and Criticism
One thing I can think of right now is that many nations have a lot of information that would be relevant to other players that is not clear from the stats. For one very small thing, I would like if if the stats listed the names of both the monarch and the democratic leader in constitutional monarchies.

Also, I would appreciate more clarity in the rules explaining doctrines, for example, a breakdown of how points into mass, mobility, firepower and so on will affect unit costs, just what the impact of training is, and the fact that doctrines can abruptly disappear just before you try to adopt them, leaving you with what you consider to be an inferior doctrine for your purposes. ;)

Regarding democratic party descriptions, I'd like a bit of flexibility in the terms to describe parties, beyond just Conservative/Liberal/Moderate/Reactionary and so on, as these titles often don't reflect the ideological complexities of some of these parties. However, I recognize that this is just a tradeoff between detail and ease of use, and there's plenty of space to characterize parties elsewhere.

One other little note, I changed 'Head of State' to 'Head of Government' in the Democracy section, as my Head of State is my Monarch.
National Background
Since its formation in 1852, the Russian Empire has risen from a small backwater into the largest and strongest nation in the world. Its westward expansion led to conflicts with the Khazaks, Mongols and eventually the British Empire itself, all of whom were defeated. The dawn of the 20th century saw Russia aligned with the Roman Empire and the Empire of Scandinavia in the League of the Three Emperors. This led to Russia joining the Great War against the Allies. After the exit of Scandinavia, Denmark and the most of other Continental Powers, Russia was left alone to face the brunt of the Allied war effort, against which it prevailed, utterly crushing all the forces arrayed against it, including Georgia, Poland, the United States and the United Kingdom. This lead to the direct annexation of Poland and Georgia and concession by the Allied Powers, ceding Eastern Europe to the Russian sphere of influence. Since then, Russia has continued to grow in power, militarily, politically and economically. With the fall of Scandinavia to Proletarism and the Catastrophe that befell the Roman Empire, Russia has become the sole Great Power in the region.

National Flag

Formal Name of your Nation: United Russian Empire
Formal Name for the Army: Russian Imperial Army
Formal Name for the Navy: Russian Imperial Navy
Status of the Air Force: Independent Organization
Formal Name for the Air Force: Russian Imperial Air Corps
Status of Labor Unions: Illegal

Monarch's Title: Emperor of All Russians, King of Moscow and Novgorad, Don of the Cossacks, Lord of the Khazaks
Monarchy's Dynasty Name: N/A
Extent of Monarch's Power: The Russian Emperor is the head of state, head of government, commander in chief of the armed forces and wielder of all power in the United Russian Empire
Other Dynastical Information: N/A
@Christos- Your massive fetish for playing as Greece is getting a little silly- there are worthwhile nations in the Mediterranean basin that don't have the words 'Hellenic' 'Greek' or 'Byzantine' in them. ;)

@Lord of Elves- I've learned enough Swedish from playing Vinland to spot your fantasy literature references. ;) And also, brownshirts, really now? At least translate it to Swedish so it's not that blatant. :rolleyes:

@TheLastJacobite- Is it normal in Russia for lords to use the people they lord over for target practice? Otherwise the 'Lord of the Khazaks' title might seem a bit odd. ;)
Well played Nintz, I concede victory (and my beloved Spain :( ) to you.

From here on out, the the Kingdom of Denmark is under new management.

Background stuff to come later.
@TheLastJacobite- Is it normal in Russia for lords to use the people they lord over for target practice? Otherwise the 'Lord of the Khazaks' title might seem a bit odd. ;)

OOC: It's Russia, so yes.
@Lord of Elves- I've learned enough Swedish from playing Vinland to spot your fantasy literature references. ;) And also, brownshirts, really now? At least translate it to Swedish so it's not that blatant. :rolleyes:

@TheLastJacobite- Is it normal in Russia for lords to use the people they lord over for target practice? Otherwise the 'Lord of the Khazaks' title might seem a bit odd. ;)

Congratulations, you're the first person to have noticed. Additionally, we have to be as blatant as possible to discourage people from thinking of Scandinavian proletarism as pinko-peacenik communism :mad: My primary objection with the Russian background is the phrase "only great power in the region". We're plenty great and powerful without those weighty, annoying, whiny colonies full of self-important colonial plutocrats.

