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Sep 6, 2007
it might just be the big gambler in me, but i was thinking that casinos should be a building in civ. if a country taxes the winnings, casinos could make alot of money. something like +50%:gold: in the city.
This idea has been lingering in my head for the past few days actually. However, more as a Native American UB :)
Might be interesting if they came with a downside, such as a +1 unhappiness "our government supports sinful entertainment" modifier.
Yeah, but maybe it should be something like +1 happiness at the expense of an increased city maintenance cost. It is a double-edged sword, ya know! ;)
Simcity used to have additional money for casinos, but then crime also increased.

So maybe the -1 Happiness could be associated to increased crime?
This could act as a National wonder. Infact it could work very well as a national wonder.
+25% :gold:
+1 :) from Hit Singles
+1 :) from Wine
+1 :yuck: from Wine
+1 Free Merchant Specialist
Drastically increases the odds of nasty random events (riots) to occur.
Simcity used to have additional money for casinos, but then crime also increased.

So maybe the -1 Happiness could be associated to increased crime?

I think crime is better represented via increased maintenance costs..... I think the idea of casinos generating revenue for the government is an iffy proposition, especially when you consider the fact that every dime "gained" by the casino is "lost" by someone else. I definitely like the idea of a national wonder that increases happiness in the host city at the cost of increased maintenance...and generates more happiness based on the availability of wine and hit singles....maybe gold and gems, too, given the sorts of consumer items available for sale in the Vegas strip....? (And it should be maybe +1 Great Artist GP point per turn, to represent the entertainers that flock to the area?)

Oh, and it looks like someone's already done a graphic:

Everyone deep down lusts for gambling, take a look at Israel for example. Gambling is outlawed because it's sinful in Jewish law, but it is still practices. On the other hand, Christian+Muslim Lebanon allows gambling and it's also practiced.

So the reason we're losing is because we're weak when it comes to sins? Who the hell cares?
Everyone deep down lusts for gambling, take a look at Israel for example. Gambling is outlawed because it's sinful in Jewish law, but it is still practices. On the other hand, Christian+Muslim Lebanon allows gambling and it's also practiced.

So the reason we're losing is because we're weak when it comes to sins? Who the hell cares?

Umm.....ooo-kay.... :dubious:
This idea has been lingering in my head for the past few days actually. However, more as a Native American UB :)
LOL :lol: Well, Civ has always been Political correct, but it could be fun for a mod.
I would defininately not advise doing it as a Native American UU. Though a Wonder would be pretty cool.

There are some Native American Cultures who refuse to do the Casino thing as they find it offensive. I'm almost 100% that the Navajo are one of those. It could cause some backlash, though it was a nice thought.
why just a casino? there could be hundreds of further buildings just think what you have in your city.
the portapotty?

as for what bad brett suggested, i think it'd depend on how drastically it increased the odds and what the negatives would be.
Maybe your Great Spy James Bond could earn you extra :gold:and :espionage: playing in the Monte Carlo Casino. :D
If a Casino is added to Civ, it can't have a +:gold:% bonus, because those are all taken up already. (There would subsequently have to be a corresponding +:science:% building to maintain the balance.)

A Casino doesn't actually do anything for the native residents of a city/state/country ... all they really do is shuffle money from one pocket to the other.

Unless that Casino is bringing in tourists.

Therefore, I'd say a Casino should either add an extra :traderoute: or increase :traderoute: yield.
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