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Capto Iugulum

I want to play as Greece ! :cry:

Can I at least change the flag. The current flag sucks
Well I suppose you can change the flag, old one was never set in stone, and after researching the symbology behind your proposed flag, I suppose it's not entirely unacceptable if you don't dig too deep into it.
Well I suppose you can change the flag, old one was never set in stone, and after researching the symbology behind your proposed flag, I suppose it's not entirely unacceptable if you don't dig too deep into it.

Ok. I have edited my post. Is the name ''Hellenic Pontus'' acceptable?
To: Aztlan
From: Peru

We will of course be happy to continue trading.

To: Ecuador, Colombia
From: Peru

We suggest moving the payments of 1919's reperations to 1925, to speed up the reconstruction of the Ecuadorian army.

Arabian Peninsular War 1919, Expenditure in Men and Material (obsolete ship value included at 1/4th rounded up)
- University of Lima

Arabian Empire: 206 EPs, 54 MPs --- (Economy: 93/round + 163) (Manpower: 1407 + 16/round)
Oman-Yemen: 75 EPs, 47 MPs ------ (Economy: 55/round + 101) (Manpower: 198 + 4/round)

In other news Hollandia has now lost 12 MP, 30% of its adult male population (including growth), while taking down 22 MP of enemy forces.

Domínio da Angola

National Background: Annexed into the Brazilian Empire with the humiliating defeat of the Continental Powers in The Great War, Angola was soon given independence as a Dominion of the Realm. Under the new constitution the basic institutions of Brazil were instilled in Angolan society (universal suffrage, elected government, etc). Angola now sits as an integral part of the Empire, separate in name, but whole in spirit, an appendage of Brazilian Empire.

Formal Name of your Nation: Dominion of Angola (Domínio da Angola)
Formal Name for the Army: Imperial Angolan Army
Formal Name for the Navy: Imperial Angolan Navy
Status of Labor Unions: Legal, but restricted and regulated by the Brazilian and Angolan governments

Democratic Information

Title of Head of State: His Excellency, The Prime Minister of Angola, Baron of Namibe
Name of Current Head of State: Lord José Curtidor
Head of State Election Process: Majority Party in House of Commons
Name of the Legislature(s): The Senate and the House of Commons of the Angolan Congress
Suffrage: Universal

Political Parties

Traditional Proletarist: Illegal
Social Proletarist: Illegal
Liberal: Party of Order
Moderate: Empire Party
Conservative: Conservative Party
Militarist: Illegal
Religious: Moralist Party
Nationalist/Separatist: Illegal

Monarchy Information

Monarch's Title: Emperor of Brazil, Lord Protector and King of Angola
Monarchy's Dynasty Name: da Brasil
Extent of Monarch's Power: Ceremonial Figurehead with Limited Political Advisement
National Flag

The Dutch Tri-Color was removed as the National Flag of the Country following its Unification with its southern neighbor, The Commonwealth of Flanders. The new flag holds icons from both countries. The right-side of the flag holds the Traditional Orange, White, and Blue Dutch Tricolor. While the Left-side contains black, with the Flemish Lion on top.

National Backgrounds
The Republic of The Netherlands underwent much change in the last 20 years of the 20th Century, it emerged in the year 1900 as a much diminished European Power, despite this the Dutch Republican Navy remained one of the best navies in Europe, if not in the world. In 1904 the peaceful Republic was thrusted into the deadliest war that the world has yet seen, The Great War. Along with its Danish, and French-Burgundian Allies the Netherlands battled its British, Brandenburger, and Brazilian enemies, until 1906 when a peace was signed, The peace was a complete disaster for the Netherlands and the nation was forced to turn over its longtime West Indies Islands, along with its Chinese Colonies. The following year the Dutch people elected The Socialist Party, the second nation in the world to do so. The nation withdrew in isolation, and severed all its alliances while it did that it continued to grow closer and closer to Flanders, its Southern Neighbor, and Dutch Brethren. After the Great War came to an official close with Russia's annexation of Poland, The Republic of The Netherlands was one of the Founders of The League of Continental Nations, the brainchild of The Franco-Burgundian Confederation. The League vowed to assure that another European war would never occur. In its first assembly the League voted Flanders as its Chairman, and the Dutch city of Antwerpen as The Headquarters of the League. The next decade passed by relatively quietly for the Dutch Republic until 1916, when a unification referendum, set up and monitored by Dutch, and Flemish officials was approved by The Flemish and Dutch citizens. The following year the United Republic of The Netherlands was announced and in 1918 the newly unified country held its first elections. The newly unified country began to be tested almost immediately, when the Spanish Civil War broke out the Dutch Republic, along with its French-Burgundian Allies recognized The Republican Faction as legitimate, and pledged to protect Spanish Liberty. The German Empire, an ally of The Empire of Spain did not approve such an action, and war between The Netherlands, The Franco-Burgundian Confederation, The Kingdom of Occitania and Germany broke out. The Dutch army, with French helped broke through the German lines, while The Spanish Republicans secured an overwhelming victory. A year later a white peace was signed and a new election planned, which the Spanish Republicans won.