Henceforth Scandinavian Africa shall be referred to as the Mammon Territories.

Brazilian Empire

National Background: Brazil began the 20th century standing adamantly beside her South American and European Allies. Following the collapse of the Colombian government at the hands of the tyrannical Spanish Empire, Brazil found itself at the forefront of the world stage, fighting against unbeatable odds as dozens of European Imperialists brought war to Brazil’s doorstep. Through sheer willpower and manifest destiny, Brazil managed to win the Great War, destroying forever the prestige of the Continental Powers and shattering the Spanish Empire with heavy reparations and territorial losses. In the following decade the world was not yet able to fend for itself, and Brazil stayed on the frontlines against the rising Proletarist threat when the dictatorial government of the United States was torn asunder. Brazil declared war on the failing Federalists, liberating the Caribbean from decades of imperialist oppression and, in the process, assisted the states of Puerto Rico and Hispaniola in forming true republican governments. Brazil liberated the Angolan colony won in the Treaty of Madrid in much the same vein, bringing the first taste of democracy to the Dark Continent. His Majesty’s Armed Forces fought in North America to defend the Floridian peninsula from the genocidal Proletarist forces, but these gains would not last. As the Federalists fell to the rising tide of liberty, the reformed Second Union, weak as they were from years of fighting, surrendered to their enemies, forever insulting the Brazilian men that died for their freedom. Now, on the eve of a new decade, the Brazilian government looks inward, discouraged by former allies becoming traitor states and the failing of the international community on numerous issues, to build a true beacon for prosperity for the world to look upon in awe. The death of Joao II allowed his son, overstepping the now Princess of Wales Ana Maria Vitoria, to rule as the reactionary Emperor Pedro III. The reforming liberal opposition has formed a bloc of support behind a charismatic man known as Eduardo Castro, and the nation holds steady in anticipation for a glorious future of new progressive policy under his leadership. Ever forward will Brazil go for freedom and justice for all mankind.

Formal Name of your Nation: The Brazilian Empire
Formal Name for the Army: His Imperial Majesty’s Army
Formal Name for the Navy: His Imperial Majesty’s Navy
Status of the Air Force: Independent
Formal Name for the Air Force: His Imperial Majesty’s Air Services
Status of Labor Unions: Legal, but restricted and regulated by the Brazilian government.

Democratic Information

Title of Head of State: His Supremacy, The Emperor’s First Minister (often just called Prime Minister)
Name of Current Head of State: Lord Rudolfo Barrento
Head of State Election Process: Majority Party in House of Commons
Name of the Legislature(s): The Senate and the House of Commons of the Brazilian Congress
Suffrage: Universal

Political Parties

Traditional Proletarist: Illegal
Social Proletarist: Illegal
Liberal: White Coat Liberals (Partido do Avental Branco)
Moderate: Partido Centralista
Conservative: Partido Conservador
Militarist: Illegal
Religious: Partido Moralista
Nationalist/Separatist: Illegal

Monarchy Information

Monarch's Title: Emperor of Brazil, Lord Protector and King of Angola, King of Jerusalem, and Rightful King of Portugal
Current Monarchy: Emperor Pedro III (aged 20 in 1919)
Monarchy's Dynasty Name: da Brasil
Extent of Monarch's Power: Ceremonial Figurehead with Limited Political Advisement
Siblings of the Monarch: Princess of Wales Ana Maria Vitoria (aged 25 in 1919), Josefina Maria (aged 19 in 1919)
Well played Nintz, I concede victory (and my beloved Spain :( ) to you.

From here on out, the the Kingdom of Denmark is under new management.

Background stuff to come later.

No hard feelings, right?

I'll try my best to keep Spain strong, though I admit it might be kinda tough given the way I got it.
@Lord of Elves- Since when in history have we had 'pinko peacenik communism'? They're usually pretty hardcore about things.

@Luckymoose- Wow and I thought TLJ's was self-congratulatory. :p
No hard feelings, right?

I'll try my best to keep Spain strong, though I admit it might be kinda tough given the way I got it.

Of course not. Except that I hope every single rebel that I had to deal with in the colonies rises up from the grave and you spend your entire tenure as Spain dealing with them like I had to, except this time they win. :p

Kingdom of Denmark

National Background: After the Democratic revolution of 1843, Denmark experienced a renaissance of growth which took it to new heights. The Danish settler colony of Oranjien in southern Africa was prosperous, and the nation's participation in the wars in China and Korea secured it valuable Korean concessions and a large and greatly profitable chunk of China. With the turn of the 20th Century, Denmark joined the Triple Alliance with the Franco-Burgundian Confederation and the Netherlands, and many in Denmark believed its position as a middle-power in Europe with a modest but profitable colonial empire would be assured.

This was not to be. Denmark joined the Great War in 1904 to assist its allies in the Confederation and the Netherlands, and suffered greatly. It was the only Continental Power to have its mainland territory occupied during the war. The war initially went poorly for Denmark, with the country falling into chaos in the 1906 elections due to demonstrations over the war and the country's role in it. To preserve the military's control in the nation, government fell to a military coup in 1906, with General Lars Jensen locking away the King and taking power during the war. However, his efforts were for nought, and southern Denmark remained occupied. Denmark suffered the brunt of the peace treaty between the Triple Alliance (and Scandinavia) and the Allies in 1907, losing China, Oranjien, Korea, and even Schleswig-Holstein and Nordhannover.† Comparetively, the other Triple Alliance members lost very little - merely China and the West Indies for the Netherlands. Denmark was put out to dry for its allies, who betrayed it and left it to suffer at the rapacious hands of the Allies. This was known as the the Dolkestød, or the 'Stab in the Back' in Denmark. General Jensen (by this point a hated figure in Denmark) was forced to step down and restore power to the King, who recalled the Folketing and called for new elections. The devastating loss of the Great was followed by the nation immediately withdrawing from the Triple Alliance and a general withdrawal from international politics completely.

The people of Denmark, under the government of the liberal Socialdemokraterne, the 'Social Democrats' and the liberal King Leopold II, have disdained international conflicts. With a new approach of "solve your own problems." in international politics, Denmark has withdrawn from the arena of nations, preferring to focus on itself and rebuilding the country. The liberals and the King have both disavowed revanchism and attempts to regain Denmark's colonies, saying that it is better to live in the present than to hunger after former glory. The Danish people have become distrusting of foreigners, as, to be frank, basically every nation but Russia did screw them over during the Great War, foreign attempts at gaining dominance in Denmark are viciously resisted, and the nation has avoided becoming part of the new power structures in the international arena. With a new outlook and a new course of neutrality, Denmark looks forward to a bright future, even while Europe inches closer to disaster.

Formal Name of Denmark: Kongeriget Denmark (Kingdom of Denmark)
Formal Name of the Army: Hæren (Royal Danish Army)
Formal Name of the Navy: Soværnet (Royal Danish Navy)
Status of Air Force: Currently non-existent, theoretical research branch of the Danish Military Research Board.
Formal Name of the Air Force: Theoretical 'Flyvevâbnet' Strategic Research Group
Status of Labour Unions: Legal by the Referendum and Labour Union bill of 1903. Have the rights to collectively bargain on behalf of union members, strike as a form of protest, and are protected under law from violence on behalf of businesses. Also have the right to advertise unimpeded.

Democratic Information
Title of Head of Government††: Statsminister (lit. minister of state)
Name of Current Head of Government: Carl Theodore Zahle
Head of State Election Process: Each of the electoral districts of Denmark (based on population) elect a singular repræsentant (lit, representant) from a party to sit in the Folketing. The party with the largest number of members in the Folketing elects a Statsminister from among itself, or among it and its coalition members beforehand. In practice this is a formality, as leaders are elected by their party going into the election.
Name of Legislature: Folketing (the People's Thing)
Suffrage: Universal, as of the 1919 Women's Suffrage Bill.
Political Parties:
Traditional Proletarist: Revolutionærparti (Revolutionary Party)º
Social Proletarist: Demokratiske Arbejderparti (Democratic Worker's Party)º
Liberal: Socialdemokraterne (Social Democratic Party)
Moderate: Venstre (Left)
Conservative: Frie Folkeparti (Free People's Party)
Militarist: Husk Dolkestød (Remember the Backstab)
Religious: Kirke og Nation (Church and Nation)
Nationalist/Seperatist: Deutsch-Partei (German Party, for the Germans still living in northern Schleswig. Not actively separatist, but want their language to be taught in schools, etc.) Husk Dolkestød (same as Militarist - have a joint militarist/nationalist/secularist/republican platform.)