Flavor Information

Formal Name of your Nation: The United Republic of The Netherlands
Formal Name for the Army: The National Army of The Republic (NAR)
Formal Name for the Navy: The Republican Navy (RN)
Status of the Air Force: Independent Organization
Formal Name for the Air Force: The National Air-Service of The Republic (NASR)

Democratic Information:

Title of Head of State: The Stadtholder of The United Republic of The Netherlands.
Name of Current Head of State: Pieter van Bosse (The Coalition of The Center, as of 1919)
Head of State Election Process: Direct Election by all eligible Dutch Citizens, elections held every 4 years, starting 1918.
Name of the Legislature(s): The Parliament of The United Republic of The Netherlands is a Bicameral Legislature. The Upper House, Called The Assembly of The United Republic of The Netherlands. The Assembly has equal Representation for Dutch Province (2 Assemblymen Each). The Assembly is elected by Direct Popular Vote by all eligible Dutch Citizens every two years. (It's like the U.S Senate, 1/3 up for Election every two years, with six year terms).
The Lower House, The House of Representatives, Representation in The House of Representatives is decided by The Population of The Province. The House is elected by direct popular vote every two years, all Representatives are up for election every two years.
Suffrage: All Men and Women 18 years of age and over are allowed to participate in Dutch Local, and Federal Elections.

List of Provinces of The United Netherlands:

Province|Capital|Senators|# of Representatives
Drenthe|Assen|Symon Arend, and Aalbert Bierman|5
Flevoland|Lelystad|Willem Tubergen, and Maarten Trude|4
Friesland|Leeuwarden|Jacob Van Kleeck, and Lambert Uphoff|6
Gelderland|Arnhem|Willem Van Gelder, and Koenraad Trier|15
Gronigen|Gronigen|Adries Keyzer, and Eduart Leonhard|6
Limburg|Maastricht|Ditmer Bosse, and Frans Christell|10
Noord-Brabant|'s-Hertogenbosch|Wim Van de Donk, and Max Van Berg|18
Noord-Holland|Amsterdam|Johan Remkes, and Gerlach Coen|19
Overijssel|Zwolle|Ank Bijlevald, and Bruin Deidrich |9
Zuid-Holland|Den Haag|Jan Franssen, and Hannes Achatz|25
Utrecht|Utrecht| Gustaaf Zwart, and Xander Wedman|9
Zeeland|Middleburg| Roel Deck, and Leen Dankart|4
Antwerpen|Antwerpen|Stefan Kracht, and Theodoor Korver|13
Maas|Hasselt|Clemens Verbeeck, and Johan Leise|8
Centraal|Brussel|Leopold Van Roy, and Svart Vannoy|19
Oost-Vlaanderen|Gent|Wouter Veerkamp, and Willem Veerkamp|11
West-Vlaanderen|Brugge|Arjan Meulsman, and Frederik Niedermeyer|9
Noord-Henegouwen|Bergen|Gijs Nellessen, and Christaan Akerman|11
Namen|Namen|Conrad Barnhat, and Eduart Trude| 5
Luik|Luik|Lieve Turman, and Jan Van Dale| 9
Luxemburg|Aarlen| Karel Vlanderploeg, and Hendrik Zone| 4
Kanaal Kales|Kales| Patrick Kannes, and Leen Van Tund| 9
Zuid-Henegouwen|Rijsel| Patrick Van Wilem, and Leopold Duejees| 17