Monarchy Information
Name of Current Monarch: Leopold II
Monarch's Title: currently Konge X, Konge af Danmark, Herre over Island og Grønland, Formand for Folketing (King X, King of Denmark, Lord of Iceland and Greenland, President of the People's Thing)
Monarch's Dynasty Name: von Sønderburg
Extent of Monarch's Power: Under the constitution of 1843, the King has the power to call elections for the Folketing (though these must be in accordance with the Constitution of 1843) on the advice of the Statsminister, appoint the elected representative Statsminister, is titular head of the armed forces, is the President of the Folketing, meaning he is charged with maintaining the order of the Constitution in the Folketing, must sign off all bills passed by the Folketing, has the theoretical right of dismissal if they deem a bill unconstitutional, at which point the bill is deferred to the Højesteret (Supreme Court), though this has only happened twice in the history of Denmark.
Dynastic Information: The royal family of Denmark traces its lineage back to the House of Gorm the Old, back in the days of Viking Scandinavia, making it one of the oldest in Europe.

The current ruling House originates from the region of Glücksburg (Lyksborg in Danish) in Pommerania, who became kings of Denmark in the 15th century after inheriting the area. Although Pommern was later lost to Sweden, the house name of Lyksborg remained. The House of Lyksborg later inherited the House of Sleswig-Holsten, and the attendent territories in Holstein, Schleswig and Nordhannover, and added the house name to their own to form the House of Sleswig-Holsten-Lyksborg. However, this house suffered throughout the 18th Century, until it was inherited by the relatively minor Count of Sønderborg, who became King of Denmark. The House of Sleswig-Holsten-Lyksborg-Sønderborg was hence born.

However, with the growth of tensions between Brandenburg and Denmark in the later 19th Century, in 1894 King Christian IX decided that it was inappropriate to continue to have a Germanic-named House ruling over the country. As such, he renamed the family the House of Sønderborg, in commemoration of the native King of Denmark, and removed traces of German-ness from the Danish royal family.

Danish Naval Vessel Register
Spoiler :
Name|Class|Built|Home Port

Willemshavn|Willemshavn-class Heavy Cruiser|1905|Skagen|
Luther|Luther-class Light Cruiser|1912|Copenhagen
København|Luther-class Light Cruiser|1912|Copenhagen
Odense|Luther-class Light Cruiser|1912|Copenhagen
Ribe|Luther-class Light Cruiser|1913|Copenhagen
Randers|Luther-class Light Cruiser|1913|Skagen
Viborg|Luther-class Light Cruiser|1914|Skagen
Christian IX|Konge Christian-class Battleship|1916|Copenhagen
Kystnaere|Kystnaere-class Destroyer|1918|Copenhagen
Ærlighed|Kystnaere-class Destroyer|1918|Copenhagen
Loyalitet|Kystnaere-class Destroyer|1918|Copenhagen
Tro|Kystnaere-class Destroyer|1918|Copenhagen
Klogslab|Kystnaere-class Destroyer|1918|Copenhagen
Retlige|Kystnaere-class Destroyer|1918|Copenhagen
Mådehold|Kystnaere-class Destroyer|1918|Skagen
Trods|Kystnaere-class Destroyer|1919|Skagen
Ære|Kystnaere-class Destroyer|1919|Skagen
Majestæt|Kystnaere-class Destroyer|1919|Esbjerg

†: Schleswig-Holstein is really only the parts on the Jutland peninsula. I have renamed the bit of northern Germany that used to be part of Denmark Nordhannover (North Hannover) since its less awkward than Nord-Niedersachsen
††: The word you are looking for here, EQ is 'Head of Government.' The person tasked with leading the executive in a democratic government is called the Head of Government - that is, the person who does the governing of the country. The Head of State in a country is the head of the Legislative arm, and typically has little non-ceremonial power and is tasked with upholding the constitutionality of laws in a manner similar to a high court, but distinct. To use an example, the Queen of Britain is the Head of State, but the Head of Government is the Prime Minister, who does all the real governing. The confusion arises from the American system of government, where according to the constitution the Head of Government and the Head of State are the same person, AKA the President. Unless I'm remembering something from Yr 11 politics wrong.
º: Parties in Denmark are wary of the Proletarist label, due to the close proximity of the Scandinavian Worker's Commonwealth and the somewhat negative press it receives in Denmark.

More non-essential background stuff may come to this post in future. Also, please correct me if my Google-translate Danish is wrong. :p
To: The King Ismail II of Azerbaijan
From: The Islamic Kingdom of Persia

All in Persia truly mourn your father's death, for he was a great, honorable man, and also a true friend. May we become just as close.

To: The Arabian Empire
From: The Islamic Kingdom of Persia
CC: Yemen, Oman

We find your attacks on Yemen and Oman to be deplorable, and advise that you end any conflict with them immediately.
OOC: I felt the need to at least do something interesting. :p
Especially since my propaganda film didn't work out, due that fact I had no cinemas to play it in...

Dominion of Guangxi

National Background:
A young state, just a decade old and still lacking full sovereignty, the Dominion of Guangxi is the heir to millennia of Chinese history. Created in 1910 from the colony of British China, Guangxi is nominally ruled by the Qing dynasty, with Henry, whose Chinese name is Pǔyí (溥儀), as the current King of Guangxi. Though much diminished from their previously held position, the Qing dynasty still possesses arguably the richest and most developed portion of China, though this might not be saying much considering the condition of the other two-thirds of the country. British rule has brought prosperity to the upper classes of Guangxi, among whom it has become fashionable to converse almost solely in English. However, many have become resentful of the continued dominance of the British in the bureaucracy and the preponderance of British-run businesses, feeling that Guangxi, despite its nominal independence, remains no more than a colony of the United Kingdom. The government however is determined to move onwards through any means necessary, even if that means enlisting British aid. The impending completion of Xinjing, the new, modern capital of the Dominion, and the improvement and industrialization occurring in other cities represents to the upper classes the transition of Guangxi from a backwards country to a modern state, the pride of all China. One of the main crises, and opportunities, that Guangxi may face in the near future is the rise of Chinese nationalism. The Qing must balance the risks and benefits of seizing the mantle of Chinese nationalism with those of retaining British aid in modernization and foreign and military affairs. If they can strike the right balance, the Qing might yet restore the glory of their ancestors...and surpass it.

Formal Name of your Nation: The Dominion of Guangxi (Guǎngxi zìzhìlǐng; 廣西自治領)
Formal Name for the Army: Royal Guangxi Army
Formal Name for the Navy: -
Status of the Air Force (if applicable): -
Formal Name for the Air Force: -
Status of Labor Unions: Legal, but regulated.

Democratic Information

Title of Head of State: Prime Minister/Zǒnglǐ (總理)
Name of Current Head of State: Chiang/John Yat-Sen (逸仙)
Head of State Election Process: The Prime Minister is the head of the largest party in the Parliament of Guangxi/Guangxi Guóhuì (广西國會), seats are appointed by locally elected magistrates.

Name of the Legislature: Parliament of Guangxi/Guangxi de Guóhuì (广西的國會)
Suffrage: Universal, though only for election of local magistrates.

Political Parties (Primary language name is listed first)

Traditional Proletarist: Wúchǎn jiējí zhèngdǎng (無產階級政黨); colloquially Wújizhèng; Party of the Proletariat [BANNED]
Social Proletarist: Gōngrén dǎng (工人黨); Workers' Party
Liberal: Party of Order; Dìngdān de Dǎng (的黨單訂)
Moderate: Whig Party; Huī gé dǎng (輝格黨)
Conservative: Conservative Party; Bǎoshǒu dǎng (保守黨)
Militarist: None
Religious: None
Nationalist/Separatist: Zhōngguó Fùxīng Dǎng (中國復興黨); Chinese Restorartion Party

Monarchy Information

Monarch's Title: King/Wáng (王)
Monarchy's Dynasty Name: Qing (清)
Extent of Monarch's Power: The monarch has veto power on any legislation passed by Parliament that does not pass a two-thirds majority.
Other Dynastical Information: Henry is a descendant of the Qing emperors of China, who were overthrown in the 19th century by the Ascendant's Kingdom of Holy China. Henry has two sons and two daughters by his wife Catherine/Dun Yi (敦毅): George Yinzhi (尹喜), William Yinzhi (引智), Elizabeth Rongxian (榮憲), and Eleanor Chunque (純愨). Note that it has become popular among upper class men of Henry's generation to give their children an English given name and a Chinese middle name.
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