Map of The Provinces of The United Netherlands
Spoiler :

Total Parliament Members:
House of Representatives - 245
The Assembly - 46
Total Parliament - 291

Political Parties of The United Netherlands:

Traditional Proletarist: De Proletarist Partij (The Proletarist Party) - Heavily Restricted
Social Proletarist: De Socialistische Partij (The Socialist Party)
Liberal: De Partij voor de Vrijheid (The Party for Liberty)
Moderate: De Coalitie van Het Centrum (The Coalition of The Center)
Conservative: De Conservatieve Partij (The Conservative Party)
Militarist: De Partij van de Unie (The Union Party)
Religious: N/A All parties are Secular
Nationalist/Separatist: De Beweging voor Vlaanderen 'Onafhankelijkheid (The Movement for The Independence of Flanders), Partij voor de Vrijheid Colonial (The Party for Colonial Freedom)
Why didn't the Japanese turn the Galapagos Islands back over to Peru? Is their military base still there? If so, WAR.
OOC: Huh, never noticed it changed colors in the first place, since it was a timed lease and I still had five brigades on it.
Why didn't the Japanese turn the Galapagos Islands back over to Peru? Is their military base still there? If so, WAR.

Chill Lucky. I left the islands in my orders.
OOC: Some nations just enjoy the use of capital letters and threatening to push the big red button (imagine the diplomacy Brazil would make with nuclear weapons). :)
OOC: Some nations just enjoy the use of capital letters and threatening to push the big red button (imagine the diplomacy Brazil would make with nuclear weapons). :)

I wouldn't use diplomacy. If I get a nuclear weapon I plan on using it before anyone knows I have it.
Islamic Kingdom of Persia

Background:Persia was an ascendant empire in 1852 after their conquest of the Durrani Empire and a large swathe of the Khazak Khanate. The Persian army remained one of the best in the region, and it would be sorely put to the test with the Caliph's invasion in 1855. The Persian army managed to acquit itself fairly well against a much larger conscripted army and the economic force behind it. The Persians were even able to temporarily invest and occupy Baghdad and Basra before being driven out in 1858. The war came to a complete end in 1860, and Persia was by far the more exhausted of the two, still managing to achieve a return to the pre-war status quo in diplomatic talks. Persia was so taxed by the war, however, that they were unable to participate when a large European coalition brought down the Caliph and his armies. The young Nasar al-din learned from this, however, and watched as the Caliphate failed to protect Islam's holy places from the European occupation and attack. Nasar spent much of his reign securing control over the clergy and government, emphasizing the superiority of the Shia sect and a religious government. Near the end of his life in 1889, Nasar led a new invasion of the fledgling Arabian Empire, hoping to extend Shia control further into Arabia. The invasion was a monstrous failure, and Nasar would die the following year with nothing to show for his gamble. The new ruler, Nadir al-Din has proven to be a little more conservative with his goals, modernizing his army once more and waiting for a new chance to strike for glory and power.

Official Flag:

Flavor Stuff
Formal Name of your Nation: The Islamic Kingdom of Persia
Formal Name for the Army: The Royal Islamic Guard
Formal Name for the Navy: The Islamic Royal Navy
Status of Labor Unions: Labor Unions are illegal in the Islamic Kingdom of Persia, though illegal workers' alliances are not uncommon. Members of such alliances, however, are charged with treason and are severely punished.

Monarchy Information
Monarch's Title: High Shahansha of Persia
Monarchy's Dynasty Name: Al-din
Extent of Monarch's Power: Complete control over the state, with slight influence from key religious figures.​
From: Workers Commonwealth
To: United Proletarist Republics

We extend our hearty congratulations and immediate recognition. You have achieved something great for the freedom of the American negro, and for the Revolution of the Proletariat. We hope to establish an embassy immediately, and formalize relations with your state, so as to continue our mutually-beneficent relationship of compromise, cooperation and friendship, as we are all brothers in the glorious struggle of the Revolution of the Proletariat. Lange leve Revolutionen, colleagues!

@EQ, I believe it was us, Scandinavia, that established the Crimson Guard elite unit and not Ivan :p
EQ: Thanks for the update and background's on the way!

To: Argentina
From: Peru's Conservative Government

Though we were victorious in our election we wish to congratulate Argentina on it's unparalleled economic surge, in particular its success in the movie industry. We have also come to the belated but obvious conclusion that since Argentina has always been honest with us before, and given Brazil's reputation (though we had not experienced it ourselves previously), that Brazil's statement of Argentinian plans to invade Peru were likely a fabrication. As such we apologize for our prior suspicion.
Furthermore we are pleased to note that while the main content of our talks as of two years ago on economic matters did not come to fruition the backdoor option we mentioned has seen some progress as Peru managed to lower tariffs to Colombia (and vice versa) by two thirds in the year of 1917 (we thought substantial trade was already in place between Argentina and Colombia (and fortunately substantial trade now does appear to have arisen between Argentina and Colombia)), in the hope that this might serve to reinforce indirect economic trade in preperation for a gradual normalization of tariff relations.

Domínio da Angola

National Background: Annexed into the Brazilian Empire with the humiliating defeat of the Continental Powers in The Great War, Angola was soon given independence as a Dominion of the Realm. Under the new constitution the basic institutions of Brazil were instilled in Angolan society (universal suffrage, elected government, etc). Angola now sits as an integral part of the Empire, separate in name, but whole in spirit, an appendage of Brazilian Empire.

Formal Name of your Nation: Dominion of Angola (Domínio da Angola)
Formal Name for the Army: Imperial Angolan Army
Formal Name for the Navy: Imperial Angolan Navy
Status of Labor Unions: Legal, but restricted and regulated by the Brazilian and Angolan governments

Democratic Information

Title of Head of State: His Excellency, The Prime Minister of Angola, Baron of Namibe
Name of Current Head of State: Lord José Curtidor
Head of State Election Process: Majority Party in House of Commons
Name of the Legislature(s): The Senate and the House of Commons of the Angolan Congress
Suffrage: Universal

Political Parties

Traditional Proletarist: Illegal
Social Proletarist: Illegal
Liberal: Party of Order
Moderate: Empire Party
Conservative: Conservative Party
Militarist: Illegal
Religious: Moralist Party
Nationalist/Separatist: Illegal

Monarchy Information

Monarch's Title: Emperor of Brazil, Lord Protector and King of Angola
Monarchy's Dynasty Name: da Brasil
Extent of Monarch's Power: Ceremonial Figurehead with Limited Political Advisement

Lord José Curtidor as a ruler name is cool.

Only problem is the lack of the last ruling party... And wouldn't party of Order be the moderates in Angola? I would think the liberals are a bit more extreme RL left wingers...

Lord José Curtidor as a ruler name is cool.

Only problem is the lack of the last ruling party... And wouldn't party of Order be the moderates in Angola? I would think the liberals are a bit more extreme RL left wingers...

Lord Curtidor was a local man that became Prime Minister. Lord is just an honorable gift to all PMs. EQ said I could rename things. The Party of Order is Liberal in Brazil and Angola. Liberal does not mean extreme in any sense. Those extreme people may vote for the Party of Order (which is fairly socialist in truth, as it was in Brazil), but they don't have an entire wing of government to themselves.
Political Parties

Traditional Proletarist: Illegal
Social Proletarist: Illegal
Liberal: Party of Order, African Party
Moderate: Empire Party
Conservative: Conservative Party, Commercial Development Party
Militarist: Illegal
Religious: Moralist Party
Nationalist/Separatist: Illegal

With the current ruling party being the Party of Order, ruling with a small African Party and empire party together forming a majority. The Commercial development party lost last elections but are still there, thought most likely they will dissipate eventually.
Brazilian-like parties are growing over the commercial development party size and the African party is closely associated with the party of order, but attempts to remain free of it for the ideal of a black party.

Party of Order 43%
African Party 2%
Empire Party 11%
Conservative Party 9%
Commercial Development Party 34%
Moralist Party 1%
I hope that African party is not some kind of independence or nationalistic party. Those are illegal.
I hope that African party is not some kind of independence or nationalistic party. Those are illegal.
They are liberals. Just wish for some black voice in the government (I assume that while suffrage exists, blacks tend to not care about the country... They have been nonexistent as a voice until rather lately).
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